"Hey, Fei Fei, do you know? Mengmeng used to be a very serious person."

"There is no way, time will change a person."

"Oh, Fei Fei, do you know? Ibixi is such a serious person, I didn't expect to see Mengmeng's paintings. Dogs shook their heads after seeing those things, but he actually put them into practice."

"I can't help it. I know people, but I don't know their hearts. If I say this, Ibixi is also a talent."

"He is indeed a talent. Mengmeng's paintings are nothing, but Yibixi is able to extract the only essence from them."

"Have you ever seen MengMeng's paintings??"

"Mengmeng and I once studied under the same art teacher. After seeing the things he painted, the teacher stopped class."

"I remember, don't you remember that all your peers are dead? Mengmeng is the only survivor?"

"That's not true."

Asuka folded her hands in front of her chest and said while sensing the figure approaching quickly behind her, "Mengmeng is three years older than me. When that pervert was seven years old, he fell in love with a girl, and that girl was my same age.

The reason why Mengmeng takes art class with me is simply because other teachers don’t let him in the classroom, and only the art teacher lets him in.”


A white figure slammed in front of Asuka, directly interrupting what he wanted to say next.

The slowly rising smoke was like a barrier, instantly blocking the sight of both parties.

Asuka waved his hand as a fan in front of his nose twice, and then took a step back to avoid the oncoming smoke.

Generally, people who use this way of appearing have very strong confidence in their own strength and disdain to attack in secret, let alone sneak attacks from behind. They only like to confront others head-on.


This is what Mr. Madara likes to do.

next moment.

Suddenly a cold female voice came from the smoke.

"The Mengmeng you mentioned is indeed perverted. He actually developed a crush on a four-year-old child and acted on it."

This cold female voice didn't feel loud, and Feiniao even heard a hint of childishness in it, as if a child was deliberately imitating an adult's speech.

Asuka shrugged and said in a casual tone.

"You can't say that. After all, the ninja world matures prematurely, and many people get married in their teens."


A cold voice came from the smoke again, "You guys are too early to mature."

As the smoke gradually dissipated, Asuka could clearly see the figure standing in front of him.

Hidden under the gray robe is a black mesh battle suit. This suit is made of very few materials and only covers the vital parts of the body. The rest of the skin exposed to the air is so white that it is dazzling.

She has short light yellow hair hanging on her shoulders, her delicate and cold facial features are somewhat haggard for some reason, and her white forehead is tied with a forehead protector from Yunyin Village.

Um! !

Looking this guy up and down, Asuka suddenly frowned.

He always felt that this person looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

Cloud Ninja female. She looks familiar but she is not very old.

Just as he was thinking, he heard the cold voice coming from in front of him again.

"You just passed by the town and were in the town." Looking at the psychic beast on his shoulder, Samyi was now almost sure that this was the ninja cat clan, but he didn't know why this guy was so thin.

"And talking to the ninja cats in town?"

Unable to remember who the other party was for a moment, Feiniao shook his head slightly, then looked at Fei Fei above his head, puzzled.

"Is it illegal to talk to a ninja cat in the Land of Thunder?"

"It's not illegal!"

Samyi shook his head, then changed the topic, "But you can't cause panic among the people, you can't deliberately create trouble for the Kingdom of Thunder, and you can't increase the burden on our ninjas."

Asuka looked at her strangely, then pointed at the ninja cat above his head and said, "Why are you creating panic after just saying a few words to the ninja cat? Have the citizens of the Land of Thunder never seen a ninja cat or are they just superstitious? ?

Even if there was a panic in the town just now, the town residents would definitely ask the ninjas of Yunyin Village to take action.

There is a price to pay for asking ninjas to take action. When Yunyin Village solves the people's troubles, it will not only gain the people's favor, but also receive mission rewards.

This is simply Uchiha and Danzo taking turns being Hokage, everyone wins, okay? How could it be a burden? "

? ? ?

Hearing these words, Sam Yi's eyes suddenly showed a trace of confusion.

She knew every word this person said, but why couldn't she understand the combination of them?


Samyi bit his lips and his face turned cold, "Don't use strong arguments, let alone sophistry here. I didn't mean to trouble you. I just warned you not to do unnecessary things in the Kingdom of Thunder and not to cause public anger. panic.

Regardless of the final outcome, the injured will always be civilians.”


The birds and chickens nodded their heads as if pecking at rice, as if what you said was correct.

Seeing that the other party was suddenly so cooperative with him, Samyi let out a heavy breath, then took out a notebook and pen from his arms and said seriously.

"Name, age, place of birth, where you are from, what you are doing in the Kingdom of Thunder, and leave a personal item as an identification so that we can find you if something goes wrong in the Kingdom of Thunder.

Also, bring me the proof of your registered information. "

Seeing the alert look in the yellow-haired woman's eyes, Asuka looked at the opened book again and couldn't help but smack her mouth.

I almost forgot about this.

Because wandering ninjas also have spending power, most countries in the ninja world do not prohibit wandering ninjas from traveling to their own countries. However, after they go to the country, they need to register and issue a certificate to those wandering ninjas.

After meeting a regular ninja from another country in another country, you only need to take out the certificate.

It's just that it's a little difficult to get the qualifications for certification.

When some undocumented wandering ninjas sneak into a certain country, it's better not to be discovered, but if they are discovered, their pants will be stripped off.

And flying birds.

He didn't even register at all, okay? He just walked in with a big show, and who would have thought that saying a few words to a cat in a town can attract the ninjas of Hidden Cloud Village.


Seeing this man standing there blankly, neither taking out his certificate nor explaining his purpose, Samyi's face darkened, and he couldn't help but become more vigilant.

She might not have met a wandering ninja who had sneaked into the Kingdom of Thunder today.

"No proof?"

Hearing the cold voice of the other party, Asuka let out a breath, then put his hand into his arms to fumble around.

Samyi is not a fledgling idiot. Although the other party made a "take" action, who knows whether the thing taken out is a proof or a kunai?

What if I pulled out a kunai?

Then, Sam Yi silently took a step back, bringing the two to a safer distance.

"I have a pass!"

Asuka paused while touching things, then he raised his head and looked at the woman in front of him with a smile on his face, and said, "I have a pass that allows me to travel to all countries in the ninja world without hindrance."

Sam Yi was stunned when he heard these words.

Before she could ask what kind of pass allowed her to travel unhindered in all countries in the ninja world, Samyi saw the man in front of her take out a fist from his arms.


Looking at the man's clenched fist, Samyi frowned and said, "Open your hand, I want to see the pass in your hand."

Before she finished speaking, she saw the man in front of her suddenly disappear.

Samyi's pupils shrank suddenly, and before she could react, the man who had just disappeared appeared directly in front of her, along with the huge fist.

"The fist is the only pass to the ninja world."

Asuka smiled at the woman in front of him, chakra spread along his arms and finally covered his fists, "A certain Uchiha strongman once said that his fists were very big, and the only one who could threaten him was Senju Hashirama.

So he can't go anywhere except Senju Hashirama, and he can go wherever he wants in the ninja world. "

Samyi's eyes were confused for a moment, and then he realized that the huge fist had reached the tip of his nose, and at the same time, the man's voice came.

"Look at my pass."

Seeing the getting bigger and bigger fist, Samyi just wanted to curse, and by the way, Uchiha Asuka.

Don't ask. If you ask, you won't be able to get revenge.

She is going to die! !

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