Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 368 I was once a passionate young man, but I was hit later

"Great Elder, my dumplings seem a bit salty."

"Shut up, I. That's not salty, that's the taste of regret."

"Great Elder, my dumplings are a bit salty and my throat hurts."

"Oh, when you shed tears, are your tears salty? Do your eyes hurt after you shed tears? This is the feeling of regret."

"Great Elder, my dumplings are a bit bland."

"You boy are so lucky. According to rumors, only food eaten by ghosts and gods has no taste. The dumplings you are eating now are just eaten by those tribesmen who died heroically to protect us.

Boy, you are so lucky. "


"But what? You actually dislike the food that the heroes ate? Boy, there is something wrong with your thinking!!"

"Great Elder, my dumplings are a bit bland."

"Asuka, get him a clove of garlic!!"

Seeing the great elder waving to him, Feiniao silently put down his bowls and chopsticks, then broke off half of the garlic from the box next to him and threw it away.

The old guy was grinning.

It was obvious that the amount of salt was not properly controlled when making dumplings, which resulted in one dumpling being salty and the other bland. Why would you blame a dead person for this?

Then, he picked up another dumpling and said while chewing it, "How come I don't feel regretful eating it? I put too much salt in this and that too much salt. Doesn't Uchiha Mikoto's family pay for salt?"

Half an hour later.

The great elder looked at the disappearing dumpling mountain with a slight curl of the corner of his mouth.

If it was digested at this rate, within ten days, there would be no more dumplings in his house.

It's not like he hasn't thought about using some means to throw the dumplings far away, but when the elder thought about it, if he didn't let Mikoto release the depression in her heart, something might happen in the future.

Thinking of this, he secretly glanced at the hiccupping bird and let out a long sigh in his heart.

No one in the family is worry-free. He is the only one who lives cautiously every day, thinking about how to maintain family harmony and how to make Uchiha a Hokage.

"I don't want to say more than necessary. The clan leader has something to do today. I will preside over this clan meeting. You can speak freely and say whatever you want."

Then, Da Chang knocked on the blackboard behind him and saw a few big words written on it with white chalk.

[How can Uchiha create a Hokage]

Seeing this issue that has not changed for thousands of years, Asuka slapped his cheek hard several times.

This was what he admired most about Uchiha.

Although the issues of the clan meeting have not changed in decades, it does not prevent these Uchiha jonins from having a heated exchange of opinions.

This group of people now gave him the feeling as if they were seeing this topic for the first time, and they were pouring out their thoughts like crazy.

"It's so intense, it's so intense!"

A Jonin who was participating in a clan meeting for the first time looked at the scene in front of him and said with excitement, "This is what I imagined the clan meeting to be like. We communicated intensely together, and our ideas collided with each other, and finally we came up with a feasible solution suitable for our family. plan."


Asuka crossed his fingers, held his chin in his hands, and looked around the meeting place.

When he participated in the clan meetings for the first few times, he had the same idea as that person. He believed that as long as the ideas of these clan members collided several times in the clan meetings, a plan suitable for the Uchiha family would eventually come out.

Later he found out that he really overestimated these people.

This is a group of geniuses who have been colliding with each other for more than fifty years, but nothing has come out of the collision.

The atmosphere at the venue was extremely lively. After the elder looked at it for a while, he took out a calendar from his arms, marked today's day with a big X, and murmured in a low voice.

"I can still host more than thirty clan meetings, and then my mission in this life will be completed.

Today I’m talking about the regrets those people had before they died. Little did I know that I also have regrets in my heart.”

Thinking of this, he turned his head and glanced at the writing on the blackboard, and then looked at the tribesmen in front of him who were having a heated discussion.

When he was this big, he was very enthusiastic, and he would have to discuss it with this group of people for several hours at every clan meeting.

In the end, his idea successfully convinced most of the clan members at the clan meeting.



The great elder shook his head regretfully and said,

"If it hadn't been for my idea back then, the position of the Fourth Hokage would have fallen to Uchiha long ago."

"what idea?"

Hearing this, the great elder said directly without thinking, "After Senju Hashirama died, Uzumaki Mito became a widow, so I thought about finding another one for Mito-sama."

Hearing this, Feiniao's eyes widened instantly and he lost his voice.

"Old man, do you recommend yourself?"


Mito-sama was the same age as my grandmother at that time, and I was still a young man in his mid-20s. "

The great elder rolled his eyes at Asuka and said angrily, "Besides, how could Mito-sama be so powerful that he would fall in love with me.

My original idea was to ask my father, who had become the clan leader, to visit Mito-sama more often when he had nothing to do. After all, Mito-sama lived a lonely life in his later years.

Two people who are equally lonely and born in the same era will naturally have many topics in common. If they don't know each other, what kind of sparks will be sparked in the end."


Asuka's mouth was open wide enough to fit an egg in, and he looked at the old man in front of him with a look of surprise.

You let your father, who was the last clan leader, get close to Mito Uzumaki in his later years?

Dusk love? ?

Thinking of this, the fire of gossip ignited in Feiniao's eyes, and he asked in a low voice, "Great Elder, I think your idea is very good. Why did the middle road fall apart? Is it because the father who was the last patriarch was unwilling to sacrifice his old age for the family? Happy life?"

"that is not!"

The First Elder smacked his lips and spoke after a long while, "At the clan meeting that year, I successfully put forward my plan and described a beautiful vision for the future to the participants.

You know my eloquence. Not surprisingly, my proposal was passed with a high vote at the clan meeting.

Then, the pressure shifted to the previous patriarch.

When he returned home and tried to persuade his father to act for the sake of the family, he was reportedly beaten.

However, he eventually succeeded in convincing his father.

When the father, the incoming clan leader, stepped into the Senju family's front door carrying gifts, before his back foot even crossed the threshold, Kyuubi went berserk."

Speaking of this, the elder suddenly felt a little pain in his gums.

It was such a coincidence that Kyuubi went berserk. Without Uzumaki Mito suppressing Kyuubi all his life, the only time he went berserk was when his father, the last clan leader, stepped into the Senju family.

Then the berserk Kyuubi rushed in front of the old man and bared his teeth, scaring the old man to the point of peeing.

The plan he proposed was originally very feasible and was favored by most people in the clan meeting. However, after just one night, the reputation of the plan suddenly changed and it became a bad idea in everyone's mouth.

The blow that day was too great for the great elder.

From now on.

The great elder no longer made any suggestions at clan meetings, but became very conservative and chose to become a member of the centrist group, playing the role of peacemaker.

After decades of being a peacemaker, he became the great elder of the Uchiha clan.


Damn it, who would have thought that the last patriarch’s father was a loser! !

What a wonderful plan, I have been thinking about it for months! !

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