Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 384 Simple and easy to remember

"Die early?"

Seeing Hashirama's disappointed look, Asuka looked at the sky in confusion.

He imagined various answers in his mind

For example, there are Uchiha character issues, Uchiha reputation issues, and the village’s popular support issues.

Anyway, all the answers are not as shocking as the sentence just now! !

Too early to die! !

at this time.

I don't know if it's because the sun is getting higher and higher, but the cold air in the air seems to be sinking a little, and there is a hint of coldness in the whole space.

A cold joke.


Asuka raised his head and stared at the man opposite him for a long time, then said, "Master Hashirama, I always feel that you are telling me a joke to make me say something that is not very nice. It seems that your death a few years later will not change anything."

"Child, you can't say that!"

Hashirama slumped on his chair, staring blankly at the sun.

The sun in winter was not as hot as in summer. He looked at the sun for a full minute before his eyes felt a slight sting.

“I thought about this after Madara left.

At that time, I was the only one in the whole village who was willing to accept the Uchiha clan. If I died suddenly one day, the Uchiha clan would most likely have conflicts with the village in the future.

Just like it is now”

At this point, Hashirama stopped talking.

When he was first resurrected, he transformed into an Uchiha tribesman, and he truly felt the situation of the Uchiha tribesmen decades later.

At that time, he was staying at Asuka's house and having a good meal. Xiaozuna broke in directly and kicked Asuka, and then kicked herself again because she thought he looked at her too much.

The two kicked people squatted on the street and were kicked by Uchiha Mikoto again for no apparent reason.

Although all these things happened for a reason, after being beaten twice, Senju Hashirama found that the villagers looked at him strangely, a little cold and a little alienated.

This is the reaction of a normal villager walking into the street and encountering an Uchiha tribesman.

Although the villagers were very enthusiastic about Asuka, that enthusiasm only belonged to Asuka alone.

"Lord Hashirama!"

Asuka picked his ears and said, "Did you tell Nidaime-sama something at that time, but Nidaime-sama didn't carry it out properly?"


After being stunned for a moment, Hashirama said with a wry smile.

"I said at the beginning that we should not treat Uchiha badly, but that we should give them some power appropriately, let Uchiha slowly participate in the affairs of the village, and finally, through top-down integration, let the village slowly accept you.

Then Tobirama will create a police department based on your personalities.

I also said that you should not exclude Uchiha, but you should also try to accept Uchiha. You should set an example and not be partial or disgusted.

Then Tobirama accepted Uchiha Kagami who got rid of the family's narrow thinking.

This can't be said that Tobirama didn't implement it well, it can only be said that it was different from what I thought at the time. "

As the words fell, he found Feiniao staring at him with a speechless expression.

Hashirama scratched his head subconsciously, with a lot of regret in his smile.


I still died too early. If I had died a few years later, I'm afraid things wouldn't be like this. "


Asuka looked at him strangely and asked in confusion, "Hashirama-sama, if you had died a few years later, what would you have thought at the beginning, about Uchiha not being able to become Hokage?"

"how to say!"

Hearing this, after Hashirama thought for a while, he rubbed his chin with one hand and whispered, "There were many people in the village who opposed you becoming Hokage, so you can't become Hokage unless you deal with those people.

Among those who oppose you becoming Hokage, Tobirama is the main force.

So I was like."

Asuka's pupils slowly dilated, and he looked at the thick-browed Shodaime in front of him with a shocked expression.

Those people the first generation wanted to kill for Uchiha?

No no no!

He could only kill Uchiha for the village, not those people for Uchiha.


Seeing Asuka who kept shaking his head, Senju Hashirama waved to him and said with a hint of pride in his voice, "Although I don't know what you are thinking, we are definitely not thinking about the same thing.

My original idea was that as long as I lived longer than those who harbored hatred for Uchiha, and after they passed away one by one, I could start thinking about making the Uchiha clan Hokage.

When the time comes, what can Tobirama, who is on crutches, do to stop me? "


Seeing the proud first generation, Asuka couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

He also understood what he said just now.

Isn’t it just about living longer than anyone else?

As long as the first generation lives long enough, he can kill those guys in the village who are hostile to Uchiha, and then the first generation will give up his position as Hokage to Uchiha.

Um! !


Following this train of thought, Uchiha Asuka nodded secretly.

"Not to mention, if the Shodaime lives long enough, as long as he does not discriminate against Uchiha during his term of office, then after he kills those people, Uchiha might really have a chance to become Hokage."


At this time, Asuka heard someone sighing next to his ears.

Senju Hashirama picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and said slowly in a deep voice, "After I told Tobirama about my thoughts at that time, he actually said that I was naive and said that I would definitely die in front of him.

Even if he dies behind me, this idea will never succeed.

Actually, I feel like this idea is really good, but it just needs to wait a little longer. "

Uh-huh! !

Asuka nodded again.

He felt that Senju Tobirama was right.

Didn't Hashirama ever think about what he would do if Senju Tobirama was reincarnated? Even if he doesn't reincarnate himself, what if a better young man appears in the village?

From the founding of the Uchiha village until now, the most outstanding people in the Uchiha family are Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Kagami. Although it may be that Madara has lived too long and Indra has not been reincarnated, it cannot be denied. One thing is

Uchiha has indeed declined in recent decades, and there are no outstanding characters.


Having said heart-wrenching words for a long time, Hashirama felt that the heat was almost there.

He blinked and suddenly approached Asuka and asked in a low voice.

"Is he the one who saved the village from Kyuubi?"

Seeing the look of expectation in his eyes, Asuka nodded after being silent for a while.

In fact, there is nothing to hide about this matter. Senju Hashirama has already guessed everything. He just wants a definite answer from himself now.


After hearing this affirmative answer, Hashirama couldn't help but laugh to the sky, his face filled with immense joy.

Although he still doesn't understand Madara's true purpose, what Hashirama knows is that Madara chose to save the village they two built together at the last moment of his life.

Then, Hashirama slowly stood up and closed his eyes.

Although the cold wind howled, Hashirama felt warm from it.

Scenes emerged in his mind, frozen in the moment when the village was founded.

"Madara, in the future, your dream will become a reality. The leader of the ninja who protects the Land of Fire in the shadows will be named Hokage. How about you? I want you to be the village chief and become Hokage."

Although your brother is no longer here, I hope you can treat the ninjas in the village as your brothers, and I hope you can protect everyone. "


"Madala, it's time to give the village a name."


"Why don't you speak? Do you have a nice name?"

"Let's call it Konoha Ninja Village."

"so easy!"

“Easy to remember!”

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