As the crowd slowly left the door of the conference room, the news of the vote spread throughout Konoha instantly.

When they learned that Senju Hashirama's name appeared on the list, the whole village immediately became excited.

Although this group of people could not understand what the voting ninja masters were thinking and why they would vote for the dead Shodaime Hokage, this did not prevent them from missing the grand occasion when [Senju Hashirama] led Konoha. .

At that time.

Konoha is very peaceful, there is no war, and all the major ninja villages are as docile as little fat sheep. Although they cannot be slaughtered at will, if they kick those fat sheep, they will not say anything.

And now.

Konoha is like an old man who accidentally entered the sheepfold and was gored by several fat sheep. After three brutal battles, he was almost killed by the fat sheep.

"If Hashirama-sama were alive, our lives would definitely not be like this."

"Yes, although I was still young at that time, I remember that in the village at that time, ninjas came to seek refuge every day, and powerful ninjas came here every day. At its peak, there were three waves a day."

"But since Lord Hashirama left, no ninja has come to seek refuge with us."

"I probably understand why Mr. Hashirama appears on the voting list today. Those ninjas must have felt a little emotional when they saw the current situation of Konoha Village and thought about the scene where the entire clan surrendered."

"Indeed, compared with the beginning, the gap is too big."

Listening to the discussion of the surrounding villagers, Asuka quickly came to Hinata Mengmeng's side, put his arm around his shoulders and asked.

"Mengmeng, why didn't your Hyuga clan surrender to the clan leader today?"

"My name is Mengmeng, not Mengmeng." After emphasizing his name again, he looked up at the clan leader walking in the front, gently shook his shoulders and whispered.

"You know, our clan leader is the only one who votes for him every time. The sparse number of votes is very embarrassing. This time I just saw you voting for the Shodaime-sama.

We simply followed, since people in the village couldn't find fault with us anyway, so we just missed the old Hashirama-sama.

I estimate that next time the Hokage is elected, a rule will be added to the voting rules, saying that you cannot vote to death."

"As expected of being the second in Konoha, what serious family can spy on them every day with their Byakugan?"

Feiniao glanced at him with disdain, then took a few steps forward and waved, "Take good care of Sister You. She is a bad example of you, and she peeks into my safe every day with her white eyes."

Hearing this, Hinata was stunned for a moment, and then, as if she had reacted to something, she pointed at Asuka's back and shouted angrily.

"Uchiha Asuka, please stop and explain clearly. Are you showing Huahua something strange? She has been looking at married women every day recently."

Looking back at him, Feiniao slowly narrowed his eyes and pointed out something.

"Is it possible that she peeked into your book?? You know that I never draw married women. Generally, people over thirty will not appear in my books."

Hinata blinked her eyes blankly, then her face suddenly turned red and she cursed angrily.

"Fart, I saw a story about the Raikage and the Tsuchikage's wife in your safe some time ago."

In an instant, the street became silent.

The villagers looked at Hinata Mengmeng and then at Uchiha Asuka, their eyes gradually becoming weird.

"What are you looking at?" Hinata glared at the surrounding villagers, pointed at Asuka's back again, and said angrily, "Didn't Elder Danzo say that? That guy likes wives, he likes wives, he likes wives.

I don’t like married women, so what do you think I’m doing? "


The faces of the people around him suddenly showed a look of surprise. They looked at Asuka who couldn't explain, and then looked at Hinata Mengmeng who was explaining frantically, and they couldn't help but secretly thought in their hearts.

“Creation will only occur when there is a market, because creation needs to be recognized and loved by readers in order to gain more attention and revenue.

In order to cater to the market, creators need to understand readers’ needs and preferences and create works that meet market demand.”

"It's easy to laugh at fifty steps but you are not serious people."

Konoha, the land of the Uchiha clan.

When Uchiha Mikoto returned home, she smelled the smell of alcohol in the air, sighed softly in her heart, walked to the living room, put the vegetable basket in her hand on the ground, and said while taking off her shoes.

"Fugaku, what are you planning to do by voting for the First Hokage?

There are some bad words circulating in the village today, saying that you look down on the living Danzo-sama, do not believe that he can lead Konoha to the top, and would rather vote for the dead Shodaime."

Hearing this, Uchiha Fugaku stopped drinking. He raised his head, looked at the doubtful look on Mikoto's face, and frowned slightly.

"I did not attend this meeting today. It should have been discussed by Elder Sanlang and others."


After hearing what he said, Mikoto became even more confused.

She heard today that there were many people voting for Senju Hashirama. The two major families of Hinata and Uchiha joined forces to directly bring Senju Hashirama's votes to the same level as Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Two families who couldn't stand each other suddenly joined forces. But the patriarch didn't know anything.

Thinking of the reason why Fugaku was upset recently, Mikoto sighed softly in her heart again.

Some elders in the family have behaved a bit strangely. They have been secretly plotting something without telling many people recently.

Danzo has been talking to Fugaku recently, trying to find out from him who the Susanoo and Wood Release users are.

