Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 320 There are no good people in Uchiha

“First, we review the key events and achievements of the past year.

Our family has made significant progress in many aspects in the past year. Together, we have successfully accomplished many major things and improved our economic status and influence in the ninja world.

For example, "The Country of Waves"

Hearing the great elder mention the words "Land of Waves" without blushing or heartbeat, Asuka couldn't help but roll his eyes at this shameless guy.

You really dare to take all the credit for your family.

The Kingdom of Waves has nothing to do with you. I did it alone. Even if I add a second person, I can only add Granny Cat.

return economic status.

I earned the fried chicken restaurant and royalties by myself, but I spent them under the banner of the family, which can also be related to the family.

Asuka crossed her arms and looked speechless.

The great elder glanced at the crowd below, then looked down at the scroll without any words and was stunned for a moment.

This is not because he took the wrong scroll, but because he has been a great elder for more than thirty years and has presided over more than thirty similar clan meetings. He can already recite the contents of the speech.

So many years have passed, and the people below have changed one after another, but the speech script in his hand has not changed at all since Uchiha joined Konoha until now.

The speech written fifty years ago is still relevant today, and I have to say that this is also a sad thing.

Thinking of this, he stared at the blank speech for a long time and continued.

"However, we also face some challenges and difficulties. To this day, our Uchiha clan still does not have a Hokage, and we are still hovering on the edge of Konoha's power."

After listening to the speech, the crowd below suddenly became angry.

They didn't seem to notice whether the speech was the same as last year. Instead, they stood up and started shouting upwards.

"The Uchiha clan must have a Hokage!"

"Yes, we still have to discuss how to get a Hokage from the family."

"The top management of Konoha is too fucked up and has suppressed the family for decades. We must accept this challenge."

"Hey, it's starting again!" After glancing at the angry clan members, the elder looked solemn and said immediately, "The 607th Uchiha clan meeting starts now.

The content of this clan meeting is how Uchiha can produce a Hokage. "

Now that the year-end summary is done, it’s time to look forward to the future.

In this regard

Asuka didn't want to talk at all.

He finally understood why these old men were willing to have some fun and have a food competition before the clan meeting.

These more than 600 clan meetings have all discussed the same content. No matter how much passion there was, it must have been exhausted long ago.

The clan meeting is long and boring, so why not eat something to spice things up.

"I have a new idea recently!"

As the great elder sat back in his seat, a blind old man stood up and said loudly, "After Lord Shodaime became Hokage, he advocated marriage between our clans.

From him and Mito-sama, we can see that the first generation is not opposed to [himself] becoming a marriage partner.

Even Uzumaki is connected, but we Uchiha can't be connected?

I suggest that a female member of the family be used to marry the first generation. "

Hearing this, all the clan members, including Itachi Uchiha, instantly widened their eyes.

What a crazy and extreme idea.

They don't dare to think about it at all

The reason why they didn't have this idea before was because they were afraid that Mito would come knocking on their door. The reason why they didn't have this idea now was because they were afraid that Tsunade would come knocking on their door.

Isn’t this looking for trouble?

But what the clan association emphasizes is speaking freely. Although people around him don't agree with his ideas, they don't object to his right to speak.

"I have a younger sister, who is sixty-eight years old and younger than the first generation, who is in her thirties."

Sixty-eight? ? ?

Sixty-eight? ? ?

After the people around them calculated in their minds, their pupils shrank suddenly.

No, if you marry a low-minded person to the first generation, will your sister die first or the first generation?

"What an evil, crazy idea!"

After listening to the old man's speech, Uchiha Itachi gave the old man an extreme label in his heart.

This is also the main purpose of following his father to hold clan meetings.

He wanted to observe how many extreme people there were in the entire family.

"Nice idea!"

The great elder nodded affirmatively at him and continued to talk to Xini, "Let's put the idea aside for now. There have been some changes in the police department recently, and the first generation of adults may not be in the mood to get married.

And getting married is a lifetime event, so you have to be careful.

We’ll discuss it later. "


After the blind old man sat down, a young man stood up not far behind him.

"When I was practicing kunai yesterday, my mind suddenly became clear, and I thought about the crux of the family's lack of a Hokage for so many years." He looked around the jounin in the room, his voice a little excited.

"The main reason why our clan has never had a Hokage is that outsiders don't know how powerful our clan is."

Then, he stared at Uchiha Fugaku for a while and continued.

"As long as outsiders know how powerful we are, it will be easy for us to create a Hokage.

Clan leader, challenge Jiraiya. Tsunade can challenge the Sandaime Hokage, but the Sandaime is a little older and his strength may have declined, so he won't be able to convince the public. "

Uchiha's cheek twitched.

Even if the Sandai is old, he may not be able to beat that old man, let alone the Sannin in his prime.

