Konoha: Naruto's abnormal life choices

Chapter 227 Fenghua Xiaoxue’s Mother

Contrary to the poverty of the people, the main hall of the Snow King's Palace is splendid with carved beams and painted buildings. Dozens of maids burn incense and play music in front of the palace with charming faces.

The famous man was in a rage, tossing and turning in the sound of music.

His face was anxious, as if he was waiting for something.

"Why haven't Fubuki and the others come back yet?"

Feng Hua Nu Tao was mumbling that Feng Hua Xiaoxue had entered major cities one after another, which made him extremely anxious.

"Your Majesty, I received a letter from Fubuki-sama."

Outside the king's palace, soldiers came in to report.

Before the soldiers arrived, Feng Hua Furu Bao rushed to the soldiers impatiently: "Give me the letter quickly."

However, the moment he opened the letter, Feng Hua Furu Bao seemed to be extremely stimulated, and his whole person was almost in a shaky state.

What was written in the letter was nothing more than what really happened. Except for Tsurugi Fubuki who was captured, everyone else was killed.

"Two-thirds of the Jonin in the Land of Snow were all killed at once."

Feng Hua Nu Tao was completely in a state of downtime. He really couldn't believe that the enemy was so strong, why he was targeting a country of snow that was always in the cold winter.

Is it really because Fenghua Xiaoxue's personality is too strong that he met such a strong man and helped her without any regrets?

Why can't you choose me?

I'm so lucky, why don't I have this kind of luck?

The music is still playing, but Feng Hua Ragao has completely lost the mood to continue listening to it as before.

He must fight back and never sit back and wait for death.

"Go and notify all the ninjas in the royal city and all the soldiers to assemble. I will personally lead you in a counterattack."

The wind and flowers tore the letter into pieces and gave orders to the soldiers. At this moment, smoke suddenly appeared from the soldiers in front of him, and then turned into a masked kunoichi with long black hair.

The woman's speed was so fast that Feng Hua Furu Bao didn't even have time to react before she felt a cold blade on her neck.

The blade is completely transparent and is made of Ice Escape.

"I give you two choices, obey or die."

The music stopped, and all the singers around them fell into a coma.

Feng Hua Furu Tao's face turned green and white. He really didn't expect that the enemy would be able to directly break into the palace and kill him.

Why would such a person help Fenghua Xiaoxue?

"Friend, can you tell me why? I have never left the Country of Snow in my life, so I should have no grievances or enmities with you."

Feng Hua Ang Tao wanted to find out.

But the answer was "Pah!" and Bai's tone was cold: "You talk too much. I still say the same thing, either obey or die."

Although she likes to be tortured by Naruto, it doesn't mean that Bai will give others a good look if it causes her discomfort.

So Bai doesn't mind giving Feng Hua Raging a ride at any time.

Just like now, the ice knife in his hand has pierced Fenghua Nutao's neck, and scarlet blood flows down the broken skin.

The biting coldness instantly awakened Feng Hua Ang Tao. In front of Bai, he was not the aloof Snow King.

But a wretch who could be killed at any time.

"What do you need me to do? As long as you say I can do it, I will do it and I will never break my promise."

After all, Feng Hua Raging Tao is still afraid of death, and even addresses Bai with the word "you".

Afraid of upsetting Bai, he just cut him with a knife.

Bai nodded with satisfaction, and the ice blade circled, moved to Fenghua Nudao's chin, and went straight to his throat.

She asked: "Is the Queen of Snow Country still alive?"

Feng Hua Ragao does not look old, he is probably around thirty-five years old. He is the king of a country. If he has a wife, he will not be ugly.

The most important thing is that the name of a queen sounds very exciting.

Even if he looks a little ordinary, it doesn't matter.

"Ah?" Feng Hua Nu Tao was confused for a while, and then asked in a daze: "You are still alive, what do you want to do?"

Bai shook his head and said, "I am a woman."

‘Nonsense, no man’s voice can be like this. ’

Feng Hua Nu Tao complained in her heart, and then asked cautiously: "I mean, both the former queen and the current queen are still alive."

The first queen should be Fenghua Xiaoxue's mother, tsk tsk, okay, okay, let's take it together and present it to Lord Naruto.

Let's see if she dares to flirt with Naruto-sama in front of her in the future.

