Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 180 Talking about the train

After the speech.

The chef who cooked for the three Asukas this morning did not return to his workplace. Instead, he walked all the way across the square and went straight to the residence of the Daimyo of Wave Country.

A huge stone house, like a small castle, is located in the middle of the island.

Compared to the dark night outside, the inside of the house was as bright as day.

After passing through a spacious passage, they came to an unusually empty room. There was no furniture in the entire room, only the chair placed in the room, which was unusually conspicuous.

He walked step by step, came to the back of the chair and knelt down on one knee. His face no longer had the smile during the day, but was full of seriousness, and his tone was respectful.

"Lord Johachi, those Konoha ninjas and Kumogakure ninjas have found a good place to stay."

Zhangba came back from his thoughts, closed the old and ugly diary in his hand, then turned around and looked over, speaking in a low voice.

"Have you settled in?"

He stood up and came to the window, looking through the glass at the lights of thousands of houses outside, and a smile suddenly appeared on his gloomy cheeks.

"They are all guys who came to investigate the Kingdom of Waves, but what is there in the Kingdom of Waves? What can I do if I haven't investigated anything? I am really the nephew of the Daimyo."

Then, he turned to look at the man kneeling on the floor, his expression became serious again, and he said.

"How is the production of the latest batch of medicine going?"

"Everything goes well. It has been mixed with the latest batch of food. Tomorrow, that batch of food will enter the free canteen and be distributed to all citizens of the Kingdom of Waves."

"Well, keep it separate from the children's food."

The daimyo Jōhachi turned around and looked at the lights of thousands of families outside again, then grabbed the void ahead and clenched his fists, "I don't have much time, in order to save the country of Waves from the fate of history.

Let us work together to completely drag the Country of Waves out of the cycle of history."

"Captain, what's going on with those people?"

In a simple room, Feiniao was lying on a chair with his legs crossed, looking at the room with only one window, then looking at the two people next to him, and said.

"It looks like it is controlled, but there is no trace of chakra flow. It may be controlled by drugs or hypnosis."

As he said that, he looked at Yuhi Hong's somewhat tangled eyes and said puzzledly.

"Red, what do you want to say?"

Thinking of the strange scene in the evening, Yuhi Hong hesitated for a moment, then she looked up at the two Uchiha people sitting opposite and said softly.

"I now suspect that the citizens of the Country of Waves are also being controlled."

Hearing this, Zhisui thought of those fanatical citizens and shook his head.

"It should be brainwashing. Those people were a little abnormal during the day, but they showed no signs of being controlled by illusions or drugs."

Asuka nodded, accepting this statement.

During his speech today, he secretly checked the bodies of those citizens. Apart from being a little hungry and weak, there were no signs of illusion or hypnotic control.

As for drugs

He feels that using drugs to control those citizens may not be able to recover the cost of the drugs.

After a while of silence.

Seeing that both of them were focusing on him, Asuka smacked his lips, stood up from the chair, smoothed the wrinkles on his clothes, and spoke.

"You guys go back to your room and rest, I'll go outside to investigate."

"I am coming too."

Yuhi Hong stood up on her own initiative and looked at the night scene outside through the window. She couldn't help but worry about those citizens.


Asuka looked her up and down, then came to the window and waved to Yuhi Hong, indicating that she should come over and take a look.


Yuhi Hong stepped to the window and looked up at the sparsely populated street outside.

The streets at night are obviously not as popular as they are during the day.

Due to its population density, the country of Waves has much fewer streets than Konoha at night. Most of the shops in the commercial streets outside are closed, and only a few stores with flashing pink lights are still open.

On the street, men walked shoulder to shoulder into the stores in twos and threes. The expressions on their faces were either vulgar, cautious, or excited, but none of them were normal.

"That kind of place."

The atmosphere in the room became somewhat silent again.

She asked, looking sideways at Asuka with a scrutinizing look in her eyes.

"Where are you going?"

"Go there and investigate. Master Jiraiya is right. This kind of place is the best place to explore for information. You only need to spend a little money to get the information you want."

Feiniao pointed to the stores that were still open, with a rare blush on his face.

After traveling through time for so many years, I have never been to that kind of place, and I don’t even understand the process inside.


Yuhi Hong raised her eyebrows and said with suspicion.

