The resurrection ticket is worth 10,000 reputation points.


Naruto thought it was difficult for him to achieve.

But as he experienced more things, his fame gradually became known.

Reputation points began to accumulate.

However, the final explosion of reputation was the moment when Tsunade-sanctioned him.

But this was only short-lived.

Naruto guessed that soon, the reputation of this area would stabilize.

But he couldn't stop.

So he aimed at the resurrection ticket.

"System, exchange two resurrection tickets!"

Naruto muttered in his heart.

The next moment.

The light flickered.

In Naruto's hand, two black and gold cards suddenly appeared.

At the same time, Naruto's reputation also instantly decreased by 20,000.

"System, how should I use it?"

Naruto asked.

"The host only needs to input chakra into the card and silently recite the resurrected character, and the card will begin to take effect."

The cold electronic sound of the system echoed in Naruto's mind.

It was so simple.

Naruto did it immediately.

He first took out a card and silently input his chakra according to the method.

At this moment, the card began to bloom with colorful streams.

Very dazzling.

Naruto's heart suddenly surged with excitement.


He still remembered the process and did not forget it because of excitement.

"Resurrect Minato Namikaze!"

The next moment!


The card shattered instantly.

The fragments turned into a sky full of light, but this light seemed to have consciousness and began to gradually condense and merge.

Finally, it formed a figure.

The figure turned from virtual to real in front of Naruto.

Yellow hair.

Warm eyes.

The robe of the Fourth Hokage of Konoha.

When Minato Namikaze appeared completely in front of Naruto.

The tears in Naruto's eyes were about to overflow.

"You are... Naruto?"

Minato opened his eyes, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Didn't he die in the battle?

How did he appear here?

Is that Naruto in front of him?

Minato felt a very kind feeling from the child in front of him.

"It's me, Dad, welcome back!"

Naruto had tears in his eyes.

In the confused eyes of Minato, he stretched out his arms and gave a big hug.

Come back?

Minato was very smart and immediately thought of a possibility.

"Naruto, do you mean, I'm resurrected?"

Minato's voice was full of trembling.

There are ninjutsu for resurrection in the ninja world.

The second generation's Impure World Reincarnation is one of them.

But looking at his body, it doesn't look like Impure World Reincarnation at all.

Naruto nodded heavily.

Minato suddenly remembered.

It seemed that when he was in Naruto's spiritual world, Naruto had said that he would revive himself.

He had always thought that Naruto said that to make him feel better.

Who would have thought.

This is actually true!

Naruto actually did it!

At this moment, Minato seemed to see the hardships that Naruto had gone through to revive himself.

"You've worked hard."

Even if Minato had thousands of words to say, they all turned into a sigh and an apology.

Naruto shook his head and smiled, "Dad, it's okay, wait a minute, I'll continue to revive."

Can he continue to revive?

The pupils in Minato's eyes kept jumping.

It was enough to see the surprise in his heart.

Naruto still copied the cat.

The next moment.

The second piece of card exploded and merged into a new figure.

Minato's heart suddenly jumped.

Before the figure became real, he felt a sense of anticipation.

Could it be that Naruto was going to revive...


His guess turned out to be correct.

The figure gradually turned real.

Red hair.

There was a hairpin on the left bun.

Minato's surprise gradually grew.

The tears in Naruto's eyes overflowed.

"Minato... is this... little Naruto?"

Kushina slowly opened her eyes.

She saw two dumbfounded men in front of her at a glance.

One was the familiar Minato, and this guy's eyes were full of excitement of reunion after a long absence.

The other child looked at her excitedly with tears in his eyes.

So ugly.

But Kushina felt a sense of intimacy from the child.

Combined with the memory of the night of the Nine-tailed Fox.

Her tone was full of disbelief.

"Mom, welcome back!"

"Wife, welcome back!"

Naruto and Minato's voices sounded at the same time.

Kushina looked over with a look of surprise on her face.

"Minato, you're here too! Are we...resurrected?"

Her tone was still full of disbelief.

Minato nodded, walked over, hugged Kushina, and said gently: "Yes, we are back, wife, all this is thanks to Naruto."

At Minato's reminder.

Kushina looked at Naruto.

Perhaps it was the guilt in her heart, or perhaps it was the excitement of a long-lost reunion.

Kushina hugged Naruto into her arms with tears in her eyes.

She said with a choked voice: "Naruto... Dad and Mom are sorry for you. In the future, Dad and Mom will make up for the regrets you missed before!"

Please "urge for more updates" and "use love to generate electricity". Thank you dear stepfathers and stepmothers! Let this book perform better and better, and I can update more and more, and for longer and longer periods of time! ! !

Minato and Kushina are resurrected, and Hinata is going to meet her parents, hahahaha

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