Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 55 Becomes the uniform of Xiangyun again! This time it will be worn on Konan!

"Hey, System, what the hell is this [human] talent?"

"There are non-humans and human beings, isn't this a conflict with each other?

Tuo Yu asked in his head puzzled.

[Ding, 'human' talent refers to the talent of being a person, and it is specially matched with the 'non-human; talent. 】

[In other words, as long as these two talents appear together, you will become an object with human thought, characteristics and action. 】


"Does this mean that I can act like a human being?

Seeing the system's explanation, Tuo Yu felt a little shocked.

If you turn into a stone and bring the talent of [human], can you run around?

That's kind of scary!

But didn't think too much about it.

The specific effect has to be simulated.

Taking a deep breath, he ordered loudly in his head:

"Start the simulation!

【Start simulation!】

[Talents have been carried: Inhuman, Human, Charge God of War! 】

[The screen is being generated in real time. 】

【Please wait……】

After a hasty mechanical sound, the system began to simulate.

And Tuo Yu, like a personal experience, started a new life.

【You have become a piece of clothing, a uniform of Xiangyun. 】


good guy.

At the beginning, Tuo Yu was dumbfounded.

Isn't this the same as the previous one?

But in the next second, things unfolded differently.

【You are so restless and scolded God, why did you turn into clothes? How can you play this?】

【However, at this moment, you discovered something strange, because your clothes seemed to move a little as you got emotional just now!】

[You hurriedly activated the mind test, you were shocked. 】

[Because you found that you can control the body of your clothes as freely as a person, you can stand and twist your waist. 】

[You can breathe from top to bottom, every inch of your clothes is like your organ, you have hearing, touch, vision, and even when you are emotionally excited, your body temperature will rise, and your clothes will become hot! 】

【You can even talk...】


"So, does that really mean that?"

Tuo Yu was shocked.

different from before.

Before becoming an item, he was a pool of stagnant water, without any action, he could only sit and wait.

but now.

He actually has the power of human action!

A piece of clothing that can move and breathe like a human being...

This feeling is like those exaggerated situations in Tom and Jerry.

【You are getting excited...】

Seeing this, Tuo Yu's face couldn't help but start to heat up.

Because according to the effect of the third talent, I am afraid that I will start to make trouble.

【Originally, you were still worried that you were not a human being, but now you find that it is also beneficial to become clothes! 】

【Wearing on Konan is a benefit!】

[As soon as you make up your mind, you immediately prepare to implement the plan. 】

【You move your body quietly and jump out of the cabinet. 】

[This scene seems to outsiders as if the clothes were accidentally blown off by the wind. 】

[You waited quietly on the ground for a few minutes, and found no one. 】

[After some observation, you find that your location is the warehouse of Xiao's organization. Besides you, there are other Xiangyun uniforms here. 】

[After waiting for another 5 minutes, you found that there was still no one, and stood up. 】

[Yes, a black base and red printed Xiangyun uniform, just stood up. 】



Seeing this picture, to be honest, Tuo Yu feels quite magical.

Good guy, the clothes are alive! This is it!

If other people saw this scene, I would be scared to death!

[You quietly open the door and stick out a corner of your clothes.

[Because of your special structure, every part of your body is an organ of hearing, touch, sight and smell. 】

[In other words, you can see, hear, and smell what's outside just by sticking out a corner of your clothes. 】

[You find a figure walking in the corridor, it's Hidan. 】

[He is shirtless, and the Xiangyun uniform on the other side has been torn apart. From his appearance, it is obvious that he is coming to the warehouse to get new clothes. You quickly return to the hanger, fold yourself quickly, and hide it at the innermost. 】

[Your heart is pounding, because you definitely don't want to be taken away by Hidan, if you wear it on him, you might as well die. 】

【Hidan scolded: Who didn’t close the door?】

[Then goes to the hanger and starts to rummage. 】

[After a few seconds, Hidan got the new clothes, took off the old clothes, put them on the cage, and then walked out of the warehouse cursing. 】

[You have a false alarm, because you have no heart and pulse, so you can't feel it. 】

[You jumped out of the closet again and came to the door. You put your whole body on the door, so that you can hear the sound outside without opening the door. 】

[Unfortunately, there are people walking outside every now and then, so you can't just sneak out and sneak into Konan's room. 】

【You can only wait on the closet for an opportunity... 】

"I went, I felt that it was quite difficult to make clothes, and the first step could not be carried out for a long time. 35

Tuo Yu felt that the most difficult part of his simulation this time was how to get out of the warehouse and put it on Konan smoothly.

