Konoha Light Robbery

Chapter 236 Searching for the Holy Land, Strength Increases! (Two in One, Please Subscribe!) (1/2)

Early in the morning of the second day.

When Qianhe got up, Aiye got up early and helped him wash up, and then someone brought breakfast.

After Qianhe finished breakfast, he told Aiye: "I'll go out and take a look first, you stay here."

"Yes, Master Qianhe!" Aiye is now Qianhe's personal maid, and her only task is to obey all of Qianhe's orders, whether reasonable or unreasonable.

Seeing the fiery look in Aiye's eyes, Qianhe ignored it and walked out of the room directly, jumped out from the third floor.

At the moment of his body falling, the light escape chakra instantly wrapped around his body, and he flew straight to the direction of the sacred tree.

At this moment, the citizens of the motherland also knew that the golden light was the god served by their country. When Qianhe passed by them, everyone knelt down and saluted consciously.

During the flight, Qianhe couldn't help but recall what Aino said last night.

Last night, Aino suddenly got into Qianhe's bed, which really scared him.

Although Qianhe knew that many girls would covet his body, he didn't expect Aino to be so bold that he dared to attack him blatantly at night.

Fortunately, Qianhe's will was as hard as iron. Faced with such temptation, even if she wanted to melt his will with her hot body, Qianhe did not waver.

After some criticism and education, Aino realized his mistake and put on his clothes again with a face full of shame.

After all, Qianhe didn't know what the rules of this world were. As his strength increased, especially when he discovered that the Naruto world also existed in parallel worlds, he could feel more and more that an invisible will was affecting the world. If according to the previous life, each world has its own rules, it can be called "world will" for the time being.

He didn't know that there was no 404 rule in this world. After all, although he was tall, he was only 13 years old now. He would be 14 in two months, and he would still be more than two years away from turning 16. At this age, how could he be tempted by women and lose his innocence?

Last night, after Ai Ye put on his clothes, Qian He asked about the things in this world.

But perhaps this world is still in the early stages of development, with low productivity. Ai Ye knew only about their motherland and several surrounding countries. The largest country was called the other country, which was three times the size of their motherland. They often took the opportunity to start wars, forcibly occupied the land of other countries, and respected the other country in the nearby area.

After listening to Ai Ye's explanation, Qian He also knew that he could not rely on the locals, so he prepared to explore directly by himself.

Since the [Guardian Envoy] was still refreshing the cooldown time, there was no way to practice the Space-Time Sage Mode of the Fantasy Island for the time being, so Qianhe went out.

However, not being able to practice the Space-Time Sage Mode did not mean that he could be idle.

Qianhe first flew to a place a few miles away from the sacred tree, and opened the Kagura Heart Eye again to observe the invisible dragon vein seal in the space above the sacred tree, where chakra continued to accumulate.

Then, Qianhe used the shadow clone to test it again, and the shadow clone was absorbed within a mile of the fruit of the sacred tree.

After receiving the memory from the shadow clone, Qianhe sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and began to absorb natural energy.

Although he could not use the Space-Time Sage Technique, the Myogi Sage Technique could still be used.

After the flow of things gradually stopped, Qianhe clearly felt that the natural energy of the entire earth was all converging towards the sacred tree a few miles away while absorbing natural energy.

"No wonder the sacred tree has such a strong attraction to my light escape chakra."

At this time, Qianhe recalled that his light escape chakra had a natural attraction to natural energy. In the early stage of practicing immortal arts, it hindered the stability of immortal arts practice, but after practicing, it would greatly promote the practice of immortal arts.

"Light escape chakra attracts natural energy, and the sacred tree also absorbs natural energy without limit. It seems that there is a certain connection between light escape chakra and the sacred tree, but at this stage, the sacred tree is strong, and my light escape is slightly weak, so I am in a position to be absorbed."

"If my light escape is developed to a stronger level, it means that I can absorb the energy of the sacred tree in turn."

Thinking while absorbing natural energy.

Compared to the time and space fairy art, Qianhe has already mastered Miaomu's fairy art. Even if he is doing two things at the same time, it does not affect his absorption of natural energy at all.

In just a few minutes, he absorbed enough natural energy and entered Miaomu's fairy mode.

With the powerful perception in the fairy mode, Qianhe can even feel that the sacred tree seems to have issued some kind of silent call to him.

It seems to be calling him to come closer.

The fairy chakra in the body has a faint resonance.

In the fairy mode, Qianhe carefully listened to the inexplicable emotions emanating from the sacred tree.

