Konoha Light Robbery

Chapter 239: Trick Kaguya, the powerful Otsutsuki clan (1/2)

Chapter 239: Routine Kaguya, the powerful Tsutsuki clan


Wonderful novel website, the fastest update of the latest chapters! Seeing Aiye running in in a hurry with an excited face, Qianhe stopped the fusion of the two immortal arts in his body to avoid scaring her.

This time, Aino, as a maid, made Qianhe very satisfied.

"Qianheren! Here she comes! She's here! She's here..." Aino's face was flushed and he was panting. It was obvious that he had been running all the way without taking a breath.

When Qian He heard this, he made a move in the middle of the sentence. Could it be that Aino came to him so rudely... Kaguya.

Aino let out a long breath and said quickly: "Kaguya! It's Kaguya! Qianheren, the Kaguya you want has been found!"

"Oh?" Qian He stood up directly, but to be on the safe side and prevent it from being the same as before, he asked:

"Where did you find the Kaguya you mentioned? Where is she now?"

"As Qianhe꺶ren said before, the Kaguya you are looking for comes from outside! 꽭子꺶ren has already brought her here, right outside!"

Aino quickly replied.

The last time the other country provoked a series of troubles at the border of the motherland, Aino took Qianhe's Light Tribulation clone and directly defeated the 300-man army of the other country in less than three minutes with the power of one person. , those troops are stationed on the border of the country of the ancestors, just to wait until the country of the ancestors is overwhelmed and fights back, to give the country of the ancestors a thunderous blow. No matter what the result is, the counterattack will be based on the comparison of the strength of the two sides. Even if people from other countries know that they are there, they would not dare to say anything.

After all, the army is stationed at the border between the other country and the ancestral country. The ancestral country has no right to interfere and does not dare to interfere.

Of course, it is said that it is a national border, but it is actually the separation of a small stream. If there is no evil intention, there is no need to send an army of three hundred people.

Since Aiye did not order the entire army of the other country to be annihilated at that time, and Qianhe did not originally intend to let the Guangjie clone kill unnecessary people, he only wounded those 300 people, and his skills were very good, and the other party had no choice. One person dies.

However, one person fought against three hundred troops and defeated them unscathed in less than three minutes. This kind of achievement is impossible for humans to achieve, and only gods can achieve it.

Therefore, the attitude of the country of ancestors towards Qian He has become more and more respectful. His current status in the country of ancestors is already supreme. Even if he asks the prince of the country of ancestors to give up the throne to him, I am afraid that the prince will not dare to do anything. Complain.

Because when the Light Tribulation clone defeats the enemy, it is obvious that there is still some strength left, not to mention that in the eyes of the people of the ancestral country, the Light Tribulation clone is just the divine power of God.

The other country was also shocked by this battle.

Although they did not believe that one person could defeat the three hundred troops, the three hundred men had exactly the same path. Coupled with the legend of the god, the senior officials had not dared to act rashly.

Due to Qianhe's performance, the ancestral country has completely regarded Qianhe's matter as the most important thing in the country.

In addition to the usual daily industrial activities, the most common thing that thousands of people in the entire ancestral country do every day is to look for the beautiful woman named Kaguya.

Not only their own country, they even sent people to other countries to search for it.

Because Qianhe's Guangjie avatar defeated 300 troops by himself, in the eyes of the surrounding countries, the ancestral country was already the same country as the other country, and they turned a blind eye to their cross-border search for people. Only one eye.

I have to say that there is strength in numbers.

Just a few months ago, the country of ancestors actually found a woman named Kaguya, and there were two more.

When the prince of the ancestral country sent two beauties over, Qian He was speechless. They were beautiful, but they were ordinary people.

Later, because Qianhe God's reputation was so great, someone even came here pretending to be Kaguya.

땤Qianhe would not care about them because of this matter. Later, he simply told the people of the ancestral country that Kaguya was not a local, 땤 was from outside the country.

Although 꽭子 and others were shocked by Qianhe's words on the spot, considering that Qianhe was a god, it was understandable that the person he was looking for was not a mortal.

In the past few months, Qianhe has been busy practicing immortal arts, and has even forgotten about Kaguya. However, he did not expect that Aino and the others really found Kaguya from outside this time.

Seeing this, Qian He took a deep breath, walked out of the room and came to the balcony.

Then, he looked towards 떘 and saw 꽭子 and others standing respectfully outside, with a woman surrounding them.

