Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 218 The attitude of the largest wealthy family in Konoha

Compared to the people of Konoha, whose overall style is weird, and the top management of Konoha, who are calm on the surface but somewhat confused in their hearts, the style of the Uchiha family has also become somewhat abnormal.

In the past, every meeting would be noisy, with everyone having their own ideas and opinions.

But today.

When Uchiha Yili came in from the outside, he found that the atmosphere in the hall was extremely serious. The clan leader was sitting at the top, and the clan members were sitting on both sides.

Everyone in the hall was as motionless as clay sculptures.

They had no intention of starting a fight or arguing. There was a look of shock on their faces, and they all lowered their heads and pondered something.

After sweeping his eyes around the hall, Yili stepped to the left hand side, picked an unoccupied chair and sat down, then looked sideways at the tribesmen sitting beside him and asked.

"How is this going?"

The man pinched his chin with one hand, glanced at the clan leader who looked not so good, and explained in a low voice.

"In the past two days, news of Senju Hashirama's resurrection has spread in the village. In addition, our clan all voted for Senju Hashirama in the Hokage vote. The clan leader feels that we are hiding something from him."

? ? ?

A row of question marks instantly appeared above Yili's head.

When he looked up and saw Saburo and Liangyi frowning with shocked and thoughtful expressions on their faces, Yili frowned without even thinking about it, and even made a tsk-tsk sound in his mouth, as if he was having trouble thinking. What a hindrance generally.

He must have been hiding it.

The clan leader cannot be allowed to know about this matter, he has always been opposed to his own opinions.

As for Senju Pillar Room

Resurrection, definitely resurrection. As the parties involved, they even had lunch with Senju Hashirama a few days ago.

"Elder Saburo!"

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku's voice came from above. He looked at the silver-haired old man sitting on the left side and asked, "Do you want to give me an explanation?"


The great elder sighed deeply. He raised his head and looked around the clan members. The shock in his eyes had not dissipated. Finally, his eyes fell on Fugaku, and his old voice spoke slowly.

"Clan leader, if I say that I only got the clan members to vote because I wanted to disgust Danzo, would you believe it?"

Fugaku wanted to say he didn't believe it.

But seeing the shock in the Great Elder's eyes, he swallowed back the words stuck in his throat.

When Saburo Uchiha learned the news that Senju Hashirama might really be resurrected, the shock on his face didn't look like he was pretending, and based on his understanding of the "wisdom" of his people, Senju Hashirama was resurrected. The matter should not be at odds with the family.

In addition, the tribe does not have a good impression of Danzo, so it may really be a coincidence.

Thinking of this, he looked at Uchiha Iri, a die-hard supporter of Senju Hashirama in the clan.

"Eli, tell me about this."

After glancing at Liang Yi and others opposite, Yili's eyes rolled back and forth a few times before he stood up and faced the clan leader. His dark eyes slowly turned red, and finally even filled with some water mist.

"If Hashirama-sama is really resurrected, the person who resurrected him is undoubtedly a genius, a top genius in the ninja world. Such a genius has been rare in the ninja world for nearly a thousand years. What he did can be written down. In the history books of our Konoha Village.

I can't imagine what suffering that genius went through in order to resurrect Senju Hashirama.

It may be that decades of research have yielded no results, it may be that there is a lack of funds and it may be that we just eat and drink, or it may even be that this great project was completed in an extremely dilapidated laboratory.”

After listening to these boastful words, Feiniao and others twitched their cheeks, and then saw expressions of emotion on the faces of the surrounding tribesmen, as if they were infected by Yili's words.

Yes, some people believe this.

After they looked at each other, they all understood what the other person wanted to express.

"This guy Yili has no shame at all. He actually brags about himself."

Uchiha Fugaku couldn't tell that Yili was insinuating himself. After all, he never expected that this clansman who had made no progress in studying resurrection techniques for decades would finally be able to research something.

This is like an ant sleeping with an elephant and the elephant giving birth to a ferocious ant the next day.


