Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 182 Its citizens are starving

The country of waves.


The chimneys standing high in the sky kept emitting black smoke, shrouding the already dark night even darker. Except for the light originally emitted by the factory, there was no light around.

At the entrance of every factory, there are uniformed guards. They hold iron bars in their hands, smiles on their faces, and their bodies upright.

At the front of the factory, there is a row of connected buildings, with weak lights on inside.

On the top of the building, four big characters are clearly written, [Free Canteen].

"It turns out that the residents of their own country eat here?"

Asuka looked through the glass window of the cafeteria at the neatly arranged long tables and chairs. The clean dining environment was even comparable to that of a handmade ramen shop.

There are several white figures in the kitchen, their hands dancing like afterimages, seeming to be preparing breakfast.

However, the pungent smell from the factory mixed with the aroma of the food in the canteen made people feel sick.


The next moment, a bell rang inside the factory.

The rumbling factory seemed to have pressed the stop button. From inside the factory, countless citizens of the Country of Waves wearing coarse linen clothes and thin faces walked out.

These people coming out of the factory all had happy smiles on their faces, just like those students who rushed out of school when school was over.

"I used to think that they were smiling like this when they saw that their life was better, but now..."

Yuhi Hong looked at these thin but smiling guys and couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Dad, mom."

At this time, the little boy aimed at two people in the crowd and rushed over.

A pair of thin men and women in the crowd saw the person coming. The man stretched out his hand and touched the little boy's head.

"Yuichi, are you happy today?

What did you learn from going to the school run by Mr. Johachi?

When I think that you don't have to go through the hard days we went through, I feel a lot more motivated to work. "


Hearing his father's series of questions, the little boy opened his mouth. Looking at the happy expression on his face, he didn't know what to say.

But when he thought that his parents could eat the food he brought, which would greatly relieve their hunger, he took out the paper cylinder hidden behind him, then opened the lid and showed the contents in front of their eyes. urged.

"Father, mother, please eat some quickly. This is a gift from a ninja-sama."

Seeing the golden fried chicken in the store, the smile on the man's face became colder. He raised his palm and stayed in the air for a long time, then gently landed on the little boy's head and educated.

"How many times have I told you, don't approach ninjas easily. Our lives, in their eyes, are really cheap."

"I know, I know."

With that said, the little boy took the initiative to take out a chicken wing from the bucket and handed it to his father's hand, urging again.

"Eat quickly, eat quickly."

Holding the golden chicken wing in his dirty big hands, a strong sense of disobedience appeared in the man's heart.

This thing.

When he saw his son's anxious look, he put a smile on his face again and took a bite.


A crisp sound sounded. While the man was chewing this strange food, the smile on his face suddenly became a little stiff.

Bitter, smelly, and nauseating.

All sorts of negative flavors linger on the taste buds.

He looked down at the little boy again and sighed.

"Yuichi, those ninjas are really ill-intentioned. Stay away from them next time."

? ? ?

Before the little boy could figure out what was going on, he saw his father spit out the chicken in his mouth, threw the chicken wings in his hand far away, and waved to him.

"Yuichi, throw that away and remember to go home early after eating."

Then, I saw the man following the large army into the free canteen, took three buns and some vegetarian dishes from the bright window, and started to eat them.

Seeing that his father's appetite seemed to have become smaller again, the little boy who was stunned in place trembled. He subconsciously took out a chicken nugget from the bucket and put it to his mouth and bit it lightly.

Sweet, fragrant and delicious.

"Wake up!!!"

next moment.

Hot tears rolled down the corners of his eyes and into the fried chicken poke. The little boy wiped the tears flowing from the corners of his eyes and yelled at the backs of everyone.

"Please wake up, the things outside really don't stink, they are really edible, didn't you know that before?"

Those people looked at the little boy as if he were a fool. They didn't understand why they should eat outside when the country already provided free and adequate food.

Moreover, the food outside recently tastes very strange, far less delicious than the food in the free canteen.

The smiles on these people's faces became even brighter at the thought of free meals.


As the little boy shouted, a person in the crowd fell down.

"I'm tired again. Why do I feel that the work arranged by Mr. Zhangba is not onerous at all?"

"Maybe it's just physical weakness."

"Hold him aside and let him rest first. When he comes back after dinner, find a few people to take him to the hospital and let the doctors there give him a diagnosis and treatment."

The people around helped the man to the side of a big tree and let him rest against the tree. Then they continued to walk towards the free canteen ahead.

"I'm so hungry~"

After a while, a sigh sounded from beside the tree, and the birds slowly emerged from the shadow of the big tree.