A beautiful woman with pale to almost bloodless skin and long blue-white hair.

Qian He jumped directly, jumped from a high-rise building more than ten meters, and then landed steadily on the buffer of Guangdun.



Except for Kaguya, everyone else knelt down.

At this time, Qianhe carefully looked at Kaguya Tsutsuki, the woman later known as the ancestor of chakra.

땤Kaguya was also looking at Qianhe, her face had a dull expression, but Qianhe noticed a hint of surprise in her light purple eyes.

"You all go!" Qian He thought that there were outsiders present and waved his hand to signal them to leave.

After everyone left, Qianhe looked at Kaguya in front of him and smiled: "My name is Qianhe, are you Kaguya?"

"Qianhe?" Kaguya's eyes were full of doubts. She kept recalling in her mind, but she didn't remember that there was such a person in the Tsutsuki clan. But if she thought about it carefully, this planet was so remote. Even if the person in front of her was really from the Tsutsuki clan, she was a low-level bloodline branch, not even the last branch of the Tsutsuki clan.

However, Qianhe had a power that made Kaguya unconsciously close to her. It was very similar to the breath of the sacred tree, but it was not the sacred tree, so Kaguya felt very puzzled.

"Do you know me?"

"I don't know, but I know something." Qianhe smiled, and she had already thought of a pretext.

Qianhe pointed to the luxurious four-bedroom and one-living room behind her and said to Kaguya: "It's not convenient here. My house is very small. Come to my room and sit down. Let's talk slowly."

After saying that, Qianhe turned around and went upstairs, not caring whether she would follow.

Kaguya's face was calm, but she was not on guard, and she followed Qianhe back to the room.

Knowing that Qianhe had something important to do, Aiye served two cups of tea and left directly.

"Let's each ask a question, and then continue after one of us answers, how about that?" Qianhe looked at Kaguya opposite and smiled faintly.

Kaguya still looked like she had not experienced much, and looked quite innocent. Her eyes gave people a feeling that she could see through everything, so it should be easy to get her to ask questions.

However, in order to show her sincerity, Qianhe added: "You can ask questions first."

"There is a very familiar aura on you, that is, the golden chakra. How did you get it?" Kaguya's face was still very calm, but the curiosity in her eyes always existed.

Qianhe was not surprised at all that she knew about chakra, because chakra itself was not native to the earth. The power of the earth is actually the natural energy that can cultivate immortal arts.

If the aliens such as Otsutsuki had not planted the sacred tree on the earth, there would be no chakra.

Of course, Qianhe would not thank the Otsutsuki clan, after all, they only kept humans in captivity like lambs, waiting for them to mature and harvest fruits.

However, what this world is like has little to do with him. As long as it does not affect him, it is fine. Except for a few people, Qianhe does not care much about other people. If he can't stand it, he will help. If he can't help, forget it.

In order to gain Kaguya's trust, Qianhe attached the light escape chakra to her body.


Looking at Qianhe's right finger with golden light, Kaguya's expression finally changed significantly.

"You named it light escape chakra. I have had it since I was a child. As for how I got it, I don't know it very well!"

Qianhe's words were not false. It is true that he had the light attribute after he was reborn with the system, and then he developed the light escape. As for how it came about, it can only be said that it was the system.

However, Qianhe also wanted to figure out what light escape is, why it can attract natural energy, why it can resonate with the sacred tree, and what is the relationship between light escape and these.

Kaguya did not doubt Qianhe's answer, nor did she ask any more questions. Instead, she lowered her head and pondered for a while, and then looked at Qianhe with her eyes fixed.

Seeing her like this, Qianhe was slightly stunned.

At this time, Kaguya did not have the cold and ruthless look of later generations. She looked like a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. Although her face looked "emotionless", she was actually naive.

It happened that it was much easier to talk to her at this time. Qianhe saw Kaguya waiting for her to ask questions, so he was not polite.

"From outer space, where are you from? What is your tribe? How many people are there?"

Faced with Qianhe's questions, after confirming that Qianhe was related to the sacred tree, Kaguya's expression became more expressive. She frowned slightly, "Do you need to answer these two questions together?"

"Of course! Please go ahead." Qianhe nodded.

Kaguya asked back: "Didn't you say that each person asks one question? Can you change people after you answer it?"

"Ah, you said that. Since I asked you three questions just now, you haven't asked three questions in a row, and you have answered them all in a row. Shouldn't you answer them?"

Qianhe looked puzzled, but laughed secretly in her heart.

