In the laboratory, a group of silver-haired old men stood there blankly, staring intently at the busy figure in front of them.

They are all fighting ninjas and have no idea about scientific experiments. They only know that this is a relatively advanced field and the Uchiha clan members are "not very proficient".

Hmm. Not very proficient.

Watching Uchiha Iri take out the portrait of Senju Hashirama, lay it flat on the table, and then quickly form seals with his hands, chakra gushes out along his arms.

? ? ?

Is this also a step in a scientific experiment?

It’s really hard to understand.


After looking at the group of old men who knew nothing, he looked down at the portrait of Senju Hashirama.

After a moment of silence, Uchiha Iri sighed and explained to the confused people next to him.

"The Reincarnation of the Earth is an S-level forbidden psychic technique invented by Senju Tobirama. This technique can summon the souls of long-dead ninjas back to the human world and resurrect them in physical form.

However, there is a big drawback to reincarnation in the dirty earth. The magician can erase the consciousness of the deceased. Whether to retain the emotion and will is completely decided by the magician, which is contrary to my wishes.

And that resurrection is not a real resurrection. The resurrected people have no sense of pain, smell, or taste.

I have worshiped Senju Hashirama all my life and will never allow this to happen. "

Asuka looked at Uchiha Iri who was talking to himself in confusion.

I vaguely remember that those who were reincarnated from the dirty land in the previous life had to sacrifice the dead. Although it turned into a sacrifice for Bai Jue in the end, they still had to sacrifice something.

"Old man, why did he take out a portrait?"

Thinking of the scene when Senju Hashirama came out last time, Asuka blinked and looked sideways, and asked hesitantly, "When Senju Hashirama came out last time, were there any cracks on his face?"

"It seems like not."

Ryoichi shook his head after thinking for a moment. He was shocked and sad last time, and didn't pay much attention to what Senju Hashirama looked like after his resurrection. He only knew that the resurrection seemed to have failed.

I haven't seen him experiment again since.

"I combined the theories I have studied for decades, plus the information on the reincarnation of the dirty land obtained from the "mysterious person", and combined the two together to develop a new type of ninjutsu."

Yili took a deep breath, looked down at the blue chakra emerging from his palms, his eyes couldn't help but condense, and then he quickly formed a mark on his hands and shouted in a low voice.

"The Art of Reincarnation in the Dirty Land: Gai!"

Two old palms pressed hard on the portrait, and blue chakra completely enveloped the portrait from the inside out.

Peng! ! !

A white smoke rose from the portrait and instantly filled the entire laboratory.

The moment the smoke rose, Asuka's dark eyes instantly turned red. He stared at the center of the smoke and frowned slightly.

"No need for sacrifice? Senju Hashirama is alive now?"

As the smoke in the room gradually dissipated, a black figure also appeared.

The man wore an iron forehead protector, with two strokes of black hair on both sides of the forehead protector. He wore a white Hokage robe, lined with a red ninja uniform, and a red ribbon as a forehead protector. His body had no cracks, and his face was rosy and earthy. Reincarnation is very different.

When the people around him saw that figure, their eyes instantly widened and their mouths opened and closed to the limit, as if they had seen something incredible.

One of the old men took a step forward. He observed Senju Hashirama across a few tables and said a little dullly.

"It's really similar."

"Yes." The great elder looked up at the familiar figure, a flash of excitement flashed across his old cheeks, "Senju Hashirama may not be the best candidate for Hokage. But...but..."

At this time, Ryoichi also let out a long sigh. He thought of the four elderly people in the Hokage Building and shook his head subconsciously.

"He is bold and upright in nature, and his power is comparable to the sea. He is many times stronger than those old guys."

next moment.

A beam of chakra swept across the room, and everyone's bodies were shaken. Then they saw Senju Hashirama's eyelids move slightly.


Asuka's eyes moved slightly. Although he had some suspicions that Senju Hashirama's chakra was not consistent with the title of "God of Ninja", he soon found an excuse.

Perhaps, this is a newly resurrected relationship.

After all, when Orochimaru first resurrected Senju Hashirama, the first generation could not defeat the third generation.

This makes perfect sense! !


At this time, a sound of breathing came from the front. Senju Hashirama slowly raised his eyelids, and his vision gradually became clear from blur.

When he saw the silver-haired figures in front of him clearly, Senju Hashirama observed the surrounding environment again, and his cheeks twitched subconsciously.


This environment is so familiar.


This person is so familiar.

This group of Uchihas are also familiar.

Only the motor is missing.

After briefly exploring the state of his body, Senju Hashirama looked at the group of Uchiha old men speechlessly.

He was called here inexplicably last time, and this time he was called here inexplicably again.


After sighing in his heart, he shrugged his shoulders and stood listlessly, "Uchiha tribesmen, why are you like Tobirama, always studying this kind of ninjutsu?"

Seeing that Senju Hashirama showed no sign of anger, the great elder nodded heavily and said excitedly.

"That's the smell."

As he said that, he turned to look at Uchiha Iri next to him, who had a complicated look on his face, and praised him.

"Yili, after I compile the history of my family, I will write you on the first page."

Uchiha Yili's face darkened. He looked at Senju Hashirama in front of him and couldn't help but start to question himself.

Do I really have no talent for scientific research?

This. This. This is different from what I thought.


Senju Hashirama sighed again. He looked around at the group of old men around him. After realizing that he was not under control, he crossed his arms and criticized them seriously.

"Uchiha clan members, what you did is really bad, the impact is too bad."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the eyes of the old men in front of him turned red and tears appeared in their eyes. The serious look on their faces suddenly disappeared and he said in a hurry.

"Hey, don't cry, don't cry, that's what I said."

The great elder sniffed, the crutch in his hand kept hitting the ground, and cried.

"Hashirama-sama, Uchiha, he can't survive this day."

Hashirama tilted his head, confusion flashed in his eyes, and he asked quickly.

"No money?"

All the old men shook their heads.

"Can't you find a wife?"

The old men shook their heads again.

"You were beaten?"

The old men shook their heads again.

Senju Hashirama scratched his head and said a little doubtfully.

"Then what's wrong with you?"


At this time, he heard a sigh coming from the room. Asuka saw that all the old men were too excited to speak. He took a step forward, saluted Senju Hashirama, and spoke.

"The people in the village discriminate against us, they won't let Uchiha become Hokage!!"

Senju Hashirama patted his forehead and stared at the old man and the young man speechlessly through the gaps between his fingers.

Looking at them like this, it was obvious that they had been greatly wronged in the village.


His brother Senju Tobirama immediately appeared in his mind.

This matter must have something to do with Tobirama.

"What exactly did Tobi do? He actually forced the Uchiha clan to complain to a dead man like my brother."

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