I don't know what I can do.

【Soon, 10 days have passed. 】

[In the past 10 days, you have been thinking about how to get out of this place. 】

[But there has been no good idea. 】

[And during this period, Hidan came to pick up the clothes twice. 】

[After all, every time this guy kills, he uses his own body as a bait, he will pierce himself with clothes, and he will lie on the ground to pray after he is done, so his consumption is the greatest. 】

[On the 15th day, someone came again. 】

[This time it's Hidan and Deidara. 】

[Hidan still has a hole in the middle of his clothes, while Deidara's clothes are all burnt in the second half, which seems to be caused by playing blasting art. 】

[Hidan picked up his clothes quickly, and was yelled at by Kakuzu after he walked out of the room, saying he wasted money. 】

[But Deidara is different. 】

[He took one and threw it aside. 】

[Take another piece, still beside it.

[He took seven or eight pieces in full, only two pieces were missing, and he stopped when his hand reached your body. 】

【You suddenly realize at this time that he is looking for a size!】

[The members of Akatsuki's organization are all different heights, so the sizes are also different!]

【After Deidara left, you became excited, because you thought of a way, there is a high probability that you can be worn on Konan!】

【That is to change the size!】

[You quickly measure your size, unfortunately, you are L size. 】

[And Konan's body... According to your estimate, it should be a S size. 】

[In order to verify, you searched in the cabinet, and sure enough, you found a few uniforms of size S, you are sure that those are the clothes for Konan. 】


Seeing this, Tuo Yu involuntarily applauded and praised himself.

If I changed my size to a size S, it would definitely be taken away by Konan.

And it is 100% taken away, because no one else can wear it!

Now see if he has the ability to automatically change the size.

[Your plan has already been preliminary, that is, let yourself become an S size. 】

[Because you have human action methods, your body is very convenient to control. 】

【With great mental preparation, you start to draw the thread from your body. 】

[Sure enough, as you think, drawing the thread is a little painful. 】

[But still within the range that you can accept. 】

[And you found one more thing, that is, the thread that was pulled out and discarded no longer has your thinking, and your thinking, or your soul, can be left to the wool in the whole body. Walk in the middle. 】

[This is a great good thing for you, in other words, even if you are destroyed to the point where only a small piece of cloth remains, you still have a soul. 】

[As long as all the lines are not destroyed, you can survive. 】

[You can even sew the thread with the soul into other clothes, and you can complete a technique similar to Living Corpse Reincarnation. 】

【Soon, you finished drawing the thread, you threw the thread in the pile of rags that Deidara and the others threw away, you began to gird your waist and shoulders, and after a few minutes you adjusted, you changed from a size L uniform to I got a Xiangyun uniform in size S. 】

[But it's not quite over yet. 】

[Because there are more than a dozen S size uniforms in this warehouse. 】

【How can Konan be able to choose himself among a dozen clothes at a glance?】

[There is only one answer. 】

【That is to make yourself special and different!】

[You start to adjust the line, changing the shape of an auspicious cloud on your chest into a red rose. 】

[You understand the thoughts of women very well. They all love beauty. Konan also has a white paper rose pinned to her head. If she sees a wrongly printed flower here, she will definitely not be able to hold it. 】

[You climb back into the cabinet, stack yourself on top of the S size, and wait quietly for Konan to arrive. 】

66. `This is really... wonderful!"

I have to say, this series of operations is really too thoughtful!

The chance of being drawn from a very low probability has now become almost a 90% chance of being drawn.

Tuo Yu had to sigh with emotion that color is the primary productive force.

I really worked so hard to get dressed on Konan!

【Five more days have passed】

【Next 10 days, 20 days...】

[During this period, many people came in to change clothes. 】

【Hidan, Deidara, Kisame...】

[Every time someone took clothes inside, Kakuzu would stand at the door and swear. 】

["Can you guys be careful? Clothes also cost money." Shi]

["Damn! Hidan, you've already changed your clothes a few times? Do you really want money? 35l

【“Don’t throw away the old clothes, wear them back together next time, you can also take them out and sell them!””1

【Whenever you hear Kakuzu yell at them, you want to laugh out loud. 】

【But you are afraid that you will be discovered, so you have to endure it】

[Finally, after a month, the person you have been waiting for is finally here. ].

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