Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 89 Eye Power 250,000! Resist Distinguished Heavenly Gods!

Tuo Yu had an incredible look on his face.

But thinking about it is also relieved, pure Tomoe opened his eyes, just need to be emotional.

It is estimated that these two two or five boys couldn't stand being beaten by themselves, so they finally got a little angry and opened their eyes.

[After seeing the two people open their eyes, you didn't let them go, but irritably told them to get out and practice the Sharingan method, especially the illusion!]

【 Neither Uchiha Itachi nor Uchiha Shisui understand why you are bullying you even though they are older... 】

[One month later, both of them learned the basic Sharingan illusion. 】

[You nod your head in satisfaction, saying in your heart that you have found a good experiment, so you let them cast illusions on you. 】

[The two were not very willing at first, but how can you tolerate them with your violent temper? 】

["If you want to use it, you can use it, look down on me, right?"]

[You pick up your hand, and you are about to go down. 】

[The two had no choice but to cast illusions on you. 】

[You feel a strange force that wants to twist the nerves in your brain and make you hallucinate. 】

[However, your eyes exerted strength and your willpower gathered, and you immediately took down this illusion power. 】

[After some tossing, their illusions were completely resisted by you. 】

[You get angry immediately: "How can it be invalid? Have you two practiced seriously?"]


[You alone rewarded a big mouth. 】

【“Go out! Practice for me again!”】

【“Even I can’t confuse me, how can I confuse others?”】

["Next time if I use such a useless illusion again, I will fight!" J

"Good guy, as expected of a grumpy brother! 35

"Playing with two people, it belongs to yes!

Tuo Yu complained feebly 20.

In the simulated screen, the most he sees is the screen of him beating Shisui and Itachi.

Of course, he also felt that the two of them had to be taught a good lesson.

At least let them know where they stand.

Not to mention that the two of them were later fooled and crippled by others, and they also helped with the number of people. Given their talent, it stands to reason that they should be able to practice strong illusions.

But now, you are actually being suppressed by yourself? You can't even be fascinated by yourself?

Isn't that what to beat?

Tuo Yu didn't mind at all beating them up in the simulation.

[As time goes by day by day. 】

[The entire Uchiha clan is aware of your violent temper. 】

[But you don't do much with everyone except Shisui and Itachi. 】

[Because you don't think other people need to be beaten, they are all weak, and it will be bad if you are beaten to death by yourself. 】

[But Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui take your big mouth as a way of expressing your feelings, and feel that you hate iron and steel, and their illusions have never worked for you. 】

"As expected of the two dutiful sons of the Uchiha clan, they have unique ideas."

Tuo Yu couldn't help but complain.

"Can this be considered an expression of emotion?

"No wonder Danzo and Third Generation lied to you later‥..."

Shake his head and continue the simulation.

[Soon, half a year has passed since the two opened their eyes. 】

[During this half year, you continued to ask them to perform illusions on you. 】

[Frequency is about once a week. 】

[Every time, you can feel that their power has become stronger, but your power is still above them, so their illusions cannot work. 】

【Every time you see two people unable to put away Sharingan, you have to beat them violently, and scold them for trash, go back and practice again, if you don’t fascinate you, you have to beat them all the time!】

[Another year passed. 】

[You have endured more than 50 illusion attacks from them one after another. 】

[However, it still doesn't work. 】

【Your resistance to illusions grows faster than theirs!】

[You raise your hand, but you haven't hit it. 】

[Because you see, Uchiha Itachi's face seems to be slightly crooked by you. 】

【This night, you were lying in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. 】

[You know, your resistance to illusions has probably reached a very high level. 】

[But you don't know how high it is now. 】

【So, you found Uchiha Fugaku. 】

[He is the only two Uchiha people you know at this stage who have Mangekyō Sharingan. 】

【There is also an Obito, but you can't find him. 】

[You went to Uchiha Fuyue's house and explained your purpose. 】

[After your constant entanglement, Uchiha Fugaku reluctantly cast an illusion on you. 】

[However, it did not take effect. 】

[Uchiha Fugaku is extremely shocked, because his illusions can be said to be the most powerful in the entire family now. 】

[Ordinary people will immediately be unable to move as long as they are stared at, and even have hallucinations in their brains. 】

【But you are calm and unresponsive!】

[You feel that you can continue to challenge again, so you ask him to increase his efforts. 】

[Yes, you asked him to release the strongest illusion on you - Tsukuyomi. 】

[This request terrified the entire Uchiha Fugaku family. 】

[Because of the Tsukuyomi technique, it is extremely painful. Those who have been hit by this technique will be tortured for three days and three nights in the spiritual world. 】

[Uchiha Fugaku, Mikoto, and even Uchiha Itachi, all begging you not to play with fire. 】

[After all, if something goes wrong, it's not good for everyone. 】

[However, your temper has come up again. 】

[You said that if you didn't use Tsukuyomi today, I would set your house on fire. 】

[It may be that after hearing your words, he feels that his status as the patriarch has been polluted, and Uchiha Fugaku is no longer stingy with his power, and he is going to prepare to teach you a lesson. 】

[So, he cast Mangekyō Hitomi Technique - Tsukuyomi on you. 】

[As expected of the strongest illusion, you feel a powerful illusion power, surpassing the sum of all previous illusions! 】

[Uchiha Itachi looks at you in shock, because you've never been immobilized for so long, maybe this time it will really work. 】

[However, a minute later, Uchiha Fugaku put away Mangekyō and looked at you with a shocked expression. 】

【Obviously, this Tsukuyomi, you have already carried it hard. 】

[The strongest single illusion, still has no effect on you. 】

"good guy,"

" Tsukuyomi can resist, it's invincible! 99

Tuo Yu couldn't help but get excited.