After a while, Qianhe left here without looking back.

When he walked a few more miles, the attraction of the sacred tree to him was very weak.

At this time, Qianhe began to perceive other places with rich natural energy except the location of the sacred tree.

He wanted to find a person, to be precise, a frog.

If he remembered correctly, the Great Toad Sage existed earlier than Kaguya.

Before Kaguya came to Earth, the Great Toad Sage was already the master of the Myogi Holy Land, but at that time the Great Toad Sage was a small toad, and the Myogi tribe had not yet expanded to the extent of later generations.

But this did not affect Qianhe's learning of immortal arts.

Since the Myogi Holy Land existed, it also meant that the other two holy places, Ryuchi Cave and Wet Bone Forest, also existed at this time.

If you find Gamamaru, Qianhe can find the location of the other two holy places through him.

Wet Bone Forest is easy to say. Even if you return to the ninja world, according to the relationship between Jiraiya and Tsunade, and they are in the same camp, they are completely on the same side. If you want to use Tsunade's relationship to enter the Wet Bone Forest to find the Slug Sage to learn the immortal arts of the Wet Bone Forest, there should be no problem.

But Ryuchi Cave is different.

The Ryuchi Cave in the Ninja World and the Illusion Island are mortal enemies. Qianhe has even promised the Cat Immortal that he will destroy the Ryuchi Cave sooner or later.

In this case, Qianhe carries the aura of the Illusion Island's magic, and it is impossible for him to enter the Ryuchi Cave to learn magic through orthodox methods.

The White Snake Immortal can live for more than a thousand years, so he naturally consumes a lot of magic power to prolong his life. Therefore, like the Great Toad Immortal, their strength has not been greatly improved over time.

But even so, not to mention the entire tribe, the combat power of the Great Toad Immortal and the Cat Immortal alone is at least beyond the level of Kage.

Now he wants to learn the Ryuchi Cave Immortal Art by force, but I am afraid it is impossible.

What's more, if he can coerce the White Snake Immortal by force, his strength at that time, and the improvement of the magic on him will not be so obvious.

As for learning the Ryuchi Cave Immortal Art through Orochimaru's curse seal, this can only be a candidate method, not Qianhe's priority option.

However, now that Qianhe is in this world, it is much easier for him to learn immortal arts.

It is much easier to find the White Snake Immortal in this world and learn its immortal arts. If it doesn't work, Qianhe can also reason with it. Compared with the White Snake Immortal who is more than a thousand years old in the Ninja World, the White Snake in this world will definitely be convinced by Qianhe's reasoning. After all, it is impossible not to be convinced!

Since the plan was decided, Qianhe immediately began to implement it.

Qianhe directly split out seven shadow clones and began to conduct a carpet search from eight directions.

He had to find a way to find Gamamaru.

In this way, as time went on, Qianhe's search range became larger and larger.

In the next six months, Qianhe lived a life of practicing time and space immortal arts every three days, practicing ninjutsu and physical skills every day, and looking for Gamamaru every other day.


"Lord Zi! Those people from the other country have been frequently provoking us on our border recently. It's really abominable!"

"Yes! Lord Zi, let's fight back and warn them!"


"Enough! Stop talking! Don't mention this matter again! No one is allowed to attack the people from the other country! Anyone who dares to disobey orders will be executed immediately!"

"Lord Zi! But..."

In the meeting room of the palace of King Zi of Zuzi, the subordinates were excited and accused the neighboring country of the evil deeds.

Relying on its strong national strength, the other country played the role of "guardian of order" in the surrounding countries. If other countries go to war, they will intervene and no country will benefit. They will take the opportunity to occupy the territory of other countries and intervene and invade other countries for various reasons.

Because the other country is strong and there are grudges among other countries, although they have long been dissatisfied with the arrogance of the other country, they have not joined forces to deal with the other country.

They were even provoked by the other country, causing unrest in all countries, and the other country took the opportunity to destroy the two small countries, becoming more and more powerful, and their style of doing things is becoming more and more unscrupulous.

In the past, they would find some decent excuses, but now they have reached the point of fabricating them out of thin air and opening their mouths.

Other small countries dare not speak out and can tolerate again and again.

Recently, a small country near the motherland was annexed by the other country, and the two countries officially bordered.

Recently, the other country began to frequently harass the border of the motherland and began to test the bottom line of the motherland.

