Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 255 Is this an S-level mission? ?

"Here. Here"

This time it was Shukaku's turn to walk in front, avoiding obstacles on the road while guiding the few people behind him.

In order to find the meteorite that killed him, Shukaku had been searching in the Bear Country for a long time, so he was naturally very familiar with the terrain here.

"The Star Ninja found us!"

Hearing a solemn voice coming from behind, Asuka shrugged and said casually, "It doesn't matter, we can just reveal our identities when the time comes. We are not here to steal stars anyway."

Hearing this, Konan was silent for a moment. She looked up at the Uchiha clan emblem behind Asuka and continued to ask.

"Did you really come to the Bear Country to find remedies?"

Asuka paused, and he looked back at the doubtful look in Xiaonan's eyes, then reached out and took out a scroll from his arms and threw it to the other party, puzzled.

"Why are you asking so clearly?"

"Of course I'm afraid that you will implicate Ye Cang!"

With that said, Xiaonan reached out and took the scroll, opened it and took a look.

[Save the Sarutobi Clan-——S Class]

? ? ?

The entire scroll only contains the above eight characters, without a single extra explanation.

She spat lightly at these eight words, then she picked up the scroll and looked at the sun for a long time. Xiaonan was completely silent.

This S-level mission really only has eight words.

She mentally reviewed the information about the Sarutobi clan and found that she had not received news about the annihilation of the Sarutobi clan recently.

"Is this your mission? Is the Sarutobi clan going to perish?"

Hearing this, Asuka smacked her mouth, with a look of sadness on her face, and said, "The Sarutobi clan is living well, but there is a problem with my captain. As the eldest daughter-in-law of the Sarutobi clan, she doesn't know why. I just can't conceive a child.

You also know that as the eldest daughter-in-law of a big family, she has no status if she has no children, and no status means no inheritance rights. Without inheritance rights, the property she has worked hard for all her life will return to the family after her death.

Later, the captain heard that there was a folk remedy that could make people pregnant in the Bear Country, and it was related to "radiation", so she asked me, a medical ninja, to come over. "

Xiao Nan rolled up the scroll with an expressionless face.

If you can't have children, you can't have children.

Should he come to the ninja world to suffer the consequences of giving birth to a child?

Oh, no!

Great countries give birth to children to enjoy their happiness.


Thinking of this, her face suddenly became a little ugly.

Konan threw the scroll back to Asuka, then walked straight through the crowd and angrily walked to the front of the line.

? ? ?

Putting the scroll back into his arms, Asuka looked at her angry look and said with a frown.

"How can this girl be so angry?"

When Shukaku took everyone out of the poisonous fog, the scene before them made Asuka's face look a little ugly.

He found.

There is actually a road here that is comparable to the main street of Konoha Village, extending all the way to the other end of the mountain, and the poisonous mist also appears as a short gap at the other end of the mountain.

This is a country of bears. It turns out that we can enter through normal methods.

Looking at his darkened cheeks, Xiaonan checked the direction, took out a kunai from his waist, left a mark on the stone next to him, and said coldly.

"Perhaps your captain mistakenly thought that the folk remedy was in Xingyin Village, so he gave you a map that leads directly to Xingyin Village. He didn't expect that the folk remedy was in the Bear Country, which made us take an unnecessary journey."

Until the mark was carved, she didn't hear the bird respond to her, and even the breath behind her seemed to disappear.

Is this guy going to abandon himself to perform a secret mission?

Thinking of this, Xiaonan's face changed. She stood up suddenly and looked behind her, and then she found that Asuka's face was darker at this time.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Hearing a voice of concern in his ears, Feiniao looked back at the poisonous fog behind him, and said slowly in a deep voice, "I have good news and bad news here. Which one do you want to hear?"

"The bad news first."

"I don't know where the "home remedy" is. It may be in the Hidden Star Village or in the Bear Country. Just because you wanted to steal the stars, I subconsciously thought that we were in the wrong place."

Hearing this, Orange Cat, Shukaku and others immediately fell silent.

Just now this guy swore that the folk remedy came from the Bear Country.

"What's the good news?"

"The good news is that according to the map given by the captain that points directly to the Star Ninja Village, the folk remedy is likely to be there."


The orange cat sneered. It lay directly on the ground, looking like it couldn't walk, and said tiredly, "I don't want to go back. If you are willing to go back, go back by yourself. I want to find a place to sleep."

"Why sleep!"

He directly picked up the orange cat and put it on his head, and then walked towards the road ahead, "Since we have come here, let's take a walk around the Bear Country first, and then look for home remedies here."


As soon as he heard about shopping, a gleam flashed in the orange cat's eyes. It shook its head, then sat on top of Asuka and said energetically. "Eating bear paws, I want to eat eight."

Looking at the orange cat squatting on Asuka's head, Xiaonan curled her lips and whispered.

