Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 351 I have the final say whether the Uchiha family is in chaos or not.


Konoha Ninja Village.

The morning sun lazily leaned against the sky, spreading out its seemingly warm but slightly cold beams of light, gently touching the Fire Nation village with its many small buildings and the villagers living in this village.

The winter sunshine and the cold winter wind blow on people's bodies together, making people unable to feel the warmth of the sun at all.

Some people wrap their coats tightly and want to keep warm with love.

Some people were sweating profusely and wanted to use ice to cool down.

The two are not contradictory.

"Young youth has been wasted every year in these years."

As this masculine voice came from afar, the people around subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.

Two figures, black and green, soon appeared at the end of the street. They put their hands on the ground and hurried forward in an inverted position while shouting various slogans about youth.

"Kakashi, I don't agree with what you said."

"Yes Yes!"

Kakashi lowered his eyelids and looked at the ground with a look of despair.

Just ten minutes ago, Kai excitedly came to him and said that there was a competition between the two, and the loser would have to obey the winner's orders.

At that time, he just wanted to beat Kai and then let him play by himself for a few days while he was pure and clean.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of the competition, Kai yelled and used the box-pressing skill, opened six doors in a row, and almost kicked him to his father.

After losing the game, he naturally accepted the winner's arrangement.

Kai valued him so much that he even regarded him as a powerful enemy with six talents. This behavior made Kakashi very happy, but Kakashi didn't like Kai's behavior of letting him shout slogans.

What a shame! !


At this time, I saw blazing fire burning in Kai's eyes. Although he had just opened the six gates and was now in terrible pain, he finally defeated Kakashi once. How could he not lead him to do something meaningful?

"I don't agree with what you said about youth. Not everyone's youth should be devoted to women and family. We should spend our youth on our favorite physical exercise. It's worth it. .”

"Yes Yes!"

Kakashi's cheek twitched a few times and he responded feebly.

"Kakashi, shout our slogan!"

"Yes Yes!"

After saying that, Kakashi closed his eyes simply, a blush of shame rose on his cheeks, and the next moment he heard the sound of Kakashi tearing his throat from the street.

"Youth lasts only thirty thousand days, life is wonderful every day!!"

"That's right!"

Two lines of hot tears burst out of Kai's eyes, dripping down his forehead and onto the ground, "Kakashi, let's finish today wonderfully."


Kakashi's mouth twitched. After he noticed that the surrounding villagers were looking at him like a fool, he immediately chose to close his eyes and thought to himself, "The village cannot stay any longer. We will go out to perform the mission in two days."

Swish, swish, swish! !

As the two men waved their arms faster, a cloud of smoke and dust instantly enveloped the surrounding villagers.

When the smoke cleared, there were no traces of those two people on the street.


Danzo fanned the dust that had drifted in front of him with his hand. He looked at the direction where the two disappeared, with a somewhat unsightly look on his face.

In his mind, there were only two people who brought down the reputation of the entire village.

One is Metkai, and the other is everyone in Uchiha.

"Now Kakashi is gradually being led astray. We must find ways to correct him in the future. We cannot let such a good prospect be ruined in the hands of Metkai."

Thinking of the slogan Kakashi shouted just now, Danzo took a deep breath, and while making some kind of decision in his mind, he turned to look at the Uchiha clan.

"Strong enemies often collapse within!"

This was something he read in a book recently.

Danzo felt that these words had pierced his heart. If he wanted to make Uchiha collapse, he had to start from within them.

"In Konoha 53, Uchiha will definitely collapse!!"

He looked down at the book title he had just finalized, with a satisfied smile on his face.

After working hard day and night, he finally completed this book that revealed the dark side of the Uchiha family before the fourth issue of "Ninja World" was published.

"The Uchiha have accumulated too many and deep flaws in terms of family strength and politics over the past 50 years, and the current stability is false.

The current Uchiha clan leader can no longer maintain the stability within the family. I assert that the current stable situation of Uchiha can only last for one year at most, and will inevitably usher in a collapse. "

After repeatedly reading the introduction to this book, Danzo's brows sometimes wrinkled and sometimes relaxed, and said to himself.

"Did the word [Old Man] in the book reveal my identity?"

never mind!

Then, he put the book in his arms again, and then looked at the place where he submitted the article [Ninja World's Ultimate], with a smile once again showing that he had everything under control.

Uchiha is dreaming if he wants stability, and Uchiha Fugaku is dreaming if he wants family harmony.

I have the final say whether your house is a mess or not.

The shadow of Uchiha Itachi appeared in Danzo's mind, and then he turned around and walked in the other direction.

“When a child is most helpless, I care for him and fill the emptiness in his heart. I am the person that child loves and respects the most.

The Kyuubi is certainly powerful, but the Uchiha who can control the Kyuubi are equally powerful. "


Danzo, who was distracted, stepped into the pit and staggered forward for two steps before regaining his balance.

He looked back at the small hole he had just stepped on, his face darkened, and he cursed in a low voice, "Evil Uchiha, if it weren't for you guys, how could I have stepped into the hole."

Later, he borrowed a shovel from a nearby businessman, shoveled some soil, and buried the hole himself.

Uchiha's fate is like this big pit. He must complete the final filling work. Whether it is the last shovel of soil or the last kick, he will drop it himself.

Bang bang bang! !

After slamming his feet into the ground, he glanced at the flat ground, turned around and walked in the other direction.

"My life is full of conspiracies and calculations. Even when I walk on the road, I will step into the traps dug by Uchiha for me. I have to be cautious and cautious."

"My life is full of conspiracies and plots every day. Even cooking at home can lead to a big hole dug for her by Uchiha Asuka."

Muttering something secretly in her heart, Uchiha Mikoto looked at Asuka with a look full of scrutiny.

This bastard has been saying some incomprehensible things since just now.

Are you trying to arouse your own sympathy?

She has no sympathy for the other party at all now, and some of her is just wondering if the other party is planning to plot against her.

After all, the relationship between the two of them is very bad.

There was a fight in the medical department this morning.


Asuka took a mouthful of puffer fish meat and said while eating, "When I was in the kitchen just now, I was still thinking about what to say to you when I came out. I even made a draft in my mind, but when I came out, I saw I forgot all about the aura you exuded.

It is said that you have a very bad temper."


As soon as she finished speaking, Uchiha Mikoto raised her leg and chopped the floor hard, with a gloomy look on her face.

"Who is creating the rumor about my concubine?"

Asuka looked at the spiderweb-like cracked floor beneath her feet, and a trace of physical pain appeared on her face.

This is the underwater floor of the Kingdom of Water.

What old man Ryoichi said is really good, her character is indeed a bit irritable!

Afterwards, Feiniao put down his bowls and chopsticks, faced the woman standing not far away, and said, "No one made any rumors about you, it was just random talk by people in the family.


You've been standing here for so long and you don't have anything to ask? "

? ? ?

There were so many things Uchiha Mikoto wanted to ask.

Like why she appears here.

For example, why did Uchiha Asuka's attitude towards her change so much, and even the way he looked at her changed.

Another example: Will I disappear suddenly in the future and then appear next to Uchiha Asuka?

These were the questions she wanted to ask. If it weren't for the purpose of clarifying the doubts in her heart, or even to avoid this kind of thing happening again in the future, she would have broken the window and left.

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