This is a common tactic of the other country. First, harass the other party, and then once the other party fights back, they will take the opportunity to start a war, or demand cession of land and compensation.

The small countries cannot fight, nor can they endure. They can only be eaten away by their land in silence, and finally be destroyed by the other country in one fell swoop.

Among the nearby countries, the motherland is also considered strong.

Its military strength is about one-tenth of that of the other country. With such a military strength, if the motherland goes to war, it will naturally win, but the price to win is also high. The other country also has to guard against counterattacks from other countries, so it naturally dares not to use all its military strength to start a war. Unless all the military strength of the motherland can be destroyed in one battle, otherwise they are not willing to take risks easily.

The current strategy of the other country is to harass, relying on its own strength, and also to take substantial actions, anyway, to let the motherland be peaceful.

When the time is right, they will prepare for negotiations.

The emperor of the motherland is weak in character. Facing the provocation of the other country, he naturally dares to be angry and speak out. He strictly orders his subjects to absolutely retaliate against the people of the other country, and anyone who dares to disobey the order will be executed immediately.

But the people under him can't stand it. Facing such a cowardly monarch, they would rather fight with the other country.

"Son, in fact, you can ask the gods to help you punish the people of the other country. With the power of the gods, you should be able to defeat the thousands of troops of the other country..."

When the subordinates saw that Zizi was resolute, someone suggested that the god they had started worshiping half a year ago should be allowed to come out.

As soon as this suggestion was made, people immediately agreed.

"Ah! In the past six months, we have worked hard and devoted all our efforts to serve the gods. It shouldn't be a problem to ask him to do a favor. After all, for gods, it is difficult to deal with mortals, even if it is a tael. There should be no problem with a thousand people..."

Although everyone agreed with the proposer's point of view, when it came to the final word, everyone was a little less confident.

After all, they have only seen gods and humans flying into the sky and building a palace out of thin air, but they have never seen gods and humans fighting.

The only person who had actually seen Qian He come out was the captain of the bodyguard who had attacked him in the first place. He was the only one who had seen Qian He blowing four people away with a wave of his hand. He was the only one who believed in the understatement of Qian He. In front of Qian He, there are so many people.

However, except for him, others are still doubtful. After all, the strongest country on the land around the other country has an army of nearly two thousand people. Moreover, the other country has recently annexed another country. Its strength is definitely Take it to the next level.

In contrast, even if the motherland sent all its men, including children and old people, to the battlefield, it would still only have a thousand men.

The only army that can truly form a fighting force is about six hundred people.

Now they can only place their hope on the gods who appeared in their homeland half a year ago.

After all, in the past six months, they have devoted all their efforts to worship the gods and people, and they have spent all the best food and clothing.

Even the twelve most beautiful girls in the entire country were dedicated to the gods.

Although he only wanted Aino, no one dared to touch the other eleven girls.

When I think about it now, if the gods can't defeat the other country, then what's the point of their worship?

This time, he also had a tentative mentality.

After all, it is difficult to live in awe and respect for a long time.

"In this case, who among you is going to ask the gods?!"

As soon as the person who spoke first said this, the entire conference room fell into silence.

Everyone knows that gods and humans like to be disturbed.

In addition to Aino who served him being able to see him, even their descendants dared to step into the palace of the gods without permission.

"놊Let the Aino people pray to the gods."

Since Aino is the only one who can serve the gods personally, her status has also risen, from a beautiful girl with an ordinary status to a god's personal person, and her attitude towards her has naturally become the same.

At least until the gods behave as they imagined, this Aino's maid deserves to be called "꺶人".


Just when everyone was about to notify Aino and ask Qianhe for help, Qianhe was in a mountain hundreds of miles away from his motherland.

Qian He took off his clothes and sat cross-legged on the stone directly below the waterfall.

The waterfall flowing down hit him with a huge impact.

"Eight Gate Dunjia·Jingmen opens!"

Qian He suddenly trembled, the chakra on his body suddenly exploded, and his whole body was immediately wrapped in the green energy 늵 that emitted after opening the scene door.

From a distance, it looks like a ball of green flame burning.

After half a year of practice, Qian He has made progress in the cultivation of time and space magic. In two months at most, he will be able to fully master the second stage and form a real long-lasting combat effectiveness. By then, the power of time and space magic will be revealed. It will surpass the Miaomu Mountain Immortal Technique he has mastered.

In addition to the time and space magic, Qian He's physique also continued to increase due to the power of his bloodline. The long-stagnant eight armor-evading skills made rapid progress, and finally opened the sixth door.

