Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 53 Tuo Yu, the great screenwriter, a touching diary!

The sun is setting, and dusk is approaching.

Konoha Village.

Office of Third Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was leaning back in his chair, reading Yuhika's written report.

"Forcing the members of the Xiao organization to withdraw."

"More than a dozen bridges and construction fortifications were all destroyed..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked more and more wrong.

An old face looked solemn, and his heart was full of shock!

What's the situation?

Tuo Yu chose this time, isn't it a B-level mission?

How could he be made into an S-rank mission!

Witnessed by hundreds of Rock Shinobi, destroying people's construction works in person, and fighting and defeating a member of Akatsuki?

In the end, the two of them were able to come back intact?

What is this kidding?

Is this something that a newcomer of you can do?

"That's the way it is, Lord Third Generation."

"Tuo Yu's strength is far beyond our imagination, especially his blasting ninjutsu...it can be said to be the pinnacle."5

Yuhihong's face was a little embarrassed.

She didn't really want to say the specifics of this mission.

Because she was afraid that Third Hokage would investigate Tuo Yu and harass his life.

But don't say it.

Because there were so many people at the scene, the paper couldn't wrap the fire.

In case Third Hokage knew after the fact that Hong Yuhi had deliberately concealed the details of this mission, it would be even more troublesome.

So, aside from the fact that Tuo Yu is a descendant of Sage of Six Paths, Yuhika has all the tricks.

"Is that kid's strength..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned deeply.

Indeed, he underestimated Tuo Yu.

I thought that Tuo Yu was only a Chūnin-level brat, but he was smarter and loved the village.

But I didn't expect it to be so hidden!

Directly force back a member of the Akatsuki organization?

Even if it is Konoha's Jōnin, I am afraid that only a few people can do it!

"Okay, I know what happened, you can step back. 99

Red Yuhi nodded and exited the Hokage office.

She walked on the street worriedly, looking a little dazed.

But suddenly.

Hong Yuhi was refreshed, because she saw a white-haired man in red clothes.

It was Jiraiya.


Hong Yuhi hurried to catch up, she had a problem that she had to figure out!

"Yo, what's the matter, little Honghong.

"Want to go for a drink with me?"

Jiraiya looked like an Isp with a wicked smile.

Hong Yuhi said with a serious face: "No, actually I want to ask you a question, do you know about Sage of Six Paths!"

"Sage of Six Paths?" Jiraiya frowned slightly.

"Yes, do you know anything about him? For example, does he really exist, or what is his name and what characteristics does he have?"


Jiraiya thought for a few seconds while dragging her chin.


Isp's smile again.

"Why don't you go have a drink with me and I'll tell you..."


Kurenai Yuhi stared angrily and puffed out her face angrily.

"Cough cough!"

Jiraiya hurriedly coughed to relieve the embarrassment.

"Uh... Sage of Six Paths, it definitely exists, but I don't know the name..."

"Speaking of features..."

"By the way, the eyes of Sage of Six Paths are Rinnegan, you know, the kind of eyes that can control the reincarnation of Six Paths, like this, circle after circle..."

Jiraiya crouched on the ground, picked up a tree branch and drew the shape of Rinnegan.

After seeing that shape, Kurenai Yuhi's brain roared and her whole body shivered!

Actually... it's true!?

Tuo Yu is truly a descendant of Sage of Six Paths!

At this moment, it is not Tuo Yu, but Sarutobi Hiruzen that Yuhika begins to worry about...

If one did not operate well and really sent someone to investigate Tuo Yu, forcing Tuo Yu to explode with more powerful power, then Third Hokage might be in danger!

"How is it, little Honghong."

"Would you like to have a drink with me...

"Go to Utatane Koharu for a drink!

At night, at Tuo Yu's house.

After a long journey, Tuo Yu took a shower and lay down on the bed to rest.

"Ah, so tired..."

"If only I could have the ability to fly like black soil..."

"I don't know how the black soil is doing now, have you received a memory copy..."

Tuo Yu sighed to himself.

But he actually didn't know that the black soil far away in the land of soil had not slept well for three days and three nights!

As soon as I close my eyes every day, the images of her and Tuo Yu automatically flow into my mind.

And when he thinks of those pictures, Heitu's face is red and his ears are red, so shy that he can't sleep!

"If I had known, I should have stayed longer, at least meet face to face. 99

Tuo Yu thought so silently.

After about an hour, he got up and sat down at the desk.

Get out your notebook and pen.

Tuo Yu began to write something seriously.

"What is he doing?"

"Who do you write to?"

On the roof of a building outside Tuo Yu's house, Anbu, who was hiding in the darkness, sighed in confusion.

He was sent by Sarutobi Hiruzen to monitor Tuo Yu.

After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen had to take some measures after learning such exaggerated information.

Otherwise, if he doesn't even have such a little sense of vigilance, then he should stop being a Hokage.

"Ah...it should be like this..."

on the desk.

Tuo Yu's expression was sometimes tangled and sometimes soothing.

Looks very serious.


He's not really writing letters, he's writing a diary!

And this diary of his is not what he wanted to write, but for Third Hokage!

In this mission, Tuo Yu burst out with such terrifying strength, and if you think about it with your toes, you can guess that Third Hokage will investigate him.

Nine times out of ten, someone is already watching him outside!

Tuo Yu is not afraid of Third Generation, mainly because Sarutobi Hiruzen still has value for him.

Rather than being a ninja at the mercy of others, it would be better to lead the Third Generation by the nose without being aware of it.

That's right, silently control Third Hokage!


