Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 74 You resurrected Hashirama and Madara, and you held the first Hundred Ghost Night Walk in

"Okay, finally succeeded!"

Seeing the whole soul standing on the tombstone, Tuo Yu just felt very excited!

It's not easy!

It took me more than a year for this wave of myself to finally succeed in manifesting this spiritist technique, and successfully summon the soul!

So hard!

Tougher than ever!

Take a sip of water.

Tuo Yu continued the simulation.

[Taichi Kato cursed wildly, saying that his body and head had been going back and forth and disappearing in the past few months. He asked if it was you who did it. 】

[You smile lightly, and then let him look at the world around him. 】

[It was only then that he realized that this place was not the pure land world, but the living world. 】

[You told him the truth, including the current time, and this is Konoha Village, and the one who summoned him is you, etc. 】

【Taichi Kato froze in place, after a while, he told you about his situation. 】

[He turned out to be a person from the era of First Hokage, and his identity is just an ordinary Konoha cannon fodder, Genin level. 】

[In the next few days, you will control Taichi Kato's soul and show him around the current Konoha Village. 】

[During this period, you are gradually practicing, and you can control the power of your soul more freely. 】

[After another week, Kato Taichi felt that it was boring, because he didn't have a single acquaintance, let you put him back. 】

[But you made a suggestion, saying that one of his friends should not be resurrected. 】

[His eyes lit up immediately, and he strongly requests you to resurrect his girlfriend. 】

[It took a day for you to finally find his girlfriend's tombstone in the cemetery, because the first is a successful experience, this time, it only took you three months to complete her soul Summoning the whole world. J

[You have witnessed the exciting reunion of two people, and you feel very relieved. It turns out that this terrifying technique can also bring happiness to others. 】

【A week later, Taichi Kato's girlfriend begged you again to let you resurrect his sister's soul. 】

【You nodded in agreement, because you also need to practice your hands anyway, so why not do it by giving roses and leaving a lingering fragrance in your hands?】

[You soon found her sister's tomb, because you have had two experiences, so you think you may only need a month this time to fully summon her sister's soul. 】

[However, a month has passed, and your progress is still on two legs. 】

[Two months have passed, and the waist gradually emerges. 】

[It took you a full year to fully summon his sister's soul. 】

[And at the moment when her sister fully appeared, you were all stupid, because, not yourself. 】

【You have recruited the wrong soul. 】

"I ride a horse...

Seeing this, Tuo Yu couldn't hold back on the spot.

What about playing people?

I've been busy for a year, but it's not me?

[After some exchanges, you have determined the reason for the error. 】

[It may be because of the years of war at that time, so some people's bones were buried wrong. 】

[This girl you newly resurrected is a Chūnin. 】

[From this, you come to a hypothesis: the stronger the person, the less likely it is to be summoned. 】

[To test whether your theory is correct, you start looking for people you know. 】

[You don’t need to think about things like First Generation and Second Generation, let’s not say whether they can be summoned or not, you don’t know where their tombs are. 】

[In addition, people like Konoha's White Fangya, Uchiha Shisui, and Might Dai are not enough. After all, these people's strength is above Kage-level. 】

[So you can only choose some medium-strength people. 】

[But it's actually not difficult for you, Inuzuka, Nara, Yamanaka, Akamichi... You just need to follow the names of these big families to find them. 】

[In the Ninja World, generally speaking the surname, you can probably infer the strength of the opponent. 】

【You found a tomb of Akamichi family named Akamichi Doichi. 】

[You begin to conjure him. 】

【Soon, you realize that you have encountered resistance, which is at least a Chūnin level. 】

[You found another cannon fodder without a big family name, and sure enough, it was unobstructed. 】

[At this point, you have confirmed a fact that the stronger your ability during your lifetime, the longer your success in conjuring souls. 】

[Therefore, you begin to practice more arduously. 】

【Whether it's windy, rainy, or sunny... 】

[Everyone can always see your figure in the Konoha Cemetery. 】

[You often sit on the tombstone all night long, and to outsiders, it seems that you are telling stories to the dead souls of Konoha and accompany them. 】

[But in reality, you are practicing evocation. 】

[Two years later, Payne invaded Konoha. Fortunately, this cemetery was in the back mountain and was not destroyed by Shen Luo Tianzheng. 】

[Three years later, the Ninja World War broke out and ended again. 】

[But you didn't participate, because you have no interest in other things except for the soul call, and you have been focusing on the soul call. 】

[Five years later, you have been promoted to the director of the Konoha Cemetery. In addition to guarding and cleaning the cemetery, you are sometimes responsible for the burial of new tombs, and your ability to summon spirits has also become perfect. 】

[Genin level, you only need 10 seconds to summon his soul from the pure land space to the world.

