Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 232 Reaching the pinnacle, Magnet Style can also enter the human body to kill!

"The goal is clear, but I don't know what to do next?"

Tuo Yu watched with interest.

[As a teacher, Luo Sha is very strict, and it can be seen from his actions towards his son Gaara that he is not good at words and a person who does not smile. 】

[Whenever in front of Luo Sha, you will unconsciously maintain a serious state, because you are infected by Luo Sha. 】

[Under the teaching of Luo Sha, you will quickly master the primary essentials of Magnet Style, how to use Magnet Style to control iron sand. 】

[Iron sand is everywhere in the Land of Wind, and it belongs to the weapon that Magnet Style can master the fastest. 】

[In the beginning, because Chakra is limited, the amount of iron sand you can control is also very limited. During this period, you are more practicing the control of Chakra. 】

[As you get older and your Chakra improves, the amount of iron sand you can control also increases. 】

[Weapons made of iron sand have gradually increased from small hidden weapons such as kunai and shuriken to swords. ~】

[After two years, the amount of iron sand you can control has reached the level of one cubic meter. 】

[After you can control a certain degree of iron sand, you start to think about your own fighting style. 】

"Yes, that's right.

Tuo Yu raised his brows, "If you follow Third Kazekage or Luo Sha, it would be too wasteful to only use a lot of sand iron or gold sand to smash people in battle."

"There are obviously more methods to use, and their method is too inefficient."

[In addition to increasing the control quantity of iron sand, you are also working hard to improve the control of iron sand. 】

[As your control over iron sand improves, you will soon master some skills that are not very expensive, but have amazing lethality. 】

【You regarded these moves as your own trump card, and even Luo Sha didn’t tell it. 】

[While exercising the control of iron sand, you also made some exquisite handmade products by the way. 】

[The lifelike iron sand sickle itachi, the iron sand windmill that can turn with the wind, the iron sand music box that can release beautiful music, etc. 】

[These things are exercising your control ability, and you give them all to Temari. 】

[Under your continuous offensive, Temari gradually developed a favorable impression of you. 】

"Isn't it really not delaying the effort, while cultivating and taking the results of the training to pick up girls?"

Tuo Yu shook his head amusingly.

But it's really something he can do.

【When you graduate from Ninja School, you are naturally assigned to a class with Temari. 】

[The same class is naturally Luo Sha's behavior. 】

[This is not that Luo Sha thinks you are a man suitable for Temari, he just hopes to use Temari to bind you with all his heart, so that you can fight for Sunagakure. 】

[You are well aware of this, but you don't care, as long as it is not against you, you will not pay attention to what Luo Sha does. 】

[And you are also grateful for Luo Sha's actions, after all, it allows you and Temari to become more intimate. 】

[After many missions, your relationship with Temari gradually warmed up during the battle, and quickly broke through the relationship between ordinary friends. 】

[You are very happy about it, but you are calm and know that you can have everything you have now, relying on your current talent for Magnet Style. 】

"Clear and clear cognition, as expected of me.

Tuo Yu nodded, "As long as you are careful next time, you should be able to live a peaceful life.

"Uh, of course you can't have a sudden illness or something."

He suddenly thought of the previous simulation, clearly possessing the strength to dominate the ninja world.

As a result, he died of an incurable disease.

It's really frustrating.

【Under your hard work, your Magnet Style talent is also quickly realized. 】

[The power of iron sand is also increasing day by day, not only that, you have also made certain modifications to your ninjutsu. 】

[For example, when using iron sand to attack the enemy, some detonating symbols of Dark Vice Admiral are mixed in it, making unexpected attacks, which can often achieve miraculous effects. 】

[Many enemies were killed by your move, and Luo Sha also affirmed your thoughts. 】

[Not only that, you can also control the tiny iron sand to soak into the human body, and then solidify in the enemy's body, which has the effect of keeping the enemy in place and unable to move. 】

[With this ninjutsu, you have successfully captured a lot of targets alive, and have been greatly appreciated by Luo Sha. 】

[And you have gradually gained some fame, and you have been turned into a Magnet Style ghost by the villagers, and become an iron man maker by the enemy. 】

"This is really a whim, using iron sand to block the sight, and detonating the detonating charm when attacking, so that the enemy can't respond in time.

Tuo Yu's eyes lit up, "And the ninjutsu that can control the iron sand into the human body is also very strong."

"Since it can invade the human body, it is not only control, but it should be easy to kill.

"After all, the inside of the body is very fragile, and if you control the iron sand to attack the heart or brain casually, the general ninja can't survive.

