At this time, everyone present was discussing very excitedly.

The world of Fairy Tail is indeed completely different from the previous world!

It's a whole new world!

And the freshness and impact that this kind of world brings makes everyone very excited.

It feels very interesting!

Although everything is very strange in their eyes.

This also means.

In this world, they will encounter many things that they cannot imagine.

And those unexpected gains are also a good thing for them.

The first thing they did next.

It's just that everyone is gathered around - together.

These are all habitual actions.

Their previous mission experiences were the same.

When you go to New World, the first thing you do is to stand together, and then everyone accepts the mission rewards together.

However, at this time, several people also reported it.

"Yes, this time the ranking rewards have been distributed!"

"That's right! Habitual actions are really hard to change."

They all talked one after another.

Of course, the original rewards were given out after coming to this world, which could improve their strength.

But this time the reward is different.

Because the respective ranking rewards are points.

Therefore, after the ranking is completed, it will be distributed directly to them.

It's already in their account.

And now.

They can also start the task action directly without receiving the reward.


Everyone is also preparing to officially start the mission!

Everyone in front of me looked eager to try.

Bai Ye also spoke to them.

"Is everyone ready?"

"When you're ready."

"Just get ready to go!"

After listening to his words.

Everyone's faces showed very excited expressions.

Everyone is eager to try it!

This was a very interesting operation.

Everyone has been looking forward to it for a long time.

It finally came.

Someone asked.

"Who shall we fight first?"

After listening to his words, everyone else also looked in the direction of Bai Ye.

I hope he can give guidance on a mission.

And after knowing everyone’s inquiries.

Bai Ye thought for a moment and then said to them.

0Please give me flowers...

"There are a lot of people on the other side, but there are relatively few on our side!"

"Everyone spread out first and look for the other party's lone member."

"Then, let's gather together."

"To deal with the most powerful enemies!"

After listening to what he said, everyone else nodded, thinking that what he said was very reasonable.

This choice is obviously very correct.

Fairy Tail, there are a lot of people in the entire guild.

There are only 12 people on my side, if we fight the opponent in one go.

The other side has geographical and numerical advantages.

It's not an easy thing for them.

Therefore, they choose to defeat their companions who are scattered outside, and then finally join together to deal with the strong ones.

This is a very rational choice.

After Bai Ye finished explaining.

Everyone is also ready.

Get ready to go now!

Because of the nature of this mission.

The city where the other party is located is very huge.

There are 12 people in total. If they don’t spread out, it will be difficult for them to encounter the enemy!

So this time everyone spread out and came to Xi. .

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