Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 158 The Great Buddha of Susanata, the Fire and Tree Realm (Final Battle)


In the roar, Kyuubi opened its big mouth and roared to the sky. Then it ignored the attacks of the surrounding ninjas and launched two small tailed beast jade into the mushroom cloud.

boom! boom!

Explosions resounded across the sky.

This time, the surrounding ninjas were a little confused.

What happened to Kyuubi?

Why are you so crazy?

He hates the other party so much that he will whip his corpse even if he dies?

They couldn't help but take a step back, and then looked up at the sky.


A breeze blew by, blowing away the mushroom cloud surrounding Susanoo, and a Susanoo emitting cyan light appeared in their sight again.

? ? ?

Everyone looked at the cyan giant and tilted their heads slightly, their eyes full of doubts.

Wasn't it still blue just now?

Are we collectively color blind, or does this thing really change colors?


Hinata Hinashi opened his Byakugan to observe for a moment, then his eyes condensed.

Although the person who uses Susanoo has very little chakra left, his life force is much stronger than that of the old man just now.

"Why do I look at the person standing inside Susanoo, and it seems to be Uchiha Asuka?"

Hearing this, everyone around looked at the man in black in Susanaka. After comparing it with the image of Asuka in his mind, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"It is indeed a bird."

"Didn't you expect that he could also activate this power?"

"It's really powerful. When I remember him as a Chunin, he already had the fighting power of a Jonin."

Hearing the discussion below, Asuka lowered his head and glanced at Uchiha Madara, who had been transferred away by him. His eyes fell on Kyuubi and said calmly.

"Foxes are not cats after all. In comparison, I still prefer civet cats."

"It's Uchiha again." Kyuubi looked up at the birds in the sky, with a ferocious smile on his face, "I really stabbed Uchiha in the nest today."


Asuka let out a breath, and then took advantage of the power of the fall to control Susanoo to raise his right arm, use his elbow instead of a knife, and hit Kyuubi's spine directly.

Kyuubi's pupils shrank, and without any thoughts of a head-on confrontation, he directly grabbed his limbs to the ground and rushed forward.

Having just been controlled, it acted entirely on instinct.

Now it has autonomous consciousness.

boom! !

The roar resounded through the sky, and under this blow, the mountains near the Hokage Rock were shattered.

Under Susanoo's elbow, a huge gap instantly opened in the ground, forcibly separating the Hokage Rock and the village through physical means.

"So strong!"

At this time, Uzumaki Zetsu was squatting on the streets of Konoha. It looked at the scene like landslides and earth shattering in the distance, and said with emotion in its eyes.

"Madara-sama, that kid Mangekyo is awesome."


Uchiha Madara, who was lying on the ground, exhaled softly, and his heavy eyelids slowly covered his eyes. .

Just when he was about to face death, he was moved to this place.

What a powerful spatial ability.

Seeing the unwilling look on Uchiha Madara's face, Uzumaki Zetsu reached out and touched his arm. After feeling Madara's dried life breath, his usual smiling expression disappeared and his face became serious.

"Madara-sama, are we leaving Konoha?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara opened his eyes slightly, moved his eyeballs with all his strength, and looked around.

As far as the eye could see, he saw endless ruins and birds fighting the Nine-Tails in the distance.

Konoha Village.

When he and Hashirama established the village, they enjoyed the prosperity of Konoha Village.

After the third war, he came to Konoha again and enjoyed the prosperity of Konoha Village.

But now, the dilapidated scene of this village has made him more determined to implement the "Eye of the Moon" plan.

A world without any war, a world where animals can live in peace with humans, is the world he hopes for.

And everyone who hinders him from realizing his plan is his enemy.


After a moment, an inaudible self-deprecating sound came, and Uchiha Madara's eyes fell on Kyuubi again. It was unclear whether the ridicule in his eyes was for it or for himself.

"In the final battle, I was killed by a beast."

Hearing this, Uzumaki rarely thought for a moment, then he secretly looked around and found that only Yamato, who was left behind by Asuka, was standing not far away, and whispered.

“Madara-sama, no one saw it, so it doesn’t seem to be a shame.

It's a pity that Madara-sama obviously bought a precious minute for Konoha, but no one in Konoha knows Madara-sama's name. "

Uchiha Madara's breathing was messed up, and he wanted to say something to retort, but his body didn't allow it.

