Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 237 Let’s spread the branches

at this time.

Konoha Hokage Building.

"Police department!"

Hashirama rubbed his brows and said with a headache, "Because of your character, you are indeed fair in law enforcement, and the internal environment of the village is not bad. Logically speaking, fair law enforcers should be easily loved by the villagers. .”

Um! Um!

The group of Uchiha below kept nodding their heads. As expected of Senju Hashirama, they immediately talked about the root cause that they had not thought about for many years.

How did the family get mixed up like this?

How do you do it so that no one likes it?

It is obviously fair enough. Every time a clan leader takes office, he will say that we must enforce the law fairly and not bully the villagers.

And they don't bother to bully ordinary people, or even ordinary ninjas. They occasionally fight with Hinata and Kurama, but they don't mess up like this.

Hinata, Kurama, these ninjas don't have that much energy.

Glancing at the doubtful eyes of the group of people, Feiniao smacked his lips and said with some uncertainty, "Is there a possibility that being so cool, so cool, so powerful and invincible that he is not suitable to be a law enforcer? "

These words immediately silenced the group of people in the room.

They looked at each other and nodded again after seeing those Uchiha who were obviously not good-looking.

The divisions within the family are somewhat serious.

Ugly and fierce, handsome and cold, silly and cute.

[Brother Hashirama’s innocence and Uchiha Madara’s insidiousness, it is my duty as the Second Hokage to strike a balance between the two and protect and stabilize the village. 】

After reading the words written on the first page of the diary, Senju Hashirama tilted his lips and put the diary back on the table with a proud look on his face. He then crossed his fingers to support his chin and spoke.

"The village did not actually block Uchiha from having the opportunity to become Hokage."

"Lord Hashirama."

At this time, the elder stood up and bowed slightly towards him, and said slowly in an old voice, "We know this ourselves, but we don't know why. Ever since the Third Hokage came to power, the genius of the Uchiha family seems to have been cut off. generally.

Counting from the death of [Mirror], the Uchiha clan has not produced any decent genius in the past thirty years.

Asuka's opening of the kaleidoscope only happened in the past six months. "

Um! Um!

The Uchiha nodded wildly again.

To be honest, as long as the family has an extra Mangekyō Sharingan, they can speak louder to others, but the strange thing is that the Uchiha family has not had a Mangekyō in the past thirty years, and even the three magatama are pitiful.

Asuka had some vague guesses about this matter.

Maybe the root of the matter also appears in Uchiha Madara. In the past, as long as Indra's reincarnation grew up, there was a high probability that he would have the Mangekyō Sharingan. As for the Eternal Eye, it should depend on luck.

However, this generation of "Indra" survived for too long, resulting in Indra not being reincarnated in the Uchiha family for a long time.

According to the original timeline, shortly after Madara's death, Uchiha produced so many pairs of kaleidoscopes that it was like crazy.

at this time.

After listening to the great elder's chatter, Hashirama's eyes stayed on Asuka.

This was a Mangekyou Sharingan owner, but the suspicion that he controlled the Kyuubi had been ruled out because there were many ninjas in Konoha monitoring Uchiha at the time.

As for the blue giant, Hashirama also knew who he was, so he naturally eliminated that person's suspicion.

With Madara's arrogance, he didn't bother to do such self-directed and self-acted things, and for Madara, since his death, no one in the entire ninja world can stop him.

He didn't do such a thing then, and it's even less likely now.

This also shows that the Uchiha family or the ninja world still has a pair of unknown kaleidoscopes.

Since he learned about Madara's existence, he has not limited his sights to the inside of the village. There are probably some Uchiha people outside who don't know about it, but how do the Uchiha in the ninja world know the time of Kyuubi's birth?

This matter is likely to have something to do with people within the village.

After suppressing the doubts in his heart, Hashirama raised his head and looked at the Uchiha in front of him, speaking frankly and honestly.

"Uchiha clansmen, I have recently thought of two ways for you.

First, give up some of the rights of the police department, find some families who have conflicts with you to join in, and compete among yourself to change the static internal environment of the police department. As for other compensations, I haven't thought about it yet.

Second, everything remains as usual, but I need to personally take on the role of chief of the police force. I will use the credibility of [Senju Hashirama] to endorse what you do, and I will also work hard to find the root cause of the problem. "


The group of Uchiha collectively gave a thumbs up in their hearts and looked at Senju Hashirama with approval.

He is worthy of being the first generation Hokage, infinitely better than the third generation.

This measure.

Seeing that there was no objection, Senju Hashirama breathed out softly, and after scanning the group of people one by one, he spoke.

“In my mind, the role of the village is to eliminate the barriers between tribes, but it is not easy to implement it, and this is also true.

Uchiha tribesmen, I know that you are also eager to integrate into the village, and want to be recognized by the villagers by becoming Hokage. However, in addition to having strong strength, psychology, and reputation, Hokage also needs supporters behind him. This is the so-called villagers’ recognition.”

Having said this, he looked at Feiniao again, a smile appeared in his eyes, and said.

"Now, Uchiha is the most likely candidate to become Hokage."

Hearing this, the group of people followed the first generation's gaze and looked at Asuka. Seeing the guy's uninterested look, they couldn't help but curl their lips.

This guy was obviously talking about becoming Hokage a few days ago.

What a quick change of heart.


