Konoha: Maximum Level Uchiha, Reincarnation By Impure World

Chapter 72: Sasuke Vs Itachi! "Brothers, Friends And Brothers Respect Each Other"! (Please

Chapter 57

Uchiha Xiao is a very patient person. He has been standing next to Yagura during these times, waiting for Rinnegan to fully open up.

Tsunade on the side also noticed something wrong. She didn't notice it when she just had the surgery, but she slowly discovered it afterwards.

She found that her hemophobia disappeared!

This symptom has troubled her for twenty years, so much so that as a holy hand, she was unable to perform basic medical tasks, and her brother and lover died.

She just hangs around various gambling houses and pubs every day.

And just now she discovered that the shackles that had restrained her for twenty years had just disappeared?

Is it because we will see Nawaki and Dan soon?

Tsunade touched the necklace around his neck, feeling a little confused.

She knew that hemophobia was a psychological factor, but she didn't feel in a good mood these days and was always very scared.

The longing for Nawaki and Dan, the guilty conscience of being a helper of evil, and the pain of becoming a sinner in the ninja world.

Can such a mentality still treat hemophobia?

Uchiha Xiao also felt Tsunade's mood swings, but he ignored it and continued to stare at Yagura's body.

At this moment, an eagle whistle came from outside the base, and then a sturdy eagle flew in.

Uchiha Xiao stretched out his arm, and the eagle found the support point and stood on the arm.

"What's the matter?" Uchiha Xiao frowned. This eagle is one of Uchiha Xiao's Summoning beasts, specially sent to inspect Sasuke's work.

If the eagle comes, then there is a high possibility that Sasuke's mission has failed!

The eagle spoke with the voice of a mature man: "Master Xiao, Uchiha Sasuke successfully captured the Four Tails Jinchūriki alive, but was seriously injured as a result.

Hearing the eagle say that Four Tails was successfully caught, Uchiha Xiao relaxed a little, as long as Four Tails was caught.

Tsunade on the side was confused. With One Tail and Two Tails here, plus Sasuke's Mangekyō Sharingan, he would not be seriously injured.

Uchiha Xiao answered, although he has control over the Mangekyō Sharingan and the two tailed beasts, Sasuke's strength may not be convincing in front of the two star beasts.

Moreover, Sasuke is inexperienced in fighting, especially in such a large-scale battle, and he does not have much Chakra himself, so Mangekyō cannot last long.

So Uchiha Xiao could predict that this battle would not be easy, and he also expected that Sasuke would be seriously injured.

However, at this moment, the eagle suddenly flapped its wings a few times, and its steady voice became urgent.

"Master Xiao! I just saw the figures of Kisame Inikasaki and Uchiha Itachi! They are approaching Uchiha Sasuke`"!"

Uchiha Xiao looked at the eagle, and saw a burst of blue light in the eagle's eyes.

The reason why this eagle can become Uchiha Xiao's Summoning Beast is because the eagle masters a secret technique, the three-eyed Technique.

This technique can leave a mark on the place where it has been, and then no matter how far the eagle runs, it can use the secret technique to spy on the place where the mark was left before, just like watching a surveillance camera.

And now, the eagle saw the picture from the mark.

Uchiha Xiao also understood the purpose of Team Itachi, probably to capture Four Tails Jinchūriki.

Sasuke's life was secondary. Itachi would let him go in the end anyway, but once Itachi and the others took away the Four Tails, Uchiha Xiao would inevitably go to the Akatsuki organization to kill him.

He didn't want to do such a troublesome thing.

It seems that he still has to solve it himself.


Kamui space opened and Uchiha Xiao walked in.

There is a plain on the border of the Earth Kingdom. The scenery here was originally pleasant, but now the ground is full of cracks and potholes, and there are even many traces of flames and gunpowder smoke.

Obviously, there has just been a big war here.

Sasuke carried the unconscious Four Tails Jinchūriki Laozi on his back, feeling a sense of pride in his heart.

Although Sasuke was seriously injured at this time and had no Chakra left, he still recalled the battle just now and said to himself:

"Jinchūriki, it's not that difficult to capture alive..."

Four Tails Jinchūriki, Lao Zi, is good at using the powerful Lava Style Chakra, and is very compatible with Four Tails. In addition, Uchiha Xiao's order to Sasuke is to capture Lao Zi alive "cannot


After several factors, this battle was enough for Sasuke to suffer a lot, and the chakra in his body was almost drained.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly appeared not far away.

"Mr. Itachi, is this your brother? He looks very embarrassed~"

Sasuke turned his head sharply, and at this glance, he saw someone he had not expected.

"Itachi!" Sasuke shouted, and his dark eyes turned blood red, and then geometric patterns were arranged in his pupils.

Kisame expressed surprise: "Mr. Itachi, your brother's eyes are very similar to yours!"

Itachi didn't respond to Kisame's yelling, but looked into Sasuke's eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

Sasuke saw Itachi. Although he knew the truth from Uchiha Xiao's mouth, he still couldn't help the anger in his heart, and Chakra immediately began to mobilize in his body.

"Uchiha Sasuke!"

A voice woke Sasuke out of his rage. He looked up and saw Uchiha's black eagle Summoningmon.

"You retreat! This is Master Xiao's order!" Eagle said.

".Shout!" Sasuke paid great attention to Uchiha Xiao's order. Just when he was about to pull away, he looked at Itachi.

When he saw Itachi still looked like he had nothing to do with himself and was alone, as if he was independent from the world and everything had nothing to do with him, Sasuke immediately became very angry.

The body that had originally planned to retreat remained motionless. Sasuke wanted to turn his head, but Itachi's face kept Sasuke unable to move his eyes away.

"Uchiha Sasuke!" the eagle called again, reminding Sasuke to obey Uchiha Lian's orders.

However, Sasuke now had no intention of retreating. He stared at Itachi: "I gained strength just to defeat Itachi, so how can I retreat at this moment?!"

Seeing that Sasuke couldn't be persuaded, the eagle could only place a mark here and then flew out.

Sasuke quickly formed seals with his hands, and then strong electric light formed on his hands.


The Chakra on his body was almost exhausted, but facing Itachi, Sasuke chose to continue to increase the Chakra. In an instant, the Chidori Lightning in his hand became a little stronger.

"Itachi!" Sasuke roared, and his whole body turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Itachi.

(Wang Hao) Just as Chidori was about to penetrate Itachi's body, Itachi's figure suddenly flashed and then appeared beside Sasuke.

Sasuke's pupils shrank, his Mangekyō Sharingan actually didn't see Itachi's movements clearly! Man!


Itachi grabbed Sasuke's hand, and Sasuke felt a force pushing him to the ground floor.


The powerful Chidori hit the ground hard, and the ground instantly opened with ferocious cracks like spider webs.

"Ho ho, that's pretty powerful." Kisame commented from the side. He was not in a hurry to take Four Tails away, and just enjoyed the scene of "brothers and brothers respecting each other".

Sasuke was lying in the pit, his neck was pinched so hard by Itachi that he couldn't move any part of his body.

"Damn it..." Sasuke couldn't understand why he was so easily snatched away from Itachi when he already had Mangekyō Sharingan.

This is of course due to the fact that Sasuke just experienced a big battle, but the most fundamental reason is that there is a huge gap in strength between him and Itachi. .

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