The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

Barbecue restaurant.

Naruto took Hinata's hand and walked to the door of the store.


The waitress at the door saw that there were guests coming, and she bowed to welcome them with a smile on her face.

However, after seeing the guests clearly, she was surprised.

"Wait, you can't go in!"

The waiter hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop Naruto and Hinata.

"What's wrong? Why don't you let us in?"

Naruto was a little dissatisfied when he saw the attitude of the girl who greeted the guests.

Visitors are guests, why don't they let them in?

"Sorry, we don't welcome demon foxes here!"

The waiter stood at the door with his hands on his hips, looking at Naruto arrogantly, with a face full of disgust.

She knew Naruto's identity very well.

This child was the child of the nine-tailed demon fox that had once scourged the village.

It was a potential threat!

If he was allowed in, other customers would definitely be dissatisfied.

As expected.

Some customers in the store were shocked when they saw Naruto appear at the door of the store.

Other customers who were wandering around the store and preparing to patronize the store were also scared and dared not approach after seeing Naruto, and pulled their friends away with panic on their faces.

A large group of people quickly gathered around, pointing at Naruto and whispering.

"Look, this is the son of the fox demon! He really looks ferocious!"

"Stay away from him, don't get involved with him, otherwise it will bring misfortune!"

"How can he come here and let others do business? Get out of here!"


They thought that if they whispered, others would not hear it.

But they didn't know that all these words were heard by Naruto.

The owner of the store also came out. When he saw this scene, he frowned and walked out with a gloomy face. He glared at Naruto and drove him away directly: "Go away quickly, you are not welcome here, don't come to interfere with our business! If you are here, other customers will not dare to come!"

Hearing these words, Naruto's face sank.

He knew that these people were afraid of him.

Because he had the Nine-Tails sealed in his body.

Before they completely changed their ideas, they would never welcome him.

"Let's go, Hinata."

Naruto felt a little sad.

The sadness and helplessness of the past emerged again.

He said to Hinata dejectedly and wanted to turn around and leave.

It was not easy to have time to eat with her.

It seems that there is no chance now!

But Hinata did not move.

She could feel Naruto's sadness at this time.

It was not easy to make the people in the village change their views on him.

But he did not expect to return to thirty years ago again, and experience such a thing again.

If he can't have this barbecue, he will definitely be very sad!

Hinata gritted her teeth, looked up at the owner of the barbecue restaurant, and spoke in an unquestionable tone.

"Today, the Hyuga clan has reserved this barbecue restaurant!"


Hearing this, Ningci, who was following behind, was surprised.

Hinata wants to reserve the restaurant for Naruto?

Others were also shocked and looked at Hinata in amazement.

"Is this the eldest daughter of the Hyuga family, Hinata?"

"What does she want to do?"

"Purchase the restaurant? Is she going to reserve the restaurant for the son of this demon fox?"

"Is she crazy?"

"Does the head of the Hyuga clan know about this?"

People around were talking about it.

Naruto looked at Hinata in surprise.

Hinata gave him a gentle smile, as warm as a spring breeze!

A smile appeared on Naruto's face.

He knew that Hinata did this for himself.

"Thank you, Hinata!"

Naruto was grateful from the bottom of his heart and held Hinata's hand tightly.

Hinata shook her head slightly and looked at Naruto with deep affection: "This is what I should do!"

Naruto smiled but said nothing.

After years of husband and wife feelings, they no longer need to say too much.

Hinata looked at the barbecue shop owner with a serious expression: "How?"

The barbecue shop owner looked embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

If it were someone else, he might have refused directly.

But the Hyuga clan is a very powerful family.

And the one standing in front of him is the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan and the future heir of the Hyuga clan.

If he offended her, the consequences would be very serious.

The barbecue shop owner hesitated for a moment and decided to choose the lesser of two evils.

Agree first

She, so as not to offend the Hyuga clan.

Let's wait and see what happens to the Hyuga clan for what she did.

As for the son of the demon fox...

If it wasn't for the eldest daughter of the Hyuga family, how could he be allowed to enter the store?

Anyway, what he does is the business of the eldest daughter of the Hyuga family, not the business of the son of the demon fox.

He was also forced to do so.

With this thought, the owner of the barbecue restaurant finally let go, stepped aside, raised his hand and said, "Come in!"

Hinata smiled slightly, took Naruto's hand, and walked into the store openly!

Seeing this, Ningci's face was a little gloomy.

He didn't know why Hinata did this.

But the consequences of doing so would definitely not be too good.

You will pay a huge price for being happy for a while!

With a cold snort, Ningci followed into the store.

Naruto had eaten barbecue before.

But at that time, it was Iruka teacher who packed it for him and asked him to improve the food.

That was his first time to eat barbecue. He was so excited at that time that he couldn't imagine that there was such delicious food in the world.

It tastes much better than instant noodles!

In addition to Ichiraku Ramen, his favorite food is barbecue.

It's just a pity that his monthly living expenses are not much, not enough to support such a huge consumption.

Today is an exception.

His wife Hinata has recovered her memory, which is a fortunate thing.

After becoming Hokage in his previous life, he was busy with work all day and had no time to eat with his family, which also caused dissatisfaction from his son Boruto.

This is what he owes them.

Today, Hinata happened to recover her memory, so he simply brought her to improve the food.

But he didn't expect to encounter this situation.

People in the past couldn't understand him and accept him.

So it was so difficult for him to have a good meal.

If it weren't for Hinata today, I'm afraid this meal would be impossible to eat.

She is really a gentle, kind, virtuous and considerate good wife!

Let's treat it as compensation and gratitude to her today!

A long-awaited date should be very romantic?

Of course, if there is no follower behind!