He could hear Yili's admiration for Senju Hashirama, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He was indeed the person who admired Senju Hashirama the most in his family.

"Does this matter really have nothing to do with our family?"

After hearing the clan leader's voice, Feiniao and others in the hall were stunned for a moment, and then they all shook their heads and started to defend themselves.

"This matter was definitely not done by us Uchiha. If we Uchiha really mastered the ninjutsu of resurrecting the dead, we would be able to resurrect all the powerful Uchihas in the past, instead of resurrecting a foreigner."

"Yes, although resurrecting Senju Hashirama has some benefits for the family, it is not as great as resurrecting them. It doesn't make sense logically."

"And the most important thing is, clan leader, as the leader of the family, you know that we, although you are unwilling to admit it, are indeed not as good as Senju Tobirama when it comes to creating ninjutsu."

"My clan is very narrow-minded, but has few bad intentions. How can we cooperate with others and do such things that disrupt the order of the village?"

"It's against morality to resurrect the dead. We definitely didn't do this."

After listening to the explanations coming from below, Uchiha Fugaku thought for a moment and nodded.

The family may have geniuses, but they are limited to ninjutsu, and he also knows these tribesmen. Just from Yili's decades of research, he can tell that these tribesmen have no scientific research level.

As for someone in the family cooperating with outsiders.

Thinking of the great elder who suggested voting for Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Fugaku shook his head again.

That old man was one of the few in the family whose way of thinking was close to normal. He was also one of the few who spent his whole life alone and devoted everything to the family. It was impossible for him to do such a dangerous thing behind the family's back.

It is impossible to do anything that would put the family in danger.

"This matter has been revealed for now!"

Seeing that the patriarch was telling the story, the elder glanced at the three people sitting next to him, straightened his clothes, and sat upright on the chair, ready to discuss the next issue.

As an Uchiha who only believed in himself, it was certainly impossible for him to cooperate with outsiders.


The tribesmen are not considered outsiders. He regards them as family members.

"What should we do if Senju Hashirama is really resurrected? Tell us what you think."

Then, Uchiha Fugaku's eyes once again fell on Eli, who had studied Senju Hashirama for decades.

In the entire Uchiha, no one understands Hashirama better than him.

Wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, Yili stood up and looked around at all the Uchiha in the hall. The voices of this group of people represented the voice of the family.

Some of them are close to the village, some are close to the family, and some are close to both sides.

But it doesn't matter

Thinking of this, he stood up and walked to the middle of the hall. After seeing the expressions on everyone's faces, he spoke.

"As time goes by, after most of the older generation died, the story of Senju Hashirama has become a legend.

Those who praise him regard him as the God of Ninja.

Those who disparage him regard him as a demon in the ninja world.

People who don't want him to appear are trying their best to erase his existence from history. Yes, I am talking about a certain strongest Hokage in history. "

Having said this, he swallowed and gave everyone some time to think.

Next, he planned to rely on words to convince his family.

This was their long-planned plan.

Then, Yili raised his head and looked at the group of clansmen who were deep in thought, then puffed out his chest and continued.

"Do you know what Senju Hashirama's biggest regret is in his life?"

After hearing these words, everyone looked up at Yili, wondering what the old guy was going to say.

They don't study Senju Hashirama, so who cares what regrets he has in his life.

Seeing that the atmosphere in some halls was a bit cold, Asuka put his right leg on his left leg and cheered.

"Did you not see Tsunade getting married before you died?"

Everyone in the Uchiha's face darkened, and then they started talking one after another, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became lively.

It is true that some of them don't like Senju Hashirama, but it cannot be denied that he is indeed a very charming and qualified leader.

After discussing for a long time, they saw Uchiha Iri shaking his head, and the group of people all turned to look at the thin old man in the middle of the hall.


Sensing that more and more eyes were focused on him, Uchiha Iri directly picked up the chair next to him and smashed a big hole in the wall on his left.


