Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 262: Mouth Escape and Mouth Clumsiness

Ichikishimahime patted the dust on his knees and looked up.

I saw Uchiha Asuka squatting on the ground at this time, holding a branch in his right hand, not knowing what he was doing there, and there was no expression on his face that he was worried about his death.

Shukaku whistled and put his hands behind his back, his star-like eyes became a little wandering, he must be distracted.

Xiaonan was the only one looking at herself, and the rosiness on her face caused by anxiety was slowly fading away.

"What's there to see?"

Hearing Ichikishima Hime's choking voice behind him, Asuka smacked his mouth, then looked at the clown he had just drawn, feeling speechless.

"That guy's acting skills are getting more and more exaggerated. Why is it like this?"

He poked the clown on the nose a few times with a branch, and long-standing memories began to resurface in his mind.

That might have been an ordinary day a few months ago.

At that time, he must have just finished breakfast, and he was leaning on a chair to rest, when he saw Ichikishima Hime quietly walking over with a kunai in his hand, trying to do something evil to him. Then he was controlled by the Sharingan and was forced to eat a piece of it. bowl noodle

The same goes for the next day.

The third day.

About a month later, she started committing seppuku, but she never succeeded.

For those who really want to die, no one can stop them, but for those who don't want to die, she will use senjutsu chakra to harden the skin on her abdomen before committing suicide.


As the sound of gold and iron mingled again, Ichikijima threw the kunai aside. She touched her smooth belly and looked up at Konan, who was speechless. She felt angry.

"I'm just not dead. What's that look in your eyes?"


After looking at the other person with a look that looked like a fool, Xiao Nan took a deep breath, then squatted down and continued to comfort the woman.

"Whether your family can live a prosperous life in another world depends on the paper money you burn every year. You also know that after burning it for so many years, inflation is very strong down there.

You have to work hard to make money and buy more paper money to burn.

Auntie, live well and burn more money for your dead relatives every year during the festival. "


Hearing someone's comforting voice from behind, Xiao Nan lightly slapped her forehead. She looked at the woman in front of her through the gap between her fingers, and saw that the fire of hope that had just risen in her eyes showed signs of extinguishing. , said angrily immediately.

"Uchiha Asuka, shut up!"

"Forget it, Ninja-sama!"

Suddenly a hoarse voice came from the side.

An old man on crutches came out of the corner, and behind him were a group of ragged civilians.

"As citizens of a small country, we have long been mentally prepared to lose our loved ones. She just killed her enemy temporarily and has not changed her mind. Ninja-sama can just let her stay alone for a while."

"village head!"

The woman who was kneeling on the ground struggled with her eyes for a moment before standing up and bowing to Konan, "I'm sorry, I was too excited and wasted your precious time, Ninja-sama."

"It doesn't matter!"

Xiaonan looked at the corpses around her. She folded a paper crane with white paper and handed it over. She said in a calm voice, "Back then, I had the same experience as you."

Some of her family members died at the hands of wandering ninjas, and some died at the hands of powerful ninjas. When the last relative left her, she was just like this woman, helpless and wanting to die.

Until later she met Yahiko, Nagato.

The old man was the head of the village near Xiongda Town. When the group of wandering ninjas came to loot the village, they were enslaved by the wandering ninjas.

Just now, they were hiding in the room and heard countless wailings from the street outside. They broke into a cold sweat and thought that a more vicious guy had come in. But when they came out, they found that this was not the case.

"The wandering ninja has finally disappeared!"

"There are no more stray ninjas in this town, we are liberated!"

"We are liberated. This time we can pack up our things and escape into the mountains!"

"That's right, let's quickly pack up our things and escape into the mountains. It's best to escape from the Bear Country. It is said that the Fire Country is a good place."

After discovering that the bodies lying on the ground were the wandering ninjas who had enslaved them during this period, the ragged civilians showed long-lost smiles, like dead trees growing buds again, with a little more hope in their eyes.

They could finally leave this hellish place.

"Please forgive me, Ninja-sama, we have been enslaved by those people for too long."

The village chief saluted the approaching bird.

Although the man in front of him was scolded by the woman with light blue-purple hair just now, with many years of life experience, he could still tell at a glance that among these people, he was the one in charge.