Then, he slowly thought in his mind as he looked at Asuka fighting the Nine-Tails.

"Due to the unknown consumption of chakra before he came to the battlefield and the strong discomfort caused by Susanoo who started this stage for the first time, Asuka has a great disadvantage compared with the most powerful tailed beast in the ninja world. difference."

"My evaluation is that it is not as good as me, but if Sheng Zaiyoun could give me more, even one minute."


At this time, in a daze, Madara seemed to see a child running towards the end of the street in the distance.

Watching the running figure of the child gradually transforming into that of Izuna, a smile subconsciously appeared on his lips.

"Quenna, are you here to pick me up?"

"Grandpa (brother), you were so powerful when you beat the tailed beast just now. I also want to be like grandpa (brother)."

Listening to the vague sound coming from his ears, Uchiha Madara murmured as his breath gradually disappeared.

"You will surpass my brother"


Suddenly, there was an explosion, and a huge fire engulfed the child's body.

Uchiha Madara looked at Izuna disappearing in the flames, and his eyes suddenly opened.

Seeing the murderous intent in Uchiha Madara's eyes, Uzumaki Zetsu looked back at the fire. Under the light of the fire, his expression looked a little gloomy, and he explained in a low voice.

"It should be the detonating talisman buried in Yangyan Village of the Mountain Country.

After they signed an armistice agreement with Konoha during the Second Ninja War, they sent the trap ninja Genou to set up detonating symbols throughout Konoha Village.

It was probably today that the detonating talisman was detonated accidentally by Kyuubi's attack. "


Hearing Kyuubi's name again, the powerlessness in Madara's heart was gradually replaced by anger.

Uzumaki Zetsu glanced at the place where the familiar child disappeared, and it felt that the mind created by Master Madara using Hashirama cells suddenly trembled.

Then, it lowered its head and thought for a moment, then put its hand on Madara's shoulder.

next moment.

Uchiha Madara suddenly felt new power emerging from his body, and this power was even enough to support him in fighting for a while.

He supported his body and sat up, turned to look at Uzumaki Zetsu and said.

"Idiot, even if you give me the energy in your body, I can't last thirty seconds. And you still have thirty seconds to live. Do you have any last words?"

"Ah, so I can still live for thirty seconds?"

Uzumaki Zetsu scratched his head. Although his voice was not as energetic as before, he managed to pull out a smile from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile.

"Madara-sama, please take me with you.

I know that I am not worthy of joining forces with Madara-sama.

But if the two of us join forces, we should be able to do something in these thirty seconds. "

This image of someone with a silly smile on his face no matter where he is, makes people's scalp numb and shocked.

At that time, it was because Uzumaki Zetsu looked like Hashirama when he smiled, so no matter how many idiotic things it did, he kept it by his side without any intention of angering it.

Madara looked at it deeply, then looked up at the sky, exhaled silently, and said.

"Give me a reason to join forces."

Uzumaki's desperate gaze fell in the firelight. It squatted on the ground, arms folded across its chest, feeling extremely disappointed.

"Naoki is one of the few people who sincerely praised my painting. He was a little unhappy when he saw the child disappear in the light of the fire."

Looking at its lost look, Madara's mind instantly recalled that when Hashirama was a child, when he encountered something unhappy, he would sit on the ground in such a disappointed manner, looking at the ground with a look of grievance.

"Idiot, still the same idiot as before."

Uchiha Madara forced himself to stand up. He looked at the battlefield in the distance and said in a low voice.

"Don't stand behind me and distract me. We still have 25 seconds."


With that said, Uzumaki Zetsu ran directly towards Yamato, knocked him unconscious with one punch, then wrapped his body directly around Yamato, and then came to Uchiha Madara again, smiling.

"Twenty-two seconds left."


Uchiha Madara took a deep breath, and the fighting spirit ignited in his eyes again.


The next moment, Uchiha Madara's deep eyes were transformed into two magatama again, and the energy that the vortex had just divided into his body was instantly transformed into chakra.

An invisible energy overflowed from his body and slowly swirled around him. As more and more of this power overflowed, it gradually turned into visible blue chakra.

Waves of blue chakra wrapped him tightly in a clockwise direction.