Kaguya was a little dazed, looking at Qianhe blankly.

Seeing this, Qianhe continued, "You just said, 'Do you need to answer together?' For the first question, you answered 'Of course!' Then you asked 'Does each person ask one question?', 'Can you ask someone else after you answer?' You asked three questions in a row, and you answered them all.

You asked a total of four questions, and now you haven't answered a single one! Don't you think it's too much?"

After being asked by Qianhe, Kaguya's face was a little confused.

Faced with Qianhe's routine, Kaguya finally nodded and answered:

"I am from the Otsutsuki clan on the Otsutsuki planet. There are hundreds of clansmen on the Otsutsuki planet."

? ? ?

After hearing Kaguya's answer, Qianhe was shocked. If Kaguya didn't lie to him, how perverted would the Otsutsuki clan be, with hundreds of clansmen.

Even though in the funny Boruto, Otsutsuki Momoshiki is the strongest, he is no match for Naruto and Sasuke, and at that time, the two of them were already weaker, not as strong as when they dealt with Madara and Kaguya. Even so, Momoshiki is not inferior to Naruto.

As for Urashiki, he is just here to make people laugh.

But if you think about it carefully, the Otsutsuki clan is keen on the fruit of the sacred tree. As long as they eat the fruit, their strength will rise like a sitting arrow. They will crush any opponent they meet. They have almost zero combat experience. Such people will not be able to fight against those who have experienced many battles.

And Kaguya is probably on guard against them just for the sake of caution.

It is estimated that they are afraid that they will eat too many fruits and their strength will increase dramatically, so they care so much about the sacred tree.

I didn't expect that she underestimated herself and overestimated the enemy.

However, even if these hundreds of people are stupid like Urashiki, they are also opponents with the Samsara Eye. Not to mention that they are all at the Six Paths level, it should be no problem to start at the Super Shadow level.

People like Momoshiki who eat more fruits will definitely be stronger.

If these people come, damn it!

Unless his original body surpasses Six Paths Madara and Kaguya, and his ten clones reach a similar level, how can he stop hundreds of Otsutsuki clan members?

But after thinking about it for a while, Qianhe calmed down.

Hundreds of people are indeed too many, but considering that a planet can only support one or two sacred trees at most, hundreds of Otsutsuki clan members cannot all come to Earth. Can they still fight for Ichiraku Ramen on Earth?

Thinking of this, Qianhe signaled Kaguya to ask questions.

Seeing this, Kaguya asked: "Are you from the Otsutsuki clan? Why do you have chakra in your body, and why are you here now?"

Because Qianhe asked questions continuously just now, Kaguya also forgot that she could only ask one question at a time.

"You are not from the Otsutsuki clan!"

"As for the chakra in the body, it is because it is refined by the chakra refining technique!"

"As for why you are here now, it is because of an accident. You were sent here by something called the Dragon Vein Seal. You are not from here like you."

Chakra refining technique? Dragon Vein Seal? Kaguya was confused. She knew about chakra, but did she need to refine chakra? The Otsutsuki clan was born with chakra and abilities, and to increase chakra, they only needed to share the fruit of the sacred tree.

Although she was full of questions, Kaguya did not ask any more questions, but waited for Qianhe's questions.

"What is your identity in the Otsutsuki clan? Why did you come here?" Qianhe did not ask three questions in a row, but kept one question.

"You are the princess of the Otsutsuki clan and the guardian of the sacred tree." Kaguya replied, "The sacred tree here has grown for thousands of years and is not far from maturity.

Because of the civil strife in the Otsutsuki clan, you were sent here by your father-in-law. When the civil strife subsides, he will send people here.

If the civil strife is not subsided, then the people who come here will be your enemies."

Kaguya's answer was very frank. In Qianhe's opinion, on the one hand, it was because Kaguya's guard against people was really low, otherwise Kaguya would not have been sold out by Tian of the Ancestral Country in the original ninja world, and because of pregnancy, the chakra was dispersed to the fetus, causing her strength to decrease, and she almost died in the pursuit.

As for the other hand, it is estimated that it was because Qianhe's light escape made her more trustworthy, and Qianhe's incomplete six-path bloodline also had a deep origin with the Otsutsuki bloodline.

Thinking of this, Qianhe asked the last question: "What are you going to do next?" Warm reminder: Press the Enter key to return to the bibliography, press the key to return to the previous page, press the key to go to the next page, and add a bookmark for your convenience to continue reading next time.

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