The students were very excited.

"Ah?! No way, let us fight against the jonin?"

"Is this a joke? How can we beat them?"

"That's right, isn't this a mess?"

On the playground.

When Iruka announced the rules, there was a whisper from below.

Many students even thought that this arrangement was unfair.

Iruka was also helpless.

Just this morning.

The third generation Hokage suddenly informed him that the actual combat exercises between the students in the class were changed to actual combat exercises with the jonin.

Sure enough.

When this news came out, except for Naruto and Sasuke, everyone else complained.


Sasuke suddenly said, "It seems that the Third Generation wants to see your current strength. Kakashi should have told you the truth last night."

Sasuke is also a smart man. After all, he has so many years of experience.

Naruto nodded.

In the morning, after he guessed that the Third Generation might know, he guessed that there would be a test.

But he didn't expect that the Third Generation actually let the Jonin be the test prop.

Of course, this kind of test is neither good nor bad.

After all, he also needs to earn reputation points.

But this degree must be grasped.

After all, it is so far away, Kakashi may also be wrong.

Naruto has already thought of a countermeasure in his mind.

"Sasuke, wait and fight, don't use the Thunder Breathing Method."

Naruto rolled his eyes and said.

Now the outside world only knows that he has mastered the ninjutsu that is suspected to be Thunder Release, but they don't know that this is actually a breathing method that anyone can use.

This is like a ninjutsu is a complicated sniper rifle, which requires more operation and practice to be proficient.

The breathing method is equivalent to an automatic sniper rifle, with automatic aiming, and you only need to put in the bullet.

The power is the same, but the operability is lower.

How much value is contained in this?

This can completely make all the people in Konoha Village soldiers!

The current advantage is that no one knows that this is a breathing method that does not require extremely high talent to master.

Instead, everyone thinks it is a lightning ninjutsu.

In this case, Naruto is ready to continue the misunderstanding.

Until Tsunade sits on the position of Hokage.

Of course, no one knows that Sasuke can do it, so Naruto can also use it as a big trump card and killer move.

Sasuke nodded.

With one word from Naruto, he knew what the other party was going to do.

This is the bond of many years.

"Okay! Okay! Be quiet!"

Teacher Iruka's majesty is still there. He shouted loudly and the whole audience fell silent.

"The jonin teachers are just tools to test your basics! They won't resist, they will only dodge!"

"So you don't need to worry too much. Of course, if you can force the jonin teachers to resist, it proves that you have reached the level of early graduation!"

Iruka explained the rules very thoroughly.

The other students also quieted down.

That's fine.

Otherwise, the jonin will resist, and they will be eliminated before they start, so what's the point of playing.


Two breezes blew on their faces.

Everyone's eyes were blurred.

Only Naruto's eyes were fixed, and he saw the person coming before everyone else.

Even Sasuke, who was standing next to him, was slow for a moment before he realized that someone was coming.

This doesn't mean that Sasuke is very bad at the moment.

It's because at this moment, Sasuke's chakra is not much, and he can't keep his eyes open all the time.

Naruto was able to find it earlier because he strengthened his whole body with the help of the system using breathing methods.

"Look, it's the Third Hokage!"

"It's true, the Third Hokage is paying so much attention to us!"

"Since the Third Hokage is here, we have to cheer up!"

When the Third Hokage and a special jonin, Gekko Hayate, appeared together, the whole audience burst into warm cheers.

This feeling is like a star attending a public event, surrounded by his fans.

Naruto looked at the familiar face of the Third Hokage, although he knew in his heart that the Third Hokage had used means on him, which made his childhood so miserable.

But thinking that he died in the hands of Orochimaru for Konoha Village in the end, he also sighed.

He looked at Gekko Hayate who accompanied the Third Hokage and frowned slightly. Could it be...


Before the actual combat test began, the Third Hokage began a passionate speech about Konoha and Naruto.

Naruto and Sasuke had heard it countless times, but in order not to be exposed, they pretended to be the same as usual.

During this period, the Third Hokage had his eyes on Naruto countless times


When he saw the sword on Naruto's waist, he was even more puzzled.

Where did this sword come from?

When did Naruto start using the sword?

Waves of questions hit his heart like waves.

If he hadn't been sure that no outsiders had broken into Konoha Village, he would have suspected that this Naruto was fake.

The passionate speech of the Third Hokage soon received warm applause.

This made the Third Hokage smile and touch his beard very comfortingly.

At this time, Iruka stood up and announced loudly.

"The first game, Sasuke vs. Jonin Gekkou Hayate!"

Teacher Iruka announced the first person to play.

Sasuke raised his eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, he was the first to play.

"Sasuke! Sasuke! He's the best! He's our white moonlight!"

"Come on! Sasuke! Don't let these jonin look down on us!"

Sasuke was speechless when he heard the cheers of the girls around him who spontaneously formed a cheerleading team.

Naruto patted him on the back and laughed: "You, even if you come back, you still steal my limelight."

Sasuke rolled his eyes at him: "Don't make sarcastic remarks, you know, I can't use all my strength. It should be you who steals the limelight, not me."

After that, he walked into the duel arena.

Naruto touched his head and smiled.

Moonlight Gale, Konoha's special jonin.

With Sasuke's current strength, if he uses it at full power, he can catch someone off guard.

But unfortunately, he still has to keep his own personality.

If the third generation knew that the young patriarch of Uchiha had grown so much overnight.

It would make the third generation alert.

It would make Danzo crazy.

In the duel arena.

Sasuke and Gekko Gale stood facing each other.


Iruka announced the start of the match loudly.

Just as he finished speaking.

Sasuke moved.

He did not use the bonus of Thunder Breathing.

Instead, he relied on the strength of this young body and his experience in his previous life.

Gekko Gale looked calm.

He even wanted to yawn.

For him, fighting with these children was just a way to kill some boring time.

If it wasn't for the Hokage finding him in the morning, he would have wanted to catch up on his sleep.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

Three kunai shot towards Gekko Gale's body.

He only took three steps back, and the kunai formed a parabola and pierced into the ground fiercely.

Child's trick.

Gekko Gale looked up at Sasuke in front of him.


It seems that it is just that.

"What are you looking at?"

Just as he was daydreaming, Sasuke's voice sounded behind Moonlight Gale.

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