After the Night of the Kyuubi, although many people in the village sympathized with Uchiha's experience, there were many voices of doubt. After all, the Sharingan in the Kyuubi's eyes could not be faked.

And the sacrificed Hokage and Jinchuriki cannot be faked.

Danzo has been looking for trouble ever since Orochimaru invited Fugaku to dinner several times before he defected.

Plus these recent things

Danzo continued to put more pressure on Fugaku.

The kaleidoscope strongman who appeared on the night of the Nine Tails is suspected to be a relative of the elder Ryoichi, and the current kaleidoscope owner in the clan does not get along well with his own family.

Thinking of the relationship between Uchiha Asuka and Uchiha Ryoichi, a dim light flashed in her eyes, and she couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

"If Fugaku had a strong kaleidoscope standing behind him, the pressure would probably be much easier."

Afterwards, she got up and entered the kitchen, cooked a few simple dishes and placed them in front of Fugaku. Then she left the room and went to the street outside, walking along the street towards the east end of the clan land.

A powerful three magatama expert can be ignored or taken seriously.

But as a kaleidoscope powerhouse, this is something she can't ignore.

The other party's status in the family has become enough to affect many people's thoughts.

A full half a month has passed since the Night of Nine Tails, and it's time to talk to Asuka.

When they arrived at the entrance of Asukain, Uchiha Mikoto's steps suddenly became hesitant.

There was a look of struggle on her face, and it was obvious that she was going through a fierce debate inside her.

A little person in her heart eagerly persuaded: "For the benefit of the family, you should go to Asuka and try your best to persuade him to change his mind. The influence of a strong Mangekyo Sharingan is the same as that of a strong Sanmagatama Sharingan." The difference in influence is really huge.”

Another villain retorted fiercely: "He is going to break up your family and make your two sons children of a single-parent family. Why are you looking for him? Isn't your pain and grievance worthless at all?"

What about Uchiha Fugaku? What does he do for food? Doesn't he care at all what you think? "

Mikoto smacked her lips, feeling that what the two little people in her heart said made sense.

From a family perspective, I really should find him.

But from a personal level, why should I go to him? You are the one who is wronged.

Before Mikoto could make a decision, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a red figure suddenly appear in the second-floor window of Asuka's house, and it was an extremely familiar red figure.

next moment.

The red figure disappeared from the window in an instant, as if everything was her illusion.

Kushina? ?

After comparing the red figure with the figure of Kushina in her mind, Mikoto subconsciously pushed open the door of Asuka's house and walked inside.

"Fei Fei, can you not become that guy all the time?"

Asuka shook the orange cat's head vigorously and said helplessly, "Can't you transform into that cat lady with a cat tail? Why do you keep changing into her?"

Upon hearing these words, the orange cat glanced at him sideways, with a look of dissatisfaction.

"You are really difficult to maintain. It's because you dislike my appearance. Every day when you get up, you say that I'm so heavy that you can't breathe."

Seeing the orange cat's angry expression and contemptuous eyes, Asuka said with a hint of reminiscence in his eyes.

"Obviously you were so small before. I was afraid of crushing you to death when I slept. Now you have become like this. In fact, I feel that you can become thinner."

"I'm not the Sage of Six Paths."

The orange cat shook his head without thinking, "Who is a good cat who can control his chakra when sleeping? No matter what I become, I will eventually return to my original state.

Nowadays, only by transforming into the form of Cat Girl and Kushina, one can control one's chakra without deliberately controlling it, and can maintain it all night long. "

"Then just go back to being a cat."

"That won't work either. If you turn into a cat, you can't sleep with it in your arms."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A sudden knock on the door interrupted the two of them talking about what had happened. Asuka threw the orange cat on the table, then opened the door, glanced at the person standing outside, and closed the door again. .


The huge force brought up a gust of wind and hit Mikoto on the face, blowing her long black hair away.

Looking at the closed door, Mikoto's cheeks twitched, and then she knocked a few more times with her fingers, speaking softly.

"Asuka Jonin."

Asuka turned his back to the door and said directly without thinking.

"I don't want to talk to you."

Uchiha Mikoto took a deep breath and continued.

"I just seemed to have seen an old friend appear in your home."

Watching Asuka leave, the orange cat scanned the entire house. When he found that they were the only two people in the room, he immediately curled his lips and said.

"The cat doesn't want to talk to you either."


In an instant, two blue veins appeared on Uchiha Mikoto's forehead. She gritted her teeth and stared at the closed door.

The anger and dissatisfaction in his heart almost turned into rude curse words, spurting out from his throat.


The next moment, the closed door suddenly opened from the inside.

What came into view was a red figure. Mikoto's eyes immediately widened, her mouth turned into an O shape, and she subconsciously took two steps back. Her Sharingan kept rotating in her eye sockets, observing the situation in front of her.

There are no special changes in the flow of chakra.

Then she covered her lips with one hand and said awkwardly:

"Are you really Kushina???"

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