Konoha: Maximum Level Uchiha, Reincarnation By Impure World

Chapter 148: Flying Thunder God, Is It Useful? (Please Subscribe!)

"Tsk..." Seeing Susana break, Uchiha Xiao made a dissatisfied voice.

Under this series of bombardments, Uchiha Xiao's Susanoo quickly collapsed and turned into pieces.

The Tandem Paper Bombs quickly stopped exploding after losing their target, leaving only a large cloud of smoke on the battlefield.

Sasuke was eager to see how Uchiha Xiao was doing.

Sasuke thought for a moment about that kind of horrific explosion. If it were him, he probably wouldn't survive.

Then, Sasuke looked at Second Generation with a strange look. Could it be that Second Generation is the strongest one? In the battle just now, it was Second Hokage who was doing the damage.

The natural disaster-like water dragon and the detonating talisman that exploded continuously left a deep impression on Sasuke.

The red light of the explosion shone in Tsunade's eyes, and Tsunade's eyes flickered, thinking about something.

Outsiders don't know, but Second Generation, as someone who has gotten along with Uchiha Xiao, knows that there is absolutely no way that Uchiha Xiao could be killed in a bomb like this, not to mention that he is still stronger now than before!

With this in mind, Second Generation continued to form seals.

Water Style- Water Severing Wave!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The water flow was compressed to the extreme and turned into a sharp water jet, which was shot into the thick smoke.

Uchiha Xiao was naturally fine. He moved his ears slightly and heard the sound of water flowing.


A 363 water jet flew towards him, but Uchiha Xiao avoided it in anticipation.

Another one flew towards him, and he continued to dodge, followed by more water knives, and his figure became faster and faster.

However, at this moment, Uchiha Xiao seemed to have discovered something, and his scarlet eyes turned to the Water Severing Wave rushing by.

"Flying Thunder God Slash!"

The figure of Second Generation suddenly appeared, holding a ninja sword and stabbing Uchiha Xiao straight in the heart.

However, Uchiha Xiao seemed to have expected it. He stretched out a hand early, twitched his hand suddenly, and directly took the Second Generation's ninja sword in his hand.

Grab the knife!

Second Generation's face instantly turned ugly.

Uchiha Xiao smiled: "Put the Flying Thunder God kunai into the Water Severing Wave. It's yours, Tobirama." Uchiha Xiao recognized Second Generation's intelligence.

However, in the ears of Second Generation, this is a great irony. You have seen through my plan, and then you praise me. Isn't this ridicule?

But now that we are close, we must fight to the death to get a piece of meat from Uchiha Xiao! Anyway, he is just Impure World Reincarnation!

"Whoosh!" Two kunai appeared in Second Generation's hands, wrapped the kunai with Water Style, and attacked Uchiha Xiao with very dexterous physical skills.

Uchiha Xiao snorted coldly: "It's all bells and whistles!" As he said that, he stretched out his arm.

Originally, Second Generation was still wondering, why are you reaching out without forming a seal? Do you plan to resist? However, the strange purple light in Uchiha Xiao's eyes made Second Generation feel a sense of crisis in his heart.

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

"Boom!" A shock wave hit Second Generation at a very close distance.

"Bang!" A burst of white debris exploded from Second Generation's body, and then the whole person flew backwards.

Seeing Second Generation flying backwards, First Generation subconsciously ran over and caught Second Generation.

"Are you okay? Tobirama!" First Generation asked hurriedly.

Second Generation lay in First Generation's arms, looking at First Generation's worried face, and said helplessly: "Brother, we are Impure World Reincarnation now, unless it is sealed, nothing will happen.

First Generation instantly looked flustered: "Yes, yes, I know that too! I'm just testing you, Tobirama!" He threw Second Generation to the ground.

Second Generation rubbed his head speechlessly, and then talked about the situation just now: "The one just now seemed to be the Rinnegan. 17

First Generation also returned to seriousness: "Is that the repulsive force just now? Tell me in detail."

Second Generation's expression was solemn: "It has no seal, instant cast, and strong attack power. If I hadn't been for the Impure World Reincarnation, I would have been seriously injured just now.

"What a tricky ability..." As he said this, First Generation clasped his hands together, and two black stripes appeared on his face.

Just now, First Generation has not attacked, but let Second Generation go first. First, let Second Generation go to find out Uchiha Xiao's current ability, and second, let First Generation absorb natural energy here.

This is why it gives Sasuke and others the impression that First Generation is fishing in (cbca).

And now, First Generation has entered Sage Mode and is now on his home court!

At this moment, Uchiha Xiao also walked out of the smoke screen. When they saw Uchiha Xiao, the two brothers were startled.

I saw that Uchiha Xiao's face also had the same black stripes as First Generation.

Uchiha Xiao's face showed the same chuckle as always: "Zi Zi Xian Jutsu is a good thing."

Seeing Uchiha Xiao using his magic so confidently, First Generation smiled instead of getting angry: "As expected of you, Xiao, you are still as talented as before, making people jealous."

Uchiha Xiao raised an eyebrow: "Do you also have the emotion of 'jealousy'?"

"Yes!" First Generation admitted without hiding it.

A hearty smile appeared on First Generation's face: "However, since I learned about your and Rena's ideals, all I have in my heart is admiration and friendship for you. You, like Madara, are my best friends! !!”

Uchiha Xiao has heard this kind of words too much. He turned to look at Tsunade: "You see, your grandfather is such an arrogant man who likes to talk to himself, and..."

As he said that, Uchiha Xiao looked back at First Generation, his eyes extremely cold: "I told you, you are not qualified to mention Rena's name!"

After finishing speaking, before First Generation could say anything, Uchiha Xiao clasped his hands together.

"Wood Style!"

Seeing that the battle situation has developed to this situation, Second Generation also knew that he could not intervene. Seeing that Uchiha Xiao did not stop him, he came to Tsunade's side.

"Second Generation..." Tsunade didn't dare to look at Second Generation. She knew that Second Generation valued Konoha no less than her grandfather. Most of Konoha's current infrastructure and policies were founded by Second Generation. .

"Tsunade, Uchiha Xiao's Wood Style and Rinnegan were all made with your help, right?" Second Generation recalled Orochimaru's words and asked Tsunade.

There was still a trace of luck in his heart. Maybe the guy named Orochimaru was just talking nonsense. After all, Orochimaru didn't look like a good person.

However, Tsunade's answer shattered the last chance of Second Generation.

"Well..." Tsunade made a sound as small as a mosquito. Although the sound was small, the meaning was very clear.

Tsunade admitted that she helped Uchiha Xiao obtain Rinnegan and Wood Style.

"Tsunade, you know my character. I'm not as easy to talk to as my elder brother. Now, I only say one sentence.

After hearing these words, Tsunade had to look at Second Generation even if he didn't want to face it anymore.

I saw Second Generation looking directly into Tsunade's eyes: "Tsunade, your behavior has embarrassed me and my eldest brother. If you had been asked to commit suicide in the Sengoku era, do you understand?!"

Listening to the second grandfather's words, Tsunade buried his head deeper and fell into deep self-blame. .

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