Konoha Village, on a certain street.


Uzumaki Zetsu stood blankly on the street, looking at the sky in confusion.

Then, it divided the coins in its hand into a fan shape and fanned it back and forth at the tip of its nose. The unique ink fragrance of the coins entered the lungs along with the breath, making people very fascinated.

"I don't seem to have any organs!"

Speaking of which, it once again simulates human breathing.

Uzumaki Zetsu took a deep breath and sighed, "Dark Konoha, I didn't expect that spending a little money can solve so many things."

"This is the bad nature of human beings and has nothing to do with the darkness of Konoha!"

At this time, a dark-skinned, thin middle-aged man walked up to Uzumaki Zetsu and turned to look to the left. His sight seemed to penetrate many obstacles and directly see a certain two-story building.

"I didn't expect that a very intelligent guy would appear in the Uchiha clan."

Zetsu Uzumaki nodded in agreement, glanced at the ordinary man next to him out of the corner of his eye, and sighed, "Zet, you're pretending well."

Hearing these words, Hei Jue's already dark complexion turned even darker. It glared hard at the ordinary man next to it and warned in a low voice.

"Idiot, shut up, I won't scream!"

Uzumaki Zetsu blinked and said doubtfully.

"Huh? What's your name now?"

"Ah Hei!"

After saying that, Hei Jue crossed his arms and observed the villagers coming and going around him with an indifferent expression. Hei Jue was very satisfied with the name he gave himself, which could not only reveal his identity but also show his identity.

If this idiot hadn't said that it could make money to speed up the plan to resurrect his mother, and he was still observing Obito in the Water Kingdom, who would have come all the way to Konoha.

"It's a really good name, Ah Hei. Your naming ability is so commendable."

Uzumaki Zetsu, who had a cheerful personality, fell into rare silence after praising him.

at this time.

There seemed to be a hint of embarrassment in the air.


The sound of heavy breathing came from a distance, breaking the awkward atmosphere between the two of them. They looked up at the front at the same time, and saw a man wearing green tights walking towards them while standing upside down.

"Physical skills"

Black Zetsu could tell at a glance what the other man was good at, and he also recognized the man's identity, "Without an excellent background and no talent for ninjutsu, his genin father beat Kirigakure stupid in a battle with the Eight Gate Dungeon." .

He just didn't know how far his son could use this ninjutsu. "

"Five doors!"

Zetsu Uzumaki nodded affirmatively, then gave a thumbs up to Kai, who was walking upside down, showing a row of big white teeth, and smiled.

"Youth has no price, your life is now!"

Kai paused in his walking movements. He raised his head and looked hard at the two ordinary men in front of him, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.


He didn't recognize who the two men were.

Then, Kai was seen holding the ground with one hand, wiping the sweat from his face, giving a thumbs up to the two of them, and said with a smile, "Thank you for your support!"


Seeing the pervert in tight clothes howling and running away, Black Zetsu looked at Uzumaki Zetsu whose expression was mixed with sighs, and said coldly with a twitch in his cheek.

"It seems that you are very popular in Konoha!"


Uzumaki shook its head in a rare moment. It looked at Kai's disappearing back and continued, "I like to make friends with hot-blooded men, and he has prosopagnosia. Every time I talk to him, it feels like I'm making friends again. .

As of today, we have talked 127 times and he still doesn’t recognize me.”


Hei Jue slapped his big hand on his forehead and looked at the invisible moon in the sky with despair.

It doesn't understand why its subordinates are such idiots.


Uzumaki Zetsu seemed to remember something at this time. It turned to look at Black Zetsu and asked, "What are you doing in Konoha?"


He raised his hand and slapped it hard on the back of the head. Hei Jue gritted his teeth and said, "Idiot, you told me that you had a plan to make money. Let me come here for reference."


Uzumaki Zetsu also thought about this. He stroked the back of his head with one hand and said with a smile, "That's indeed what happened. Let's do it now."


After giving it another slap on the back of the head, Hei Jue took a breath and said in a low voice.

"I've finished discussing it with you."