A loud noise came from inside the house. Uchiha Mikoto, who was eavesdropping outside the door, had her eyelids twitching. A # appeared on her forehead and she said while biting her teeth.

"Next time, I will definitely ask you to go outside for a meeting!!"

The smoke and dust that filled the room gradually dissipated, and the light from outside also shone in through the large hole.

Everyone looked at the entrance of the cave, and then their eyes drifted to the half-restored Hokage Rock in the distance. The majestic and kind figure of Senju Hashirama was looking at them at this time.

Uchiha Yili put his hands behind his back. He looked up at the portrait in the distance, a flash of excitement in his eyes.

"Our suffering is Hashirama-sama's greatest regret."

As the words ended, there was no sound in the hall for a long time.

The atmosphere became subtle at this moment.

Regardless of whether one likes Hashirama or dislikes Hashirama, while chewing these words in his mouth, the life of Senju Hashirama instantly appeared in his mind.

That is a "shadow" that regards the village as everything to him.

"Our suffering is his biggest regret. We Uchiha are also Konoha villagers."

"If he becomes the leader, he will not turn a blind eye to our suffering and the suffering of the village."

"We need a strong "shadow", a "shadow" that regards the suffering of all of us as regrets in his life. This is also the fairness that we Uchiha have always pursued."

The great elder suddenly stood up and came to Yili, patted his shoulder and said with emotion.

"Yili, you are right. This is the first time I agree with your idea."

He turned to look at Uchiha Fugaku, who was sitting at the top, took a step forward and crossed Yili, then knelt down on one knee, his expression suddenly became serious, and his voice became deep and powerful.

"In Konoha Hidden Village, Uchiha Clan, the first elder, Saburo Uchiha, today, I agree with this person."

At this time, Ryoichi also stood up and came to Yili's side, with an encouraging smile on his face and said with a smile.

"Old guy, you're right. You convinced me."

Then, he also came to the great elder, knelt on one knee, and spoke slowly in an old voice.

"Konoha Hidden Village, Uchiha clan, second elder Uchiha Ryoichi, today, I agree with this person."

Seeing that both of them had expressed their opinions, Uchiha Madou stood up expressionlessly and came to Yili's side as well, nodding.

"You want to support Senju Hashirama's idea of ​​becoming Hokage again. I have known about it decades ago. From then to now, I have never agreed. In addition to my disapproval of you, there is another reason why I am not optimistic about Senju Hashirama. Brother Hand has an opinion.

But now, Konoha and Uchiha may really need such a "shadow". "

A smile suddenly appeared on Madou's expressionless face. He smiled and patted Yili on the shoulder, then crossed his body and came to the great elder, knelt down on one knee and said.

"Uchiha Madou, the fifth elder of the Uchiha clan in Konoha Hidden Village, today, I agree with this person."


Seeing that these old men did not follow the script again, Feiniao's thug slapped his forehead, then stood up and came to Yili's side. He did not dare to slap the old man on the shoulder, but said directly.

"Old man Yili, he's very good at evading words, and he convinced me too."

Yili looked at Uchiha Asuka who turned and left, his lips moved slightly, but before he could say anything, he heard a sonorous and powerful voice coming from the front.

"Konoha Hidden Village, Uchiha clan, Uchiha Asuka, owner of the Mangekyou Sharingan, now, I identify with this person."

The people around looked at the four people in the middle of the hall, and their eyes suddenly became complicated.

Servings for four of them.

too heavy.

Thinking of Danzo who might be in charge in the future and Hiruzen Sarutobi who might be in charge again, someone walked out of the crowd again and came to Yili's side, nodding.

"The voice of dissatisfaction in the family is getting louder and louder. Uchiha really needs a "kage" who treats him fairly."

next moment.

As more and more people stood up, Uchiha Iri's eyes couldn't help but become a little red.

Although the first four are supports, the back ones are not.

"Hashirama-sama, your position as Hokage is in danger."

"The largest wealthy family in Konoha recognizes me!!"

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