Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 314 The police department is a hot potato

Two days later.

With the elders of the Uchiha clan competing with each other and their unintentional promotion, the story about Senju Hashirama and them spread to every corner of Konoha.

"Have you heard? The great elder of the Uchiha clan took a picture with Lord Hokage today and came back with a story."

"what story?"

"The story of the heroic elder of the Uchiha clan saving a beauty."

"Where did this beauty come from?? From Konoha?? The elder of the Uchiha clan is older than my great-grandfather, right??"

"It belongs to the Hyuga clan. It was when the elder Uchiha and the Hokage were patrolling this morning that they found members of the Hyuga clan punching and kicking the branch clan.

Then the Great Elder Uchiha led his clan members to beat up the Hyuga clan member. "

"Ah? How to deal with this matter?"

"I don't know about the two parties involved, but I heard that when the two clan leaders were resolving this matter, they started fighting for some reason, and it was Tsunade-sama who finally pulled away."

Uchiha has become the subject of discussion throughout Konoha in the past two days.

What they did was really eye-catching.

Not only can you perform missions with the first generation, but you can also take photos with the first generation after completing the mission.

The key point is that behind every group photo, there is a story that can improve one's identity, status, and soft power for future generations to pass on orally.

at this time.

A sour smell could be smelled throughout Konoha.

In a mansion in the northeast corner of Konoha, an old man who was over fifty years old beat his chest and complained to the young man in front of him with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"You said, how can those Uchiha people compare to me? Why can they get the treatment of performing missions with the Hokage? I am fifty years old this year, and I am ashamed of myself.

Let alone performing missions with Hokage-sama in this life, I have never even taken a photo together. "

Hearing this, the young man's eyelids twitched, and his voice suddenly became nervous, "Grandpa, you are so old, you can't carry out the mission anymore.

Can’t we just take good care of ourselves at home? "


The old man glared and said angrily, "You look down on Grandpa You? Do you think your grandpa can die outside on a mission? Even if he dies outside, that is the destiny of a ninja."

Back then, when your grandfather and I were five years old, we already had the awareness of death. "

As he spoke, he stood up and said with regret in his eyes.

"It's not difficult to take a photo with Hokage-sama. Hokage-sama is very gentle and easy to talk to. But the difficulty is that I have no experience of performing missions with Hokage-sama. Without experience, there is no story. Without stories, the family name cannot be remembered. history.

Could it be that from now on, the description of me in family history will only include the sentence "grandfather of the fourteenth generation patriarch"? ? "

At this time.

The young man also came to his senses.

My grandfather didn't seem to want to return to the ninja sequence to perform missions again. It seemed that he planned to perform missions with the First Hokage.

But Senju Hashirama doesn't accept tasks outside the village, and even his daily itinerary is extremely fixed.

In the morning, he would go to the police department and patrol the village with the Uchiha group to solve some minor problems.

In the afternoon, he would go to the Hokage's office to guide Tsunade in solving minor government problems.

At night, go home and sleep.

"My grandfather wants to go on a mission with the First Hokage."

After muttering these words softly in his mouth, the young man's pupils shrank and he lost his voice.

"Grandpa, do you plan to join the police department?"


The old man patted his thigh and said happily, "Wherever the wooden leaves are flying, the fire will continue to grow. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and make new leaves sprout."

The first generation Hokage believed that the purpose of establishing the village was to protect the children - the new force of the village, and the older generation of ninjas represented by the Hokage should protect them and sacrifice for them when necessary.

Grandpa, I am already over fifty, and I have reached the age where my eyebrows are buried in earth. Now is the time to burn myself and practice my fiery will. "

Hearing these words, the young man couldn't help but feel a little silent.

He could feel that his grandfather exuded the aura that wanted to burn him and leave his name in the history books.

that is

After hesitating for a moment, he whispered.

"Grandpa, we can't go to the police department!"

The old man was stunned and puzzled.


The young man looked around, then looked up at his grandfather and continued.

"The Police Department founded by the Nidaime Hokage is the main component of the Uchiha clan's power. As those who punish criminals, those in the Police Department are easily hated.

And such an organization will become arrogant because of its power. It is full of Uchihas who look at people through their nostrils.

