Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 242 Anko: Orochimaru has always been my nightmare


Naruto pointed at the fishing fire in confusion, turned his head and asked Mitarashi Anko, "Didn't you say she's a sea devil? But she's obviously a person.""


Mitarashi Anko was also stunned.

She had indeed seen the figure of this girl in the memory she had just recalled.

Although the girl's body was covered with scales at that time, she could still see some of her appearance.

That's why she thought the girl was one of the children who had been mutilated by Orochimaru's experiments.

But what's going on now?

Did I remember it wrongly?

Mitarashi Anko is in deep self-doubt~.

"Isn't it Mitarashi-sensei - did you remember it wrong?

Ino tried to give Mitarashi Anko a step down, "If you've seen it before, it's possible that you don't remember well.

"It's very unlikely.

Shino immediately dismantled the stage calmly, "A Jōnin's memory is undoubtedly very good. If he can even forget the appearance of such a special person, for a Jōnin, it is really a bit disqualified."


Ino immediately winked at Shino, but Shino's EQ class was too low.

I didn't understand what Ino's eyes meant at all.

They were arguing behind the rocks.

And the children who were playing were also stunned when they saw the fishing fire.

The ball that was playing in his hand fell on the ground and rolled, floating along the waves without noticing it.

They all ran over.

"Huh? What about your previous bandage? The adults all say you are a murloc, a hateful sea devil? But I think my sister is just an ordinary person. 35

A child asked with a strange look.

"That's right, my grown-up said the same thing, but the sea devil is obviously very scary, and my sister is not scary at all. 99

Another child joined in.

"That's right, big sister isn't scary at all.

The other children joined in.

"That's why I hit you, you know?"

Tuo Yu slapped the child on the head, "I don't know anything, so I just follow other people to join in the fun and end up wronging a good person?"

"Hurry back and clarify the misunderstanding with your lords, or if they annoy me, I'll be very welcome.

He pointed to the two flat hills not far away and said, "You all know my strength, don't you? If you don't want your adults to become like that mountain, then get out of here. 99

"Ah! Big brother is so scary!""

The children suddenly dispersed, shouting and shouting before leaving.

The brave dared to turn back and make a face at Tuo Yu.

Tuo Yu's face suddenly became ugly, "I just said that I hate these bear children, it's really uneducated.

"Forget it, Tuo Yu-kun.

Yuhuo regained her human identity, and her personality changed back to the gentle way she used to be. She reached out and held Tuo Yu's hand, "They are just a group of children, what can they understand now?"

"They just lack education. I have decided that I must be a teacher in the future to teach them the truth of life."

When Yuhuo said this, his eyes lit up.

This was something she had never had before, a ray of hope.

"Since you say so, then forget it."

Tuo Yu was still a little unhappy, but Yuhuo said so, he seemed too stingy when catching up, "But your ideals are very good, teaching and educating people is always the most respectable profession, but unfortunately I don't have that kind of talent. "

"I believe that with Tuo Yu-kun's strength, there is nothing that can't be done if you want to.

Yuhuo looked at Tuo Yu tenderly, his shining pupils were full of trust in Tuo Yu.

"Hello, Tuo Yu."

Unable to figure it out, Mitarashi Anko, who simply didn't think about it, came directly to Tuo Yu, "What's going on with this girl? 35

She really thought she was wrong.

Tuo Yu looked at the three Naruto behind her, smiled and said, "Don't you remember?"

His words made Mitarashi Anko stunned.

She immediately understood that her guess just now was correct, but why didn't Yuhuo have the strange state she saw at the beginning?

She immediately realized that Tuo Yu was the key player, and immediately pulled him aside to whisper.

Leave Naruto and Yuhuo together, and let them all look at the mysterious her with inexplicable eyes.

"She's really a test subject left by Orochimaru? How did you know that?"

There are too many doubts in Mitarashi Anko's mind to ask.

"Then do you know why Hokage-sama specially sent you here? 35

Tuo Yu asked back, "I think you must have remembered something? Some memories that were sealed by Orochimaru.

"how do you know?"

Mitarashi Anko's face changed completely.

Jōnin is aware of some of her affairs, and her information is not considered top-secret information.

But not everyone can know.

"Lord Hokage specifically told me before I left. 95

Tuo Yu casually used Sarutobi Hiruzen as an excuse, "He asked me to take care of your situation. It seems that you are in good shape now. You can still control the gift that Orochimaru left behind, can you?"

"is that so?"