If you follow his training and keep honing and growing in illusion, you might finally be able to carry Distinguished Heavenly Gods!

[Next, another two years passed. 】

[You went to ninja school, and on the first day, because a kid bumped you, you beat all your classmates to tears. 】

[Next, you are either making trouble, or on the way to making trouble, and sometimes even the head teacher will be reprimanded by you, and occasionally beaten by you. 】

[After only one year, in order to protect the next generation of Konoha, as well as the precious teacher resources, you were ordered to drop out of school. 】

[You don't care about this, because you only care about improving your resistance to illusion. 】

[After returning to the family, you continue with your previous life. 】

[Let both Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui cast illusions on you, and if they fail, they will be beaten, and in order to get living expenses, you also have a money bet with them. 】

[Although the two were in pain, their strange thoughts prevented them from doing anything to Tuo Yu. 】

[Until one mission, Shisui's friend was killed and he awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan. 】

"it's time!"

Tuo Yu concentrated and looked forward to it.

Whether you can resist Distinguished Heavenly Gods depends on this wave!

【It took Uchiha Shisui a month to get acquainted with his ability of Distinguished Heavenly Gods. 】

[Itachi learns about Shisui's ability and proposes to him to use Distinguished Heavenly Gods to reverse your spirit. 】

[Let you be gentle and stop punching and kicking them. 】

【Shisui also felt that you should change, so he agreed to Itachi's proposal. 】

"Sure enough, as I guessed, these two people want to change my will."

Tuo Yu nodded silently.

When he chose to specialize in illusion resistance before, he even had this day.

I didn't expect it to come.

【Shisui finds you and casts Distinguished Heavenly Gods on you before you go to beat him. 】

[However, although you felt an unprecedented huge illusion force and wanted to twist your head, you still endured it under your strong resistance. 】

[You are not affected in the slightest, rush up and beat him violently. 】

[And also cursed: "Waste! Is Mangekyō this level?"]

"I'm going!? Really resisted?!

Tuo Yu was overjoyed.

Actually, it really survived Distinguished Heavenly Gods!

Don't be afraid of Danzo now!

[Shisui is shocked. 】

[Itachi is speechless. 】

【“How can it fail?” Itachi couldn’t believe it, because he saw Uchiha Shisui manipulated an enemy with Distinguished Heavenly Gods and made him kill himself by wiping his neck. 】

["If my pupil power reaches 8,000, then his pupil power is at least 30,000!" Shisui lay on the ground and answered with difficulty. 】

063【Shisui does not believe in evil. 】

[He thinks that his pupil strength is not enough. 】

[So he continued to practice and practiced Distinguished Heavenly Gods!]

"That's right.

Tuo Yu nodded silently.

Sharingan's pupil strength will increase with the increase of practice.

Like Sasuke at the beginning, his 3-Tomoe, was not even a fart in front of Uchiha Itachi.

After practicing for three years, he took the opponent's Mangekyō directly with 3-Tomoe.

When it comes to the back, open Susa and get 6 plug-ins.

That pupil power has taken it to a higher level.

[After a month of hard practice, Shisui came to you again and cast Distinguished Heavenly Gods on you. 】

[You obviously feel that the power in his eyes has become stronger, your spirit is crazily distorted, and you almost change your mind. 】

[However, you still resisted. 】

[Then, scolded Shisui again and told him to get out of the way and continue to practice. 】

[However, this time, you did not slack off. After feeling the enormous strength of the opponent, you also began to step up your cultivation. 】

【Two months later, you and Uchiha Shisui fought again. 】

[However, because your talent is higher than others, and you have practiced hard for a month, the gap between the pupil powers of the two sides is even greater this time. 】

[His pupil strength has increased to 15,000, while yours has almost 50,000! 】

[Two months later. 】

[20,000 to 60,000. 】

[Three months later. 】

[30,000 to 80,000. 】

[6 months later. 】

[90,000 to 250,000...]

[Shisui finally discovered that the gap between the pupil powers of the two sides has been widening, and no matter how hard he practices, he cannot make up for the gap between you and him. 】

【The growth rate of your pupil power is far beyond his imagination!】

Seeing this, Tuo Yu was full of surprise.

He can't wait!

Holding on to Distinguished Heavenly Gods is basically equivalent to saying that your resistance is almost full!

I'm afraid the only thing that can't be carried is Infinite Tsukuyomi!

"I don't know what will happen next.

"Will Uchiha Shisui have a psychological shadow...

With anticipation, Tuo Yu continued to simulate.

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