Konoha of the Heavens: Conquer all worlds starting from the chat group

Chapter 992: It Is Possible That The Enemy Has Set An Ambush

The team members all agreed with Bai Ye's plan, and the atmosphere became serious and solemn.

Bai Ye once again felt the power of teamwork and trust. After the team members agreed with Bai Ye's plan, Ling Yunzhi nodded.

"Okay, then follow Bai Ye's plan. Let's retreat to a safe location first, and then split up."

His voice was steady and firm.

The team began to move towards the silent valley not far from this wilderness.

Bai Ye was at the front of the team. He frowned and watched every subtle change in the road ahead.

Although he looks calm and calm on the outside, he is nervous and determined on the inside.

"We have to be careful, the enemy may have set an ambush."

Bai Ye warned.

The other team members immediately became alert and their steps became cautious.

Suddenly, a strange breath came. 110 Bai Ye's expression changed and he shouted loudly.

"Dodge quickly!"

The team members reacted quickly and avoided the attack of an unknown object.

This is a smoke bomb thrown by the enemy, covering the entire area in thick smoke.

"Spread out!"

(bffb) Bai Ye ordered loudly.

Everyone obeys the command and constantly changes positions in the smoke to avoid becoming the enemy's target.

When the smoke gradually dissipated, Bai Ye grabbed Kuroda Akira's hand.

"found it!"

he whispered.

Through the thick smoke, they discovered where the enemy was hiding.

Without waiting for the team members to react, Bai Ye immediately used his ninjutsu.

He used Clone Technique, one of the ninjutsu in the Seventh Gate ability, to create several phantoms to surround the opponent tightly.

The remaining team members quickly joined the battle. Akira Kurotsuchi penetrated deep into the Silent Valley, remaining alert as his teammates quickly dispersed.

He suppressed his inner uneasiness and focused on searching for the enemy's whereabouts.

Suddenly, an enemy ninja hiding in the woods appeared and stared at Kurotumi.

Akira Kurotsuchi looked at each other without showing any signs of weakness, showing firm and fierce eyes.

"This guy took an interest in me."

Kurotumi thought to himself.

He needs to distract the enemy and lead them to a trap area set in advance.

Kurotumi quickly moved his body and nimbly dodged the enemy's attack.

He attacks his opponent with lightning speed, creating a brief confrontation.

In this way, he successfully attracted the enemy's attention.

"Give up! You can't beat me!"

Kurotumi roared through gritted teeth.

He hopes this will arouse his opponent's stronger desire to attack.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, the enemy angrily pulled out a sharp ninja sword from his sleeve and rushed towards Kurotumi.

Kurotumi immediately quickened his pace, deliberately inducing his opponent to pursue him.

During the chase, Kurotumi kept changing directions, confusing the enemy.

He suddenly turned around and returned to where he was before, luring the other party into the trap area that was set in advance. Tie Feng Yuan and Dream Weaver Flower stayed together in the support area of ​​the camp.

There was an atmosphere of anxiety and uneasiness in the camp. Everyone knew the importance of the task and the pressure behind it.

It had been some time since Kuroto Akira had left the team. Tie Fengyuan was very confident in his fighting ability, but he couldn't help but worry about Kurotumi's safety.

Akira Kurotsuchi is the ninja who is best at using the Forbidden Technique in the entire team, and this mission requires him to use his most powerful abilities. .

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