Thinking of the scene in his mind when he challenged the Sannin and was beaten violently, Uchiha Fugaku looked solemn and spoke slowly in a deep voice.

"The proposal is good."

But Jiraiya's whereabouts are uncertain, and Tsunade has been dealing with the village's affairs for a long time. We Uchiha cannot cause chaos to the village at this time, so as not to plunge the village into turmoil again. "

"They are all masters of Hexini!" Asuka glanced at Saburo (the great elder) and Fugaku in admiration, and then noticed that Uchiha Itachi's face was a little ugly again.

What is this little thing thinking? ?

"Another extremist!!"

Uchiha Itachi's heart sank, and he once again labeled the clansman who [asked his father to challenge the Sannin] with an extreme label.

"You guys are too extreme!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi's eyes lit up.

This uncle's thoughts were actually the same as his own. They both thought that the tribesman's speech just now was a bit extreme.

Is he what Danzo said, a good person within the family?

next moment.

The "uncle" looked up and looked forward, with a hint of determination in his hoarse voice, "I think the reason why Patriarch Fugaku couldn't become Hokage is mainly because he was dragged down by his family.

As long as we disband the family and completely integrate the family into Konoha, the Fugaku clan leader will still be the Uchiha clan leader, but at that time, the Uchiha will have no clan members.

An Uchiha without any clan members would certainly not be wary of the major ninja clans in the village.

With Patriarch Fugaku no longer burdened by his family, his path to becoming Hokage will inevitably have fewer obstacles. "

? ? ?

A row of question marks instantly appeared above Uchiha Itachi's head.

Although I have heard before that some extreme people in the clan will put forward extremely extreme ideas.

For example, disbanding a family

But this was the first time he had encountered such a thing.

Uchiha Itachi looked at the "uncle" and his eyes gradually changed from confusion to shock, and finally to horror.

What are you doing! !

Didn't we talk about the family becoming Hokage? How come the family was disbanded?

Thinking of this, he quickly turned to look at the surrounding tribesmen.

I saw that the tribesmen were looking at their noses and hearts, as if they didn't care about this proposal at all. Even his father didn't have an angry look on his face, and he didn't seem to care about this proposal.


At this time, the great elder coughed slightly and stood up, continuing to talk to Xini.

"The clan leader cannot lose us, just like Konoha cannot lose Uchiha. The proposal is good, but it has not reached that point yet.

If the family is disbanded now, at least it will cause turmoil in the village, and at worst it will cause the Uchiha bloodline to flow out.

If other ninja villages also have Sharingan, this is not good news for Konoha.

At least

Until we develop a seal similar to [Caged Bird], we cannot dissolve the family, lest it cause trouble to the village. "

After saying that, the great elder saw the depressed look flashing across the man's face. After he lowered his head and pondered for a moment, he took out a scroll from his arms and threw it over.


Reaching out to catch the scroll, the man looked at the great elder in surprise, not understanding what the great elder wanted to do.

“This is the sealing technique, go and study it.

Your research direction is about seals like caged birds that can destroy brain tissue.

It would be better if we could crack the caged bird of the Hyuga clan. Let the Hyuga clan test the feasibility of disbanding the family for us first. If there is no harm, we will consider disbanding the family. "

Hearing this, a gleam flashed in the man's eyes.

He nodded hard at the great elder, then opened the scroll on the spot and read it carefully.

The great elder supports him in disbanding his family, but the time is not right now and there are still many things that are not ready.


After pressing this clansman back, the great elder let out a long sigh of relief.

He still understands the intelligence of his people.

Not to mention caged birds, those who can understand the sealing technique are geniuses among geniuses.

In the beginning, the reason why Uchiha Iri was able to develop the method of resurrecting the dead was entirely due to external forces.

If Yili relied on himself, it is estimated that there would be no progress in the experiment until death.

Thinking of this, the great elder raised his head, looked at the clansmen below again, and said.


ah? ? ah? ? ah? ?

At this time.

Uchiha Itachi was seen staring, his mouth opened into an O shape, and his face was full of horror.

It turns out that the legendary leader of the centrists is also an extremist? ? ?

Is there no normal clan member in the entire Uchiha clan? Didn't Lord Danzo say that there are good people in the Uchiha clan?

"The idea of ​​disbanding the family is too extreme."

A hoarse voice came from below, and Uchiha Itachi looked over again.

I saw an old man with gray hair standing up and speaking slowly.

"Let's expel the clan leader from the clan. After he finishes competing for Hokage, we will bring the clan leader back."

The words just fell.

All the Uchiha in the venue turned to look at Fugaku.


Uchiha Fugaku's expression remained unchanged and he nodded slightly.

“It’s a good idea, but the time hasn’t come yet.

At present, the Shodaime-sama can work for at least five years. This idea will be discussed after five years. "

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