Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 206 Devouring Talent! Evolving Murloc Form!

[You are lurking behind the aquatic plants, and at the moment when the big fish comes to eat, you rush up to attack. 】

[Your sharp teeth bit the opponent's caudal fin, but the big fish struggled in an instant, causing you to be thrown straight away, and hit the stone, causing some injuries. 】

[You immediately realize that your current attack power is not enough to be lethal, and you still need to continue to grow. 】

[You endure the burden and keep eating those smaller fish and shrimp, without a moment's rest. 】

Devouring is equal to the king of big stomachs.

And the fish is the rectum.

After eating, it is immediately digested and discharged, and there are not so many twists and turns.

So the body size will grow very fast, especially in the seedling stage.

So in the eyes of Tuo Yu.

The little fish in the simulation almost cares that the visible speed is increasing.

And because he has been eating meat, he has grown sharp teeth since he was a child.

[You don't know the specific passage of time, and hunger leaves you no time to think about other things. 】

[You only know that the sky has dimmed many times and brightened many times. 】

【Unconsciously, your body is already bigger than the big fish that hurt you before. 】

[Your recipes have also improved, and small fish and shrimp can no longer satisfy your current appetite. 】

[And at this time, you also encountered a dangerous challenger - a group of piranhas. 】

"This is not an easy role to play with. 35

Tuo Yu's face became solemn.

Piranhas are extremely aggressive, and they are also attacked in groups. In chaos, they will even be indistinguishable between us and enemies. As long as they are bleeding targets, they will all attack.

It's really a big challenge.

But danger and opportunity coexist, as long as these piranhas can be defeated and swallowed, the growth rate will be accelerated.

It depends on the specific situation.

[The battle is imminent. 】

[Piranhas are not afraid of your body that is twice their size, and a dozen of them rushed towards you frantically. 1

【You are not afraid, open your big mouth full of sharp teeth and rush up. 】

[You bite a piranha in one bite, and the sharp teeth are like serrated teeth that directly tear the piranha in half, but the piranha shoal also left many scars on your body. 】

[You realize that you can't keep fighting like this, or you're likely to bleed to your death. 】

[You start to detour, using the cover of water plants and reefs to avoid the attack of piranhas, and then take the opportunity to attack with all your heart. 】

[This trick was very successful, just a few back and forth, the number of piranhas began to plummet. 】

[But piranhas are reckless fish that don't know how to retreat. They didn't run away because of the decrease in numbers, but kept fighting with you until they all became food for you. 】

"Ferocious is brutal, but it is also a muscle."

Tuo Yu couldn't help but complain, but then got excited.

Eat so many piranhas.

The increase in attack power is definitely not small.

Devouring is the ability to embody the characteristics of the devoured target in oneself.

What are the characteristics of piranhas?

Of course they are extremely aggressive!

[After eating a group of piranhas, you find that your body size has become larger, and your teeth have become sharper and the number has become larger. 】

[And as the body size increases, you find that the area that can be moved decreases a little bit. 】

[Occasionally, a human corpse down the river makes you understand that you are already so old. 】

"How long has it been! It's already the height of an adult?"

Tuo Yu was very surprised.

It doesn't look like it's been a few days.

Except the fish themselves grow very fast.

More because of swallowing this talent.

[The river can no longer allow you to swim freely, you need to find a bigger world. 】

[Following the river, I don't know how far you have crossed, and you finally came to an incomparably vast world. 】

【You came to the sea. 】

[The sea water makes it difficult for you to adapt, but after you eat some sea fish, these incompatibility situations will disappear. 】

[The incomparably rich food reserves in the sea have become a paradise for you to wreak havoc. 】

[In the shallow sea where no one can limit you, you will soon have a body length of more than three meters. 】

"Looks like I'm a little hungry."

Tuo Yu drooled, "How long have I not eaten sashimi? I must try it in the future.

Think of the deliciousness of sashimi.

After all, Tuo Yu's saliva could not be held back, and he stayed unsatisfactory.

[As you gradually move away from the mainland, enter the deep sea area. 】

[Threatening sea creatures also appear little by little. 】

[Sharks with sharp teeth like you, floating jellyfish with strong poison, huge king squid, and even sperm whales that hunt king squid, etc. 】

[By contrast, you find that your size is not dominant. 】

[You are avoiding dangerous enemies, and before you can become the strongest fish, you continue to forbear and develop wretchedly. 】

[As you continue to eat, your body shape is also rapidly improving. 】

【Unconsciously, you have reached a length of ten meters. 】

[This is still a gap for sperm whales, but compared to killer whales that can hunt great white sharks, it is almost the same. 】

"This growth rate is really fast, just need to eat to be able to continue to improve."