He looked coldly at the orange-red Kyuubi in the distance and said.



A breeze passed by, and blue chakra instantly enveloped Madara's body, slowly forming a skeleton of blue flames.


Uchiha Madara took a step forward, his gaze rising accordingly.

The skeleton on his body also took a step forward, and legs grew out from under the skeleton.


Uchiha Madara took the second step forward, and the surrounding space instantly became wider.

The skeleton on his body also took a second step forward, and while his chest expanded, arms and a head quickly grew.


Uchiha Madara took the third step forward, and his field of vision became wider.

The skeleton on his body also took the third step forward. Braving blue flames, the skeleton was covered with flesh and blood at an extremely fast speed, and finally turned into a mighty god of war.

Its body shone with a breathtaking blue light under the moonlight.

Its appearance makes people feel shocked and awe-inspiring, as if it is the embodiment of power, representing endless destruction and death.


At this time, a sigh was heard next to him.

Uzumaki Zetsu looked at the Kyuubi who was fighting Cyan Susana in the distance, and couldn't help but think in his heart.

Although he essentially serves "Black Zetsu", he implements the "Eye of the Moon" plan and resurrects Kaguya Otsutsuki.

But it was a bit uncomfortable to see Madara-sama unwilling to give up, and to see the student he spent time with die in front of his eyes.

It must be Hashirama's cells that are causing trouble.

Doing this by yourself does not count as destroying the Eye of the Moon plan and killing the Nine-Tails. This is a great thing that weakens Konoha's combat power.

I am the hero! !

"People say I'm an idiot, but I'm not an idiot."

As soon as he finished speaking, Uzumaki Zetsu clapped his hands together, and a red light flashed in his eyes.

Wood escape

The next moment, the bluestone on the ground suddenly cracked a gap, and then a green light emerged from inside, and a small tree bud, representing [Life] and [Hope], appeared under the bluestone.

It looked up at Kyuubi and growled.

"Thousands of hands!!"

As the chakra began to be consumed rapidly, the calm ground suddenly trembled violently, as if some giant thing was roaring underground.

next moment.

The ground under Uzumaki Zetsu's feet suddenly opened up with a huge gap, and countless huge wooden arms stretched out from the ground.


With an earth-shattering sound, a huge Guanyin statue with countless arms broke through the earth and emerged from the soil.

Then, Uzumaki Zetsu was seen standing on top of the Buddha statue with his arms crossed and a calm expression on his face.


Does it also have magic powers?

Uchiha Madara froze when he heard the roar next to him. When he looked at the Guanyin statue next to him, his face turned dark and he felt bad.

"Idiot, you don't really have thousands of hands."


Uzumaki Zetsu looked down at the Guanyin statue standing at his feet, sniffed, and apologized.

"Hundred hands doesn't sound good."


Uchiha Madara let out a breath.

Using thousands of hands to face a tailed beast is like an adult facing a chick. One hand can pinch the tailed beast's neck.

And the hundreds of hands it used were actually only a little taller than the tailed beast.

A little higher? ? ?

Recalling the final battle with Hashirama, when he covered Kyuubi with Susanoo as armor, Hashirama praised his idea.

Madara's heart moved slightly, then he glanced up and down at the Buddha statue and waved to Uzumaki Zetsu.

"You and I both have 20 seconds to live, let's fight quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the blue giant suddenly jumped on top of the Buddha's head, instantly crushing the bluestone beneath the Buddha's feet into powder.

The next moment, a large amount of blue flames were seen instantly surrounding the giant Buddha, and finally turned into an armor form.

"Madara-sama, you are so awesome!"

Hearing the compliment from Uzumaki Zetsu, Uchiha Madara had no expression on his face, but there was a smile in his heart. He had been thinking about doing this for a long time.

Then, he reached out and pointed at Kyuubi and gave instructions.



As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the giant Buddha gliding towards the battlefield as if it had grown legs.

boom! boom! boom!

Huge muffled thunder echoed across the sky, and the faces of the onlookers all showed anxious looks.

They had just tried to change from bystanders to participants, but when the nine tails clawed down, the Jonin was knocked away without knowing where.

The Chuunin simply could not withstand the aftermath of the battle between the two giants.

Looking at the cyan giant, these ninjas couldn't help showing anxious expressions on their faces, and said.