Just go ahead, set up the game, and wait for Third Hokage to jump into the pit!

After writing this small composition, not to mention too much, Third Generation's trust in him will definitely increase by two levels after seeing it!

The Third Generation will be stronger, the Master is in his own hands!

I have been writing for an hour...

Tuo Yu just closed the notebook and breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt that he was getting more and more Grandmaster layout and calculation.

It may be because I have simulated a few times of high IQ life and learned some unique ways of thinking and strategies!

After stretching, Tuo Yu put the notebook in the drawer.

In order to make it easier for the surveillance ninja outside to find it smoothly, he also deliberately hid the second notebook under the book.

Because if you do this, even if you open the drawer as soon as you go home, you won't find that the notebook under the book is gone.

Buy him time.

He went back to bed and turned on the light to sleep.

Early on day 2.

Tuo Yu went to the street for breakfast as if nothing had happened.

And sure enough.

Just as he left, Anbu ninja, who had been guarding all night, immediately sneaked into his house and found a notebook in the drawer.

"This, this is..."

Only opened for a cursory glance.

Anbu frowned slightly.

"It must be shown to Hokage-sama!

Hokage Building, Third Hokage Office.

Today's Sarutobi Hiruzen came to the post earlier than usual and started smoking non-stop as soon as he sat down.

He walked back and forth in the room, looking restless.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's bedroom was disturbed after hearing Yuhika's report yesterday.

Because Tuo Yu is his key cultivation target, and his hope of unifying Konoha in the world of ninja is all pinned on him.

But this kid was actually dishonest and concealed his strength from them!

If it's just his act of kindness, it's fine, of course, if there are deeper motives, such as Tuo Yu being manipulated, Tuo Yu has more terrifying purposes, etc., then it will be a big trouble...

"Damn, why haven't you come yet.

Sarutobi Hiruzen urged irritably.

next second.

The office door was pushed open.

“Lord Hokage!”

Seeing that the person coming was the Anbu he sent, Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately stepped forward to greet him..0

"Is there a situation?"

"Yes! He came home last night and wrote a diary! 35


Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned deeply.

"Bring it here and let me see it!"

Anbu hurriedly handed over the diary respectfully, while Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't wait to open it.

"Remember the first official mission"

The meaning of the title is obvious.

Serious diary!

This is to record the details of this mission!

[I am very happy to be appreciated by Lord Hokage and send me to do such an important task. Lord Hokage is indeed a good person worthy of respect. 】

Seeing the first sentence, Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little bit stunned.


How could Tuo Yu admire himself so much?

His dangling heart eased a little, Tuo Yu could evaluate himself like this, it shouldn't be a big problem.

[To be honest, I am still quite nervous about this mission. After all, the land of the land is a long way away, and I am not familiar with the place. 】

[When I was on the road a few days ago, I was very scared, afraid that the mission would fail. 】

[I don’t want to hurt Teacher Hong, and I don’t want the village to suffer losses. Although it was very painful, I still endured it. 】

[Judging from the current results, it is fortunate that I held on to my teeth at the beginning, and I did not embarrass Lord Hokage and the village. 】


"Different from when you were on a mission, did you feel very entangled and nervous after actually leaving the village?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a thoughtful puff.

The description in Tuo Yu's diary is vivid.

It is exactly the mentality that a real ninja should have when he performs a mission for the first time!

It's actually normal.

[After rushing for a few days, Mr. Hong is indeed a gentle and kind big sister, and she is good-looking. I think he and Mr. Asuma are a perfect match, and they are suitable for each other. 】

[Speaking of Mr. Asuma, I don’t know why, but I feel like he doesn’t like me. 】

[Last time I went to visit Anbu, it seems that Teacher Asuma also proposed, and I was very sad when it ended up like that. 】

Seeing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned slightly.

"This kid, did you already notice it?"

"That idiot, Asuma, thought that what he did would deceive children, but people already knew about it.""

As soon as the two people were compared in his mind, Sarutobi Hiruzen got angry.

His own son Asuma, I don't want to talk about it, and his mind is still small.

On the other hand, it was Tuo Yu, who knew that he was being targeted by Asuma, but he still endured it, and even blessed him and Hong Yuhi...

This disparity in character is really not to mention!

Continue reading 2.6.

[After rushing for several days, we finally arrived at our destination. 】

[My dear, I have never seen so many ninjas, each with a vicious appearance, repairing bridges there. 】

[However, there is a girl older than me, who is very good-looking, and I learned later that she is the granddaughter of Third Tsuchikage. 】

[Teacher Yuhika guessed that these Rock Shinobi bridges were built so that they could attack the country of grass in the future. 】

[When I heard this, I felt very bad. 】

[The Land of Earth has always been a very jumping country among the five major countries, and its troops are strong and strong. If they capture the Country of Grass, it will be directly bordered by the Country of Fire. 】

[I feel very confused. 】

[Because our mission this time is just to investigate, not to assassinate or fight, and with the equipment we both carry, we cannot blow up these bridges. 】

[But the fact is, if we don't do anything and just leave like this, those bridges will be repaired soon, and then there will be pressure on the border of the Fire Nation. 】

[Very confused. 】

[Because I know that I have that ability. 】

[I have never used that blasting ability, and there are many other abilities besides this...]

[Because I know they are too powerful, and once used, they make me look different. 】

【I just want to be a Genin in peace and be with Naruto little Sakura and the others. I just want to protect everyone silently, and I don’t want to be excluded because of my outstanding abilities... 】

[And if I use that ability, maybe Yuhika-sensei will also be hit...].

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