Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 216 The Second Pillar of Sadness! Start Learning Eight Inner Gates!


"Let my Mangekyō be eternal Mangekyō?"

Uchiha Itachi's eyelids twitched, and he sensed an unprecedented danger.

"how do you want to do it?

The face under Obito's mask had a wicked smile.

"It's very simple, first find a way to open your brother's eyes, and then take his eyes back."

Obito spoke in a relaxed tone, but paid attention to Uchiha Itachi's attitude.

His words were like jumping left and right on the fire pit, and if he was not careful, he would set himself on fire.


He needed this to observe Uchiha Itachi's attitude.

If Uchiha Itachi shoots directly, he can take out a destabilizing factor in Akatsuki's organization.

If you don't make a move, you can naturally continue to advance.

Uchiha Itachi's hand clenched subconsciously, but soon loosened, "If it doesn't hurt his life, I can consider it."

"Don't worry, it's just to steal his eyes, and you can find a pair of eyes for him at any time, and it won't delay his vision."

Obito was slightly relieved, he didn't want to clash with Uchiha Itachi here.

Because Uchiha Itachi's strength should not be underestimated.

He also dared not say that he has absolute certainty over Uchiha Itachi.

"Remember what you said, if you dare to hurt Sasuke's life..."

Uchiha Itachi didn't finish his sentence, but his threat was also revealed.

"I can promise."

Obito said, his eyes slightly curved.

Konoha Village.

It has been several days since Tuo Yu and the others last mission.

And this moment.

In the training ground in the woods outside the village.

A handsome but unhappy Pillar was practicing ninjutsu in the woods at this time.


Sasuke gasped, sweat dripping down his cheeks.


He punched the ground, and 137's face was full of unwillingness.

"I'm so weak! Why am I so weak! How can I kill you like this! Itachi!

His eyes were filled with murderous intent.

But in the depths of the killing intent, there are more complex emotions.

In the end.

Itachi has too many unique meanings for him.

If he could, he really wanted to ask what really happened that night.

But as time passed, he woke up from nightmares countless times, and this idea had been completely buried in his heart by him.

There was only one thing he could think of right now.

That's killing the weasel!

"Damn it!

He threw his fist on the ground in anger.

Unwilling tears rolled down his eyes.


There is no such powerful person of the same age as Tuo Yu around him, and he may not be so unwilling.

But as the gap between him and Tuo Yu widened, he became more and more aware of his weakness.

The talent that was once taken as a warning seems to be only a short-lived dream.

It was as if the whole world was telling him: You are a genius, you are nothing.

He once firmly believed that as long as he worked hard enough, he would definitely be able to take revenge.

But now, this belief has been shattered.

He felt more and more that the burden on his body gradually became heavier.

The scenes he had seen on countless nightmare nights appeared before his eyes one by one.

The lifeless corpses on the street.

Itachi's eyes were expressionless and cold.

Witnessing the death of a parent and more.

All turned into invisible pressure on his thin shoulders.

"Do you think this is good?"

Might Guy frowned and looked at Sasuke not far away, "He is deep in revenge, and giving him strength at this time is not helping him, if you don't help him guide him to the right path, he will only be destroyed by himself in the end. Lose.""

"I can't help it. 99

Kakashi sighed deeply and looked at Sasuke with complicated eyes, "Even if you don't know how powerful Itachi is, you should know, even if you and I face Itachi, it's hard to say victory or defeat.

"I am worried that if Sasuke and Itachi meet one day, I am afraid that Sasuke will be killed by Itachi.

"I just want to give Sasuke enough strength to protect himself."

Kakashi's eyes were full of worry, both the fear that Sasuke was out of control, and the fear that Sasuke was helpless and killed.

Might Guy gave Kakashi a deep look, then withdrew his gaze with a solemn expression, "Since you have made a decision, you must be prepared to bear the consequences. 55

Kakashi glanced gratefully at Might Guy, "Thanks a lot, Guy.

"You are the enemy of my life, don't say such a raw thing.

Might Guy burst into a smile, and then stepped towards Sasuke, who was resting in the training ground.

Sasuke stared blankly at Kakashi and Might Guy in front of him: "What do you guys say?"

"Young Sasuke, seeing you practice so hard, I am touched by your burning blood, how about it? Would you like to learn from me?

Might Guy shows his trademark thumb, showing his white teeth.

"Learn what?"

Sasuke was still at a loss.

"Sasuke boy, we all know that you carry hatred on your back, so we hope that you can quickly increase your power. 35

Might Guy's face suddenly turned serious, "So I'm going to teach you the Eight Inner Gates Technique.

Sasuke's eyes lit up.

Eight Inner Gates…

He had already seen Locke perform this trick.