"Why aren't you coming, Yondaime-sama? It's been almost three minutes since the Nine-Tails arrived."

"Where is the Third Generation?"

"By the way, do you feel like the ground is shaking?"

"Idiot, those two giants are fighting so fiercely now, it will definitely shake them."

"That's not it."

Speaking of this, the man stamped his feet and couldn't help but have some doubts on his face, "I do feel that the ground is shaking, as if some huge thing is coming."

He raised his head and looked around, then his eyes suddenly froze behind him, and the expression on his face gradually turned to horror.

"Then..what is that?"

Hearing this man's frightened voice, the people around him also turned their heads and looked behind them, and then their bodies stiffened suddenly.

at this time.

Suddenly, a huge blue Guanyin Buddha statue like a tailed beast appeared behind them, coming quickly.

It clasped its hands together and showed compassion on its face, and the blue armor on its body made him look extremely majestic and oppressive.

? ? ?

Asuka and Kyuubi also discovered the arrival of the Guanyin statue at this time.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his eyes and frowned slightly.

"There is such a weird ninjutsu in the ninja world??"

The next moment, before he could continue to think about it, he saw Kyuubi's pupils suddenly shrinking, and the previous arrogance was completely gone. There was a look of horror in his eyes, and he said in disbelief.

"Impossible. I saw Senju Hashirama die before my eyes. He is definitely dead."

"No, that evil guy can still be alive, and Senju Hashirama might be alive too."

"No, no, this is not Senju."

Hearing Kyuubi's frightened voice, he was slightly confused. Before Asuka could ask anything, he felt the ground suddenly shake.

When he looked down at the ground, he saw a small sapling suddenly popping up, followed by the second and tenth.


Uzumaki Jue, standing in the mouth of the Buddha statue, clapped his hands and shouted:

"Wooden Escape·The Birth of the Tree Realm!!"

The next moment, nearly a hundred trees were uprooted, creating a forest in an instant, and the nine tails' limbs and tails were tightly tied up.

"Not as good as Hashirama!"

Looking at such a large forest, Uchiha Madara grinned slightly, then took a deep breath, his chest swelled slightly, and his old hands made several marks.

Fire Escape·The Great Fire is extinguished! !

A fireball that looked like a falling meteorite instantly spit out from the mouth of the Buddha statue. After hitting the Nine-Tails who was bound by the wooden escape, the meteorite spread directly to form a sea of ​​fire.


The blazing flames burned the trees, and in an instant, the sea of ​​​​fire burned even more fiercely, as if a handful of fuel had been added.


Kyuubi's painful voice was heard inside.

Uchiha Madara and Uzumaki Zetsu looked at each other, grinned at the same time, then formed seals with their hands again and yelled.



As the two of them continued to activate the remaining chakra in their bodies, they saw hundreds of palms wrapped in blue light on the Buddha statue seem to be alive, falling on the burning body of Kyuubi one after another.

boom! boom! boom!

Continuous roars mixed with the roar of the Nine-Tails penetrated the sky and spread throughout Konoha.

The entire Konoha Village seemed to be experiencing a super earthquake. The ground shook, glass shattered, houses collapsed, and the ground opened with several huge cracks that went straight to the ground.

At this moment, people in Konoha, whether they were in the refuge, standing on the roof, or walking on the street, all looked in the direction of Hokage Rock, with panic expressions on their faces.

Huge smoke and dust covered half of the leaves

The roar finally stopped after resounding nearly a hundred times.

The buildings in half the village were shaken and turned into ruins.

"what happened?"

Shimura Danzo, who was coming halfway, stopped in place for an instant. He looked at the huge smoke and dust in front of him, his eyes filled with astonishment.


After a Hyuga clan member observed the situation in the thick smoke with his white eyes, his eyes were full of horror and he stammered:

"The Fire Shadow Rock. The nearby mountain has collapsed. The mountain in the middle was smashed into a basin by ninjutsu."


"A mountain was smashed into a basin??"

at this time.

On a hillside far away from Hokage Rock.

Uchiha Madara and Uzumaki Zetsu both lay on the ground at the same time, looking up at the looming stars above their heads.

"In the end, I won."

"Well, I won."

Thinking of the Kyuubi that suddenly disappeared, Uzumaki Zetsu slowly closed his eyes and responded softly.

