Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 234 Local Ma Lu VS Tuo Yu, Bone Hyperplasia VS Magnet Style!

"I won't let it go!

Rock Lee exclaimed: "It is absolutely impossible for me to betray my companions! 35

"Then you will die here.

Kimimaro said lightly, stretched out his two hands, and pointed his fingertips at Rock Lee.

"Ten-finger piercing."


Several white shadows came from the sky.

But Lockley, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately got out of the way.

But that's just Kimimaro's feint.

His purpose is to shorten the distance with Rocklee.

Locklee is good at Taijutsu, and as a user of Dead Bone Pulse, he is even better at Taijutsu.

Kimimaro has yet to meet an enemy he can't beat when it comes to using taijutsu.

"The Dance of the Willows!"

After quickly approaching Rock Lee, Kimimaro's limbs joints and palms burst out with sharp white bone spurs.

He danced his body like a dance, and the bone spurs on his body carried a deadly threat.

Locke could only dodge constantly, but fortunately, his physique skills are amazing, even if Kimimaro is close to him, he will not lose for a while.

But if it continues, the odds of Locke's victory will only get lower and lower.

"The first door, open it, open it!

Rocklee decisively opened the Eight Inner Gates and quickly opened the distance with Kimimaro.

If it goes on, sooner or later he'll be hurt by Kimimaro's faster and faster dance moves.

"Who are you? The thing behind you looks familiar..."

Rock Lee has always been more concerned about the purple bow behind Kimimaro.

"I? I'm Kimimaro, and I'm here to take Tuo Yu from Konoha and bring it to Orochimaru-sama."

Kimimaro isn't hiding his identity.

He didn't bother to hide it.

From the way he dresses up, it's obvious who he is.

And only a dull guy like Rock Lee couldn't tell Kimimaro's identity.


Rock Lee's expression changed, of course he knew that Orochimaru had attacked Konoha several times, but they were all driven away by Tuo Yu.

Now that they have sent these 20 masters of physical art, it seems that they still have no intention of giving up.

But Rocklee felt something was wrong.

Is Kimimaro strong?

Definitely strong.

But stronger than the opponents Tuo Yu faced?

Certainly not enough.

"I advise you to give up quickly, you can't be Tuo Yu-kun's opponent with your strength.

Lockley spoke out to persuade.

He didn't want to fight Kimimaro if he could.

Not because he's cowardly, but because Kimimaro's abilities are just too weird.

Too much restraint for his type of Taijutsu ninja.

As long as there are bones all over his body, he even needs to be careful when attacking.

For fear of using his own strength to hurt himself.

"Master Orochimaru needs Tuo Yu's body, so even if it costs my life, I will bring Tuo Yu back.

Kimimaro's eyes were filled with indifference.

Indifference to one's own life.

In fact, the disease-ridden Kimimaro is running out of time.

If he could repay Orochimaru with the little time he had left, he would not hesitate.

"Do you actually want to sacrifice yourself?"

Locke frowned, "What's so good about Orochimaru? If he is really a good person, he will never let you take the blame and carry out a mortal mission."

"Tuo Yu is a good man and everyone in the village respects him."

"Although I may not be your opponent, I will never make way. Even if you step on my corpse, there are more people behind me who are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect Tuo Yu."9

"Because Tuo Yu is a hero for all of us, a pride for all of us.

"It is precisely because of him that we can survive the crisis again and again and protect our village."

"So, please leave, it is absolutely impossible for you to achieve your goal."

Locke's eyes were very serious.

When Luo Li learned that his broken hands and feet were completely cured by Tuo Yu, he was full of admiration for Tuo Yu in his heart.

Not to mention a series of dazzling records after Tuo Yu, which left an impression of Tuo Yu's invincibility in his heart.

But even so.

He is also willing to stand in front of Tuo Yu and block even a little danger for him.

To repay Tuo Yu's kindness to him.

If it wasn't for Tuo Yu, according to Might Guy, he probably wouldn't even be a ninja again.

This is undoubtedly a death sentence for Rock Lee, who has dreamed of becoming a ninja since he was a child, and has put in unimaginable efforts for it.

