Konoha: Maximum Level Uchiha, Reincarnation By Impure World

Chapter 101: Naruto's Oath, The Back Of The Fourth Generation! (Please Subscribe!)

Uchiha Xiao felt as if there was infinite power surging in her body, and every cell in her body seemed to be cheering for joy. Even the already huge Chakra was more full at this time.

"His Chakra amount has increased several times!" A Hyuga ninja exclaimed.

Hearing his words, all the ninjas felt despair again. Uchiha Xiao's chakra power had already been called a humanoid tailed beast.

Now it has increased several times... many ninjas cannot even imagine how much Chakra there is.

Feeling Uchiha Xiao's gradually rising aura, everyone couldn't help but shed cold sweat. Even ninjas with poor perception abilities could feel that Uchiha Xiao's aura was even more terrifying than before!

If it weren't for Konoha's good discipline, a large number of ninjas would have turned into traitors on the spot.

Uchiha Xiao closed his eyes tightly, feeling the surging power in his body. He can guarantee that his strength now is far greater than before! It's just...

He frowned and clenched his fists. He felt that the power in his body, no, and Rinnegan's power, was not saturated. twenty one

It was like a marathon. When he thought he would be exhausted after finishing, he discovered that he still had a lot of strength! He could still run another half marathon!

"It's not developed yet..." Uchiha Xiao murmured.

If a group of ninjas hear this, they will definitely get a blank stare. Isn’t this kind of power fully developed? How far do you want to develop it?!

Just when everyone's morale was low.

"Pa!" A crisp sound sounded, and everyone turned their attention.

I saw Naruto's fists and palms striking each other. There was no look of fear on his face, only unparalleled confidence!

Naruto spoke slowly, his voice spreading throughout the audience: "Perhaps, this guy was the strongest in the ninja world, but I only know that if we can't stop this guy here, then the village will be destroyed!"

Naruto continued: "Everyone! Behind us is Konoha! I will never allow this guy to step into Konoha!!"

The morale of the surrounding ninjas was very low. After hearing Naruto's words, the expressions on their faces gradually became firmer.

Yes, the village is behind them. If they can't stop Uchiha Xiao, the village will be in great disaster!

In order to prevent this scene, even if you die, you will not hesitate!

Many ninjas have figured this out, and their eyes are firm, revealing a sense of fearlessness in death.

The breeze blew Naruto's yellow hair and clothes flying, Kakashi looked at this scene in a daze: "Teacher...

Jiraiya smiled, he was indeed a father and son, they really looked alike.

Itachi also looked at Naruto with some surprise. According to the intelligence, Naruto was just a hot-blooded young man with a low IQ, but now it was really not easy to mobilize the morale of the soldiers with just a few words.

Gaara smiled, he had always thought Naruto was very powerful, and now he felt very happy to be able to fight with Naruto.

Onoki also smiled: "What an awesome kid. Even I, who is not from Konoha, get excited hearing this."

Itachi looked at Uchiha Xiao. Thanks to Naruto, his Chakra had recovered a little. Although it was not much, it was enough to drive Susanoo for a minute. As long as he could hurt Uchiha Xiao with the Ten Fist Sword, he could force it. seal!

Itachi walked to Naruto and said briefly: "Naruto, cooperate with me later, I have the means to seal Uchiha Xiao.

Naruto looked at Itachi: "Who are you? Alas! You and Sasuke look alike!"

Itachi nodded: "I am his brother."

Naruto's expression suddenly changed: "You are the one Sasuke has always wanted to kill!"

Itachi didn't speak, Jiraiya said next to him: "Naruto, Itachi is from Konoha, there are many things you don't know yet, but you just need to know that Itachi is trustworthy!

Seeing what Jiraiya said, Naruto nodded heavily.

Naruto turned around and looked around, and then asked: "Why don't you see the thick eyebrow teacher?"

Hearing Naruto's words, Kakashi's face suddenly darkened. Jiraiya sighed, and then answered Naruto:

"Might Guy, he died in battle..."

When Naruto heard this, his pupils shrank, and then his face turned painful: "If, if I could have come here earlier, I would have been able to avoid this happening!"

Jiraiya patted Naruto on the shoulder and said: "Naruto, Guy burned his life for his companions and the village, and he is the hero of Konoha.

Naruto looked at Jiraiya, with tears in his eyes, and then said: "I will avenge Teacher Thick Eyebrows, and Grandpa Third Generation. I will also beat Sasuke up and pull him back from Uchiha Xiao." Konoha!"

Jiraiya looked slightly shocked: "You know everything?!" For the sake of Naruto's training progress, he did not tell Naruto about Sasuke's defection.

Naruto nodded: "I've known it for a long time, but I know that if I don't get strong power, I won't be able to save Sasuke!"

Hearing Naruto's words, Jiraiya truly felt that Naruto had grown up!

Jiraiya thought silently in his heart: "You are already a ninja who can stand alone, Minato..."

At this time, Naruto said again: "Also, dad is the Fourth Hokage. As the son of the Hokage, I will never let my dad's Hokage name be shamed!"

Jiraiya became even more uneasy: "You know this too?!"

Naruto nodded and told Jiraiya what happened in his spiritual world.

Jiraiya nodded understandingly: "With Minato's talent, it seems like something he could have done."

At this time, Onoki suddenly said: "This is the end of the 830 chat, Uchiha Xiao's growing momentum has stabilized.

Several people looked at Uchiha Xiao. Uchiha Xiao just stood there, exuding an indescribable aura of superiority.

"Just let me break this guy's face!" Naruto shouted.

Jiraiya took the lead in launching the attack. He opened his mouth and spat out, and a fireball hit Uchiha Xiao like a missile.

"Fire Style-Fire Bullet!"

"Water Style-Water Wave!" Uchiha Xiao simply made two seals, and the next second, a water circle appeared around Uchiha Xiao.

Then the water circle rose rapidly and turned into a waterspout.

The fire bomb hit the waterspout and stirred up a burst of water vapor, but it had no impact on the Water Style.

The waterspout rose high, and then the waterspout suddenly "fell" and fell in the direction of Jiraiya and others.

At this moment, Onoki walked out, rubbing a cube with white light in his hand.

"Dust Escape-Original Stripping Technique!"

"call out!"

Chen Dun flew to the front of the powerful water wave and quickly expanded into a huge cube.

The next second, most of Uchiha Xiao's water wave was broken into atoms by Chen Dun, and the remaining water posed no threat.

Uchiha Xiao looked at Ohnoki and said, "Very energetic."

Ohnoki felt the full Nine Tails Chakra on his body and smiled: "Of course, I can still fight you for three hundred rounds!"

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