Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 281 My name is Quan Junshan

It is very clear at night in the Bear Country. Without light pollution, you can even clearly see the Milky Way. The barrier surrounding the high platform is a barrier without a cover.

Although there is purple mist in the four directions, east, west, north and south, the night sky can be clearly seen above the head.

Quan Junshan, who was flying backwards, glanced at Xia Xia's head in the arms of the red-haired woman from the corner of his eye. Seeing her looking at him anxiously, he smiled slightly, then looked up at the night sky.

"One year ago, Xia Tian secretly passed the ninja test without his knowledge and officially practiced the [Peacock Magic]. From then on, his life began to countdown.

Since then, in order to let Xia Tian break the taboo of life, he went out desperately to perform tasks and found a solution in the ninja world.

Later, he found what he wanted from the Evil God Cult in Tang Country."

"Later, he plotted this operation, intending to help Xia Tian prolong her life with minimal consequences and try not to cause her any trouble in the future.

Uchiha Asuka, you came just in time.

I give you the reputation of saving the country, and I also give you the reputation of "prolonging life in summer".

As the most powerful family in Konoha, Qin will not be afraid of those in Star Ninja Village causing trouble. "

Looking at the kunai appearing in his sight, Izumi Junshan slowly closed his eyes and thought to himself.

"I have boasted a lot and told a lot of lies in my life, but it seems that none of them have been realized until my death. It is really a life of failure. No, it is not a failure. Xia Tian was saved by me."

"kill him!"

When a civilian saw the kunai in Asuka's hand getting closer and closer to Izumi Junzan's neck, he suddenly became excited, "We are in this situation because of this guy from the Star Ninja Village!"

"Yes, this is a bastard who can even kill his companions!"

"Lord Ninja of Konoha, kill him! Avenge us!"

Looking at the purple mist getting closer and closer around them, as well as more and more citizens falling into the purple mist, those citizens who were still alive all looked at Asuka, with the hatred in their eyes unable to be hidden at all.

Before dying, it is also a very happy thing to see the person who harmed you die first.

Plop! Plop! Plop!

As the purple mist approached the high platform, the number of civilians it devoured became increasingly alarming.

Asuka looked up at the mist and saw that it was densely packed with corpses of civilians. It was shocking, and there were not many civilians left on the high platform.

Listening to their hateful voices, Asuka's right hand holding the kunai swung it down violently.

I have to think about how to get out of here for a while.

boom! ! ! boom! ! !

Before he could continue thinking, he heard a muffled thunder in the air around him.

Feiniao was startled, moved his hands for a moment, then raised his head and looked over.

I saw that the slowly moving fog suddenly stopped for some reason, and then the thick purple fog turned into lavender, and finally dissipated into the air.


Looking at Quan Junshan falling to the ground, Asuka couldn't help but frowned.

Why did the fog dissipate on its own?


At this time, three huge fireballs suddenly appeared on the street. They burned fiercely and lit up the entire street.

The fireballs were like huge lanterns, and every corner of the street was filled with their light.

"Hey, if I hadn't taken care of the four guys maintaining the barrier outside, you would have been poisoned here."

A familiar voice came from behind. Asuka turned to look behind him and asked in surprise, "Ye Cang?"

Lowering his head and glancing at the scattered corpses on the ground, Ye Cang walked over, looked at the other party's embarrassed appearance, and commented.

"Short dishes!"

Asuka's face darkened, and before he could reply, a red figure suddenly appeared beside him. In front of Ye Cang, he grabbed Asuka's arm and told her what Xia Tian had told her and her speculation again. .



Uzumaki Kushina swallowed and continued, "Izumi Kimiyama is executing this plan not for himself, but probably for Natsuhi. I just put Natsuhi's head back, so you can let them see each other for the last time."


Feiniao closed his eyes slightly, looked at her for a long time, then looked down at the corpses of the citizens on the ground, and said slowly.

"Sacrificing ten thousand people for one person is truly a great love."

This love is so great.

It's your fault for lying to me once.

It's my fault you lied to me twice.

Is it love’s fault that I’ve been cheating since childhood?


A gust of wind blew on Kushina's face, blowing her long red hair behind her.

Seeing Asuka disappearing, she took a deep breath, as if to vent her inner depression.

She gently wiped the tears that flowed from the corners of her eyes. They were tears that were deeply moved by the story of Izumi Junzan in the summer. Last month, Minato stayed with her because of love.


Noticing a slender arm on her shoulder, Kushina turned her head to look at the woman who suddenly walked up to her.

He had a bun and wore a forehead protector from Sunagakure Village on his forehead. A horizontal bar was added in the center of the forehead protector. His facial features were delicate and beautiful, and the corners of his mouth were raised to reveal a smile.

Although the Xiangyun robe she wore was wide and plump, it still couldn't cover up her graceful figure.

"Ye Cang?"