Naruto glanced at Neji who insisted on following him, and a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes.

He was dating his wife, and this guy had to come over to be a light bulb!

It's so annoying!

Along the way, Neji followed Naruto and Hinata closely without saying a word.

Although Naruto pulled Hinata to get rid of him halfway, he was caught up by him in the end.

There was no way, Naruto had to acquiesce to this result.

Since it can't be changed, just enjoy it.

Just pretend that this guy doesn't exist!

Naruto pulled Hinata and talked and laughed all the way.

Neji followed behind, watching every move of the two.

There is no doubt that Hinata's behavior is a blatant violation of the rules of the Hyuga family.

She will probably be severely punished by the head of the family after she returns.

As a member of the branch family, my job is to protect the main family.

Hinata did such a thing, and I can't escape the blame.

Rather than leaving it alone, I might as well follow them.

At least I can explain to the head of the family after I go back.

Since Hinata called for a private barbecue restaurant, the other customers have left one after another.

The waitress arranged an empty seat for the three people, took the order and arranged the dishes tremblingly, and then ran away in a hurry.

Seeing her like this, Naruto couldn't help but sigh.

"Don't worry, everything will change!"

Hinata said gently, and put a piece of meat she grilled by hand into Naruto's bowl.

"Thank you!"

Naruto glanced at Hinata and smiled with relief.

"You're welcome!"

Hinata smiled sweetly.

Naruto was very happy in his heart.

My wife is good to me.

Until he saw Neji's face opposite.

Naruto swallowed the sweet words that were about to come to his mouth.

Naruto and Hinata sat in a row.

Neji sat opposite them.

Looking at Neji's cold face, Naruto felt uncomfortable.

Too serious, not lively at all.

Isn't it disgusting!

"Well, Neji, can you sit over there so that Hinata and I can have a good meal?"

Naruto suggested to Neji.

Neji refused directly: "No, my duty is to protect Lady Hinata, I must always be by her side."

Naruto pointed to the empty table next to him: "Can't I just go to the table next to me? This won't affect your protection of Hinata, right?"

Neji still refused: "No, I must be with you, otherwise what if you do something bad to Hinata?"

Naruto was speechless.

What else can he do?

This is me


"Forget it, I won't talk to you anymore, I'll just pretend you don't exist!"

Naruto saw that Neci didn't want to listen, so he just didn't bother to talk anymore, and just pretended he didn't exist!

The sizzling barbecue exuded a fragrant aroma, which made people's taste buds excited.

Naruto put some into Hinata's bowl.

Hinata smiled gently in return.

The two talked and laughed, just like a couple who had been together for a long time.

Neci watched all this quietly.

He felt that Hinata was too abnormal today.

Hinata used to be reserved, introverted, not good at speaking, shy, and submissive, which was completely different from today's sharpness.


Neci suddenly spoke, interrupting Naruto and Hinata's jokes.

"Although I don't know why you are so abnormal today, I still want to remind you that as the eldest daughter of the Hyuga family, you should always pay attention to your identity."

Hinata smiled back and said, "I know, Brother Ningci, I just had a meal with Naruto-kun, it doesn't have any impact, right?"

"If the head of the family knew about your words and actions just now, I'm afraid..."

Ningci said expressionlessly.

"Brother Ningci, don't use my father to pressure me!"

Hinata's face suddenly sank.

Bringing an inexplicable pressure to Ningci.

Although Hinata's appearance at this time is much smaller than him.

But the pressure released at this moment made him tremble and look shocked.

"Brother Ningci, I just want to have a good meal with Naruto-kun now, so don't say those spoiling words anymore, otherwise, I will ask you to leave!"

Hinata stared at Ningci, with big eyes on her small face, her eyes were sharp and exuded a hint of determination.

Ningci was shocked.

He really couldn't understand Hinata's change.

He even felt strange.

It was as if she wasn't the Hinata in his memory.

She looked more like another person.

But this was clearly Hinata's appearance.

He had grown up with her, so he wouldn't be wrong.

So, what happened to her?

What made her change like this?

Was it Naruto?

Neji glanced at Naruto next to him.

Hinata had changed so much since she came into contact with Naruto.

Was it really him?

But how did he do it?

How did he make Hinata, who was originally reserved, become so outspoken now?

Although Hinata at this moment made him feel strange.

But calm down and think about it carefully.

This might be a good thing.

Hinata was right.

The rules of the Hyuga clan in the past were too corrupt.

He had the most profound experience.

It was time for some changes!

As the eldest daughter of the Hyuga family, the future of the Hyuga clan rests on her.

An heir who is submissive is not suitable to be in charge of the family. Hinata, who has her own ideas, is more suitable to take on the future of the family!

At this moment, Neji felt a little relieved.

"I know!"

Ningci answered Hinata's words calmly: "I won't talk anymore, just treat me as if I don't exist!"

The future is still unknown.

Hinata's change may be a good thing.

But it will take a lot of effort to change the entire Hyuga family.

First of all, she has to endure the punishment of the current head of the family!

Then she can find an opportunity to seek change!

The road is long and difficult!

No one knows what will happen in the future.

Can Hinata really do it?

Will Naruto be Hinata's lucky star?

Everything is unknown!

Neji decided to wait and see.

Since Hinata trusts Naruto so much.

Then he naturally has to know more about him.

Seeing that Neji was relieved, Hinata finally smiled.

"Brother Neji, what are you talking about? How can we pretend that you don't exist?"

Hinata reached out and took a piece of meat that Naruto had just grilled, put it in the bowl in front of Neji, and said to him gently: "Let's eat together!"

Ningci was slightly stunned.

At this moment, Hinata's smile was as gorgeous as a flower in his eyes!

Request "urgent update", request "use love to generate electricity"

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