Clan Association, the full name is Uchiha Clan Assembly.

During the Warring States Period, the clan council mainly discussed how to defeat the Senju Clan and its allied clans.

At the end of the Warring States Period, the clan council mainly discussed how to defeat the Senju Clan and its allied clans.

In the early days of Konoha's village establishment, the clan council mainly discussed how to defeat the Senju clan and its allied clans.

On the 20th anniversary of the founding of Konoha, the clan meeting mainly discussed how to defeat the Senju clan and its allied clans.

On the 50th anniversary of the founding of Konoha, the main discussion of the clan meeting is still how to defeat the Senju clan and its allied families.

What changes is time, but what remains unchanged is Uchiha's original intention to defeat the Senju clan.

From the day he learned about the family history, Itachi knew that the minds of these people in the clan meeting were different from ordinary people, and their solutions to problems were beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

During the Warring States Period, normal families were hostile to the Thousand Hands Clan. If they wanted to defeat the Thousand Hands Clan, they would definitely try all kinds of methods and then choose the most reliable method.

For example: divide, win over, suppress.

But the Uchiha clan chose the one they thought was the most reliable from various methods.

Be tough! ! !

After entering Konoha, because the position of Hokage did not fall to the Uchiha clan for a long time, this caused conflicts between the family and the village, and then began to discuss how to defeat the Senju and its allies.

The best way to resolve conflicts.

"The best way to resolve conflicts is for the first generation - Uchiha, the second generation - Uchiha, the third generation - Uchiha, the fourth generation - Uchiha, and most importantly, the fifth generation - Uchiha Wave."

After hearing the extremely extreme remarks below, Itachi looked up in silence.

I saw an old man standing directly below, with a few strands of sparse hair on his forehead, giving people a sense of the vicissitudes of time.

The most eye-catching thing is his strands of black hair.

An old man with age spots on his face and thin black hair

Under the sharp eyes of the old man, Uchiha Itachi quickly turned his head to the other side.


Under the old man's sharp gaze, the people around him turned their heads and looked elsewhere.

A childlike face with gray hair?

This is such a black-haired old face.

"The situation that our Uchiha clan is facing now is almost exactly the same as the situation that Konoha Village faced when it was first established." The old man looked up at Uchiha Fugaku and explained.

"Back when Konoha Village was founded, due to some historical reasons, we had some grudges, big or small, with all the families who joined Konoha. In the eyes of those families, we became the objects of their vigilance and precaution.

But because of the existence of Senju Hashirama, they can only grit their teeth and let go of their grudges with us on the surface, while secretly they are still wary of Uchiha.

However, after more than 50 years and several generations of integration, those family elders have passed away one by one.

Although the relationship between us and those ninjas is not harmonious, it is making steady progress.


Thinking of the Sharingan in Kyuubi's eyes, the old man's expression darkened.

Although the village still treats the Uchiha clan as before on the surface, in fact the relationship has once again dropped to the freezing point since the founding of the village, because they can't explain the Sharingan in the Kyuubi's eyes at all.

After glancing at Uchiha Asuka, he looked elsewhere again.

Danzo was not a fool. The people who stayed at his place that night must have been looked down upon by him, and there was no way he could be the culprit controlling the Kyuubi.


The old man took a deep breath, then looked back at Yili who was in a daze, and praised, "You did a good job this time, really very good. If you hadn't suddenly resurrected the Shodaime-sama, the conflict between the family and the village would not have happened this time. I’m afraid it’s impossible to reconcile.”

Hearing this, Uchiha Yili smiled and stroked his beard, and then he felt an itch on his nose.

Ah sneeze!

Saliva mixed with snot sprayed forward.

He wiped his nose, ignored the weird looks from the people around him, and said with emotion.

"This is the fate of Uchiha!

Destiny says that we Uchiha will move to a new level under the leadership of the first generation. I have already planned it. If the first generation does not want to live anymore, then let him take a short rest first.