[Chūnin level, you only need one minute to complete the summoning. 】

[As for Jōnin, it is relatively long, it takes three days and three nights. 】

[After another year, your ability to summon the spirit will improve again, and it will only take an hour to summon Jōnin. 】

【On this year's Qingming Festival, you summoned Sarutobi Asuma, Hyuga Hizashi, Moonlight Blast, and Hyuga Neji, and made them have a big reunion. 】

[Everyone was shocked, especially Asuma and the others. During the Fourth Ninja World War, they had already been resurrected once, but they did not expect to be resurrected again now. 】

[After strolling around Konoha, I saw that the village is now peaceful and quiet, everyone is alive and strong, and they have no regrets. 】

[Just please, if you are still alive, can you summon them at any time and let them see the current village. 】

[You agreed, and then sent them back. 】

"I'm going, this...it's a bit touching..."

Seeing himself in the Sims, he was so kind, and even held a Konoha dead party.

Tuo Yu sighed in his heart.

Yeah, the world of Hokage is a lot crueler than many other worlds, and when people die, it's an old sow wearing a bra, one set after another.

Many people left with regrets, and if they had that ability, it would be reasonable to resurrect them.

[This year, you are 21 years old, and your ability to summon spirits has reached the pinnacle level, because you have even been able to summon Kage-level powerhouses, and it only takes one minute. 】

【This day, Valentine, you are in a tense mood and start to summon Namikaze Minato. 】

【Soon, the spiritualism succeeded, and Namikaze Minato appeared in front of you with a confused look. 】

[After you explained the situation, he was extremely shocked, but at the same time begged you to let him meet Naruto. 】

【You smile and shake your head, but just when Namikaze Minato feels sorry, you conjure up Uzumaki Kushina. 】

[At this moment, you feel that the long-standing regret in your heart has been made up. 】

[And Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, after screaming in shock, hugged each other tightly and had a grateful reunion. 】

【You let the two of them go and let them float to the village to see Naruto. 】

[You smiled kindly, and then started the second round of operations. 】

【You have resurrected Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Izuna. 】

[The 4 people thought it was Impure World Reincarnation, but after the shock, the 4 people fought directly. 】

【then. 】

【Nagato, Konan, Deidara, Hidan, Kakuzu, Jiraiya…】

【Like eating Xuanmai, you resurrected those who died in the history of the ninja world one by one. You gave them a day of freedom, so that they can go wherever they want and see their relatives. Look at your descendants, or catch up with those old friends and apologize to your teachers. 】

[You named this day's event, the first Hundred Ghost Night Walk in the Ninja World! 】

【This day, you have had a very fulfilling life. 】

[You feel like a ghost king, all souls are in your Master. 】


At this stage of the simulation, Tuo Yu's heart was shaking!

"Resurrecting so many people at once?"

"Hundred Ghosts Night Walk!?

"Good 050 guy, he really knows how to play!"

I have to say that Tuo Yu was very moved to see these people get together.

After all, there are too many people who have regrets here!

It's not bad to be able to give them a second life.

【You are 23 years old. 】

[You didn't expect that it took a full 10 years from your comprehension of spiritualism to being able to control it completely freely. 】

[But now, a new problem is before you again. 】

[That is how to make the soul become the entity. 】

[Just a simple soul-calling, and can not meet your needs. 】

【What you want is for these souls to be able to become like heroic spirits, so that they can become living beings with flesh and blood! 】

[You have started a more arduous practice. 】

[In the first year, you made no progress, and thousands of attempts failed. 】

[In the second year, you have made some vague progress, you can make a Genin's foot fixed. 】

[In the third year, you find that you are 26 years old. In the ninja world, you already belong to the category of older unmarried young people. You decide to find yourself a wife. 】

[However, you have been wandering in the village for half a month, and no one has introduced your girlfriend to you. 】

[Only then did you realize that it is impossible to find a wife by doing this kind of work. 】

[So you came back to practice with a bit of a decadent mood. 】

[In the 4th year, you can successfully control the lower body of a Genin. 】

[In the 6th year, you successfully summoned Taichi Kato. He has flesh and blood and warmth, but only 10 days later, his Chakra was exhausted and he returned to the Pure Land again. 】

[You are a little shocked, because it is strange to say that they are only souls, but under the development of your technique, they can automatically build flesh and blood from the biological world and become a special human being close to living people. 】

[It's just that Chakra can only provide them with movement, and once Chakra is exhausted, they can't maintain their original shape. 】

[The setting of this point is very similar to Heroic Spirit, because you don't want to do white labor. 】

【In the 7th year, you successfully summoned Uchiha Mikoto. ].

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