After looking at Asuka, who had his back turned to her, and then at the "middle-aged Uchiha man" who was already sitting, Tsunade's expression changed a few times, and she walked towards the table.

"The guy who hides his head but misses his tail!"

Sensing the chakra emanating from the other party's body, Tsunade narrowed her eyes and spoke in a questioning tone.

"Are you really an Uchiha?"

Hearing this, Senju Hashirama was stunned for a moment. He looked at Tsunade's cold expression and looked at Uchiha Asuka with helpless eyes. He couldn't help but regret his impulsive thoughts just now.

After two small bets, Xiao Gang unexpectedly wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"Tsunade-sama, he is a tribesman who has not opened his eyes. The reason why he uses the transformation technique is purely because he does not want to win your money and get revenge from you."

Listening to this extremely perfunctory reason, two veins popped up on Tsunade's wrist, and she looked at the two people with a hint of murderous intent.

You really treat me like a sheep.

The next moment, Tsunade stepped on the stool with one foot, reached out to pick up the dice on the table, took a deep breath and started shaking it.

Wow! Wow!

Feeling the vibration from the rolling die in her hand, she raised her head and looked at the smiling man opposite her. After a daze in her eyes, she slapped the die on the table.

A heavy atmosphere instantly filled the entire courtyard.

"As for what?"

After looking at the two people fighting fiercely there, Asuka curled his lips and looked back, lying back on the chair again with his back to Tsunade, thinking to himself.

"I just want Senju Hashirama to feel the warmth of his relatives. There is a successful example like Uchiha Madara in front of him. As long as Senju Hashirama feels the warmth of his relatives, he will not want to die so much. At worst, he will be resurrected after death. chant.

If he experiences it a few more times, he will definitely miss the world of the living. "


Thinking of this, Feiniao's ears twitched slightly, listening to the noise coming from behind, he began to review the events of the past two days.

Through these two days of observation, he was certain that Senju Hashirama was looking for traces of a certain Madara who had left in the clan.

He should have recognized Madara Uchiha in the laboratory at that time.

His behavior of occasionally making insinuations and using his status as a "middle-aged Uchiha man" to get close to people in the clan had long been noticed by Asuka.

Why are you going to all this trouble? Just ask me.

Thinking of Madara who had stayed quietly in the clan for the past two months, Asuka twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and thought to himself.

"I said that Uchiha Madara came to the Hui clan for retirement and had no intention of doing anything to Konoha. I wonder if he would believe it?"

"I guess so?"

As time passed, the game progressed through several rounds.


Just when he thought Tsunade would lose and go home to get the money, he suddenly heard the sound of someone slamming the table angrily in the distance.

Feiniao's eyelids twitched and he said quickly.

"If you lose money, you lose money. Don't smash my things. Even fat sheep have to deal with gambling."

Tsunade took a deep breath to suppress the annoyance in her heart. When she looked up at the other person's smiling face, the anger in her heart surged again. She threw the dice in her hand into the bowl, turned around and waved.

“If you want to win, win, if you want to lose, lose. It’s boring to play if you don’t lose or win.”

clatter! clatter! clatter!

As the sound of the dice spinning in the bowl gradually stopped, Tsunade's figure disappeared at the entrance of the courtyard.

Asuka then sat up and looked at Hashirama, admonishing.

"Why don't you tell her your identity, so that you can be together every day, and you don't have to live in the Uchiha clan."

Hearing this, Senju Hashirama raised his head and glanced at the courtyard door. He handed the black box in his hand to Asuka and said with a wry smile.

"In all the separations of life and death, everyone has forgotten Tsunade's pain. Instead of letting her know her identity and be sad again, it is better to just pretend to be someone else."


Asuka glanced at him in surprise, and immediately what Hashirama said made sense.

This is what a person who truly cares about Tsunade should say.

It would be a shame not to be Hokage.

"Well." He raised his eyelids and glanced at Hashirama who looked sad, and raised his eyebrows and said, "Boss, don't you want to see what your great-grandson looks like? Why don't you become Hokage for two years and find a family for her to marry? .”

A trace of yearning flashed in Hashirama's eyes, and then he thought of the murderous intent that the other party had inadvertently revealed when he was gambling, and he couldn't help but shake his head.

