Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 415 Headquarters? That's a den of scammers

As a new cult after the Third Ninja War, the Evil God Cult relied on its teachings that were superior to other cults to attract civilians who had been devastated by the war.

Its followers have a faint tendency to spread to surrounding countries.

Uchiha Asuka vaguely remembered that when he was on a mission last year, he saw sacrifice activities by members of the Evil God Cult in the Kingdom of Water.

That group of people stayed up late at night, secretly drawing some formations on the ground, and then started burning paper, which was an extremely evil act.

And now.

In Tangyin Village, the birthplace of the Evil God Cult, these guys who claim to be loyal followers of the Evil God are still holding sacrifices to the Evil God, but today's sacrifices are somewhat different from the previous sacrifices.

A year ago, every time they participated in sacrificial activities, they had to pay a lot of money to the evil god, and they even had to draw some formations to make the great evil god feel their sincerity.

A year later, the evil god's messenger said that the great evil god is omnipotent. You don't need to draw any formations. You just need to silently recite the evil god's name in your mouth, and it will feel your sincerity.

The Evil God does not belong to this world, so why does it want the money in this world? These are all unscrupulous scammers who use the name of evil gods to steal money.

The evil god loves believers. He has noticed the hardships in your life from your prayers, but he cannot personally relieve your hardships due to various reasons, so he has sent me to rescue you for free and cut off your past karma.

As loyal henchmen of the evil god, these believers can identify who is the true spokesperson of the evil god by just using their toes.

Who [god] would take action on his own believers?

Why do they believe in evil gods?

Because life is hard, I hope to change my life through belief in evil gods.

Why do they believe in evil gods?

Because of the serious remnants of feudal superstition, he believed that the omnipotent evil god would definitely be able to help him.

Why do they believe in evil gods?

Torn by war, they seek organization and love.


These civilians looked at Uchiha Asuka, and then at the middle-aged man lying at Uchiha Asuka's feet.

They knew this middle-aged man. He used to claim to be a loyal believer of the evil god, and he collected money from them on behalf of the evil god.

One is an emissary of the evil god who does not accept money but also gives away money. He also said that the evil god is a powerful god and will not reject anyone's faith, not even the faith of a monk.

One of them collects money, and often threatens the evil god [who won’t recognize you], and even keeps picking some pretty women to be the evil god’s companions.

Comparing the two, even if these civilians have little knowledge, they still vaguely feel that Uchiha Asuka is the messenger sent by the evil god.

Don't ask, just ask.

Then, these civilians were seen looking at the middle-aged man at Asuka's feet with disdain.

"It turns out he is a big liar!"

"Let me tell you, every time this person collects money, he looks at us like we are fools. It turns out that he really thinks of us as fools."

"When this liar saw the real messenger of the evil god coming, not only did he not run away, he actually tried to expose the messenger's identity."

"Alas, what is fake is fake after all, and it is vulnerable to the real messenger of the evil god."

The voices of the people around him were not quiet, and they had no intention of going behind anyone's back. The middle-aged man who kept getting oil from them had been defeated by the new messenger of the evil god.

Although not everyone doubts, the identity of this [middle-aged man] is very likely to be true. After all, judging from some of his usual behaviors, he does have something to do with the evil god.


These people glanced at the two of them indifferently, and then looked at their noses and hearts one by one, with expressions of emotion on their faces.

"Sure enough, wherever there are people, there is a power struggle. It turns out that the evil gods also fight for power within themselves."

at this time.

The middle-aged man lying on the ground also heard the words of these believers.

These believers who had been very respectful to him in the past now began to question his identity.

"These stupid idiots!!"

Then, I saw him raising his head with difficulty, his dark pupils covered with bloodshot eyes. He didn't know whether he was beaten or angry by this group of believers who did not distinguish between true and false.

"You idiots, take a closer look, I am the real one, he is a fake!! He has not been recognized by the evil god at all!!"

He looked angrily at these believers who used to please him and said angrily, "You idiots, a small discount can buy you off.

With the IQs of you idiots, you will never see the evil god in this life. "


At this time, Feiniao put his hands behind his back, shook his head and said, "This is not a small discount, this is the care from Lord Evil God. The believers are not bought by me, they are bought by Lord Evil God's care.

You accuse believers of lacking wisdom, but I think this is the true wisdom of believers. "

Listening to Asuka's words, the middle-aged man lying on the ground suddenly became silent.

He, the real high-level loyal believer of the Evil God of the Evil God Religion, not only failed to crack down on the counterfeiters today, but was also beaten up by the counterfeiters! !

What's more, this is fake

He stared into Uchiha Asuka's eyes and spoke word by word.

"I know you. I am different from these illiterate and uninformed civilians. You are not a believer of the evil god at all, you are a big liar from the Kingdom of Fire.

You can only deceive some ignorant civilians, but you cannot deceive us, the true believers of the evil god, because we are organized."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Uchiha Asuka's dark pupils turn scarlet instantly, and at the same time, the middle-aged man's mind came up with a long-standing method of dealing with Uchiha that had been circulated in the ninja world.

[Don’t look at him, run as fast as you can in a one-on-one situation]

"Uchiha Asuka, from Konoha."

Before the middle-aged man could fully explain Asuka's information, he felt that his limbs had become extremely heavy and his head had become dizzy.

Half a day later.

Asuka waved goodbye to the enthusiastic believers, turned around and walked towards the northeast of Tangyin Village.

According to the information he tortured from the middle-aged man, he knew that there was the headquarters of the Evil God Cult. Well, in other words, starting from today, the traditional Evil God Cult can be disbanded, and the emerging Evil God Cult is about to come. Already.

Each of these civilians stood on tiptoe and looked into the distance. It wasn't until the figure of the flying bird completely disappeared on the road that they turned around and said while walking towards home.

"Looking at the direction the envoy is heading, it should be the "Headquarters", right?"

"What headquarters? It's called a liar's den."

"Actually, I feel that those "adults" in the past didn't look like liars. I vaguely remember that there was the founder of the evil sect in that headquarters. That liar's den."

"No, no, no, that is not the founder of the Evil God Cult. The Messenger said that the real founder of the Evil God Cult is the Evil God. The so-called founder is just a believer who came into contact with the Evil God earlier.

But now that believer's path has gone astray, and he wants to go over and correct it. "

"I understand, Lord Evil God sent an envoy to bring order to the chaos."

Hearing this, some civilians turned around and looked at the place where Asuka disappeared, with complicated expressions.

They always felt that the envoy was not there to bring order to the chaos, and they even had a vague feeling in their hearts that the Evil God Organization might be disbanded.

Will these believers still be considered followers of the Evil God Religion then?

"How about we create a new organization?"

"What organization?"

"Idiot, we believe in evil gods, so of course we created the evil god cult!"

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