Konoha: Maximum Level Uchiha, Reincarnation By Impure World

Chapter 104: Ashura’S Power Of Reincarnation! (Please Subscribe!)

In the eyes of all ninjas who were caught in a time pause, the scene just now looked like this.

Just when the Ten Fist Sword was about to strike Uchiha Xiao, Uchiha Xiao's figure suddenly disappeared, followed by a loud noise, and Itachi's Susanoo was inexplicably broken and dissipated.

Uchiha Itachi covered his chest and inserted a black rod straight into his heart. It could be seen from Itachi's expression that he didn't notice anything about it.

Then there was an air explosion, and Naruto inexplicably appeared in the air and kicked Uchiha Xiao, and then Uchiha Xiao landed firmly on the ground.

This scene is really too weird, so weird that it’s terrifying.

It's like a complete video, and then an evil person cut a knife in the middle of the video, causing a section of the complete video to be missing.

At this time, Naruto said to the people around him in confusion: "Why didn't everyone move just now? I didn't even try to save Brother Itachi."

Jiraiya and others looked at each other and didn't move. What does this mean?

Jiraiya shook his head and said: "I don't understand what you mean Naruto, we didn't see why Itachi was stabbed suddenly.

Naruto opened his eyes and was about to say something.

At this time, Shikaku walked forward and asked Naruto: "Naruto, can you tell me what you just saw?"

Naruto said: "I saw Brother Itachi and you suddenly stopped moving, and then that guy broke Brother Itachi's outer protection with his fist, and then went in and hurt Brother Itachi. I couldn't get angry, so I went over and gave him a kick."

At this time, Naruto showed an incomprehensible expression: "Well...then, everyone was suddenly able to move again."

Everyone looked at Uchiha Xiao. Naruto's kick did not cause much harm to Uchiha Xiao.

Jiraiya looked at Uchiha Xiao cautiously and said, "Is it an illusion? I just saw him using Sharingan." He remembered that when the Ten Fist Sword was about to hit, Uchiha Xiao's eyes flashed a red light.

Shikaku's eyes flashed, and he opened his mouth. Just as he was about to express his speculation, Onoki suddenly exclaimed: "Time stops!"

Lu Jiu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Yes, I also think this is the ability to stop time.

Time stops! Is there such a technique in this world?

Everyone looked at Ohnoki, wondering how he knew it was.

Ohnoki swallowed his saliva and said: "More than fifty years ago, Uchiha Xiao fought against a family's elite force. There were hundreds of people in that force, and Uchiha Xiao was forced into a desperate situation."

Then, a trace of panic flashed in Inanomu's eyes:

"Then there was a scene like the one just now. Uchiha Xiao's figure suddenly disappeared, hundreds of ninjas were suddenly fatally injured, and their blood bloomed like a huge flower in an instant!"

Everyone broke out in cold sweat after hearing Ohnoki's description.

Time stops, are you kidding me?! Why is there such a technique in this world?!!

For a powerful ninja, even one second can be a life-saving second or a fatal second. "Not to mention a figure like Uchiha Xiao who stands at the top of the ninja.

Even though all the ninjas couldn't believe it, the fact is here. Uchiha Xiao relied on time stop to hurt Itachi. At this time, Itachi was lying on the ground not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Everyone fell into panic. At Uchiha Xiao's speed, even if time stopped for only a few seconds, it would be enough to kill Jiraiya and the others.

At this moment, Naruto shouted: "What are you afraid of?! Since I can still move, it means that stopping at a certain time is of no use to me!"

Jiraiya said: "But it will be difficult if Naruto is alone."

However, Naruto smiled and said, "Who said there is only one person!"

Everyone looked sideways, and Jiraiya asked: "Naruto, what solution did you come up with?"

I saw Naruto grinning and forming seals with his hands.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

After saying that, thousands of Shadow Clone appeared around, and then thousands of Shadow Clone shouted in unison: "There is more than one person!!!"

Each Shadow Clone quickly dispatched, and one Shadow Clone was responsible for docking with a ninja. The entire battlefield suddenly turned into a bright yellow, and there was a Naruto standing next to each ninja.

"I will protect everyone well!"

Thousands of clones shouted in unison. Although it was noisy, it gave thousands of ninjas a great sense of security.

"Thank you, Naruto!"

"Naruto, thank you, I'm sorry about what happened before..."

"Naruto, I will definitely vote for you to be the Hokage in the future!"

The ninjas all thanked Naruto sincerely, and many of Naruto's clones blushed shyly.

Jiraiya and Kakashi were both stunned, and then looked at each other and laughed. They had not thought of such a simple method.

…Please give me flowers…

Onoki also looked at Naruto with admiration and said, "Naruto, your dream is to become a Hokage, right? I believe you can do it!"

Naruto raised his thumb and said: "Yeah! I will definitely become a Hokage! Thank you! Shorty is making trouble!"

Upon hearing Naruto's words, Onoki's face changed instantly: "You told me I am Tsuchikage! Not a short grandpa!"

Jiraiya looked at the backs of Naruto's guardians and was very pleased: "" Minato, I really hope you can see this scene and see Naruto who sincerely protects the village.

Kakashi was also a little relieved. The figures of Might Guy and Obito overlapped with Naruto's figure again, and then the figures of Might Guy and Obito disappeared again.

Kakashi thought to himself: "Naruto, you will definitely be able to live your own life."

At the same time, Uchiha Xiao was also sizing up Naruto. Uzumaki Naruto was the first person to be able to escape the time-stopping effect of Yuzu's life.

All we can say is, is it because of the power of Six Paths?

Although Uchiha Xiao's Yuzu Life is the ability of Mangekyō Sharingan, in the final analysis, Sharingan is an extension of Rinnegan and will naturally be affected by the power of Six Paths.

Seeing Uchiha Xiao looking at him, Naruto immediately put on a wary expression.

Naruto can now feel the good and evil of others. He felt a trace of extremely sharp malice from Uchiha Xiao, which made Naruto very uncomfortable.

Uchiha Xiao sneered and mocked: "As expected of Ashura, the way to become stronger is terrifyingly easy. If you die, you can be resurrected and gain the same power as me. But I have gone through hardships to gain this power."

Naruto said unhappily: "My power is to protect the entire ninja world, not to cause destruction everywhere! This is the hope lent to me by Grandpa Six Paths, and! I don't care about Ashura, I only know that I am Uzumaki Naruto!"

Then Naruto looked into Uchiha Xiao's eyes and said, "And Grandpa Six Paths said that your eyes are more dangerous than Kaguya! I will definitely defeat a dangerous person like you!"

Hearing this sentence, Uchiha Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly. His eyes were more dangerous than Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's?

This allowed Uchiha Xiao to further verify his conjecture. It seems that the potential of his eyes has not been fully developed.

The Rinnegan itself can be further upgraded [This feels right?.

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