As a well-known strong man in Sunagakure Village, Kushina has seen the other person's appearance, and more than once.

"Uzumaki Kushina!"

Ye Cang looked at the red-haired woman next to him who only reached his shoulders, and smiled, "My name is Ye Cang, Uchiha Asuka's rebellious ninja girlfriend. This should be the second time we meet."

Thinking of the scene when Sunagakure went to Konoha to negotiate last time, and the hatred between Konoha and Sunagakure Village, Kushina said with a smile.

"Hero Sunagakure, I haven't seen you for a few months and you have become a traitorous ninja."


Feigning a sigh, Ye Cang looked at the Milky Way in the sky and sighed.

"My man is still alive!"

Kushina's face turned cold and she said coldly.

"What do you mean?"

"I just heard Xiaonan say that you like to sleep on Asuka."

"Fart, what does that have to do with me? It's that cat sleeping on the bird every day. It's that cat, it's that cat. It has nothing to do with me at all."

Looking at the angry red-haired woman, Ye Cang raised his eyebrows and asked a little strangely.

"I've also lied down, but I felt a little uncomfortable. It's not as comfortable as a pillow. Don't you feel uncomfortable?"


Suddenly seeing Ye Cang chatting with her, Kushina was stunned for a moment, and after subconsciously saying something, she immediately said angrily, "Ye Cang, if you say another word, will you believe me or not?"

"Huh? You want to fuck me?"

at this time.

the other side.

Quan Junshan stood up from the ground tremblingly. He raised his head and looked around, and found that the people lying on the ground were all civilians who came here to watch.

With the disappearance of the barrier, the corpse belonging to Xia Tian in the sky has disappeared.

Realizing that his life was losing faster and faster, he thought of what was recorded in the book again, Quan Junshan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and murmured to himself.

"It should be done, right?"

"Quan Junshan!"

The next moment, I heard loud shouting in the distance, and a figure appeared in front of me from far away, "You did all this for your little girlfriend?"

Hearing this, Quan Junshan was stunned for a moment, then he shook his head and denied it.

"Don't talk nonsense. We are not in a relationship. She is my sister. I just took care of her since she was a child and I don't have that kind of feeling for her."

Asuka took a step forward and asked.

"So, the way you came up with to extend your sister's life was to sacrifice half the country?"


Quan Junshan did not deny it this time. He looked down at the citizens lying on the ground and said, "Although I don't want to hurt them, compared with Xia Tian, ​​she is more important."


Asuka punched him in the face, sending him flying away.

"Why didn't you take her to the outside world for medical treatment? Instead of directly sacrificing her to civilians?"

Boom boom! !

After rolling on the ground a few times, Quan Junshan stood up again. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said lightly, "Seeking medical advice has been tried countless times in the more than two hundred years since Xing Ninja Village was founded. Second-rate."

Asuka looked at him with pity, shook his head.


The Nidaime Hokage once studied the curse of your village. It is a curse attached to the heart. As long as you replace it with a suitable heart and let the heart integrate perfectly with your body, the curse will naturally disappear. "


Quan Junshan was slightly dazed. He chewed this sentence repeatedly in his mouth, and his pupils slowly shrank to the size of a needle tip.

Then, he raised his head, looked at Asuka in disbelief, and asked.

"Are you telling the truth? There is already some solution to our curse from the outside world?"

"Nonsense, I have seen the Nidaime Hokage's research on medical ninjutsu. He has indeed figured out how to break your curse."

"Then why didn't you tell the Star Ninja Village?"

"Do our two villages have any communication? The only time we communicated was when you went to Konoha to sue the Sannin. It's strange that the higher-ups in the village can tell you."


Quan Junshan lowered his head and looked at the civilians lying on the ground. He suddenly knelt down and choked with sobs.

"My money!! My money!! That's the dowry I saved for Xia Tian!!"

? ? ?

After hearing these words of "confession", a row of question marks suddenly appeared on Asuka's head, and he wondered.

"what money?"

"A few days ago, in the name of Star Ninja Village, I used my own money to pay the citizens' settlement allowance. That was actually the people's mental damage allowance. After all, I lent them three days of life to make up for it. They didn't give me any money in the summer, and I felt guilty. .”

? ? ?

Three days of life? ?

Asuka walked up to a civilian, put his hand on his neck and felt it, his eyes suddenly became strange.

Those civilians wrapped in purple mist survived? ?

"Life lasts only thirty thousand days, so I want to borrow three days from one person. This is the idea of ​​the Tang Zhiguo Evil God Cult - the life-delaying sect, which is to borrow a few days of life from everyone. But to use this forbidden technique, you need to possess it." "Shadow" strength.

Then I extracted the power of my companions."

Listening to Quan Junshan's chatter, Feiniao smacked his mouth and was speechless for a moment.

Finally figured it out.

The citizens of the Bear Country are not dead, the purple mist is just a barrier that draws out their lifespan.

