"Kai, whose youth is not crazy!"

Hearing this passionate voice, Uzumaki Zetsu, who was kneading the dough balls, was stunned for a moment.

Then, it raised its head and looked forward.

I saw Uchiha Asuka holding a guy in green tights with his left hand, and a guy wearing a mask with his right hand, and continued, "Kakashi, whose youth is not confused!"

Two sentences about youth instantly shocked the adolescent people around him.

Yuhi Hong looked at Asuka blankly, until the meatball fell out of her mouth, she suddenly came back to her senses.

This bastard... can you say that?

"Kai, do you want to go crazy?"

Realizing that Asuka's eyes were on him, Kai slowly clenched his fists, eyes burning with fire, and said in an excited voice, "I, I, how can we go crazy?"

Hearing Kai's energetic voice, he licked his dry lips and said solemnly.


As the word "flash marriage" came out of Asuka's mouth, Kai's excitement stopped abruptly.


Is this flash marriage a marriage as fast as lightning?

With doubts in his heart, he slowly turned his stiff body and looked at the flying bird standing next to him.

At this time.

Asuka happened to look over.

The moment their eyes met in the air, several bolts of lightning struck.


Seeing his disbelieving expression, Feiniao smiled and patted his shoulder, saying, "You are not young anymore. You are already 14 this year. It is time to find a partner to entrust you with for the rest of your life.

If you are not a crazy youth, what memories will you have when you are old?

Don’t you think flash marriage is a crazy thing? I feel that its level of craziness is no less than that of Bamen Dunjia, which can be used for a whole day. "


Kai slowly lowered his head and began to do calculations in his mind.

Flash marriage = a day of eight-door Dunjia? ?

Opening the eight doors for a day should kill you.

Therefore, flash marriage = death.

Kai's body suddenly trembled, and then he subconsciously looked at the table.

After staring at the only two skewers of meatballs left on the plate for a while, he gritted his teeth and stuffed the skewers into his mouth. Then he took out a wallet from his arms and said with a pained expression.

"I have no intention of getting married for the time being, and I don't know if I can eat meatballs after getting married. It seems that men rarely eat meatballs after marriage."

As he spoke, he took out a few bills from his wallet, slapped them on the counter, hurriedly paid and left the meatball shop.


I just came here to be lazy and eat meatballs, but I didn't expect that I would be arranged to get married.


Seeing Kai's hurried away figure, Kakashi also fell silent.

When he realized that the fiery gaze was on him again, he immediately trembled, waved his hand and said, "I still have something to do, Feiniao, let's see you another day."


As the two figures disappeared, Nuo Da's table instantly became a little empty.

Yuhi Red. Mitarashi Red Bean. Shizune


After glancing at the few people left on the table, Asuka shook his head and stood up to leave the meatball shop.

When Kakashi left just now, he could feel that the guy's mood suddenly improved a lot, at least he wasn't as depressed as he was at the beginning. It seemed that diverting attention really worked.

It's Kai.

Thinking of Metkai who was not in a very good mood, Asuka twitched his cheeks and murmured, "Kakashi and Gai were still single until the end of the Fourth War. It's hard not to think of other places."


Yuhi Kurenai and others who were eating meatballs saw Asuka disappear, they blinked and looked at each other and murmured quietly.

"What did he mean when he shook his head when he left? Did he look down on us? Did he think we had no potential?"

"Why do you say that?"

"He just spent so much time introducing girlfriends to Kakashi and Gai, and then he came to us and shook his head and left."

"Huh? Do you want to marry an Uchiha?"

"You can't say that. Everyone likes handsome guys, but those Uchiha guys are too cold."

"Asuka Jonin is not cold."

"No, I don't follow his ideas at all."

The next day, dawn.

The moment the sun shone warmly into the room, Asuka, who was lying on the bed, slowly opened his eyes.

Skillfully, he took the orange cat lying on him aside, then summoned Ichikishima Hime, and handed over the two buckets of instant noodles that he wanted to eat this morning despite the other party's supercilious look.

"I don't understand!"

Ichikishimahime looked at the two bowls of instant noodles and said bitterly, "Why do I have to do things like boiling hot water for instant noodles myself? Don't you have any hands? Or do you mean the instant noodles that I made? With the smell of my concubine?”

Hearing the chatter from behind, Asuka brushed his teeth and opened the window to breathe in the fresh air outside.

I don't know if it was because the Snake Immortal was dissatisfied with him, but he often heated the hot water to 80 degrees and soaked the instant noodles until they were medium cooked.

Um! !

He likes that level of instant noodles the most.


While he was distracted, a bucket of steaming instant noodles was placed heavily on the windowsill.

Looking at the soup splashing on the marble, Asuka turned back to look at the angry Ichikishima Hime, and said with emotion, "Why bother, you will be the one to clean up the window sill if it gets dirty."

"I am pleased!"

Ichikishimahime put her hands on her hips and raised her head and said, "Aside from instructing me to work, what else can you ask me to do?"

What to do?

Hearing this, Feiniao glanced at her up and down. His gaze stayed on her calm figure except for the slight rise and fall on her belly for a moment, and then quickly turned to look elsewhere.

I vaguely remember that before signing the contract with me, Ichikishima Hime was a very cute little loli, and a little loli without a belly.

And now.

After secretly glancing at the swimming ring on her belly, Asuka poked the instant noodles with a fork, then lifted them up into the air, using the cold air to cool down, and suggested kindly.

"You should lose weight."


Ichikishimahime was stunned for a moment.

Following the bird's gaze, she looked at her slightly swollen abdomen, and her face darkened suddenly, "What are you looking at? I am a snake, and I always eat human food, which causes some indigestion.

As long as the diet returns to normal, I will lose weight soon. "


As soon as she finished speaking, she was stunned for a moment when she looked at the black pill that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and then looked up at Feiniao, who had just taken out the pill, with a puzzled look on her face.

"You should have told me about indigestion earlier!"

Pushing the pill towards her, Asuka explained while eating instant noodles, "You must have heard that in the past six months, the average weight of the strong Uchiha clan has increased by five kilograms.

Every time there is a clan meeting, the old men all have to exercise their appetite as if they are desperate for their lives.


He is clearly in his fifties, sixties, and seventies, but he still refuses to accept old age. His digestive system is so fragile. "

Hearing these words, Ichikishimahime was slightly silent.

She looked at the black pill and then at Feiniao. After hesitating for a moment, she said softly, "You mean this black pill is a pill to help digest food?"

Asuka nodded heavily.

next moment.

She saw a delicate figure rushing towards her, she put her hands on Asuka's shoulders, shook her vigorously and said, "Uchiha Asuka, I want to change my diet, who wants to take such pills?

Whose good snake eats instant noodles every day? Can you and your instant noodles stay away from me?

And wow, I don’t eat fried chicken either.

do you know? That bastard Tian Xin Shenji said that my farts taste like fried chicken. "

"You have a bad digestive system and need to take some medicine to aid digestion."

"Nonsense, it's obviously just for fried chicken."

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