Mitarashi Anko smiled wryly and covered the curse mark on the back of his neck with his hand, "To distract Hokage-sama from worrying, I'm not a qualified ninja yet. 99

"Lord Hokage is just worried about your physical and mental health, after all, your childhood experience was too special."

Tuo Yu casually made excuses, "You don't need to worry about Yuhuo's body, I have cured her, and there is another person behind the Sea Demon incident."

"Did she tell you?"

Mitarashi Anko glanced back at Yuhuo covertly, "Is she involved?"

"As far as the conclusion goes, she's definitely been involved."

Tuo Yu said: "You should still remember = she used to look like, it looks really scary to ordinary people.

"But apart from her scary appearance, she doesn't have much strength. It's those ninjas who really do those things."

Mitarashi Anko nodded knowingly, "Where are we going to find them then?"

"Of course, let the fishing fire lead the way.

Tuo Yu said as a matter of course: "I will protect her and I won't let anything happen to her.

"That's good."

Mitarashi Anko said decisively: "It can't be too late, let's go quickly, and solve the sea devil's affairs before tomorrow's escort mission."

"it is good."

Tuo Yu nodded and was about to leave, but was pulled by Mitarashi Anko's sleeve.

"Well, how on earth did you cure her?"

For her, perhaps this question is the most important thing.

"This question, you should ask her herself.

Tuo Yu couldn't help showing a mysterious smile, "I really can't say it clearly. 39

"Huh? 99

Mitarashi Anko black question mark face.

what do you mean?

··0 Flowers·

Didn't you treat it?

Why can't it be said clearly?

But she doesn't want to ask too much now.

Didn't they look at Naruto, did they look at her more and more strangely?

"Okay, let's set off now to find the mastermind behind the Sea Demon incident.

With a big wave of Mitarashi Anko's hand, everyone immediately boarded the boat and headed for Onigirijima.

As for why take such an inconvenient means of transportation by boat.

Naturally, because of the fishing fire as a guide, she does not have the ability to run on the water.

She wasn't even a ninja in the strict sense.

Although she has a certain Chakra in her body, she is an experimental body after all, and she has not received any ninja education.

She does not control the Chakra in her body.


In order to accommodate her, everyone could only use the boat to go to Ghost Realm Island slowly.

It was not until it was dark that they came to Ghost World Island.

"It's here, but if you want to go in, you need to go in from the water."

Fishing Fire pointed to the water and said, "As for whether there are other entrances, I don't know.

"There must be other entrances.


Mitarashi Anko affirmed: "I didn't come in under water when I first came in.


Naruto looked at Mitarashi Anko suspiciously, "Have you been here before?

"Didn't I say? 99

Mitarashi Anko said: “If that’s the case, it’s not something worth mentioning.35

"This used to be Orochimaru's experimental base, but as far as I know, Orochimaru has abandoned it for some time."

Tuo Yu said directly.

Naruto was taken aback by his words, "Orochimaru?! Then why did Mitarashi-senpai come here?"

"Because Orochimaru used to be the leader of Mitarashi's senior Jōnin, don't think too much, it's just a common thing.

Tuo Yu said.

Despite his understatement, Naruto and the others were taken aback.

As for Mitarashi Anko himself, there is nothing unusual.

She had already experienced so many unusual things as a child just because she was a defected disciple of Orochimaru.

"Looks like we don't have to go in."

Tuo Yu looked up and said, "It looks like they welcome us."

The others turned their heads one after another, and saw three figures standing halfway up the mountain, each standing on a rock.

"Yo, isn't this Anko?

When an uncle in a white coat saw Mitarashi Anko, he immediately raised his eyebrows, "I didn't expect to meet you, unfortunately, Orochimaru-sama is not here."

"Who are you?"

Mitarashi Anko did not recognize the identity of the other party, "And I came here to destroy the sea devil, not to find Orochimaru."

"Don't even I remember?"

The uncle in the white coat shook his head again and again, "But I still remember you, when you were pitifully abandoned by Lord Orochimaru, you looked so embarrassed."


Mitarashi Anko's face suddenly became unhappy.


Naruto shouted: "It's you! The villain who made the sea devil!"5

"Humph, if I want to talk about the sea devil, I'm by your side, um...?

The uncle in the white coat stretched out his hand and pointed at Yuhuo, only then did he notice the change in Yuhuo, "What's going on? How did you become a human?"

"Damn! Your data hasn't been collected yet, do you know how much damage it has done to my experiment!" Lose.

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