Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 215 Traces of Senju Hashirama

"Is it morning again?"

Ichikishima-hime looked around this familiar room, then looked up at the time on the clock on the wall. Her delicate facial features squeezed toward the middle at the same time, with an extremely painful expression on her face.

She now hates mornings very much. No, she hates breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper very much.

Who is a good person who eats fried chicken for all four meals?

Although she is not a good person, a bad person cannot eat fried chicken four times a day.

It really makes me angry! !

Turning to look at Asuka who was brushing his teeth with his back turned, Ichikishimahime's eyes instantly turned red, he clenched his fists, and his back molars creaked.

"Stop biting, your teeth are almost broken."

As he spoke, he moved the toothbrush in his hand to the other side, and then looked back at Ichikishima Hime, who was sitting on the chair eating fried chicken like a good baby.

After looking at the other person up and down for a few times, Feiniao brushed his teeth and walked to the table. He stretched out his hand to pinch the fat on her belly and said in surprise, "Are you fat?"

Sensing a pulling sensation in her abdomen, Ichikishima Hime stiffened, then she suddenly raised her hand, waved it in the air twice, and then wiped away the toothpaste foam scattered on her face.

Then, she stared at the fried chicken on the table, took a deep breath, tried to make her voice calmer, and said.

"I'll tell you one more time, can you change me for four meals next time?

If I am guilty, I should not let my stomach suffer for me. This is a double attack both mentally and physically. "


After rinsing his mouth, he slapped his breakfast in front of Ichikishima Hime, pointed at the instant noodles and iced milk on the table, and said.

"Ever since Xiyan was busy going to the medical department for consultation, my breakfast has been getting worse day by day, and now it's back to what it was before. If you don't mind, we can eat this from now on."

Looking at the broken instant noodles in front of her, Ichikishima-hime touched her belly with a look of disgust on her face and muttered dissatisfiedly.

"No, I'm not in good health. I'll definitely have a stomachache after eating."

"Then you can eat fried chicken!"

With that said, Asuka sat on the chair, then opened a bottle of canned cat and pushed it to the red-haired woman next to him.


The red-haired woman yawned, smelled the fragrance in the air, and wrinkled her little nose twice. She skillfully picked up a spoon from the plate next to her, took a spoonful of the cat canned food, and took a big bite. Chew it up.


After swallowing, her closed eyes slowly opened, and then she saw Asuka and Ichikishimahime looking at her blankly.

She tilted her head slightly and said a little doubtfully.

"What are you looking at?"

Ichikishimahime held a chicken drumstick in her hand and shook her head while eating, "No matter how many times I see it, I still feel a little emotional about cats eating with spoons. You are really the only one in the ninja world."

Asuka also took a mouthful of instant noodles at this time and said.

"I don't have any feelings about cats eating with spoons. I'm just curious about why you eat like Kushina."

Fatty rolled his eyes at the two of them, and continued to dig hard inside the can with a spoon. He stared at the food on the spoon, licked the corners of his mouth, and explained.

“Because humans have big mouths, they can eat more when their stomach is not paying attention.

As for why I transformed into Kushina, it’s simply because Kushina’s mouth is larger than that of ordinary people, and the most important point is that the chakra consumed by me when I transform into her is completely negligible.”

Seeing her "elegant" eating the canned food with a spoon, Ichikishimahime looked at the knife and fork on the plate, and then secretly glanced at Asuka.

She just wanted to take these things and give that bastard a try.

Ichikishimahime felt the greasy chicken in her mouth, her cheeks twitched, then she looked down at the chicken drumstick in her hand, with a trace of disgust on her face, and said.

"Why doesn't it get tired of eating canned food for so many years? I've only been eating fried chicken for less than two months and I'm so tired of it."

Asuka rolled his eyes at her.

Don’t you even think about it? Of course it’s because the fried chicken is too oily.

Poking the dough on the chicken leg with her hand, Ichikishima-hime pouted and said aggrievedly, "Actually, I have been learning to cook for myself recently, so can I cook and eat by myself tomorrow?"


Feiniao took a sip of instant noodles and felt a little fed up.

He has been eating instant noodles for more than ten years, and now he feels like vomiting when he sees instant noodles, but he doesn’t want to cook them

"Make an extra portion tomorrow and we'll eat it together."

