Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 429 Samyi, he looks familiar to me (Part 1)

"Just now."

At this time, I saw a citizen walking out of the crowd, pointing in the direction where the bird had left just now, and said, "I heard with my own ears that guy talking to the cat on his shoulder.

It seems like we are discussing whether the eight ways to eat chicken are serious or not. "


Those citizens who had seen flying birds nodded their heads like chickens pecking at rice.

The scene just now was indeed weird.

It doesn't matter if one person and one cat are discussing the eight ways to eat chicken, or even if the cat starts talking. After all, they are common people living in the ninja world, and they still have some knowledge.

It is said that some ninja-sama's psychic beasts can talk.


The skinny and emaciated appearance of that cat seems to be caused by not having enough to eat for many years. And judging from the harmonious appearance of it and its owner, it is probably not caused by the owner's hunger. It is very likely that the cat demon does not have enough food to eat and is hungry on its own.

After all, some of them heard very clearly that the cat was not very interested in the eight ways to eat chicken, and there was even a hint of disgust in his tone.

If a cat doesn’t even eat chicken, what does it eat?

Is it cannibalism?


At this time, Sam Yi frowned slightly.

After listening for a long time, she finally understood what the people were talking about.

[A cat demon appears in the town]

Monsters like cat monsters that exist in storybooks definitely do not exist, but citizens also said that they heard cats talking. From this point of view, the cat is most likely a ninja cat.

It could also be other feline psychic beasts.

A middle-aged man with yellow skin and a scar on the bridge of his nose was carrying a talking feline psychic beast.

After searching her mind for the ninja carrying the feline psychic beast, she looked back at Azabu Yi, and then noticed that this guy's eyelids were twitching as if he had thought of something.

"Azabu Yi, have you heard of that guy?"

"no no!"

Ampoo shook his head vigorously.

She had indeed never heard of that person, but when the villagers mentioned that the person was carrying a feline psychic beast, a pair of red eyes subconsciously appeared in her mind.

Some time ago, she followed the team to Konoha for negotiations, and then she discovered that something was not normal in that village.

The pervert in tights shouted "Youth, Burning". Hearing that his father was also a pervert in green tights, he shouted and ignited, and then red flames appeared on his body.

It is said that a total of seven kicks were taken. Four of the seven people were killed and three were seriously injured by the Ninja Sword, the powerful weapon of Kirigakure Village.

The so-called debut is the peak, which refers to the seven people, and also refers to the perverts in green tights.

Although the pervert in green is scary, he is only one person after all.

And she once had the honor to follow Uchiha Asuka's apprentice into the Uchiha clan.

Although she only went to get a flowerpot, she also witnessed the legendary Uchiha clan.

As an Uchiha who cooperates with the ninja cat clan, there are so many cats in the clan. She saw that among the ninjas in the Uchiha clan that day, there was a ninja cat on the shoulders of eight and a half of the ten people. The next half is a crow, an eagle, something like that.

So when the citizens mentioned that the man had a cat on his shoulder, Azabui subconsciously thought of Uchiha.

Thinking of this, she shook her head vigorously again, comforting herself in her heart.

"It shouldn't be Uchiha. Those Uchiha treat cats as if they are treasures. How could a cat be so hungry? That person is probably a wandering ninja who doesn't know where he came from. He can't even eat enough, so how can the cat eat? full."

Samyi gave her a strange look, then looked at the complaining citizens, and softly comforted her.

"It's possible that what you saw is a ninja cat, and its owner shouldn't dare to cause trouble in the Land of Thunder, so you don't have to worry."


At this time, another person walked out of the crowd and said with a trembling voice, "You haven't seen that the cat demon is so thin. It seems that he often doesn't have enough to eat. When I secretly observed the cat demon, it looked... My eyes were glowing green."

Having said this, he swallowed hard, recalling the sharp eyes of the cat in his mind, and continued.

"Ninja-sama, do you think that cat demon can eat people?"

"That's right, Ninja-sama, you can't ignore it. The cat demon definitely can't eat grass."

"I heard some time ago that our country lost a lot of chickens. Was it the cat demon's doing?"

After discovering these people's increasingly outrageous descriptions, Azabu Yi's cheeks couldn't help but twitch slightly.

These people just said that cat demons don't eat chicken, so why did they turn around and link the loss of chickens to cat demons?

Although she didn't know how her chicken was lost, she was sure that the cat demon didn't steal it.

Lord Raikage has said that since the death of Namikaze Minato, there has been no one faster than him in the ninja world, let alone a cat demon who doesn't sound very smart.


At this time, Sam Yi nodded to the crowd, then turned to look at the distracted Azabu Yi, and said softly, "Let's go and have a look. By the way, I'll warn the man and ask him to be careful and don't cause trouble in the Kingdom of Thunder." Necessary trouble.”


Azabu Yi couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

How could they suddenly go looking for the cat demon?

Then, she looked at the crowd with happy faces, and then at the large group of companions, and she couldn't help but hesitate in her voice, "Are we really going to chase the cat demon? Aren't you still looking for Uchiha Asuka?"

Hearing this, Samyi bit his lips hard, with a look of unwillingness on his face.

It wasn't until she bit her lips that they lost all color, then she took a deep breath and pretended to be relaxed, "It's all about finding a needle in a haystack anyway, and we don't know where the other person is. In that case, why not just walk around and try our luck."


Ma Buyi nodded. After thinking about her recent extremely good luck, she said without conscience, "Don't worry, we are not unlucky. We will definitely meet him."

Speaking of this, she added silently in her heart.

"How unlucky are we to encounter Uchiha in the vast Land of Thunder?"

"How unlucky do we have to be that we can meet Kumo Ninja in the vast Land of Thunder?"

Hearing Asuka's voice comforting him, the orange cat squatting on his shoulder curled his lips and said slowly in a soft and cute voice, "I feel like my luck has been very bad recently. We participated in the lottery a few days ago, and the best The prize is actually a bottle of canned cat.”

"It's not that we're unlucky."

Asuka shrugged and said casually, "When those black-hearted businessmen made the lottery tickets, they didn't make the first-prize tickets at all. The canned cat I drew is already the best prize in the box."

? ? ?

The orange cat tilted his head and said in a slightly doubtful voice.

"How do you know that's the best prize?"

"Oh, I cheated!"

Feiniao did not hide the fact of cheating. After all, he was not the one who cheated first. Those unscrupulous merchants organized a lottery, and the best prize was not in the lottery box.

So dark! !

"Although Hinata's clairvoyance is indeed amazing,"

Before Asuka could finish speaking, his steps paused slightly, and then returned to normal, "Fei Fei, pay attention, there are people coming from behind us, two, um, powerful genin."

Hearing this, Fei Fei glanced to the left out of the corner of his eye.

There was nothing in the dense jungle, but it didn't doubt Asuka's judgment at all. It just wondered why the genin was chasing after him?

Get beaten?

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