"Kid, you'd better sleep with your eyes open at night."

Hearing that she was still in the mood to threaten him, Asuka couldn't help but shook his head and said, thinking of the fierceness flashing in Tsunade's eyes after he wiped the blood on the other person's face.

"How can the same method work twice?"

Tsunade, who was trapped under her arm, raised her head with difficulty, and looked at Asuka, with a hint of red in her eyes.

She could feel that when she was suffering from blood phobia, if the birds were by her side, although the disease would have an impact on her body, as the number of times increased, the impact would not be as serious as imagined.

This guy has no murderous intention towards him, he will only scare himself with blood.

Just wait and see, evil Uchiha brat!

After he pushed Tsunade out of the bedroom, he saw Senju Hashirama already dressed and sitting in the bedroom, looking at his granddaughter with complicated eyes.

It's still exposed. You shouldn't have itchy hands today.


Hearing the familiar voice coming from her ears, Tsunade trembled, pursed her lips and looked at Senju Hashirama sitting opposite, and then froze on the spot for a moment.

next moment.

She grabbed Asuka's collar with both hands and shook it back and forth.

"Grandpa, why did you find someone who can transform into someone else to trick me? Do you think I'm stupid and easy to deceive?"

Asuka sighed in his heart, he looked at Senju Hashirama's current appearance, scratched his head and said.

"Actually, the resurrection is not considered successful. Grandpa You was just afraid that you would see him in another way, so he chose to face you in this form."

Um! Um!

Thinking of his original form, Senju Hashirama nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, and then a green branch appeared in his hand to prove his identity.

After seeing the piece of wood escape, Tsunade's body stiffened. She subconsciously let go of her hand and walked to the table. She checked the grandpa up and down to see if there were any signs that he was being controlled.

Grandpa's resurrection this time is really weird. Although he has Asuka's endorsement, that evil Uchiha kid is not a good thing either.

Thinking of the picture of Asuka applying sunscreen, Tsunade turned around and glared at Asuka, and then found that the other person had already left the room at some point.

at this time.

Asuka had already arrived at Ryoichi's room opposite, dragged the sleeping Ryoichi up from the bed, and told a general story about Tsunade's discovery of Senju Hashirama's identity.

"Old man, Senju Hashirama has no intention of becoming Hokage. What are you going to do next?"

Ryoichi rubbed his groggy eyes and glanced at the opposite room before saying calmly.

"The family has not come up with any solution. You know, there is something wrong with the ninjutsu developed by that guy Yili. It cannot control the resurrection object. This also leads to the behavior of Senju Hashirama being completely out of control."

Looking at this unhurried old man, Feiniao's cheeks twitched, then he sat on the chair carelessly, picked up the apple on it, took two bites, and said.

"Originally, he didn't even want to live. It was me who used the news about "that old man" to keep him hanging. Who knows how long I could keep him hanging.

Old man, take this opportunity and think of a solution quickly. If he suddenly finds out that "that old man" is really here to provide for old age, he will probably hang himself immediately. "

Ryoichi also picked up the apple and took a bite. Then he felt a stinging pain from his teeth. He was so frightened that he quickly threw the apple away and inhaled while rubbing his right cheek.

"Saburou said some time ago that our purpose is not to let the first generation be Hokage, but to prevent Danzo from becoming Hokage. If the third generation can do it, then he should not do it now. The family is following this direction and is thinking of solutions.

However, considering the ten guys in the family who can't put together a brain, they probably can't come up with any good ideas. "

Feiniao smacked his mouth and looked back at his brightly lit bedroom. After thinking about it according to the ideas provided by the old man, a strange look flashed in his eyes from time to time.

"Hey! Hey!"

At this time, Liang Yi waved his hand towards him and said angrily, "Don't think about killing Danzo. That old guy cherishes his life very much. If you can't kill him, you will be in big trouble. Don't worry, I will go there tomorrow." Find the great elder and try to get this matter settled before heading to the capital."

"Okay, I'll go back first and wait for your good news tomorrow."


Looking at Asuka's leaving figure, Ryoichi narrowed his eyes slightly, rubbed his chin with one hand, and thought to himself.

"I tell you, there is no need to go to such trouble, just let the news out that Senju Hashirama is still alive, and then leave the problem to the people in the village.

Senju Hashirama said he doesn't want to be Hokage, so he doesn't want to be Hokage?

He is more respected and more popular than you three generations ago. Why should you be the Hokage if he is not the Hokage?

Why don't you pay to watch the bathhouse every day? "

"As for Danzo?"

Ryoichi curled his lips and had no intention of comparing him with the First Hokage.

As long as the first generation appears in front of everyone, and if Danzo can still become Hokage, he feels that it is time to resurrect his cousin.

It’s okay not to want this dark Konoha.

It's time to flip the table.

When he returned to his residence, he saw two shadows of a man and a woman reflected in the bedroom window of Senju Hashirama. Seeing the male shadow looking up to the sky and laughing, Asuka shook his head and walked towards his bedroom.

He has always been dissatisfied with the elders in the village, and each one has a crazier idea than the last.

Isn't it just to let Senju Hashirama be the Hokage?

There is no need to go to such trouble.

He directly called the Hyuga family, the second largest family in Konoha, and asked them to test the quality of Senju Hashirama, and then throw out the pain in his heart of [lost Byakugan]. Whenever he hesitated at all, it was for Senju Hashirama. Doubts about Tehashirama's strength.

Just leave the problem to Hinata, Uchiha is not suitable for thinking.

boom! boom! boom!

Before Asuka could continue thinking, the bedroom door was knocked from outside.

"Asuka, grandpa is looking for you."

After opening the door, he saw Tsunade standing outside the door, gently wiping her red and swollen eyes with her hands.

"Oh, the road to stay with grandpa will be long in the future, so there is no need to cry."

Hearing this, Tsunade bit her lips until they turned white. She was silent for a while before speaking slowly.

"Flying birds, breaking and rope trees them"

"Those two"

Thinking of meeting those two people when he was a child, his eyes fell on Tsunade for a moment, then he glanced elsewhere and said.

"Tsunade, in my heart, you have always been a "good person who will not disregard the feelings of others in order to satisfy his own selfish desires." I can tell you the truth about the reincarnation of dirty land studied by your second grandfather and Orochimaru tomorrow.

I also saw what your great grandfather looked like."

Having said this, he took a step forward, put one hand on Tsunade's shoulder, and whispered.

"You don't want your brother and your lover to be resurrected in that form, right?

And there is no point in resurrecting the dead. You have to look forward. They in heaven must want you to look forward instead of dwelling on the past. "

Hearing this, Tsunade's eyes dimmed slightly. She watched Asuka pass over her body and walk toward the back, and couldn't help but murmured.

"Then why do you want to resurrect Grandpa?"

Asuka waved back and said without thinking.

"Of course it's because resurrecting your grandfather is meaningful, as it is related to the survival of Uchiha.

What's the use of resurrecting your brother? Your brother is so stupid. I told him to be careful back then, but he took my words as farts. Resurrecting him is a waste of my power. "

Just as he said what was in his heart, Feiniao's footsteps suddenly stopped. He felt the murderous aura escaping from behind him and said with some hesitation.

"Tsunade, I told you that I was possessed by the Yamanaka family's secret technique just now. Do you believe it?"

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