Let’s see if she still dares to stick to Naruto-sama every day, so that I don’t even have a chance to stick to him.

Don't you understand that I am Naruto-sama's first lady? If you can't tell the difference between priorities, you should let her be punished from body to soul.

"Excuse me, why are you looking for them?"

At this time, Fenghua Furious Waves' voice of inquiry sounded again.

"I told you I'm a woman." Bai's tone became a little pleasant, "What should I do?"


Feng Hua Ang Tao still didn't understand.

Then the next second, Bai said again: "Of course I'll find someone to do it."

After the words fell, the whole palace seemed to be silent.

Feng Hua Furong Tao understood Bai's words, his mind went blank and his eyes became dull.

Outside there was only the sound of the wind blowing and the howling of snowflakes, and there was silence inside. After a long time, Bai, who was impatient to wait, stabbed the ice knife into the ice.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Feng Hua Nu Tao endured the rebellious anger and said hello three times in a row. His mood was extremely strange. His eyes were so angry that they were bloodshot, but what came out of his mouth was an excited voice.

"Whether it is the first queen or the current queen, they are both beautiful and fragrant, and they will definitely live up to your expectations."

"And they have all given birth to children. They are not as delicate as little girls."

"Even if you want to find a few of them together, I think they can all bear it."

Feng Hua Ang Tao's voice was trembling. At this moment, he really wanted to kill someone, but he was the meat on someone else's chopping board.

In order to survive, he could only do this.

Don't worry about women when your death is imminent. The most important thing is to save your life first.


Another slap came on Feng Hua Nu Tao's face, and Bai angrily scolded: "Do you think I'm looking for a prostitute?"

"Of course, only he can touch the woman dedicated to you. If anyone else wants to touch it, I will have to die."

The wind and waves are numb.

Listening to what this woman said, from now on, his wife and widowed sister-in-law will become someone else's exclusive property, and he won't even be able to touch them?

"That's what you said."

"That's their honor."

In order to survive, Feng Hua Furu Tao almost fell to his knees in front of Bai.



Three hours later, three young men in black robes broke into the palace of the Kingdom of Snow. Under the wide hoods covering their bodies was the forehead protector of the Konoha Ninja Village.

"I didn't see anything in the east, and I didn't see anything in the west either." Hinata Neji was responsible for investigating with the penetrating power of his Byakugan. When he heard the footsteps of patrolling soldiers, he felt a little panicked.

Although this is not the first time he has broken into a daimyo's home.

But this time is different from the time in the Fire Country. He started the adventure himself, and he learned from Wu Ming.

If there is no sign of Hinata and the others in the Snow King's Palace, this time it would be equivalent to peeping into the house.

This made Hyuga Neji, who was proud of himself, extremely anxious.

"Neji, Sasuke, get down quickly, someone is coming." Shikamaru's warning voice sounded behind him.

The three of them quickly squatted down in a hidden place in the corner, but the patrol team seemed to have no intention of leaving, which made Shikamaru and Neji's hearts sink.

It couldn't have been seen.

If he was seen, he would have no choice but to return without success today. Shikamaru did not intend to have a conflict with Snow Country for no reason.

Even if they want to fight, they have to find evidence that they have indeed captured Hinata and the others.

"Report to the captain, there is no one."

Just when Shikamaru was already thinking about the retreat route, the sound of conversation rang out from the patrol not far away from them.

And it is precisely related to the news they want to get.

"I really don't know why the Daimyo-sama suddenly asked us to be on guard against Konoha's ninjas. It's really tiring."

"Who knows? They say they are afraid that they will be found out about joining forces with Orochimaru to arrest people."

"This is our country of snow. What's there to be afraid of? It's just Konoha, really."

"I think the main energy should be spent on dealing with the rebels. There is no need to guard against Konoha ninjas."

In these voices, Hinata and the others are not mentioned in every sentence, but Hinata and the others are mentioned in every sentence.

Hinata Neji's face turned green. After all, Hinata was his sister, so how could he be bullied by others at will.

Seeing that Neji was about to get angry, Shikamaru grabbed Neji's wrist and said, "Calm down."

However, as soon as he spoke, Uchiha Sasuke rushed out.

"Damn it, I forgot that there is another even more aggressive one here."

Shikamaru slapped his forehead, what else could he do but hit him.