Grandpa, if you go to such an organization, you might still encounter Uchiha hostility. "

The old man looked at his grandson as if he were a fool, and said angrily, "It is a blessing for the police department to have a respected person like me join the police department. What are the Uchiha people not happy about?

Do you really think the police department was created by the second generation to exclude Uchiha? Uchiha's arrogance is not caused by the police department. Their entire clan has a superior mentality. "

As he spoke, the old man straightened his clothes and took out a rusty Konoha forehead protector from his pocket.

Gently rubbing the rust on the forehead protector with his hand, he saw him tie the forehead protector to his head, tighten it hard, and his expression suddenly became serious.

"It has been fifty-two years since the village was established, but the Uchiha have always been outside the village. Who makes them always have a superior mentality?

Handling the affairs of the police department with a condescending attitude will certainly arouse the disgust of the villagers, but if the attitude is gentle, will the banner be withdrawn every day?

The key lies in whether Uchiha is willing to adapt.

Unfortunately, that family is determined not to be flexible, so I have to let this old man, who is flexible, help the police department. "

When he passed his grandson, the old man lowered his eyes, and then he caught a glimpse of his grandson's bitter face, which looked like he was constipated.

Are you really the son of my Kurama family?

Is he really my grandson?

"My great grandson, if you think about it with your incomplete feet, you will know that we will definitely live with the Uchiha clan for a long time in the future. More than fifty years have passed, and the hatred in the past has long been put aside.

If Uchiha cannot integrate into Konoha for a long time, it will definitely bring disaster to the village. This is a fact that anyone with a discerning eye can see.

I used to be too lazy to care about those things. That family was not lovable. Even if you helped that family, they might still look at you with their nostrils.

But it's different now. I plan to leave a stable internal environment to my descendants. "

As he said that, the old man waved to his grandson and smiled.

"Prepare to use a book to record the story of your grandfather and the first generation performing missions together, and then let it be passed down and tell your son and grandson the story of your grandfather.

Your grandfather and I are actually also a powerful ninja."

As the old man left, the whole room became extremely quiet.

The young man stood there stunned for a long time. He looked at the chair where his grandfather was sitting just now, and recalled in his mind the words that his grandfather said before leaving.

Wherever the leaves are flying, the fire is endless. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and cause new leaves to sprout.

Your grandpa, I will go to the police department to use my spare time.

Only fools would not do anything that is profitable

The old man of the Kurama family had just left the clan, and then he saw an old man wearing sunglasses walking towards the intersection on the left.

The skin on his face is obviously old and out of shape, but he is still wearing a pair of sunglasses.

You can really pretend! !

The key is acquaintances! !

He rubbed his chin with one hand and raised his eyebrows.

"Third Aburame, why did you think of going out today?"

Hearing this, the old man wearing sunglasses raised his head and spoke slowly in a hoarse voice.

"Kumama Wenwen, what do you care about me?"

The old man Kurama pointed at the road in front of him and said, "Looking at the direction you are walking, it seems that you are going with me. Aburame, third child, are you going to the police department too? Are you planning to join the police department?" "

The third Aburame was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"My grandson got married a few days ago."

Kurama Wenwen's eyes widened and he asked curiously.

"What does this have to do with you joining the police force?"

Hearing this, the old man glanced at him sideways and said expressionlessly.

"There are three deaths in a person's life.

First, death is determined from a biological perspective at the moment when one takes his last breath.

Second, when the funeral is held, your social identity is completely erased from then on.

Third, when no one remembers you anymore.

The body represents only tangible things, but the spirit is a different existence.

Some people are often remembered and left an indelible impression on their relatives and friends when they were alive; some people are like a pebble thrown into the ocean. After attending the funeral, there is nothing left."


Kurama Wenwen rubbed his head and said with a headache, "Easy."

"I just want to slow down my death."

As he spoke, the third Aburame passed him and said as he walked, "The Aburame clan's sense of existence is too low, and my sense of existence is even lower. There are too few stories about me in the family. My great-grandson wants to hear stories in the future. They can only listen to other people’s stories.

So I plan to make a few stories for my grandson to tell to my great-grandson. The story about going on a mission with the first Hokage is very good. "

grass? ?

Fighting for position? ?

How many tasks can the First Generation perform in a day? ?

Kurama Wenwen counted on his fingers, then he looked up at Aburame's junior, and slowly narrowed his eyes.

This is the enemy! !

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