? ? ?

Uzumaki Zetsu scratched his head, with a look of surprise on his face.

He and Hei Jue had indeed discussed the matter just now, and they even asked when action would be taken. As a result, Hei Jue concluded that the organization was short of manpower and had to make a few years of money first.

"Oh, if you don't even try to save your mother, I can't help you either."

Seeing it looking at the sky with emotion on its face, Hei Jue rubbed his temples with his fingertips and said with a headache, "I will give you part of the authority. You can do it first and be careful not to expose us."

Where is Xiaonan? "

Hearing this, a hint of joy appeared on Uzumaki Zetsu's face.

I can finally make money.

When I think about the future, I will become a rich man, accept the worship of children, and even my great paintings can be auctioned for a sky-high price after being packaged.

Uzumaki Jue couldn't help but drool from the corner of his mouth, and said foolishly.

"After Xiaonan monitored Asuka for a few days, she chased him out."

"Chase them out?"

"Yes, according to what she said when she was talking to herself, I was so angry that I didn't even get my period."


Although he is a top medical ninja, he is not very proficient in gynecology. Asuka can see that Konan's complexion is a little bad, but he has not noticed other problems yet.


The moment Xiaonan jumped down from the tree, she saw a loli floating in the air suddenly appear in her sight.

Flying ninjutsu?

Although she didn't understand the principle of the opponent's ninjutsu, she had detailed information about Asuka in her hands, so she knew the identity of this guy.

Ryuji Cave, Immortal, Ichikishima Princess!

"Have I been discovered from the moment I followed you?"

Hearing Konan's cold voice from ahead, he glanced at Ichikishima-hime and was about to speak when he heard Ichikishima-hime's voice coming from the front again.

"You smell like sansho fish."

Ichikishimahime pinched her nose, turned two somersaults in the air, and said disgustedly, "That thing is poisonous. I ate a few mouthfuls of Sanshou fish back then, and my mouth was numb for a long time."

Hearing this, she subconsciously raised her sleeves and smelled it. Then she thought of the purpose of chasing her. Xiaonan's expression turned cold, she looked up at Asuka and said calmly.

"Uchiha Asuka."


Asuka nodded in response, and then he looked in the direction he came from, recalling the information that Ichikijima Hime had just reminded him that he was followed when he left the village, and wondered.

"What are you doing in Konoha? Where is Hagura?"

It's okay not to mention this. As soon as the word "Ye Cang" was mentioned, Xiaonan directly raised his arm, pointed it in front, and shouted in a low voice.



As soon as he finished speaking, countless pieces of white paper instantly pierced the air and flew towards here.

Seeing Xiao Nan attacking him inexplicably, Asuka tugged at his hair and began to recall where he had offended this person.

They met in the Kingdom of Rain, and there was no conflict between the two. Although there was some misunderstanding during the gift-giving process, the matter should have passed.

boom! boom! boom!

The white paper penetrated straight into the ground like a sharp sword, and coupled with the extremely high flight speed, it soon made a large crater several meters in diameter on the ground.

Thick smoke and dust instantly enveloped the lower part, making it difficult to see what was going on inside.


The next moment, Xiaonan felt like he had been slapped on the head.

She turned around suddenly and looked to her side, only to see Ichikijima Hime sitting cross-legged in the air, looking at her with a bored expression.

"I'm telling you, this kind of attack can't hurt that man. You have to fight at close range. It's best to ride on his face and release ninjutsu to make him unable to avoid it.

Paper escape ninjutsu is not very good, otherwise you can still cooperate with me.

I can’t live this boring life for a while.”

Ichikishimahime said, holding the back of her head with her hands, and floated into the distance again.

The next second.

After she noticed that Xiao Nan's eyes were moving away from her, she held her breath, quietly came behind him, aimed at the thickest part of Xiao Nan's body, and kicked her hard.

call out!

Seeing the woman falling from the sky like a cannonball, Ichikishimahime once again put her hands on the back of her head and muttered.

"I hate disobedient people very much. I told you to stay close to me!"

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