[Your reputation in Sunagakure has increased, and because you belong to the Luosha faction, no one dares to secretly attack you and eradicate you. 】

[Luo Sha also seems to identify you as his successor, and at the same time rearranges your squad members, between you and Temari, to join Temari's younger brother Gaara. l

["If Gaara runs wild and I can't rush to suppress him immediately, you must stop Gaara." Luo Sha told you earnestly, and you understood from his words how much he valued you. 】

["Don't worry, Master, I will be optimistic about Gaara." You nod your head hard, and at the same time think about how to enlighten Gaara in your heart. 】

[After all, as a Jinchūriki, Gaara is a good fighting force. If he can control himself, he will definitely become a powerful help. 】

【One day, you find Gaara. 】

【“You know? Sand doesn’t have the effect of automatic defense. In fact, your mother is guarding you.” You told him the truth that Luo Sand Shinobi had kept for many years. 】

[Gaara, who learned the truth, stood there dumbfounded, unable to believe what you said. 】

【“But, Yashamaru said that my mother hates me.” Gaara said blankly, looking at you with a hint of hope in her eyes. 】

["That's a lie." You said with certainty, and told him the reason why Luosha and Yashamaru did it. 】

[Gaara almost collapsed, but under the comfort of you and Temari, he did not go berserk, and he was reawakened by his hidden kindness deep inside. 】

[Temari looks at his changed brother and is full of gratitude for you. 】

[That night, she gave herself as a gift to you. 】

【You didn't expect to have such a harvest, so excited. 】

[From then on, Gaara was very convinced of you, and with your help, tried to communicate and communicate with Shouhe. 】

0 asking for flowers........

【Finally, after you and Gaara's unremitting efforts, Gaara succeeded in becoming the perfect Jinchūriki. 】

"Although it can't change Gaara's grief as a child, it at least allows Gaara to recover herself earlier.

Tuo Yu was somewhat relieved.

Gaara is indeed a poor child.

His tragic childhood was entirely the fault of his father, Rosa.

If Luo Sha had enough patience, Gaara could have had a perfect childhood.


[Your all-pervasive Magnet Style, Temari's amazingly destructive Wind Style, and the almighty Gaara, your three-member team is in the limelight for a while. 】

[And at this time, a special period is approaching, Konoha's Chūnin exam. 】

[The invitation has been sent to Luo Sha, and you can feel Luo Sha becoming increasingly uneasy. 】

["Master, be careful, Orochimaru is not a good partner." You warned Luo Sha, but Luo Sha did not listen to your words. 】

["It's not your turn to take care of me!" Luo Sha was a little embarrassed and angry, he didn't expect his plan to unite with Orochimaru to be seen through by you. 】

[However, you just know what will happen in the future and want to avoid it in advance. 】

[Unfortunately, at this time, Luo Sha finally found Orochimaru to plot because he coveted the rich land of the Fire Country and was afraid of Konoha's growing strength. 】

【When you find out, it's too late. 】

"Alas, I have already warned you, but I still don't believe it. 39

Tuo Yu shook his head helplessly.

But I have to say, with Luo Sha's mental state at that time, I'm afraid it's already a little abnormal.

Otherwise, it is impossible to think of attacking Konoha.

Konoha is full of talents, and what is he Sand Shinobi?

It is true that he overestimated his own strength.

[When you notice that Luo Sha's behavior has become a little weird, you immediately understand that Luo Sha has been dropped by Orochimaru at this time. 】

[You kept calm, and searched the territory with the unknown Temari, and finally found Luosha whose body was abandoned in the ruins of the wilderness. 】

["Father!" Temari was shocked, unable to believe the facts in front of him. 】

["I warned him, but he didn't listen to me." You don't feel good, although Luo Sha's character is not good, but he taught you Magnet Style after all, and is your master. 】

【“We can’t just let it go, Orochimaru definitely wants to plot against us, why don’t we just do it and leave him completely in Konoha. Your eyes flashed a bit of ruthlessness.]

["Okay." Temari's eyes were also full of revenge. 】

[Afterwards, you contacted Baki and other loyal and Luo Sha Jōnin, informed them of Luo Sha's death, and asked them to keep it secret so that they could implement the next plan. 】

【After that, you told your plan to the village advisors Chiyo and Ebizō, and finally got their agreement. 】

[So, you quietly brought a plan and came to Konoha unwittingly, found Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo to reveal Orochimaru's plan to attack Konoha, and explained that you planned to kill Orochimaru here. plan. 】

["Don't think that you can still save him, Orochimaru is no longer the genius disciple you used to be." You warned Sarutobi Hiruzen coldly. 】

[Danzo, who is next to him, is also adding oil and vinegar, and finally Sarutobi Hiruzen agrees to your plan. 】deficit.

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