"Isn't that an excuse Jiraiya-sama deliberately made up to find a little sister for him?"

"That's what I'm saying. Jiraiya-sama is a bit of a bastard and unreliable, but he also has advantages." Asuka pinned the ninja package around his waist, patted it twice, and continued, "He has never been Don’t lie.”

"Ha~" Yuhi Hong watched coldly as Asuka pushed open the window, jumped onto the windowsill, and said disdainfully, "I hope you really go to find out the news."


Suddenly, Feiniao frowned and disappeared on the window sill, leaving only a pair of size 45 footprints.

She lowered her head and glanced at the footprints on the window sill, then looked at Asuka's back as she disappeared into the darkness, then turned to look at Uchiha Shisui who was stunned in the room, wondering.

"Why don't you go?"

Shisui's face froze, he just looked more mature, but he was not yet 18 years old.

How is it possible to go to that kind of place.

Looking at the back of Captain Asuka running towards the dark alley, Shisui looked at the nearby stores with pink lights flashing, blinked and said doubtfully.

"Is the captain going the wrong way?"


Yuri Hong put her little face on her arm and thought of what some adults in the village said, her tone full of disdain.

"They are also available in small alleys, and they are said to be cheaper than in stores, but they are a bit older. I didn't expect that guy to actually like that kind of person."

Do you like older people?

Shisui silently recorded this piece of information.

In a dark alley, a little boy ran in the darkness.


He knocked over a trash can and threw himself to the ground, throwing away the paper bag in his hand.

Afterwards, I saw him rubbing his knees, getting up from the ground with bared teeth, picking up the paper bag, opening it and taking a look at the gnawed bones inside, and he breathed a sigh of relief.


As if looking at some precious treasure, the little boy closed the paper bag again and held it firmly in his hand.

The bones were begged from a group of outside ninjas.

It was the only way he could find outside food.

"With these foods, we can let mom and dad eat some outside food. We must eat, otherwise our bodies will not be able to bear it. Dad passed out a few days ago."

The little boy strengthened his belief, stood up and was about to walk into the alley.


However, at this moment, a voice sounded from behind him.

A shadow enveloped the little boy through the lights of the commercial street.

He turned his head stiffly and saw a guy wearing gray clothes with his hair standing on end standing behind him.

"Kid, you run quite fast during the day." Feiniao looked at the little boy condescendingly and smiled, "I still owe you something. I didn't expect to see you here."

The little boy subconsciously hugged the cloth bag in his arms tightly, took a few steps back, and looked at Asuka warily.

"Oh, don't be afraid!"

Asuka snapped his fingers, summoned a steaming bucket of honey mustard, handed it over, and continued.

"I picked up those wild flowers that you threw away and gave them to my companion. She liked those flowers very much."

The aroma of fried chicken floated along the air to the little boy's nose. He took two strong sniffs of the sweet smell in the air. After rolling his throat up and down, he looked at Asuka up and down and said in a somewhat doubtful tone.

"Ninja. Are you that good?"

"of course not."

Asuka shook his head, then passed the fried chicken forward again and whispered.

"To tell you the truth, there are not many good people among ninjas.

This fried chicken belongs to the big sister with red eyes. She knelt on the ground, hugged my leg and cried for a long time. She insisted that I find you and give you the fried chicken. "


The little boy thought of the beautiful sister with red eyes during the day, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Why is his sister so nice to him?


At this time, Feiniao took out a chicken leg from the family bucket, took two bites, and said nonsense.

"She wants to be a mother. Everyone looks like her future son. The brilliance of motherhood has already overflowed from her body. Do you know? The biggest regret of my companion's life is that she gave birth to a daughter and no son."

? ? ?

The little boy looked at Asuka in confusion.

However, he also saw that the other party had no ill intentions.

If a ninja wanted to catch him, he would have been caught long ago, so why bother talking to himself here for a long time.

It didn't look like he was stalling for time. He lowered his head and glanced at the bones with little meat left in his arms. After hesitating for a while, he took the family bucket handed by Asuka and said doubtfully.

"How old is that sister this year?"


"You want to have a second child at 15?"

"You don't understand. Ninjas develop early. I was only 6 years old when I went to school, and the girls in my class always wanted to give me children."

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