Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 241 If you don’t want to be unlucky, you can only let the other person

"A Fei, is there any information I can know?"

"Ah? What do you want to ask?"

"There seems to be nothing I can ask. By the way, has anyone cheated in the village recently?"

"This kind of thing? Sarutobi Hiruzen's son cheated on him."

"Huh?? What the hell?? Why??"

"Because he has not been pregnant for so long, the Sandaime son questioned his ability and decided to go out and give it a try."

"I understand. If there is nothing wrong with him, he will kick his wife away. If there is something wrong with him, he will secretly come back to live."


Until Asuka and A Fei disappeared at the end of the street, a black figure suddenly appeared on the window sill. After she glanced around and found that no one noticed her, she ducked into the room.


With her feet firmly on the floor, she looked around at the newly decorated room, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, then she took out an envelope from her arms and placed it in a conspicuous place.

Just as she was about to leave, the woman suddenly caught a glimpse of the photo frame above the TV out of the corner of her eye.


Frowning, she stepped to the photo frame and looked up.

The four people on the photo frame all have very distinctive looks.

The man in the middle has long hair and looks forward with stern eyes. The man on the left turns his head slightly and looks at the long-haired man in the middle with a touch of admiration in his eyes.

The person on the far left looks somewhat similar to the current Uchiha Asuka. The one on the far right

boom! boom! boom!

Listening to the sudden footsteps outside the courtyard, the woman in black frowned. She glanced around the indoor environment, and her eyes finally settled on the dark space under the sofa.

Boom! Boom!

The moment there was a knock on the door, an orange figure rushed down the stairs, then opened the door and welcomed the person outside.

"You're finally here!"

When he saw the familiar figure standing outside the door, he saw the orange cat's two fleshy palms clapping together, and then the chakra in his body began to flow.


The next moment, a red figure appeared in the bedroom.

The moment he saw the red figure, the man's pupils under the sofa shrank suddenly, his hands quickly covered his mouth that was about to scream in surprise, and he looked outside in shock.

Isn’t Uzumaki Kushina dead?

that person.

After her eyes stayed on the black-haired woman for a moment, she frowned again.

Uchiha Mikoto?

Then, under the shocked eyes of the woman in black, the two sat directly on the sofa. Mikoto's right hand was placed on the back of Kushina's hand. Looking at the other's angry look, the two asked softly.

"what happened?"


Kushina snorted, and then told Mikoto what the orange cat told her.


After listening, Uchiha Mikoto opened her eyes slightly and looked at the other party in surprise. When she saw her nodding towards him heavily, Mikoto's cheeks twitched and she couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

I want to have a son, but I'm not sure if I can find a wife to give birth to a son, so the fat cat sets his sights on the widow?


It hits those who can give birth to sons.

As she thought about it, Uchiha Mikoto's expression suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that her face suddenly became ugly, Kushina held her hands with both hands and asked with concern, "What have you thought of?"


Uchiha Mikoto bit her lower lip lightly, with a look of hesitation on her face.

She just suddenly thought of something. After her divorce, who would benefit the most?

It would be of some benefit to Fugaku, but certainly not the biggest, because that would hurt Itachi.

There is some benefit to the family, but it is certainly not the biggest, because although it will get help from foreign clans, it will also weaken the authority of the clan leader.

Calculate and calculate

Mikoto's face suddenly became ugly. If based on the principle of who benefits the most, who is the murderer. Combined with what Uzumaki Kushina just said,

Uchiha Asuka proposed this idea when he attended the clan meeting for the first time in January this year. At that time, he had just detected that the fetus in his belly was a boy.


After a moment of silence, Uchiha Mikoto suddenly frowned and asked softly, "Do you think there is a possibility that everything he did was for my concubine?"

? ? ?

Hearing this, Kushina was confused for a moment, but she was not stupid, and she soon figured out what Mikoto was asking.

If you think about it in another direction.

The fat cat wanted to find a woman who could give birth to a son - he accidentally learned that Mikoto had given birth to two sons - and persuaded the Asuka tribe to file for divorce - because he was Mikoto's best friend, he resurrected himself and planned to repay the favor - He even saw that there was no progress at Miqin's place, so he took the idea to himself.

OK, everything is OK.

at this time.

Mikoto also figured out everything. The moment her and Kushina's eyes met, they both turned their heads and looked away. The hands that held each other tightly subconsciously loosened a little.

A Kage-level powerhouse, the owner of the Mangekyou Sharingan, the top medical ninja in the ninja world, and the grandson of the third-ranking figure in the Uchiha clan.

When Kushina thought about Asuka's strength and background, and the resources she could mobilize, she was shocked to find that she was the one in the weak position.

The other party now not only holds the handle to resurrect her, but she has also confirmed that the kaleidoscope can control tailed beasts.

Uchiha Madara can control the Nine-Tails, and Asuka, who was in close contact with Madara in the last few months, will most likely be able to control him too.

Through the orange cat, she learned many secrets of Uchiha.

The best way to prevent these secrets from being leaked is probably the wife, besides the dead.


Thinking of this, Kushina couldn't help but take a breath, and the shadow of Naruto and Uchiha Asuka instantly appeared in her mind.

She knows so many Uchiha secrets, and the other party will definitely not trust her.

After his resurrection, how can he effectively counter Uchiha Asuka?

Or what method did Uchiha Asuka use to counter himself after resurrecting her?


It's best for you to find a reason to make the other party dare not act rashly.

After thinking for a moment, Kushina suddenly raised her head and looked at Mikoto, who was sitting next to her. Mikoto also happened to turn her head to look at her at this time.

They looked at each other's watery eyes and said in their hearts at the same time.

"Best friend?"

"Two girls talk and do everything together. They only talk to each other about troubles and share benefits with each other. It has almost surpassed the relationship between ordinary friends. When two girls are together, they can't even talk to each other. All private topics can be shared without mercy.”

"Two people who become best friends say they won't help you, but when something happens to you or it's really dark, she will always be the first one to stand up."

Thinking of the meaning of best friend, Uchiha Mikoto bit her lip gently, and her voice suddenly became gentle.

"Kushina, if he really comes after me, will you help me?"

Kushina nodded without hesitation and said quietly.

"Will do!!"

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