Wait for Tsunade's birthday every year, the anniversary of the founding of Konoha, the birthdays of the Senju and Uchiha clans, Uchiha Madara's birthday and other commemorative days, and then resurrect the first generation of adults and let him celebrate with us.

I have calculated that it will be resurrected about once a month. "

? ? ?

Upon hearing this devilish speech, Uchiha Itachi's eyes widened instantly and he looked at Yili with a horrified expression.

His idea is so evil.

They actually repeatedly tortured the souls of the dead without giving them a chance to rest in peace.

But when he looked at the rest of the tribe, expecting them to refute this idea, Uchiha Itachi swallowed back the words that came to his throat.

This group of tribesmen did not seem to object to this idea, and many of them even nodded in agreement.

After a moment of silence, he looked up at his father.

In Uchiha Itachi's mind, his father was a tolerant and calm man. He had a high reputation within the clan and was respected and loved by the clan members. He was also respected by the villagers outside the clan because of his own ideas and other reasons.

My father would definitely put a stop to this kind of idea that was unethical and offensive to the deceased.

Facing his son's expectant gaze, Uchiha Fugaku nodded slightly and spoke slowly in a deep voice.

"Eli, your idea is too extreme."


Uchiha Itachi nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

That old man was indeed too extreme.

How can you wantonly play with the soul of the dead and disturb the sleep of the deceased, not to mention that the person is our respected Shodaime-sama.

But the next moment, Uchiha Fugaku continued to speak.

"Go back and think about it carefully. If the First Hokage is resurrected repeatedly, no matter how good his temper is, one day he will explode. By then, the situation we will face will probably be even worse."

Hearing this, Uchiha Yili frowned, chewing the meaning of the clan leader's words over and over in his mouth.


Ryoichi was distracted when he heard an old voice coming from his ear.

He turned around and found Uchiha Iri coming behind him with a solemn expression. He stared at his twitching lips for a while. Ryoichi smoothed his beard and said in surprise.

"What's wrong?"

"What did the patriarch mean by what he said just now?"

"Oh, that.

What the patriarch means is that you don’t have to hold on to one sheep to extract its wool. You can collect a few more sheep. For example, resurrect the first generation in odd-numbered months, resurrect the second generation in even-numbered months, and resurrect the fourth generation next year.

The reaction was that the Fourth Hokage had only been a Hokage for a few days, and he probably hadn't been enough yet. He could have been allowed to be the Fourth Hokage for a while longer. "


Yili slammed his left palm with his right hand, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

So that's it.

The fourth generation Hokage's policy towards Uchiha is also good.


Thinking of something, Yili suddenly showed a trace of hesitation on his face. He smacked his mouth and asked with some uncertainty, "If we keep resurrecting the dead, will the villages outside have any unfavorable ideas towards us?"

"Then fight!"

Uchiha spread his hands and said indifferently.

"When the time comes, resurrect Madara-sama first, I will leave the family, and then leave the village with a few maps of the ninja world. You can see if those people are panicked.

Besides, it’s like if we don’t resurrect the dead, the Fourth War won’t happen. "

In the noisy gathering place, the two people spoke loudly, and they had no intention of hiding it from others, so many people heard their remarks.

The surrounding Uchiha jonin nodded in agreement.

There will be a fourth war in the ninja world, it's just a matter of time, and they have already been mentally prepared for it.

Seeing the nonchalant expression on Ryoichi's face and his father's indifferent attitude, a trace of disappointment flashed in Uchiha Itachi's eyes.

There was a big problem with the family's ideas, but those involved in it were not aware of it at all, and even thought what Elder Ryoichi said was reasonable.

I don't think there's anything wrong with Iri Uchiha resurrecting the dead.


Glancing at Uchiha Asuka who was encouraging others to improve the method of resurrection, Itachi's little cheeks couldn't help but darken.

Some people even have to contribute money and effort to strongly support this crazy idea.

A bunch of lunatics! !

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