Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 178 Daimyo: When I was young, one meal lasted three days

After leaving the jewelry store, the three of them visited a few more shops, and then lost interest in the entire commercial street.

In the entire commercial street, except for the rice sellers who did not mix rubber, the rest of the handicrafts were mixed with some rubber.

Like rubber accessories, rubber cups, rubber dolls.

"Warehouse Green"

Asuka played with the green gemstone ring in his hand, and imagined Ye Cang wearing it in his mind.


Seems a little inappropriate?

The same thing he said in his heart was inappropriate, and there were two people following him.

Shisui looked down at the rubber cup Asuka gave him in his hand, and suddenly felt a dull pain in the cavity on his right side.

One of the three taboos of ninjas is that they cannot drink alcohol before they are eighteen years old. He is still a few years away from turning eighteen.

The most important thing is, how did he remember that rubber is poisonous?

Looking at Shisui's dazed look next to her, Yuhi Kurenai looked down at the rubber Susanoo pendant in her hand, also a little silent.

She had heard of people wearing Guanyin and Buddha statues, but this was the first time she heard of people wearing Susanoo.

Do you Uchiha family bring this thing?

As if aware of the somewhat complicated emotions of the two people behind him, Asuka walking in front fiddled with the pendant on his ear and sighed.

"I have to say, that comic book was really popular, and just a short time later, even a small country like the Land of Waves actually made Susanoo peripherals.

Hong, just think of it as an ordinary peace charm. If you hold it and call my name at the critical moment, maybe I will come to save you. "

"Shisui, that cup made of rubber."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a huge square appearing directly in front of him, and the tallest thing was the towering stage in the center of the square.

at this time.

I saw that the tall building was surrounded by citizens. They all raised their heads and looked towards the center of the high platform, with excited smiles on their faces, as if they were waiting for something.

The pedestrians walking around also stopped, turned and walked towards the stage. The staff selling goods nearby stopped their business, and all walked towards the stage with happy and excited smiles.

It's like going to church on the weekend and everyone is walking in the same direction.

Asuka stood on tiptoe and looked forward for a while, then turned around and looked behind him, and said seriously.

"I feel like there might be some secret there."


Yuhi Hong lightly slapped her forehead with her right hand, then wiped her face with her hand. After staring at Asuka Bagua's expression for a while, her tone was mixed with a hint of helplessness.

"You are the captain of this operation, and we all listen to you."

"You can also express your opinions. As long as your opinions are not contrary to mine, I am still happy to listen to your opinions."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the high platform. Feiniao really felt that there might be some secret there.

This country is really weird, it's completely different from Naruto's time.

By the time Asuka and the others passed by, the crowd was already as large as Wu Yangyang's.

"Ah, I'm so looking forward to it. Today is another speech by Master Zhanghachi."

"I've been lucky enough to hear it a few times. It's really impressive. Every time I hear Mr. Zhanghachi's speech, I always feel that my blood is on fire."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Mr. Johachi!"

The discussions among those non-nationals made Yuhi Hong feel a little curious.

The blood is on fire?

What does that feel like?

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of footsteps coming from the stage.

Then, two teams of civilian guards appeared on both sides of the stage.

After them, four more guards appeared and placed a heavy podium in the center of the stage.

Some of the escorts looked familiar. They seemed to be the ones who caught the children when they were eating. They stood upright on both sides of the stage and guarded the podium firmly, as if they were afraid of the impact of those fanatical citizens. here.

Immediately afterwards, a nearly 100-meter-long red carpet flew out from the top of the tall building behind the stage. It extended from high to the podium in the center of the stage.

The excited crowd around them suddenly became quiet as if they had pressed the stop button.

"long long ago."

As the narration sounded, a black figure appeared at the other end of the carpet. He was dressed in washed white linen clothes, with his hands behind his back, his feet on the red carpet, and he walked step by step towards the podium in front.

“This is awesome”

Asuka looked up at the man standing on the red carpet, and the candy in his mouth no longer felt sweet.