Hearing this, Ichikishimahime's eyes widened instantly, and three wrinkles appeared on her smooth white forehead. She looked at Asuka with a blank look on her face and said in confusion.



After blowing on the hot noodle soup, Asuka glanced at her and said plausibly, "Because I don't cook in the morning. When Senju Hashirama was living at my house, I might have made instant noodles for him in the morning, but now he is forced to My hand took it away, and I didn’t even want to cook my own food, so I could only eat food cooked by others.”


Ichikishimahime stood up, slapped her hands on the table, her face instantly turned red with anger, and she said angrily.

"You Uchihas really have no shame at all."

"Those Uchihas really have no shame at all!"

Hearing the angry roar in his ears, Senju Hashirama took a sip of instant noodle soup and secretly commented on Tsuna's new cooking skills.

I don’t know how she has managed to live alone after so many years.

Thinking of this, he looked up at Tsunade, whose face was ashen, then put down the porcelain bowl in his hand, patted her head and comforted her.

"Xiao Gang, there is no need to be angry. Originally, grandpa just wanted to live for a few days and investigate some things, and he didn't want to cause you any trouble. When the investigation is completed, grandpa will leave."

Tsunade turned to face the middle-aged man and asked.

"Grandpa, what are you investigating? How is the investigation going? Do you need my help?"

After hearing these three questions in succession, Hashirama showed a wry smile, shook his head and said nothing.

Although the old man spoke in simple terms, he had no intention of taking a break after all, and even occasionally appeared at the meatball stall in Konoha to buy a few skewers of meatballs to eat.

Although he is a little too serious about children, he does not mean to lead them astray.

Therefore, he collected a lot of information about Madara during this period.

But as he collected more information, he became more and more doubtful.


After Hashirama muttered to himself, he leaned directly on the chair and looked up at the room where he once lived, with a flash of reminiscence in his eyes.

Madara was that kind of person back then, but he didn't know why he wanted to destroy their common dream later.

He still remembers that during the last battle, Madara really wanted to destroy the village.

This was also what puzzled him.

Because age spots and adult spots behave very differently.

Madara is an extremely determined person, and death and age will not change his will.

Something must have happened in the meantime.

Looking at the grandpa who suddenly became stunned, Tsunade stood up and came to him, waved her hand in front of his eyes, and said worriedly, "Grandpa, those Uchiha people, when they voted for you in the meeting, they always felt like Things are not that simple, should we go for a walk?”

Senju Hashirama's eyes moved slightly. He looked at the look of expectation in Xiao Tsuna's eyes and smiled.

"Don't worry, we will go out and hide again when my identity is exposed. Now, Grandpa will use the transformation technique every time he goes out, and no one will find out.

As for voting.

The villagers will probably take it as a joke, hahahaha."


At this time, an anxious voice interrupted Senju Hashirama's laughter, and a thin figure suddenly ran out of the courtyard. She did not go through the courtyard door, but climbed directly over the wall and entered the courtyard.

"Sir. Grandpa"

Hearing Shizune's panting voice coming from the courtyard, Tsunade took a deep breath, walked to the door, and blocked the door.

When Shizune came closer, her white palm gently patted her head and comforted her.

"Don't be anxious, take a breath first and speak slowly!"

This voice seemed to have a calming effect. She slowly closed her eyes and enjoyed Master Tsunade's touch. She waited until her heart beat gradually slowed down before she opened her eyes and said.

"Tsunade-sama, I seem to have seen your grandfather. He came to me to ask for directions and asked me where to go from the Senju Clan."

? ? ?

Hearing this, a row of question marks instantly appeared above Tsunade's head. When she looked back into the room and saw her grandfather shaking his head at her, her face suddenly darkened and her voice became cold.

"Shizune, what's going on?"

Shizune looked up at the sky and pouted for a while before speaking out the words she had organized in her head.

"Just now when I was walking on the road, I met a man wearing red armor. The red armor was very similar to the armor at your home, and the man's appearance was very similar to that of the First Hokage.

The place he asked about happened to be the Senju Clan's land, so I pointed him to Tsunade-sama's residence and came over to report the news. "

Looking through the crack in the door, Hashirama looked at the strange little girl standing outside the courtyard, and frowned slightly.

He was certain that he had not asked her for directions.

But the way the other person talks doesn't look like he's lying

Is this someone pretending to be themselves?

But what is the purpose of that person pretending to be himself?

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