In terms of body and mental power, Qianhe also shared the [Light Tribulation Clone Shisui] with his Mangekyō Sharingan to further develop this body, and he is far away from opening a new Susanoo.

Qianhe is also fully proficient in Fugaku's abilities.

Fugaku's Susanoo, such as Chiho, can easily enter the third state.

Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan involves the power of space.

The increase in genjutsu in his left eye is only slightly behind Itachi's Tsukuyomi and Shisui's other gods, and cannot be compared.

What passed his eyes was that besides time power, Qianhe needed space ability most.

His current mastery of time and space magic is still at the level of reversing time, but it has only increased from 5 seconds to 15 seconds.

The space control ability that comes with the Time and Space Magic is mainly used in the development of the Flying Thunder God Technique.

The ability of Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan is to confine space within a limited space.

To put it simply, in the previous encounter with Dai꺱, Qianhe껣 was able to cut off one of his legs even though Dai꺱 had the power of divine aberration, all due to Fugaku's ability.

The Kamui space with 꺱 is equivalent to a private space for him. Except for his own Mangekyō Sharingan as the key, Qianhe has no way to enter it even if the Flying Thunder God 껣 technique leaves the coordinates.

Because the space of the ninja world and the space of the body are equivalent to two worlds, just like 놆 Qianhe is now in another world, his coordinates of the Flying Thunder God are in the ninja world, and he cannot return to the original world through the Flying Thunder God.

It can be said that as long as Dai 꺱놊 agrees, the only ones who can enter the Kamui space are himself and Kakashi's Kamui who can help open the door.

The ability of Fugaku's eyes is equivalent to imprisoning space when the player is about to open the door to enter the Kamui space, and directly blocking the door that the player has opened.

Although this space imprisonment ability can only last for about 0.5 seconds, it is quite abnormal.

Strictly speaking, Qianhe's Flying Thunder God Technique is also very similar to Kamui, except that Kamui is a different space teleportation, while Flying Thunder God Technique is a transfer within the same space.

The body and space coordinates of Flying Thunder God Technique are like two points on a piece of paper. When Qianhe activates the space coordinate transfer, it is equivalent to someone folding the paper in an instant, so that the two points on the paper overlap, achieving the transfer effect.

As for how fast this moment is, it is related to the space talent and reaction speed of the ninja using Flying Thunder God Technique.

That is to say, if Fugaku uses his eyes to stare at Qianhe, Qianhe will not be able to use the Flying Thunder God Technique within the 0.5 seconds when he is focused and uses his ability.

Although 0.5 seconds is short, it can sometimes be the key to winning or losing.

Of course, if Fugaku uses this trick to deal with Qianhe, with his reaction speed and the ability added by the Sage Mode, Fugaku's sight will never fall on him.

However, if Qianhe himself uses this trick of space confinement to deal with him in the past, he may be able to win with one move.

However, this assumption is not true, because he will deal with himself, and there is no second person in the ninja world who can have his speed.

Even if the fourth and second generations are resurrected, they are far behind Qianhe in speed.

The space-time magic seems to have also increased the spatial ability of Fugaku's eyes. According to Qianhe's estimation, it can increase the space confinement time by about 0.2 seconds.

Just as Qianhe was preparing to get familiar with the sixth gate of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu that he had just broken through, the void in front of him suddenly rippled, and a light robbery clone appeared in front of him. It was the [Light Robbery Clone Might Guy] that he had used for a long time.

Since the appearance of the upgraded version of the Light Robbery Clone, ordinary clones have become a bit useless to him.

Now the Shisui clone is still in the ninja world, and the Fugaku clone Qianhe always stays by his side to ensure his peak combat power.

And Itachi's clone has already started to upgrade, as if more than 9 months have passed.

[Light Robbery Clone Might Guy] Qianhe left it in the room. If Aino has anything to say, he can tell him through the Light Robbery Clone.

It seems that there is something important. Thinking of this, when the Light Robbery clone sank into his body, Qianhe used the Flying Thunder God Technique to transfer away instantly.

It was just time for dinner, and it was just right to go back at this time.

Qianhe only knew that he had just transferred away for five minutes.

An orange toad about ten centimeters tall jumped and appeared where he had just stayed, and then he actually spoke human words.

"Such a rich natural energy, this fairy power, why does this human know our fairy arts of Myoboku Mountain, and another fairy power, and also the fairy arts of Ryuchi Cave and Wet Bone Forest, what is going on?"

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