It was Tuo Yu who saved him from the death penalty.

Therefore, he would never allow anyone to cross him to hurt Tuo Yu.

"You have your beliefs, I have my mission. 35

Kimimaro said, "My name is Kaguya Kimimaro, how about you.

"Konoha Genin, Rock Lee!

Rocklee once again posed his signature one-handed behind, one-handed in front of him.

"I will remember you, Rocklee.

Kimimaro said, rushing over, "Tsubaki no Mai.

He pulled out a sharp bone blade from his left arm and approached Locklee extremely fast.

Then he unleashed a gorgeous and deadly sword move, and Locke hurriedly dodged.

But he was quickly cut several wounds on his body by the bone blade.

"So fast!

Rockley gritted his teeth.

But he's still recovering and can't play the high Eight Inner Gates.

Otherwise, he could open another door and distance himself.

Now he, opening the gate of life is already the limit.

It can't go on like this!

Just have to try it!

Rock Lee gritted his teeth and defended with Chakra attached to his hand, then grabbed the bone blade and kicked Kimimaro hard.

"Dance of Tang Song.

Kimimaro was not in a hurry, and a large number of white bone spurs suddenly appeared on his body.

Seeing that Rocklee's foot was about to kick on the sharp bone spur.

Rock Lee's foot on the ground suddenly exerted force, forcing a distance from Kimimaro.

"Sure enough, his ability is too restrained to me!"

With blood dripping from his hands, Locklee lifted the Eight Inner Gates, and his body could no longer handle it.

"Damn, am I going to die here?"

Lockley gritted his teeth.

He was not reconciled.

He still has a lot of things to do that he hasn't done yet.

Tell everyone as a taijutsu ninja that even a stupid person like him can become a first-class ninja.

This has always been his dream.

but now.

It seemed he was about to stop there.

"Don't give up, Xiao Li."

A voice with a hint of laughter came into Locke's ears, and then a figure stood in front of him.

The familiar back made Xiao Li's eyes moist for a moment.

"Tuo Yu-kun!

He shouted loudly, and then suddenly changed his face: "Be careful, the enemy will use strange ninjutsu!

"I know."

Tuo Yu didn't look back, and looked at Kimimaro with pity.

A person who is loyal enough.

Unfortunately, it is Orochimaru who is loyal.

He is just like Shiro, the one who makes Tuo Yu feel pity.

The difference is that Zaibuzhan, who pursued by Bai, can at least give Bai a response.

But Orochimaru...

Not to mention.

"Are you Tuo Yu?"

Kimimaro stopped and looked at Tuo Yu carefully, "Please come back with me, Lord Orochimaru needs you."

"What if I say no.""

Tuo Yu said coldly.

"Even if you die, I will take you back. 35

Kimimaro's eyes are so firm that nothing can shake his will now.

"Finger-piercing bullets."9

He suddenly raised his hand and fired ten phalanx bullets.

But Tuo Yu was already prepared.

The iron sand that had been controlled in advance immediately condensed into bullets, which collided with Kimimaro's phalanx bullet at an extremely fast speed.

"Tsk, the strength is still not enough."

Tuo Yu shook his head regretfully, "If the magnetic force is strong enough, I can fire Miss Gunner's Railgun, but unfortunately this magnetic force is far from enough."5

If the railgun can really be used, with the penetrating power and speed of this move, even Uchiha Madara can't resist it, right?

Unfortunately, the magnetic force that needs to be controlled is too strong, and he can't do it yet.

"Sand? No! It's iron sand!"

Kimimaro frowned in recognition, and quickly recognized what Tuo Yu's move was.

"This is Third Kazekage's move, how would you use it?"

Kimimaro was puzzled.

"Who says Magnet Style is only available to Third Kazekage?"5

Tuo Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "This kind of ninjutsu, I learned it by just learning it.

"Just learn it...it's too strong, it's too enviable. 99

Behind him, Lockley couldn't help speaking.

As Luo Li, who can't learn other ninjutsu, he can't help but revere those ninjutsu.

If he can perform these ninjutsu too, will he be able to fight Kimimaro?

"Tips for carving insects."