This is much higher than Payne's later standing in the sky of Konoha and releasing the "Shinra Tensei".

"The Country of Waves was still a very poor country. At that time, the whole country was full of death. There were no ninjas and no defense force. It was like an unarmed, unbeatable-looking child walking on the streets full of dangers. No matter who passed by, he wanted to give him something. It’s a few slaps.”

Hearing this almost straightforward and somewhat vulgar narrative, Yuhi Kurenai remembered the speech that the third generation gave at the ninja school.

How can it be more straightforward than the speeches given by three generations of adults to children?

Seeing the astonished look on Asuka's face in front of her, Yuhi Hong couldn't help but reached out and gently poked his arm, asking in a low voice.

"Captain, is there something wrong with this daimyo's identity? Has he not received education?"

Asuka took a step back, tilted his head slightly and explained.

“It’s not that he is uneducated, it’s that his people are uneducated. Since it’s a speech, it’s for the people. The more concisely he speaks, the more his people will agree with him.

You ask him to talk about "The Will of Waves" and see if anyone listens. "

Is he alluding to Konoha?

After glancing at Asuka with some suspicion, Yuhi Hong's eyes narrowed and fell on the podium again.

At this time.

I saw that the famous name of "The Country of Waves" had already arrived at the podium.

He has a black and white bun, a goat beard, one eye is big, the other is small, the left eye is as thin as a thread, he is dressed in gray linen clothes, and wears two knives on his waist. He is tall and burly, with a fierce look on his face.

But when his eyes swept over these citizens who were full of admiration and reverence for him, the viciousness in his eyes softened a lot.

The narration continues.

"At that time, the country of Waves was like a hell on earth. People didn't know which one would come first, tomorrow or the slap."

Then, some nobles from the Kingdom of Waves were seen walking up to the high platform. The expressions on their faces were as ugly as their dead father. They looked at the civilians with excited eyes under the high platform, then sniffed and knelt down towards the daimyo in the middle. Go down.

"However, as a man took office, he changed this situation of "everyone can bully the country of Waves"..."

The nobles kneeling on the stage and the common people below the stage raised their hands into the sky at the same time and shouted excitedly.

"Daimyo, Johachi!!"

"Daimyo, Johachi!!"

Suddenly, the crowd began to stir, and the entire crowd leaned forward a lot, as if they were going to knock off the guards in front and squeeze onto the podium in front.

Standing on the podium, Zhangba waved his hand violently, and his deep voice spread in all directions.


Those people became quiet again.

After waving the nobles kneeling on the ground to leave, Zhangba walked to the podium, held the podium with both hands, took a deep breath, and said in a gentle tone that was very penetrating.

"Dear citizens."

"Although I am the nephew of the Daimyo, I come from the same class as you. During the Second Ninja War, I was by your side. Like you, I shivered under the clouds of war and experienced A hellish life without being able to eat half a steamed bun for three days."

"Then, I learned ninjutsu with perseverance and learned to starve, and finally reached this position, but my nature has not changed, and I still stand with you."

? ? ?

The hydrotooth hurts even more.

how to say

Is the technique of starving worth mentioning in a speech?

Kurenai Yuhi felt very indifferent, and tightly clenched the rubber Susanoo in her hand, squeezing it expressionlessly.

She found it to be a great stress relief tool.

Asuka dropped a piece of candy into his mouth, his face full of surprise.

Although he didn't know why this daimyo lived such a hard life, he admired this kind of person who went hungry for nine meals in three days.

When he was learning medical ninjutsu, he often only ate one meal a day in order to compensate two more people.

If he could starve for three days in a row and save more money, his progress in medical ninjutsu would definitely become faster.


Thinking of this, Asuka crossed his arms and sneered.

At first, his strength had clearly met the standards for entering the medical department, but because a certain minister used his power for personal gain, he was never allowed to pass the review, so he was unable to find patients for training through formal channels.

"Bitch, sooner or later I'll let you taste the taste of eating only one meal a day, no, one meal every three days."

Alas, I posted it late. This is from yesterday.

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