One person smokes for three days, and then these civilians will wake up one day later, and he only needs to adjust their bodies a little, or use words to fool them.

One day later, he will receive the thanks of half of the bear country.

And the cost is almost nothing.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little complicated when he looked at Quan Junshan.

Should we say he is a good guy or a bad guy?

Call him a good guy. This guy took three days out of someone's life without their consent.

Call him a bad guy. This guy took three days out of his life, gave him a month's wages, and then placed the honor of saving the country on himself, a man from another village.

"Quan Junshan!"

At this time, a clear voice came from a distance, attracting the attention of the two people. They both turned their heads and looked behind them, and saw a little girl wearing a star ninja forehead protector running over.


Looking at the figure running towards him, Quan Junshan's eyes lit up, and then he felt a pain in his chest, and a mouthful of black blood suddenly sprayed on the ground.

never mind.

time is limited.

"Uchiha Asuka!" At this time, Izumi Junshan struggled to stand up straight, with a smile on his face and said, "For the sake of me helping you gain the favor of half the country for free, can you help me fulfill a wish?"

Asuka gave him a complicated look and nodded slightly.

"I have about five minutes left to live, and I can still hold on for one minute if everything is burning."

He looked at Xia Xia's getting closer and said with a smile, "I don't want Xia Tian to know what I did for her. Although she may have guessed it, but without confirmation from me, it will always be a guess.

I don’t want her to spend the rest of her life feeling guilty.”

Having said this, Quan Junshan suddenly knelt down and made a standard "earth seat" toward Asuka, with his head touching the ground.

"I have boasted a lot and told countless lies in my life, but Xia Tian has never had a doubt about me. However, until death approaches, the lies I have told have never had a chance to be revealed in Xia Tian. Realize in front of you.”

He looked up at the flying bird, showing his teeth that were stained red with blood, and said with a smile.

"Uchiha Asuka, please, let me fight Susanoo once.

The life of a ninja, being killed by the legendary "power of god", has never been a perfect ending. The most important thing is that I just finished bragging about this a few days ago, and Xia Xia should still remember it clearly. "


Asuka exhaled into the air, looked up at the stars above his head, and suddenly laughed.

"remarkably brave!!

You are also the first man in my ninja career who actively asked to fight Susanoo. "


A roar that sounded like an animal but not an animal suddenly sounded, and Xia Tian, ​​who was stumbling forward, stopped instantly and looked around in shock.

Boom! Boom!

The ground was shaking constantly, and the dilapidated buildings nearby were falling with dust.

She raised her head and looked forward, and the figure of a blue giant skeleton was clearly reflected in her eyes. The huge figure looked particularly eye-catching in the night sky.

The giant skeleton was as tall as a mountain, its arms were as thick as a river, and the fire in its pupils was like the burning sun.

"Is this the Susanoo of the Uchiha clan? It's exactly the same as in that comic book."

"But why does it appear here?"

Just when Natsuhi was wondering why Susanoo appeared here, she noticed a colorful figure suddenly flying up opposite the giant.

"Quan Junshan!"

After recognizing the colorful figure, Xia Tian jumped up and called to him, "Quan Junshan!!"

This crisp sound did not spread far in the wind, but Quan Junshan seemed to be aware of it. He turned his head towards the direction of Xia Tian, ​​waved and laughed loudly.

"My name is Quan Junshan."

The wings behind him suddenly spread out, and the colorful brilliance bloomed, like a brilliant rainbow, reflecting the originally monotonous night sky with colorful colors and glowing with extraordinary colors.


With his wings waving violently, he flew higher and higher, gradually approaching the giant's eyes.

When he flew to be parallel to the giant's blue-flaming eyes, the lie he boasted to Xia Tian some time ago about "one man fighting Susana" appeared in his mind. He smiled slightly, and a courage that disregarded life and death surged into his mind. heart.

"I'm going to start telling lies."

boom! !

The next moment, the colorful figure in the sky and the cyan fist violently collided together, causing a deafening loud noise that shook the entire world.

The powerful shock wave spread instantly, sweeping away the surrounding rubble, leaving a clean and tidy battlefield.

The strong wind blew on Xia Tian's face, causing her to narrow her eyes subconsciously.

Through the crack, she saw the mountain-like Susanoo taking a few steps back.

Immediately afterwards, its big skull-like feet suddenly stepped on the ground. The powerful force instantly caused the surrounding ruins to collapse again, and a violent shock spread to the surrounding areas.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every step Susanoo took hit the ground like thunder, and his huge body seemed to cause the entire ground to tremble.

This shocking power made Xia Tian burst into tears, and uncontrollable tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

boom! !

The two figures of Yiqing and Yicai collided heavily, and the strong wind blew on Xia Tian's face again, bringing the tears flowing from the corners of her eyes behind her.

She wiped the tears from her cheeks with her sleeves and smiled.


"Quan Junshan, you are so awesome!!"

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