Kimimaro snorted coldly, and immediately rushed up with the bone blade in his hand.

And Tuo Yu just stretched out his hand indifferently, and a large amount of iron sand quickly surrounded Kimimaro.

"The iron sand binds the coffin.

Grab it suddenly.

The iron sand quickly wrapped Kimimaro's body, and then there was a grip mark on it.

"he died?"

Lockley asked cautiously.

"Not yet, he's not one to die so easily.

Tuo Yu said lightly: "However, he is also dying.

After all, Kimimaro is already blindly ill, even if he doesn't kill Kimimaro, Kimimaro himself will die.

Rock Lee looked complicated, "Really?"

But obviously, Luo Li didn't know this, and thought that Tuo Yu planned to kill the other party.

He wants to make Tuo Yu show mercy, although Kimimaro is an enemy, but he admires Kimimaro very much.

The kind of dedication to complete the task even if it is death.

Unfortunately, he couldn't speak.

Kimimaro is the enemy after all, and if he shows mercy, his position will be skewed.

"Did you directly use the state of the second spell?

Tuo Yu was a little surprised, but soon understood, "That's right, after all, the power of iron sand is much stronger than that of sand."

Kimimaro struggled to get out of the iron sand.

At this time, his body has undergone tremendous changes.

The skin turned black because of the curse mark, several bone spurs appeared behind him, and a thick tail appeared behind him, with a serrated version of the bone blade on the top of the tail.

"I don't have much time, it seems that I can only take you away by force.

Kimimaro's expression was still cold, not shaken by Tuo Yu's powerful moves.

"In order to gain strength, is it acceptable to become this inhuman body?"

Tuo Yu looked at Kimimaro with pity, "If you don't have those 147 genetic diseases, I'm afraid your future achievements are limitless."

"Dead Bone Pulse is a really powerful bloodline.

Saying that, Tuo Yu shook his head regretfully.

"As long as I can help Orochimaru-sama, even my life is enough.

Kimimaro said, rushing over quickly.

Tuo Yu stood there and stretched out a hand to control the iron sand.

The iron sand quickly condensed a shield of iron sand in front of Tuo Yu.

Kimimaro's attack hit the iron sand shield, making a loud noise but could not break through the iron sand defense.

"The defense of iron sand is very strong. 35

Tuo Yu waved his hands in a leisurely manner.

Under his control, the iron sand quickly wrapped Kimimaro.

"This trick doesn't work for me!

Kimimaro said coldly, struggling to get out of the iron sand.


The corner of Tuo Yu's mouth twitched slightly.


Kimimaro felt an abnormality in his body.

The joints all over the body seemed to be rusted, and the movement gradually became sluggish until it was impossible to move.

Tuo Yu waved his hand to disperse the iron sand wrapped around Kimimaro's body.

And Kimimaro is like a sculpture, standing on the ground and unable to move.

"what happened to him?"

Lockley asked inexplicably.

"His joints were frozen by me.""

Tuo Yu explained slightly, "Now he can't move if he wants to.

However, hearing Tuo Yu's words, Kimimaro's eyes flashed.

Then, a large number of bones suddenly appeared from the joints on his body.

Along with it came the iron sand that had sneaked into the body.


Tuo Yu frowned.

Kimimaro rushed over with great speed.

The spiral bone spur in his hand is extremely oppressive.

“Tuo Yu-kun!”

Rock Lee shouted in panic, but it was too late for him to stop Kimimaro.

Facing Kimimaro's attack, Tuo Yu stood still.

Just when the spiral bone spur was about to stab Tuo Yu.

A pair of huge palms suddenly appeared and held Kimimaro as if holding a small animal.

Lift him up high.


Lockley's mouth widened blankly.

I had only seen Susanoo when Tuo Yu taught Sasuke before.

Although only two arms appeared now, the shock to him was still very strong.

"I didn't expect you to be able to crack this trick."

Tuo Yu made some miscalculations, but it's normal to think that Kimimaro can crack this trick.

Using iron sand to control other people's joints makes the enemy unable to move, but in the face of Kimimaro's bloodline limit that can control bones.

Obviously doesn't work.

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