Hearing Hashirama suddenly cough slightly, his face turned slightly rosy. He raised his head and looked at the group of Uchiha people with admiration in their eyes, and then looked at the diary on the table, and couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Tobirama, you can't stop me this time.

The next moment, Senju Hashirama scratched his head in embarrassment and smiled.

"Actually, Uchiha cannot produce Hokage. There is another big problem, that is, you have no "allies", so you have to find allies."


Hearing this, the group of Uchiha couldn't help but froze for a moment and looked at Senju Hashirama in a strange way.

Logically speaking, Senju Hashirama is already the Hokage, so he shouldn't ask such questions that even children know.

Whole Konoha

Which ninja is willing to form an alliance with Uchiha?

"Lord Hashirama, what do you mean?"

At this time, the great elder suddenly stood up and glanced at the first generation expectantly.

According to Lord Hashirama, he wants to arrange allies for them.


Hashirama pondered for a moment, put his hands on the table, looked at the group of Uchiha in front of him solemnly, and said.

"What I advocate is intermarriage. Yes, it is intermarriage."

"What are you looking at me doing?"

Seeing that the tribesmen around him suddenly turned to stare at him, but did not speak, Asuka was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed Senju Hashirama's expectant eyes also falling on him.


But my opinion is divorce.

After Feiniao muttered a few words, he stood up and said.

"Master Hashirama, I personally support your view, intermarriage is indeed a good way.

If they are all intermarrying, and I am part of you, and you are part of me, how can there be conflicts? The conflict between the family and the village is directly reduced to the level of personal conflict.

His aunt, his uncle, and his aunt were all handsome men and women from Senju, Hinata, and Uzumaki.

If an Uchiha had a conflict, his uncle, his aunt, and his uncle would have already started talking loudly about it. If they introduced a Senju girl to him later, it might become an internal conflict within the family. "


"No, you agree to intermarriage now?"

"What's wrong with intermarriage?" Turning to look at the stunned tribesman, Asuka crossed his arms and retorted directly, "What? The girls from Senju, Hinata, and Uzumaki are not good-looking? There is nothing wrong with marrying a foreigner, you didn't see it What has your life been like as a clan leader?

It is too easy for our family to gain power, which leads to extremely easy mood swings. If two people in a family are Uchiha, it is easy for them to fight.

Didn’t you see that Mikoto-sama no longer cooks for the clan leader? "

"Then you shouldn't be so hasty, right?"

Looking at the Uchiha who started to argue below, Senju Hashirama rubbed his forehead and then looked out the window.

Intermarriage is indeed a good path, it is good for Uchiha, and it is also good for Konoha.

Integrating the original Uchiha bloodline into all the people of Konoha and transforming it into the trunk of Konoha will make Konoha as a whole stronger and increase the recognition of Uchiha in the hearts of the villagers.

Kill two birds with one stone! !


Thinking of this, Senju Hashirama rolled up his sleeves and stood up to join the quarrel.

"It hasn't been this lively for a long time."

After the meeting ended, the news that Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Asuka proposed intermarriage spread throughout Konoha instantly.

It was like a bomb was thrown into a pool of stagnant water, instantly blowing the lake in half.

There are supporters as well as opponents.

The biggest opposition was not from Uchiha, but from those who did not want to marry Hinata.

"The Uchihas are all intermarrying, can the Hyuga clan be far behind?"

"Who is willing to live a good life and let his descendants protect the clan? Isn't this going to reverse history and restore slavery?"

"No, I object to this unless the Hyuga clan continues to marry within."

"I object too."

Seeing these angry villagers, Uchiha Mikoto paused slightly, then she turned her head and looked at the yawning orange cat lying on her shoulder, with a smile in her eyes.

"You said that Uchiha Asuka agreed to this proposal, is it possible because of you?"

The orange cat froze, she glared at Mikoto and said angrily.

"Don't talk nonsense, this matter has nothing to do with me."


Mikoto held her chin with one hand and analyzed it seriously.

"If this proposal is passed, Uchiha Asuka, as the first person to support it, will most likely marry a woman from a foreign race to express his support for this policy.

He and Tsunade-sama have great conflicts, which is unlikely.

The conflict between him and Hinata is not small. The key is that the separation system of the Hyuga clan is unbearable, and it is impossible to marry a Hinata woman.

As for the vortex"

After looking the fat cat up and down, Mikoto nodded subconsciously, made a tut-tsk sound in her mouth, and said in a guessing tone.

"Why do you think he put so much effort into summoning you back from the Pure Land? Why did he try so hard to revive you? Just to let you see your son?"

How did I not know that bastard was so kind? "

Hearing this, the orange cat tilted his head and stared blankly into Mikoto's eyes.

But when she thought about it according to the other person's thoughts, she found that it seemed very reasonable.

A guy who is not related to you, let alone has no connection with you, spends a lot of effort to rescue you from the Pure Land, just to let you take a look at your son. It makes no sense either emotionally or rationally.

Some time ago, she even lied to herself, saying that she resurrected herself to make her son owe a favor.

At that time, I actually believed this nonsense reason.

Thinking of one-month-old Naruto, Kushina also thought of Uchiha Asuka, the owner of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

He is a medical ninja and a combat ninja who is at the top of the ninja world.

A man who was almost at the top of the ninja world spent a lot of effort trying to resurrect himself just to make his one-month-old son owe him a favor.


Nonsense! !

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