This hungry guy looked like a normal person just now, not at all what a hungry person should look like.

If it hadn't been for the inspection just now, it would be difficult to imagine that this person was fainted from hunger. Instead, he seemed to be fainted from overwork.

Seeing the accustomed behavior of the people around him, Feiniao felt a chill in his heart.

In a country where people can eat for free, its citizens are starving.

It's really the biggest joke in the ninja world.

"How is this going?"

Yuhi Hong suddenly appeared behind Asuka. She looked down at the middle-aged man leaning under the tree and frowned slightly.

She originally thought that this person was just as tired as the person around her said.


Seeing the captain's gloomy expression, Yuhi Hong dismissed the idea in her mind.

After a moment of silence, Feiniao stood up and came behind the little boy. Before he could speak, the little boy suddenly grabbed a handful of fools from the ground and threw them towards him.

"Go away, ninjas of Konoha." Yuichi wiped away his tears and roared, "You are just as untrustworthy as those nobles. You can give up your bottom line for mission rewards. Whatever those nobles ask you to do, you will do it. do what."

at this time.

Yuhi Hong walked over and squatted in front of the boy, looking at the crying child, then secretly put her hands behind her back and curled her fingers at Asuka.

When she noticed something was placed on her palm, she looked at the extra candies on her palm and thought to herself.

"not bad."

Seeing this crying child who was extremely sad, Yuhi Hong thought of the weird look of his parents just now and couldn't help but sigh.

this country

Then, she tore open the outer packaging, and the scent of fruit gummy wafted through the air to Yuichi.

"Eat a candy, we will report this matter to the village."

good smell

Very fragrant.

After hearing what the kind-hearted elder sister said, Yuichi shrugged his nose and swallowed hard.


Yuhi Hong handed the candy forward some more and rubbed it against his mouth.

Yuichi couldn't help but take a lick, and with just this sip, the sweetness bloomed on his taste buds instantly, and the bitter mood seemed to fade a little under the impact of the candy.

"Is this sugar?"

The first time he ate so-called candy, Yuichi couldn't help but lick it again, and then he found that the red-eyed girl had stuffed the candy into his mouth.

"Bring some more fruit, otherwise you will get tired of eating so much greasy food just now."

At this time, Yuhi Hong took out another fruit from behind and handed it to Yuichi.

This time, Yuichi didn't refuse. He held the apple tightly with both hands and felt a sore nose.

Feeling the sweetness in his mouth, he suddenly burst into tears.

The little boy just sat there. Asuka and others stood in front of him and saw his dirty little face covered with tears. However, the people walking nearby just looked at those people strangely and then started again. Walk towards the free canteen.

"Help, help me."

Yuichi opened his already red and swollen eyes, grabbed Yuhi Hong's hand, as if it was the last life-saving straw, and said hoarsely.

“Please, help me, help me.

Aren't you ninjas? I can pay you. "

As he spoke, he took out many things from his arms and displayed them in front of the three of them.

When he handed the reward to the pretty big sister, Yuichi looked at the embarrassment on her face and his eyes dimmed a little.

Then, he handed the reward to the ninja who was "slapping his nose". When he saw him shaking his head in rejection, Yuichi's eyes dimmed again.

When he showed the reward to Asuka, Yuichi couldn't help but swallow when he saw him standing expressionless, just looking at himself, and then lowered his hands holding the reward in disappointment.

"No, it's because you can't accept the mission privately, or my reward is not enough. But I don't have it anymore."


After groping around for a few more times, he took out the tattered books from his waist and placed them on top of the "reward".

Looking down at these things in his hands, tears could not flow down.

The tears seemed frozen.

In October at the seaside, the temperature has dropped.

Looking at the comic book at the top whose cover had long since disappeared, Asuka thought that on the night of the Nine-Tails, Madara Uchiha also had this comic book pinned to his waist.

"A man who protects what he wants to protect from the beginning to the end is indeed very handsome, old man."

"The child with the light in his eyes"

He let out a soft breath, and when the white breath was about to dissipate in the air, his figure appeared in front of the child, arms folded across his chest, looking down at the "so-called rewards" in the other person's hands.

Shells picked up on the beach, stones picked up on the ground, broken books found in the trash can, and a wooden kunai made of branches.

"It's really a generous reward."

Picking up the broken book from his hand, Asuka and the two people looked at him in shock. He gently pressed his right hand on the Uchiha clan emblem, and his expression suddenly became serious.

"Your client is - the Uchiha clan, the fifth captain of the police department, the fighting jounin of Konoha Hidden Village, Uchiha Asuka."

Two chapters first, the next one will come later.

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