That kind of powerful improvement in physical fitness made him understand that the potential of this move is very strong.

"However, this move puts a lot of burden on the body. With your current physique, I estimate that opening the Fourth Gate is already the limit. If you continue, I'm afraid your body will be unable to bear the burden, and you will eventually collapse and die. 99

Might Guy said solemnly: "Eight Inner Gates is a double-edged sword. Although it can greatly improve one's own strength, it also places a heavy burden on the body, and if you are not careful, you will fall into a dead end.

"So, don't use it unless you have to, you know?

Might Guy kept his eyes on Sasuke.

He wanted to observe Sasuke's attitude.

If there is a problem with his attitude, he will have to consider whether to teach.

If the temptation of power cannot be resisted, the Eight Inner Gates will only become a poison to hasten death.

"I know."

Sasuke's face was solemn.

"I still have things to do (cacy) and I'm not going to die casually.

During the Chūnin exam, although Rock Lee showed great strength, it is also a fact that he was defeated by Gaara due to the mistakes after overloading.

He knew how burdensome this move was.

"If that's the case, then I'll teach you.

Might Guy is slightly satisfied.

Although it wasn't the perfect answer in his heart, at least Sasuke's appearance wasn't tempted by power.

"Sasuke, next I will teach you how to use Raikiri. 99

Kakashi then stepped forward and said, "And, about the way Sharingan is used. 35

"So when do we start?"

Sasuke buried his joy deep in his heart after the initial shock.

he knows.

Only the power of the Master in the hands is real.

If there is no Master, the joy will only turn into disappointment, or even despair.

"Start now."

Kakashi said: "I know you are eager to take revenge on Itachi, but you must stabilize your heart. You are young enough, and the burden of revitalizing the Uchiha family is also very important. Don't put all your thoughts on revenge."5

"I understand, thank you, Kakashi-sensei.

Sasuke's eyes moved for a moment, but soon became firm: "I know what to do."

"That's good."

Kakashi looked into Sasuke's eyes and sighed inwardly.

He knew that Sasuke didn't quite listen to him.

But now he has no other choice.

If you don't want Sasuke to be killed by Itachi outside for no apparent reason.

All he can do is improve the strength of the caller.

the next few days.

Under the guidance of Kakashi and Might Guy, Sasuke quickly masters new knowledge.

A piercing bird chirping emanated from Sasuke's palm.

White electricity scurried in his palms.

With Sasuke's talent, in just a few days, he has already mastered Chidori, the predecessor of Raikiri.

"Is this Chidori?"

Sasuke stared obsessively at the white electric current in his hand, which was his Master's first advanced ninjutsu.

However, he still had some doubts in his heart, "Is there any difference between Chidori and Raikiri?"

"Ah, actually..."

Kakashi was about to explain.

Might Guy on the side said: "Chidori and Raikiri are a ninjutsu, but Kakashi used Raikiri to cut the thunder and lightning in the sky, so he changed his name to Raikiri.

"Cut off the lightning?!"

Sasuke looked at Kakashi in shock.

Kakashi has always been very laid back, and has no mastery at all.

Although he knew that Kakashi was strong, he didn't expect Kakashi to be able to achieve that level!

Cut off the lightning in the sky!

How strong is that!

"Yes, but you certainly can't do that now."

Might Guy smiled and said, "So you have to keep working hard."

"I've already mastered the injury door, should the next Dumen continue? 35

Sasuke asked, "When I saw Xiao Li, he opened Dumen, didn't he?

"But you also saw what happened to Xiao Li who opened Du Men."

Might Guy said with a serious face: "Don't be a prisoner of power, but control power, otherwise you will only bury yourself.""

"All right."

Sasuke was a little unwilling.

But he also knew through the experience of the past few days how huge the burden of Eight Inner Gates was on the body.

"We have taught you everything we can teach at this stage, and you need to become proficient in them now.

Kakashi said, "You can't master the power of Master right now.

"Okay, I will."

Sasuke nodded, "I want to continue practicing."

"Well, let's go first, don't put yourself too tight, you still have a lot of room for improvement."

Kakashi ordered and left with Might Guy.

Sasuke watched the two leave silently.

The black pupils in his eyes suddenly turned scarlet.

Originally there were only two Tomoe eyes, but it became 3-Tomoe.

"Finally... I have finally mastered my true power!"

After confirming that Kakashi and Might Guy really left, Sasuke's face was calm.

The rest is only madness.

He's been waiting too long for this day!

Now, I finally have power!

"Don't worry, I have to continue to work hard. Eight Inner Gates has Eight Gate. Opening the Fourth Gate already has such a strong increase. How strong will it be if the Eight Gate is opened?!"

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