Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 329 Looking to the future again

"If you don't have a meeting, then you have another meeting. How can you have a meeting? There was some meeting at first, but after it happens, it becomes impossible!!"

"The general meeting talks about small things, and the small meeting talks about big things. Really big things can't be discussed in meetings. It's only a few people who decide the direction of big things. What's the point of holding this meeting?"

"I don't know. But the clan meetings are all about discussing the future direction of the family. There have been so many meetings in the village, but there has never been a meeting where the future direction has been discussed."


An inappropriate sneer came, and the group of Uchiha who were discussing [the significance of the village meeting] all looked up.

I saw a row of ninjas in white robes sitting opposite.

The same thing is that they all have a pair of pure white eyes. The difference is that some of them have extremely smooth foreheads, while some have cyan cross curse marks on their foreheads.

"Idiot of the Hyuga clan!"

An Uchiha Jonin crossed his arms and sarcastically said, "What's so funny.

Have you, the Hyuga Clan, taken back the Byakugan? Why are you grinning like crazy here? If I were you, I would disband the family right now, declare that I have nothing to do with Konoha, and then send people to sneak into Kirigakure Village to carry out terrorist assassinations.

This will not only prove your determination to regain the Byakugan, but also provide you with an excuse to deal with your ancestors after you die. After all, you guys have not failed to work hard, but Hinata, who is the second in Konoha, is not strong enough. "

Hearing this, a Hyuunin's face darkened and he also sarcastically said.

"Idiots who have been holding clan meetings for hundreds of years, I really don't know how your family has so many things to discuss. I heard that in the past year, your clan meetings have been changed to meals?

No wonder you find meetings boring.

That's right. Anyone who has held a clan meeting for hundreds of years will find it a boring thing.

Meetings cannot solve problems, let alone conflicts, or dissolve family talents. "


The Uchiha jounin slapped the table and stood up. He stared at the Hinata jonin who spoke and said with a gloomy face, "Shameless Hinata, how many times have you peeked at the Uchiha clan meeting?

Do you think Nanga Shrine is a village bathhouse? You can watch it if you want? "


The Jonin of the Hyuga clan also stood up and retorted, "We have never seen the village bathhouse, let alone Nanga Shrine. Don't slander us. When you have meetings, there is always a smell that wafts out of Erli. The villagers want to smell it. It’s hard not to taste it.

Whenever the villagers smell that stench, they know that you Uchiha are cooking shit at Nanga Shrine again. "


Then the Uchiha jounin sneered, then took out a small notebook from his pocket, opened a few pages, and read, "You Hinata are the toughest in the world.

It seems that we have to settle old scores again."

As he spoke, Uchiha Jonin's eyes lit up, he licked the dry corners of his mouth and said loudly.

"In the first year of Konoha, Hyuuga Shuichi, a new genin of the Hyuga clan, peeked into the bathhouse and was caught by Uchiha on the spot.

In the first year of Konoha, Hyuga Shuichi, the new chunin of the Hyuga clan, peeked at the Uchiha clan and laughed at their shortcomings, but was caught red-handed by Uchiha.

In the third year of Konoha, Hyuga Shuichi, the new special jounin of the Hyuga clan, saw his beloved enter the bathhouse. As soon as he opened his Byakugan, he was pushed to the ground by Uchiha on the spot.

In the fifth year of Konoha, the Hyuga clan’s new Jonin Hyuga Shuichi”

As the Jonin read more and more dirty information, the faces of the Hyuga clan turned dark.

When they first gained the clairvoyant ability of Byakugan, the tribesmen would inevitably be a little curious and would inevitably see some things they shouldn't see.

And as an Uchiha who doesn't deal with them very much, he often stares at them. Whenever he sees them opening their eyes at places they shouldn't look at, he can't help but beat them up.


At this time, another Hyuga clan member also took out a notebook from his pocket, opened it and read, "In the year of Konoha, Hyuga Shuichi, the new chuunin of the Hyuga clan, accidentally discovered Uchiha Shin's behavior of letting himself go without wearing underwear. He Kindly reminded, and then got beaten.

Konoha three years, the Hyuga clan."

