Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 421 This overwhelming wealth

Low-level funding methods: secretly contact the other party and directly give the other party everything they need.

This method has a drawback, that is, it is easy to be exposed and very dangerous. Some cautious people will refuse to contact the funder or even report the funder backhand to prove their innocence.

What's more, just like the Taketori clan, if there is a coup in the morning, Kumogakure Village will be exposed in the afternoon.

Advanced funding method: send people to the store opened by the other party to buy things in bulk, and indirectly provide financial support to the other party.

This method also has a drawback, that is, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of the recipients, and it is also easy for outsiders to see the clues. If the funding is excessive, it will be reported backhand.

The top funding method: send someone to hold a competition, then invite Danzo to participate, and make Danzo's odds extremely high.

Don't ask, asking means looking down upon you.

While Danzo was using money to pressure himself to win, he did some secret manipulation to allow him to achieve the final victory.

As for what kind of competition.

After these cloud ninjas looked at each other, they continued to be lost in thought.

Generally speaking, Danzo may not participate in competitions that are not valuable. Danzo may not win in competitions that are valuable. If the fraud is too obvious, it will be easy for people to find out the clues.

"How about~"

At this time, an old man raised his head and glanced at the crowd, saying, "Why don't we support Uchiha Fugaku?"

? ? ?

A row of question marks suddenly appeared above the heads of the people around them.

It is true that Uchiha Fugaku is also a high-ranking member of Konoha, but what can he accomplish by sponsoring that guy?

"We are recuperating at the same time as Konoha. Konoha's recovery speed must be faster than ours. If we don't create some trouble for them, then in a few years, the gap between us and Konoha will further widen."

After hearing what he said, the people around him nodded in agreement.

They all understood the truth, otherwise they wouldn't have agreed to fund Danzo secretly just now.


Isn't funding Uchiha Fugaku a pure waste of money?

Seeing the doubts in these people's eyes, the old man cleared his throat and expressed his thoughts.

"As the largest family in Konoha, the Uchiha have always wanted to be Hokage. We can start from this aspect and secretly encourage their ambition through some funding.

Of course, if the ambitions of that group of people don't increase, it would be okay to create some illusions for some people that Uchiha's ambitions are increasing. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the air in the entire conference room suddenly became stagnant.

After these people attending the meeting looked at each other, they all gave the old man a thumbs up and did not hesitate to praise him.

"The idea is very good, I agree!"

"After what happened to the Taketori clan, I suddenly understood a truth. These ambitious fools are really stupid. They did not compare the strengths of the two sides at all and rashly launched a coup."

"Yes, the strength of Kirigakure Village has certainly been weakened, but this is not in line with our expectations. What we imagined at the time was that the Taketori clan would unite with other oppressed bloodstained families to fight against Kirigakure Village.

I didn’t expect that the Taketori clan would do it themselves.”

"Speaking of which, who is more stupid, the Uchiha or the Taketori clan?"

"Uchiha are not stupid, they just have extreme ideas. The average IQ of that family is among the top in the ninja world."

"Then how can we support Uchiha without being discovered?"

“The easiest way is to follow what is said in Konoha.

Let Uchiha Fugaku divorce and then marry a woman from some big family in Konoha.

It's just that it's better for the woman to be from the Hyuga family, to create an illusion for some people who are hostile to Uchiha that the two families are joining forces, and to destroy the system passed down by the Hyuga family. "

Hearing this, these people's breath froze, and they all turned to look at the old man who had just spoken.

Is this guy an idiot?

How could the Hyuga clan marry the Uchiha clan? No, how could Uchiha Fugaku marry a girl from the Hyuga clan? How to deal with this caged bird of the Hyuga clan?


At the thought of the caged bird, the people around him suddenly became excited and their eyes shone with light.


If Uchiha Fugaku and a certain Hyuga clan member gave birth to offspring, would the caged bird be able to get there?

I will definitely not do it if I go up to Uchiha Fugaku, and I will definitely not do it if I don’t go up to the Hyuga clan.

Isn’t this a contradiction?

As for how to marry.

Don’t you know how to cook raw rice?

As for how to create opportunities for raw rice to cook

These people looked at each other, and then saw an old man sitting on the left saying in a low voice, "I was not in the village some time ago. I heard that you made a plan to steal people in [Hyuuga]?

When does the program start? "

Hearing this, another person glanced at Raikage. When he found that Raikage didn't stop him, he immediately spoke.

"Don't say it so harshly, the official name of the plan is [Kumogakure's three-step strategy to defeat Konoha]. The first step is to reduce Konoha's Byakugan advantage.

If we cannot destroy the Hyuga clan, we must also possess the Byakugan in order to narrow the gap with Konoha.

The plan is tentatively scheduled for next year and can be postponed if necessary. "


The old man nodded, and the expression on his face suddenly became lewd.

"When we steal someone, let's steal one more. Then Uchiha Fugaku, as the captain of the police force, will definitely have to take action personally. Then won't the opportunity come to cook the rice before it's raw?"

The atmosphere in the conference room quickly became joyful.

After all, it has always been a pleasure to cause trouble for enemies since ancient times.


Looking at these old men with wretched looks, Mabuyi, who was the Raikage's temporary secretary, hugged her notebook tightly and mourned in her heart for the Hyuga woman who would encounter misfortune in the future.

As a woman, she sympathizes with the other party, but they are enemies after all.


Azalea raised her head and secretly glanced at the documents on Raikage's desk.

At the top of the file was a photo. She knew the handsome man in the photo and had had several contacts with him.

Uchiha Asuka! !

Thinking of a certain rooster that was breeding offspring in the chicken farm, Azabu Yi blushed and secretly took a sip.

The chicken was raised by her for a month, and then it no longer lived with her. Instead, it became a permanent resident of the chicken farm and began its tireless reproduction journey.

According to reports from her tribe yesterday, the chicken had been at the chicken farm for two months and had produced nearly six figures of offspring.

Um! !

Ma Buyi bit her lip, her little face full of tangles.

Although the rooster is not serious, the survival rate of the offspring he produces is extremely high, and he seems to have unlimited physical strength and is tireless.


The real owner of that rooster was not her. She had moved a pot of flowers from Uchiha Asuka's house and planted it.

And now Uchiha Asuka appears in the Land of Thunder

Seeing the information about Uchiha Asuka in the document, the look of confusion on Azabui's face became even stronger.

She felt uneasy holding this overwhelming wealth.

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