"If only cultivation could be this simple.

Tuo Yu was somewhat envious.

Although he has not practiced seriously.

But that didn't stop him from being envious.

Who wouldn't want to become stronger by eating.

[You feel that you no longer need to forbear, and you start a frantic hunting. 】

【Whitetip shark, eat it! Mako shark, eat it! Bull shark, eat it! Great white shark, eat it all!】

[All the large fish that wander in front of you and cannot exceed your size have become your hunting targets. 】

[The blood attracts (cacg) more hungry sharks, and this sea area is gradually soaked in blood and becomes a blood red, but it quickly returns to its original clarity when the sea water is washed and decomposed. 】

"This is really pure eating of the weak.

Tuo Yu sighed.

The laws of nature are always so cruel.

But no one can blame.

This is for survival.

Not like humans, who just kill for pleasure.

Tuo Yu in the simulation didn't waste any kills, he ate them all.

[You also get bigger and bigger, until at the end, when the sperm whale appears in front of you, you realize that you are already bigger than the sperm whale. 】

[In the ocean, ordinary fish can no longer cause harm to you. 】

[But this is not an ordinary world, there are Summoning beasts, the shape of beasts, but they can use Chakra. 】

[You have encountered a shark that is not big, but can use ninjutsu. 】

[It can drive the current to attack you, so that you cannot easily touch it. 】

[Finally, you used a strategy to pretend to be dead, and swallowed it when it approached carelessly. 】

[Afterwards, you feel like you have a little Chakra. 】

【Besides your joy, your greedy hunger makes you make an amazing plan. 】

"With Chakra, there is a qualitative improvement in combat effectiveness.

"The body size is already huge enough, and now I can fight with Chakra, which can be said to be completely invincible in the sea. 99

Tuo Yu nodded in satisfaction.

Although it is not known what the so-called amazing plan is.

But now it appears that things are moving for the better.

The final outcome is not easy to guess, but it will not die silently.

【In order to carry out that amazing plan, you start looking for sea creatures as Summoning beasts, and you also think about refining Chakra yourself. 】

[After constant pondering, you have figured out the extraction method of Chakra, and your huge body can easily provide a large amount of Chakra. 】

[During this period, you are also constantly eating to fill your insatiable appetite. 】

[So, in order to carry out the plan, you came from the deep sea to the offshore, and stayed in the ocean not far from Kirigakure. 】

"Fuck! Is it an amazing plan?

Tuo Yu widened his eyes in surprise.

Then there was excitement in his eyes.

"If the plan is successful, that one is really invincible! 55'

[The huge tail was photographed, and Chakra set off a huge wave of hundreds of meters. 】

[The huge waves hit Kirigakure, and the violent waves destroyed a lot of buildings. 】

[Countless people suffered and were submerged by the big waves. 】

[The ninjas of Kirigakure were dispatched immediately and found your traces very quickly. 】

【You are not afraid, you are still shooting huge waves, and you are quietly controlling the current in it, dragging the Kirigakure ninja under the water surface and swallowing it under sleep. 】

【Mist Shinobi Ninja suffered heavy losses, Fourth Mizukage Yagura finally shot. 】

"The target has emerged, but it has not fully emerged.

Tuo Yu's eyes were fixed on the simulated screen.

Next, is the most important battle.

Whether the plan can be successful or not depends on this battle.

【Faced with your huge size, Yagura immediately used the power of Three Tails Isofu. 】

[However, Yagura, who is only a partial tail beast, cannot hurt you. You have the entire sea as a backing, and you are not afraid of any of his ninjutsu. 】

[Even if it is the extremely powerful Tailed Beast Bomb, you can dive into the bottom of the sea in advance to avoid it. 】

[Unfortunately, Yagura finally underwent complete tail beastization and released Three Tails. 】

[The battle between the two giant underwater beasts is about to begin. 】

"The real target appears!"

Tuo Yu couldn't help rubbing his hands to ease the nervousness and excitement in his heart.

【Three Tails Isofu roars and unleashes the powerful Tailed Beast Bomb. 】

[You dive into the deep sea, dodging the attack while launching a surprise attack from the bottom of the water. 】

[The current is like a water snake under your control, entangling the Three Tails and dragging it into the deep sea. 】

【Then you open your bloody mouth, bite off a tail of Three Tails Jifu fiercely, and swallow it in. 】

【Chakra of Three Tails Isofu wanted to run wild, but he was digested by you quickly and became your strength. ].

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