"It's not easy to marry!"

"That's right, boss, do you want to have another child? Don't let the Senju family lose its inheritance. You know that just because the Senju family was disbanded, Uchiha's life situation was somewhat difficult.

Live two more years, have a baby and then die? "

"Hahaha, stop joking!!!"


Seeing Tsunade's temper suddenly become very irritable, the Uchiha clan members who were chatting on the street trembled one by one and subconsciously moved a few steps to both sides to make way for the spacious road in the middle.


After snorting again, Tsunade turned around and glared at Asuka Yard, turned around and walked out of the clan angrily.

There's something wrong with that person today!

Something is very wrong!

There are many people who can win against her, and there are many people who can let her win. But this is the first time, not the second time for Tsunade to see the person who can make her neither win nor lose.

The laughing figure appeared in his mind, and the angry Tsunade suddenly became a little silent.

"Hey, let me ask you"

She directly grabbed the collar of an Uchiha tribesman next to her and said in a rather cold tone, "Who is that person who lives in Uchiha Asuka's house?"


After the man was stunned for a moment, he looked at Tsunade, whose face was not very good. He recalled in his mind the middle-aged man who had been following Asuka Jonin for the past two days, and quickly shook his head.

"Tsunade-sama, I don't know that person either, I really don't."


Tsunade put the other person down, then approached the other person again, continuing to ask the same question.


At this time, a soft voice came from the side. Uchiha Mikoto came to Tsunade with the baby in her arms and a vegetable basket, and said gently, "What happened?"


Tsunade let out a breath, then let go of the man's collar, turned to look at the woman behind her, and when she saw the child in her arms, the evil look on her face was perfectly hidden by her.

"so cute."

After nodding towards the other party, she reached out and pinched Sasuke's chubby cheeks, and the smile on her face suddenly took on a maternal look.

Then, she turned her head to look at Mikoto and asked in a low voice.

"Mikoto, do you know who that person is in Uchiha Asuka's family? Is he a member of the Uchiha clan?"

"I don't know about this either."

Mikoto shook her head, she really didn't know this matter.

A lot of things have happened in the family recently, and she doesn't even know about it.

It seems that the family members are hiding something from her and Fugaku, which is also the reason why Fugaku has been irritable recently.

Although he had not lost any power as a patriarch, those elders felt like they were swaying him.

After thinking for a moment, she looked at Tsunade's unhappy expression and asked.

"Tsunade-sama, why are you asking about that person?"

Tsunade didn't answer her words, but her mind began to race rapidly.

The other person has chakra, but Mikoto doesn't remember that person.

It is impossible for a clan leader's wife not to remember that her family possesses chakra as a ninja.

He is not an Uchiha! !

"The other party's chakra gives me a familiar feeling."

After muttering something in her mind, she raised her head and smiled at Mikoto, returning to her usual carefree look.

Then, she waved to Mikoto and explained while turning around and walking outside the Uchiha clan.

"Nothing, just a few rounds of gambling with that guy today.

Mikoto, goodbye. "

Hearing this, Mikoto looked at her with strange eyes, thinking of Tsunade's title of Big Fat Sheep, she couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

Could it be that you are anxious and planning to retaliate afterwards?

When Tsunade walked out of the clan, the smile on her face disappeared. She looked back at the Uchiha clan, went directly to her teacher Hiruzen Sarutobi, and "borrowed" the crystal ball from him.

"Hey, what are you pretending to be?"

Weighing the crystal ball in her hand, Tsunade thought of the old man's evasive look just now, and couldn't help but curled her lips with a look of disgust on her face.

"We have been masters and apprentices for decades, and no one knows who the other is."

Thinking of the obscene way Jiraiya and old man Hiruzen used the crystal ball to peek, Tsunade wrapped the crystal ball with a handkerchief in disgust.

She always felt that the crystal ball might be stained with the saliva of those two people.

Holding a crystal ball the size of a human head in her hand, Tsunade raised her eyebrows, turned and walked towards the family, and spoke.

"The art of telescope!"

"You need to master the character's chakra characteristics."

"And that person's chakra, gambling luck, and loving look on his face really make people feel a little comfortable and a little uncomfortable."

"Oh, Uchiha Asuka, you will really surprise me."

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