If Kyuubi hadn't been rescued, he would have been killed by them long ago.

Hearing the faint cheers in his ears, Uchiha Madara turned his head with difficulty to look towards the Konoha Village, but due to the obstruction of the smoke, he could not see anything clearly.

"What's that sound in the distance?"

Uzumaki Zetsu closed its eyes together, and said weakly as it listened to the distant sounds.

"That's the cheers of the villagers of Konoha, cheering that they have been rescued. Cheering that we are their guardian heroes"


Uchiha Madara turned his eyes slightly and looked at the moon in the sky again.

So beautiful!

This is the moon he wants to realize his dream of and bring peace to the ninja world.

The cheers in his ears became louder and louder, and his eyes looking at the moon began to become blurry.

The huge moon took the form of Izuna and Hashirama.

"Izuna Onisan did it"

"Hashirama. My future self will do it."

Seeing the two of them smiling at him, Madara slowly closed his eyes and murmured.

"Idiot, do you still remember our dream?"

Uzumaki Zetsu's eyelids trembled and he tried to open them, but he couldn't.

Its breathing gradually became weaker, and its voice gradually became weaker.

"Is it the [Eye of the Moon] plan?"

Madara raised his eyelids with difficulty, turned his eyes slightly, and looked at Konoha where cheers were ringing. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and his voice gradually became fainter.

"Hashirama, you idiot, you really forgot that you were protecting future generations."


From the end of life.

Two seconds left.

At this time, the smoke and dust in Konoha Village had also dissipated a lot.

Uchiha Madara looked at the people walking towards Hokage Rock and the forehead protectors on their foreheads, and memories of the past flashed through his mind like a marquee.

"Hashirama, don't stand behind me, I won't be able to pee."

"Haha, then stand behind me."

"Hashirama, do you want to give up?"

"Haha, you come first."

"Hashirama, has anyone ever said that you look like an idiot when you smile?"

"Yes, didn't you just say that?"

"Madara, let's build a village that belongs to us here. In this village, children don't have to fight each other. We can build a school to train them and let them grow up and become stronger. Everyone can choose tasks according to their personal strength and ability. We can build a village that doesn't require A village where children are sent to fight for their lives on the front lines.”

"Oh, you are the only one who can say such stupid things."

"Madara, what do you think?"

"not bad."

"Madara, do you want to come together?"


"Madara, it's time to give the village a name. Do you have any good ideas?"

"Konoha Ninja Village!!"

It was like a dream, Uchiha and Senju joined forces, and then we started to build the village.

"Grandpa, you are so awesome."

"Grandpa was so handsome just now. He knocked the Nine-Tails Clan away with one punch."

"Nonsense, he was obviously punched out with the force of his fist."


Listening to the clear children's voice in the distance, Uchiha Madara's blurred vision showed the figures of children looking for themselves in the smoke.

Seeing the figures of Naoki and others gradually turning into Senna, Hashirama, Ryodai, Feihe, Ryoichi, Asuka and others, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"This wonderful life, I recognize it."


ps: This is the one I am personally most satisfied with after choosing three endings.

There is also an ending where Zetsu Uzumaki possesses Madara Uchiha, but I feel that it would be less interesting.

[Alas, as for the reason why the third and fourth generations came so slowly, I haven’t figured out the reason yet. I’ll continue editing it tomorrow.]

[I will also fix the holes in the shelter tomorrow. No one will die (there is no knife in this book). The dead people will bring hatred to Uchiha. 】

【See you tomorrow】

[Ahem, to make a digression, theoretically speaking, Madara is the protagonist of the first volume, the protagonist of the second volume is Asuka+XXX, and the protagonist of the third volume is Asuka. This is the outline I set.]

[This book has three volumes in total. The first volume is the story of the protagonist and Madara. "In the final battle, the protagonist was written by me and still has no sense of existence...failed...". The second volume is about the high-level officials of Konoha. The third volume , belongs to the development volume, which is probably to develop Konoha, launch the Moon Eye Project, resurrect Madara and others, and give a perfect ending]

Two chapters today, 1.1W

I will patch the next few loopholes in later chapters, so you don’t have to worry about them.

Just like how to explain Madarasuzu's vulnerability, I will patch it in the following chapters.

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