As he said that, the old man turned to look at the dark-skinned man embedded in the wall, and said with some worry, "We are very grateful for your life-saving grace, but if you offend the five major countries for this, I'm afraid there will be big trouble in the future!"

Five major countries?

Asuka followed the old man's gaze and looked at the wall, combined with the blue-lighting Ninjutsu just now, a flash of surprise suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Are you from Yunyin Village?"

Later, when the old man was about to continue to persuade the other party to remain anonymous, he saw the man in front of him suddenly take out a ninja forehead protector from his pocket.

Look at the sign.


One of the five great ninja villages, Konoha Ninja Village.

After the old man was silent for a while, his old voice said slowly, "Master Ninja from Konoha, you still have to be careful. We are both from the five major countries, and Konoha may not always give you a sense of security."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the ninja from Konoha suddenly turned his back to him.

Look at the family emblem on his back.


The family that founded Konoha, the Uchiha.


The old man took a deep breath and immediately changed the subject, "The leader of the wandering ninjas is said to be He Siyi. He is from Yunyin Village, but I don't know why he came to the Bear Country."

After listening to the old man pouring out all the information he knew, Feiniao rubbed his chin and couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Nothing was done, so he killed a Kumogakure jounin first.

How will I explain this to the captain then?

Captain Nanahua said, did she tell me everything?

Looking at the somewhat silent ninja-sama, the old man rolled his Adam's apple up and down and asked cautiously.

"Master Ninja from Konoha, I don't know why you came to the Bear Country? Is there anything you need help from?"

"You might not believe it if I tell you."

Asuka hesitated for a moment, then he took out his S-level mission scroll from his arms, showed it, and said, "I'm here to find a [pregnancy remedy] for an infertile guy.

As soon as I stepped into this town, I noticed that wandering ninjas were bullying people. "

? ? ?

Hearing this, the old man couldn't help but be silent for a moment.

Naturally, he didn't believe this lame reason, but looking at the serious look on Asuka's face, the old man smacked his lips gently and said, "I don't know that this kind of folk remedy exists in the Bear Country. If there is any If so, there should be some records in Star Ninja Village."

"Star Ninja Village?"

After silently writing down this piece of information that was not very useful, he looked at the group of villagers discussing where to settle and said in surprise.

"Are you planning to leave Bear Country?"

Glancing at the group of villagers behind him and the residents who had lived in the town before, the old man nodded and said, "After this period of slavery, we are all a little scared and plan to look elsewhere. If there is no suitable place , the only way is to live in the deep mountains and old forests."

"Other place? Deep in the mountains and forests?"

The deep mountains and old forests of the ninja world are not ordinary deep mountains and old forests. It is not possible to go to other places just by wanting to go.

"Old Village Chief"

Then, Feiniao looked serious and asked.

"Do you know what you need to do first before planting? Or what should you prepare before planting?"

? ? ?

A row of question marks instantly appeared on the old man's head. He gave the Konoha ninja a strange look, wondering what he wanted to do.

What should I do first to plant the land? ? Do you still need to ask this question? ?

The person who asks this kind of question must be a fool, right?

After muttering something in his mind, the old man straightened his clothes and said respectfully.

"With many years of farming experience, we should prepare some seeds first."

Feiniao shook his head and glanced at the group of people behind the old man.

The surrounding civilians looked at each other, and then one of them raised his hand and said.


Asuka shook her head again.

"Tools for farming?"

Asuka shook her head again.


Seeing the ninja master shaking his head for a while, the civilians around him couldn't understand the purpose of the ninja master, but they were also curious about what to do first in farming.

After decades of farming, why don’t they know what else to prepare before planting?

"Peace, farming must first have peace. Only in a peaceful environment can we farm with peace of mind."

Suddenly a soft female voice came from the crowd. He glanced at Xiao Nan who had just spoken, then looked at the group of villagers and spoke word by word.

“To farm, you must first have land.”

First there is land.

? ? ?

The people around him, including Xiao Nan, had their cheeks twitching violently, and their eyelids were twitching wildly.

Is not this nonsensical?

Who doesn’t know that farming comes first?

Xiaonan now completely understood why that guy said he was stupid.


Far different from Yahiko.

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