Hearing the two major families going over old scores with each other, Hinata, who was sitting not far away, let out a long sigh in her heart, then turned her head to look at the Uchiha man with a bandage on his head, and asked in a low voice.

"Asuka, what happened while I was away from the village? How did our two families become like this?"

Asuka raised his head and glanced around the room.

I saw that this huge conference room was already full of people attending the meeting. The Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan were sitting on both sides of the table, and the other families were sitting at the starting positions of the two major families.

"What else could it be because of?"

He rubbed his still swollen cheeks and muttered, "Some time ago, your clan leader and our clan leader had a fight over some things. Since then, our two families have begun to dislike each other again.

Originally, the two families disliked each other. After the high-level quarrel, those below began to find fault with each other.

Later, the First Hokage formulated several rules to limit the conflicts between the two clans to the mouth level."

Fire Release: The Technique of the Fire Dragon!

Back to the days!

As the fire dragon hit the protective shield composed of chakra, a wave of heat instantly hit Asuka's face, blocking the words he was about to blurt out.

boom! ! !

The high temperature blew on everyone's faces like waves.

They touched their eyebrows that had become curled due to the high temperature, then looked at the two tribesmen who had already joined hands, and slapped their cheeks hard.

"Next time, I must suggest to Hokage-sama that the meeting be held outdoors."

ten minutes later.

After Senju Hashirama brought Hiruzen, Danzo and others into the conference room, Hashirama couldn't help but be confused by the scene in front of him.

A man with a bandage on his head and wearing an Uchiha uniform sat at the front of the Uchiha team, with a hint of exhaustion in his eyes. The Uchihas around him had gloomy faces, curly hair, and many slap marks on their bodies. It was as if someone had beaten him.

Opposite the group of Uchiha was the team of the Hyuga clan. Some of their eyebrows were half burned off, and some of their hair was stuck to their scalps. They looked like they had just emerged from the sea of ​​fire.

Although the room has been ventilated, there is still a smell of smoke and roasting pig hair.


After sniffing, his eyes wandered back and forth between the two tribesmen for a few times, Senju Hashirama took a breath and instantly understood what had just happened in the room.

There must have been some minor conflicts between the two tribes, but they were finally persuaded to leave.

Then, Senju Hashirama walked to the front, looked up at the man with a bandage on his head, blinked, and said doubtfully.

"Who are you."


Asuka leaned on the chair, glanced at Tsunade who was following the Hokage, and said, "It's me, Uchiha Asuka. I was accidentally hit when I went out yesterday and was a little injured.

It doesn't matter at all. "

After hearing this, Hashirama was silent for a moment, then secretly glanced at the whistling granddaughter.

There will be an opportunity to mediate the conflict between the two in the future.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the two clans who were glaring at each other again, and added in his mind, "We still need to adjust the conflicts between the Uchiha and Hyuga clans. These two families have often had conflicts since he first became Hokage." Have conflicts.

Unexpectedly, fifty years later, we would still see conflicts between the two families. "


Half an hour passed.

Senju Hashirama put his fist to his mouth and coughed lightly.

“In fact, there is nothing urgent to do when I called you here today.

On the last day of this year, the focus of our last Jonin gathering is mainly for each clan to summarize the gains and losses of you and the village last year, and look forward to the future of the new year."

? ? ?

In an instant, the Uchiha group looked at each other, and a row of small question marks appeared above their heads.

They had just discussed the pros and cons and looked forward to the future in the family two days ago, and now they have to look forward to it again in this Jonin meeting? ?

Could it be said that how Uchiha became Hokage?


Asuka crossed his arms and sighed subconsciously.

This is the disadvantage of holding too many clan meetings.

Look at the other families, they all look thoughtful now.

On the other hand, the Uchiha clan now looks at their noses and hearts, looking like they want to say something but dare not say it.

The gains and losses of last year are nothing more than [the first generation is alive, the fourth generation is dead, and Uchiha has hope again], and looking forward to the future is [Uchiha is as blessed as the East Sea, the first generation is as long as the sky, and by the way, a Hokage from Uchiha is cultivated] .

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