"This cat is really greedy!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she caught a glimpse of a black figure suddenly emerging from the grass next to her from the corner of her eye. Xiaonan's eyes narrowed and she subconsciously raised her arm to aim at the black figure.

Star Ninja? ?


After seeing the other person's face clearly, she pointed her raised arm at Asuka, as if she was afraid that he would beat the black figure to death.

"Don't hurt her!"

Hearing Xiaonan's cold voice, Asuka's eyes fell on the black figure and his brows wrinkled slightly.


The disheveled hair, torn clothes, and exposed skin were full of stains. Except for the palms, there was not even a white spot. The smell emanating from his body also attracted several flies to follow him.

The eyes were numb and dull, lifeless, and the whole person looked like a zombie.

After briefly observing the other party, Asuka's frown slowly relaxed.

This is an ordinary person or an ordinary beggar.

"Ninja-sama, please do me a favor and give me one bite to eat. Just one bite. Please."

The beggar, who exuded a strange smell, looked at the other party with dull eyes, and repeated this sentence back and forth in a hoarse voice.

After talking a few times, she saw that the other party didn't make any move, and just looked up into the distance. Then, she saw the beggar numbly opened his shirt, stretched out his big black hand and grabbed Asuka's wrist.


The moment the big black hand grabbed his wrist, Feiniao was stunned. He just wanted to see if there were any other beggars nearby and plan to help them together.

Anyway, he has plenty of food, but you grabbed it before I even gave it to him?

Are you going to meet other ninjas and not be beaten to death?

Feiniao's eyes turned cold, but before he could pull his hand back, he saw the beggar taking the initiative to move his body closer.

It looked like she wanted him to take advantage.

? ? ?


Feiniao immediately pulled out his hand, and before he could make the next move, he saw a white and tender palm resting on his wrist again, and a strong force firmly fixed his palm in mid-air.

"Don't hit her, she's just a poor beggar."

Hearing this, Asuka's body froze. He turned his head and looked at Xiaonan who grabbed his wrist, with a look of doubt on his life.

Which of the eyes of this bitch saw that I was going to hit her?

Xiao Nan continued to hold Asuka's wrist, then turned to look at the beggar with numb eyes. He sighed in his heart and his cold expression softened.

"You are the nation of bears"

Before she could ask the other party for specific information, Xiaonan noticed a force that overwhelmed her coming from the palm of her hand. She suddenly turned back to look at Asuka who suddenly exerted force, and said in surprise.

"What do you want to do?"

He didn't pay any attention to Xiaonan's intention, but directly grabbed the other person's hand and pressed it on the beggar's chest, then directly summoned a bowl of snail and lion powder and handed it over, feeling angry.

"My friend likes women and she is very satisfied with you. Take it and get out."

Smelling the aroma of the food, the beggar swallowed subconsciously and looked down at Xiaonan's big hand pressing on his heart. The beggar raised his head and looked at Xiaonan, and a gleam of light suddenly flashed through his dull eyes.

"Thank you, angel!!"


Xiaonan was about to punch Asuka when she suddenly heard the beggar call her an angel. She quickly withdrew her hand, a blush suddenly appeared on her cold cheeks, and she stammered.

"You're welcome!"

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

The beggar stepped back and thanked the two of them.

It wasn't until she disappeared into the grass that Xiaonan saw that her fair palms had turned black. It seemed that they were stains from the contact with the other person's skin just now.

"How does it feel?"

Hearing Uchiha Asuka's teasing voice above her head, Konan clenched his fists, a cold light flashed in his eyes and said, "I didn't need to humiliate her just now. I could have just given her the food. Why?"


Sensing the cold aura surrounding him, Asuka pointed to the forehead protector on his head, then raised his hands above his head in a gesture of surrender, and said with a serious face, "Because I am a ninja from Konoha, one of the five great countries! !

Ninjas from the five major countries are not good people in the eyes of your small country.

A bad guy suddenly becomes kind-hearted, and even thinking about it with his feet, he knows that this is not normal.

She had to make the common people of the small country feel that she had paid for this food. This was in line with the style of the five major countries. Only then would she dare to feed her children such food with confidence.

Their life is not easy in the first place, so there is no need to keep them in fear even though they have nothing to eat. "


A flash of surprise flashed in Xiaonan's eyes. After staring at Asuka's back for a while, she said softly, "I didn't expect that as an Uchiha, you would be so thoughtful."

Seeing the admiration in Xiaonan's eyes, Asuka fell silent in a rare moment.

This is simply what he has experienced and summed up.

As a ninja from the Five Great Nations, he had encountered such people before, and the food he gave them directly would only be given to the children after they had verified that it was non-toxic.

But during the period of time when it is verified that it is non-toxic, their food is likely to become food in other people's mouths.

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