I hope there are no too powerful enemies in the palace, such as Payne I met before.

Naruto is not here today.

If there was an enemy as powerful as Pain, then maybe he would have to stay here today.

"Sasuke, you contain the fighting force here, while Neji and I go to arrest people and interrogate Hinata and their whereabouts."


Sasuke chuckled, now he had a much different view of Shikamaru and Neji.

One of the two has a brain and the other can investigate.

Moreover, their fighting talents are quite strong. When fighting with them, they are like brothers who have fought together since childhood.

It was much more comfortable than Naruto, who only wanted to crush, and Sakura, who couldn't do anything to help.



at the same time.

Outside the Snow King's city, more than 20,000 rebels who gathered in just a few days have completed their encampment and can directly attack the king's city to fight at any time.

Both the enemy and ourselves fell into a chaotic moment of mixed emotions of excitement and uneasiness.

They thought the empire's greatest storm was coming.

As everyone knows, the real struggle has been fought long ago, and it is the kind that won't stir up any waves.

The battles being set up now are just superficial actions that Fenghua Xiaoxue made in order to naturally regain the throne.

Naruto just wanted to make the Snow Ninja Village, which was still under planning, form an alliance with Konoha, so Renbai cooperated with Fenghua Koyuki to do this scene.

Do it for the common people of Snow Country, and also do it for Konoha.

The kind-hearted new king of the Snow Kingdom, together with the Konoha ninja Uzumaki Naruto, rescued the Konoha ninjas who were imprisoned by the evil old king.

Then Konoha ninja Uzumaki Naruto took his three sons and helped the new king Fenghua Koyuki successfully seize power.

This story will spread throughout the Snow Country, and then from the Snow Country to the Thunder Country, Tian Country and Wave Country, causing a sensation in these countries controlled by Naruto.

Thus indirectly affecting the Fire Nation.


Outside the tent, there are servants holding special brooms to clean up the heavy snow that accumulates every day in the Snow Country.

The voice is a little irritable.

Naruto put plugs in his ears and sighed quietly: "Shiro and Xiaoxue are not here, it's really boring."

Bai went to catch Feng Hua Raging Tao, while Feng Hua Xiaoxue gave an inspiring speech outside.

As for that obedient pink-haired puppy, Naruto still doesn't know her name.

Now Shiro has become selfish. When she was away, she actually hid the dog and did not ask for the dog to accompany Naruto to relieve his fatigue.

Out of boredom, Naruto sat cross-legged on the bed, slowly closed his eyes, adjusted his breathing evenly, and then sunk his consciousness into his body.

The veins everywhere in the body are completely observed.

What was flowing in the meridians was no longer the tailed beast chakra of Shukaku and Kyuubi, but only the golden chakra that Naruto had contained with the power of incense.

After fusing the chakra of the two tailed beasts with his own chakra, about one-third of the incense power remaining in Naruto's dantian remained unused.

And because of the encroachment on the Snow Country, it is still increasing.

"If this continues, when the ninja world is completely invaded, even if all nine tailed beasts are melted, it seems like they won't be able to use up all of them."

"Can it be used to melt other chakra besides tailed beasts?"

Naruto thought about the senjutsu in Ryūchi Cave and Miaomu Mountain, and whether he could also fuse the senjutsu chakra together.


While Naruto was thinking, Uzumaki Sakura suddenly appeared next to Naruto, and she said, "I have some questions to ask you."

"I hope you can answer it for me."

The tiny crystal snowflakes fell on the ground of the tent through the curtain, directly turning into water and melting.

The place where Uzumaki Shiina stood was not far from the place where the snow turned into water. She was wearing a bright red cheongsam on her upper body, and her majestic and undulating chest made her feel as if the buttons of her clothes were about to pop open at any moment.

The plump and attractive buttocks are even more attractive under the high crotch of the cheongsam.

Naruto was brought back to his senses by her, and when he saw the faint worry on Uzumaki's face, he swallowed involuntarily.

"That's the same red hair as mom."

Hearing these words, Uzumaki Shanna almost ran away directly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who is your mother? I am Kyuubi, Kyuubi!"

"I know, I didn't say you were, I just said you have the same red hair."

Naruto shrugged, with a nonchalant look on his face.

This gesture of his made Uzumaki Shouna's irritability even more prominent.

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