The snow continued all day and night.

The snow on the streets was already half as deep as an adult's calf.

There is also thick snow piled on the roof, as if wearing a white hat, emitting little rays of light under the sun.

A guy who had just been promoted to genin jumped on the roof as usual. Then he felt his feet slip and his body fell from the roof uncontrollably.


In an instant, a human-shaped mark appeared on the snow on the ground.

At this time, Feiniao came out of the house with a shovel.

He looked up and looked around, and found that many villagers on the street had spontaneously walked out of their homes, carrying shovels and began to clear the snow in front of their homes.


An orange cat jumped down from the second floor. It shook its shoe covers that were a bit loose and said dissatisfied, "I always feel like my shoe covers have shrunk. Can these things only be washed by hand?"

"No, you've gained weight again."


The orange cat slapped it with its paw, instantly sending the heavy snow on the ground flying.

Feiniao's eyelids twitched, he waved his hands quickly and said.

"It's light. It should be too light. I was wrong just now."


The orange cat nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the villagers shoveling snow on the street, and said with a hint of doubt in his soft voice.

“Are we still shoveling snow this old way this year?”

"if not?"

"My evaluation is that it is not as fast as fire escape."

"No, no, last year we set fire to clear the snow, and the melted snow froze soon after. At that time, the medical department received many unlucky people with broken bones. At that time, the villagers were talking about whether the medical department was short of money."

"It's warm this year, so the snow won't freeze."

As it spoke, it took off its foot coverings and let its limbs step on the snow.

The cold feeling made Fei Fei subconsciously want to pick up the lost shoe covers, but the next moment he thought of using ninjutsu to clear the snow. The orange cat resisted the cold feeling and said nonchalantly.

“It’s really hot!”

? ? ?

Looking at the hair that exploded on its body and the look of anticipation in its eyes, Asuka rubbed its beating temples and said helplessly.

"Then clean this street, so you don't have to help the villagers clear the snow."


It jumped up on the spot, then clapped its two cat paws together, faced the direction of its house, and took a deep breath.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

The next moment, the orange cat spit out a fireball from its mouth. The fireball quickly expanded to several meters in size when it touched the air.

Looking at the fireball flying towards the roof of his house, Asuka put his hands together and murmured.

"Don't blow up the house, don't blow up the house, don't blow up the house."


The moment the fireball approached the roof, it exploded.

The spreading firelight enveloped the entire roof. Under the high temperature, the thick snow on the roof melted into snow water at a speed visible to the naked eye and flowed down the pipe.


After seeing the snow on the roof melting, the orange cat was about to turn around to accept the compliment from the flying bird, and then it saw the flying bird closing his eyes and praying for something with his hands clasped together.

"You don't believe me that much?"

Hearing this, Feiniao slowly opened his eyes and looked at the undamaged roof, and his hanging heart finally dropped.

Then, I saw him holding out five fingers and counting them carefully.

"In the winter five years ago, I asked you to use fire escape to clear the snow, and then the roof collapsed. In the winter four years ago, I told you that you had practiced well, and then you lit the wires in your house. ,three years ago."


At this time, an old voice came from behind.

Ryoichi opened the door to his home and shuddered as he looked at the people sweeping snow around him. Then he waved to Asuka standing on the street and said, "Old rules, you sweep for me, I'll sweep for my daughter, and I'll bring it to you at noon." meal."


After Asuka responded, he stared closely at Ryoichi's leaving figure until it disappeared around the corner of the street. He immediately rubbed his hands, with a hint of excitement flashing in his eyes.

fire escape

His hands quickly formed a few marks, and his cheeks puffed up.

The art of dragon fire!

A linear flame was like a high-pressure water gun, instantly sweeping across the roof of Liang's house, evaporating the snow on it directly into water vapor before it melted into snow water.


Looking at the playful Asuka, the orange cat twitched his cheek, then looked at the snow on the roof of Chana's house next door and murmured.

"Is there no one to help the widow clear the snow?"

boom! boom! boom!

Tsunade was reading documents in the office when she heard thunderous sounds coming from outside.


The water in the cup suddenly trembled, and Tsunade's face turned dark when she looked at the firelight on the street.


At this time, a burst of laughter came.

Big whirlwind in Konoha!

A tornado rolled up the snowflakes on the roof and fell into the distance.

Senju Hashirama was lying on the window, looking longingly at the villagers using ninjutsu to clear snow on the street outside, and said with envy, "Young people are really energetic. This is how ninjas clear snow."

Watching the fireball flying into the air explode, the snow on the roof and on the street slowly melted into slush.

"I feel like I'm on fire."


The table trembled again, and Tsunade glanced at the completely empty water glass and said something bad.

"These bastards are adding extra work to the medical department again."


Hashirama trembled and said sarcastically, "I'll go check on them and ask them to clean up the snow water more carefully."


A gust of cold wind blew in the warm room, making Tsunade's somewhat confused head suddenly clear up.

She looked at the open window and the grandfather who disappeared into the room, then looked at the piles of documents on the table, and said angrily.

"Who on earth is being Hokage!!"

As she spoke, she took out a wine flask from the drawer and drank.


She let out a breath of wine with satisfaction, shook the half-filled drink, and said with blurred eyes.

"It feels really good to have family members alive, Grandpa!!"

Putting her legs on the desk, Tsunade continued to flip through these documents without any image, but her mind was thinking of her two favorite people.

The rope tree is broken.

After resurrection, are you really the same person you were before?

outside world.

Danzo Shimura also walked out carrying a broom. He looked at the busy villagers on the street and silently used the broom to clean up the snow on the ground.

Originally, with his status, he didn't need to do these things.

But now he is really full and can't find anything to do.

There is no need for him in research

He is not needed for decision-making

Recruiting troops and training people secretly. I don’t have that much money

Continue to support Orochimaru and secretly fund him. He doesn’t have that much money.

Counting again and again, only directing the snow clearing could help him find some of the feelings he had before.

"Blue, sweep that place!"

"Clean up the top, left side, yes."

"The snow is all piled together."

When Itachi came to the Shimura family's territory, he saw an old man with a bandage on his head, holding a broom and personally sweeping the snow on the ground.

The surrounding open space also showed its original color, as if snowflakes had never fallen.

Danzo-sama is really hardworking!

The family square was actually swept early in the morning.

"Lord Danzo!"

Hearing this, Danzo, who was clearing the snow, raised his head.

When he saw a child running towards him not far away, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He has something to do now.


In the distance, an explosion sounded again.

Looking up at the exploding fireball and the burning wooden pile in the sky, Danzo took a deep breath and muttered to himself.

"Evil Uchiha, just wait for me!!"

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